
This is the program reference for LilyPond version 2.10.33

Music definitions

Music expressions


Creates a dynamic mark.

Syntax: note\x, where x is one of \ppp, \pp, \p, \mp, \mf, \f, \ff, \fff.

Event classes: absolute-dynamic-event, dynamic-event, music-event and StreamEvent

Accepted by: Dynamic_engraver and Dynamic_performer


name (symbol):

Name of this music object

types (list):
'(general-music event dynamic-event absolute-dynamic-event)

The types of this music object; determines by what engraver this music expression is processed.


Print an annotation of an output element.

Event classes: annotate-output-event, music-event and StreamEvent

Accepted by: Balloon_engraver


name (symbol):

Name of this music object

types (list):
'(general-music event annotate-output-event)

The types of this music object; determines by what engraver this music expression is processed.


Call the argument with the current context during interpreting phase


name (symbol):

Name of this music object

types (list):
'(general-music apply-context)

The types of this music object; determines by what engraver this music expression is processed.

iterator-ctor (procedure):

Function to construct music-event-iterator object for this Music


Call the argument with all current grobs during interpreting phase.


\applyOutput #'Context FUNC

arguments to func are 1. the grob, 2. the originating context, 3. context where FUNC is called.

Event classes: apply-output-event, layout-instruction-event, music-event and StreamEvent

Accepted by: Output_property_engraver


name (symbol):

Name of this music object

types (list):
'(general-music event apply-output-event)

The types of this music object; determines by what engraver this music expression is processed.


Make an arpeggio on this note.

Syntax: note-\arpeggio

Event classes: arpeggio-event, music-event and StreamEvent

Accepted by: Arpeggio_engraver


name (symbol):

Name of this music object

types (list):
'(general-music arpeggio-event event)

The types of this music object; determines by what engraver this music expression is processed.


Adds an articulation marking to a note.

Syntax: noteXY, where X is a direction (up ^, down _, or LilyPond's choice (no direction specified)), and where Y is an articulation (such as -., ->, \tenuto, \downbow). See the user manual for details.

Event classes: articulation-event, script-event, music-event and StreamEvent

Accepted by: Script_engraver


name (symbol):

Name of this music object

types (list):
'(general-music event articulation-event script-event)

The types of this music object; determines by what engraver this music expression is processed.


Used for making voices that switch between piano staves automatically.


name (symbol):

Name of this music object

iterator-ctor (procedure):

Function to construct music-event-iterator object for this Music

start-callback (procedure):

Function to compute the negative length of starting grace notes. This property can only be defined as initializer in define-music-types.scm.

length-callback (procedure):

How to compute the duration of this music. This property can only be defined as initializer in define-music-types.scm.

types (list):
'(general-music music-wrapper-music auto-change-instruction)

The types of this music object; determines by what engraver this music expression is processed.


Check whether this music coincides with the start of the measure.


name (symbol):

Name of this music object

types (list):
'(general-music bar-check)

The types of this music object; determines by what engraver this music expression is processed.

iterator-ctor (procedure):

Function to construct music-event-iterator object for this Music


Print a bass-figure text

Event classes: bass-figure-event, rhythmic-event, music-event and StreamEvent

Accepted by: Figured_bass_engraver


name (symbol):

Name of this music object

types (list):
'(general-music event rhythmic-event bass-figure-event)

The types of this music object; determines by what engraver this music expression is processed.


Starts or stops a beam.

Syntax for manual control: c8-[ c c-] c8

Event classes: beam-event, span-event, music-event and StreamEvent

Accepted by: Beam_engraver, Beam_performer and Grace_beam_engraver


name (symbol):

Name of this music object

types (list):
'(general-music event beam-event span-event)

The types of this music object; determines by what engraver this music expression is processed.


Specify that a note may not auto-beamed

Event classes: beam-forbid-event, music-event and StreamEvent

Accepted by: Auto_beam_engraver


name (symbol):

Name of this music object

types (list):
'(general-music event beam-forbid-event)

The types of this music object; determines by what engraver this music expression is processed.


A drop/fall/doit jazz articulation

Event classes: bend-after-event, music-event and StreamEvent

Accepted by: Bend_after_engraver


name (symbol):

Name of this music object

types (list):
'(general-music bend-after-event event)

The types of this music object; determines by what engraver this music expression is processed.


Creates a `breath mark' or `comma'.

Syntax: note\breathe.

Event classes: breathing-event, music-event and StreamEvent

Accepted by: Breathing_sign_engraver


name (symbol):

Name of this music object

types (list):
'(general-music event breathing-event)

The types of this music object; determines by what engraver this music expression is processed.


