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         set object <index> rectangle
             {from <position> {to|rto} <position> |
              center <position> size <w>,<h> |
              at <position> size <w>,<h>}

The position of the rectangle may be specified by giving the position of two diagonal corners (bottom left and top right) or by giving the position of the center followed by the width and the height. In either case the positions may be given in axis, graph, or screen coordinates. See `coordinates`. The options `at` and `center` are synonyms.


         # Force the entire area enclosed by the axes to have background color cyan
         set object 1 rect from graph 0, graph 0 to graph 1, graph 1 back
         set object 1 rect fc rgb "cyan" fillstyle solid 1.0
         # Position a red square with lower left at 0,0 and upper right at 2,3
         set object 2 rect from 0,0 to 2,3 fc lt 1
         # Position an empty rectangle (no fill) with a blue border
         set object 3 rect from 0,0 to 2,3 fs empty border rgb "blue"
         # Return fill and color to the default style but leave vertices unchanged
         set object 2 rect default