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The `emf` terminal generates an Enhanced Metafile Format file. This file format is recognized by many Windows applications.


           set terminal emf {color | monochrome} {solid | dashed}
                            {enhanced {noproportional}}
                            {linewidth <LW>} {dashlength <DL>} {size XX,YY}
                            {"<fontname>"} {<fontsize>}    #old syntax
                            {font "<fontname>,<fontsize>"} #new syntax

In `monochrome` mode successive line types cycle through dash patterns. In `color` mode successive line types use successive colors, and only after all 8 default colors are exhausted is the dash pattern incremented. `solid` draws all curves with solid lines, overriding any dashed patterns; `linewidth <factor>` multiplies all line widths by this factor. `dashlength <factor>` is useful for thick lines. <fontname> is the name of a font; and `<fontsize>` is the size of the font in points.

The nominal size of the output image defaults to 1024x768 in arbitrary units. You may specify a different nominal size using the size option.

Enhanced text mode tries to approximate proportional character spacing. If you are using a monospaced font, or don't like the approximation, you can turn off this correction using the `noproportional` option.

The default settings are `color dashed font "Arial,12" size 1024,768` Selecting `default` sets all options to their default values.


           set terminal emf 'Times Roman Italic' 12
           set terminal emf color solid    # no pesky dashes!"