A note that is part of a cluster.

Event classes: cluster-note-event, melodic-event, rhythmic-event, music-event and StreamEvent

Accepted by: Cluster_spanner_engraver


name (symbol):

Name of this music object

types (list):
'(general-music cluster-note-event melodic-event rhythmic-event event)

The types of this music object; determines by what engraver this music expression is processed.


Change staffs in Piano staff.

Syntax \translator Staff = new-id.


name (symbol):

Name of this music object

iterator-ctor (procedure):

Function to construct music-event-iterator object for this Music

types (list):
'(general-music translator-change-instruction)

The types of this music object; determines by what engraver this music expression is processed.


Interpret the argument music within a specific context.


name (symbol):

Name of this music object

iterator-ctor (procedure):

Function to construct music-event-iterator object for this Music

length-callback (procedure):

How to compute the duration of this music. This property can only be defined as initializer in define-music-types.scm.

start-callback (procedure):

Function to compute the negative length of starting grace notes. This property can only be defined as initializer in define-music-types.scm.

types (list):
'(context-specification general-music music-wrapper-music)

The types of this music object; determines by what engraver this music expression is processed.


Begins or ends a crescendo.

Syntax: note\cr ... note\rc (you can also use \<, \!, \cresc, and \endcresc. See the user manual for details.).

Event classes: crescendo-event, span-dynamic-event, span-event, music-event and StreamEvent

Accepted by: Dynamic_engraver and Dynamic_performer


name (symbol):

Name of this music object

types (list):
'(general-music span-event span-dynamic-event crescendo-event event)

The types of this music object; determines by what engraver this music expression is processed.


See CrescendoEvent.

Event classes: decrescendo-event, span-dynamic-event, span-event, music-event and StreamEvent

Accepted by: Dynamic_engraver and Dynamic_performer


name (symbol):

Name of this music object

types (list):
'(general-music span-event span-dynamic-event decrescendo-event event)

The types of this music object; determines by what engraver this music expression is processed.


Atomic music event.


name (symbol):

Name of this music object

types (list):
'(general-music event)

The types of this music object; determines by what engraver this music expression is processed.


Internally used to group a set of events.


name (symbol):

Name of this music object

iterator-ctor (procedure):

Function to construct music-event-iterator object for this Music

length-callback (procedure):

How to compute the duration of this music. This property can only be defined as initializer in define-music-types.scm.

to-relative-callback (procedure):

How to transform a piece of music to relative pitches

types (list):
'(general-music event-chord simultaneous-music)

The types of this music object; determines by what engraver this music expression is processed.


Extend lyrics.

Event classes: extender-event, music-event and StreamEvent

Accepted by: Extender_engraver


name (symbol):

Name of this music object

types (list):
'(general-music extender-event event)

The types of this music object; determines by what engraver this music expression is processed.


Specify what finger to use for this note.

Event classes: fingering-event, music-event and StreamEvent

Accepted by: Fingering_engraver


name (symbol):

Name of this music object

types (list):
'(general-music fingering-event event)

The types of this music object; determines by what engraver this music expression is processed.


Repeats with alternatives placed in parallel.


name (symbol):

Name of this music object

iterator-ctor (procedure):

Function to construct music-event-iterator object for this Music

start-callback (procedure):

Function to compute the negative length of starting grace notes. This property can only be defined as initializer in define-music-types.scm.

length-callback (procedure):

How to compute the duration of this music. This property can only be defined as initializer in define-music-types.scm.

types (list):
'(general-music repeated-music folded-repeated-music)

The types of this music object; determines by what engraver this music expression is processed.


Start a glissando on this note.

Event classes: glissando-event, music-event and StreamEvent

Accepted by: Glissando_engraver


name (symbol):

Name of this music object

types (list):
'(general-music glissando-event event)

The types of this music object; determines by what engraver this music expression is processed.


Interpret the argument as grace notes.


name (symbol):

Name of this music object

start-callback (procedure):

Function to compute the negative length of starting grace notes. This property can only be defined as initializer in define-music-types.scm.

length (moment):
#<Mom 0>

The duration of this music

iterator-ctor (procedure):

Function to construct music-event-iterator object for this Music

types (list):
'(grace-music music-wrapper-music general-music)

The types of this music object; determines by what engraver this music expression is processed.


Mark a note as harmonic

Event classes: harmonic-event, music-event and StreamEvent

Accepted by: none


name (symbol):

Name of this music object

types (list):
'(general-music event harmonic-event)

The types of this music object; determines by what engraver this music expression is processed.


A hyphen between lyric syllables.

Event classes: hyphen-event, music-event and StreamEvent

Accepted by: Hyphen_engraver


name (symbol):

Name of this music object

types (list):
'(general-music hyphen-event event)

The types of this music object; determines by what engraver this music expression is processed.


Change the key signature.

Syntax: \key name scale.

Event classes: key-change-event, music-event and StreamEvent

Accepted by: Key_engraver and Key_performer


name (symbol):

Name of this music object

to-relative-callback (procedure):
#<procedure #f (x p)>

How to transform a piece of music to relative pitches

types (list):
'(general-music key-change-event event)

The types of this music object; determines by what engraver this music expression is processed.


Don't damp this chord.

Syntax: note\laissezVibrer.

Event classes: laissez-vibrer-event, music-event and StreamEvent

Accepted by: Laissez_vibrer_engraver


name (symbol):

Name of this music object

types (list):
'(general-music event laissez-vibrer-event)

The types of this music object; determines by what engraver this music expression is processed.


Start or end a ligature.

Event classes: ligature-event, span-event, music-event and StreamEvent

Accepted by: Ligature_bracket_engraver, Mensural_ligature_engraver and Vaticana_ligature_engraver


name (symbol):

Name of this music object

span-type (string):

What kind of spanner should be created?

TODO: consider making type into symbol

types (list):
'(general-music span-event ligature-event event)

The types of this music object; determines by what engraver this music expression is processed.


Allow, forbid or force a line break.

Event classes: line-break-event, break-event, music-event and StreamEvent

Accepted by: Page_turn_engraver and Paper_column_engraver


name (symbol):

Name of this music object

types (list):
'(general-music line-break-event break-event event)

The types of this music object; determines by what engraver this music expression is processed.


Align lyrics to the start of notes.

Syntax \lyricsto voicename lyrics.


name (symbol):

Name of this music object

length (moment):
#<Mom 0>

The duration of this music

types (list):
'(general-music lyric-combine-music)

The types of this music object; determines by what engraver this music expression is processed.

iterator-ctor (procedure):

Function to construct music-event-iterator object for this Music


A lyric syllable. Must be entered in lyrics mode, i.e. \lyrics { twinkle4 twinkle4 } .

Event classes: lyric-event, rhythmic-event, music-event and StreamEvent

Accepted by: Lyric_engraver and Lyric_performer


name (symbol):

Name of this music object

types (list):
'(general-music rhythmic-event lyric-event event)

The types of this music object; determines by what engraver this music expression is processed.


Start or stop a melisma.

Syntax: c4\melisma d\melismaEnd.


name (symbol):

Name of this music object

types (list):
'(general-music melisma-span-event event)

The types of this music object; determines by what engraver this music expression is processed.


Insert a rehearsal mark.

Syntax: \mark marker, e.g. \mark "A".

Event classes: mark-event, music-event and StreamEvent

Accepted by: Mark_engraver


name (symbol):

Name of this music object

types (list):
'(general-music mark-event event)

The types of this music object; determines by what engraver this music expression is processed.


Used internally by MultiMeasureRestMusic to signal rests

Event classes: multi-measure-rest-event, rhythmic-event, music-event and StreamEvent

Accepted by: Multi_measure_rest_engraver


name (symbol):

Name of this music object

types (list):
'(general-music event rhythmic-event multi-measure-rest-event)

The types of this music object; determines by what engraver this music expression is processed.


Rests that may be compressed into Multi rests.

Syntax R2.*4 for 4 measures in 3/4 time.


name (symbol):

Name of this music object

iterator-ctor (procedure):

Function to construct music-event-iterator object for this Music

elements-callback (procedure):

Return a list of children, for use by a sequential iterator. Takes a single Music parameter

types (list):
'(general-music multi-measure-rest)

The types of this music object; determines by what engraver this music expression is processed.


Texts on mm rests.

Syntax R-\markup { \roman "bla" }. Note the explicit font switch.

Event classes: multi-measure-text-event, music-event and StreamEvent

Accepted by: Multi_measure_rest_engraver


name (symbol):

Name of this music object

types (list):
'(general-music event multi-measure-text-event)

The types of this music object; determines by what engraver this music expression is processed.


Generic type for music expressions.


name (symbol):

Name of this music object

types (list):

The types of this music object; determines by what engraver this music expression is processed.


A note.

Event classes: note-event, melodic-event, rhythmic-event, music-event and StreamEvent

Accepted by: Chord_name_engraver, Completion_heads_engraver, Drum_note_performer, Drum_notes_engraver, Fretboard_engraver, Note_heads_engraver, Note_name_engraver, Note_performer and Tab_note_heads_engraver


name (symbol):

Name of this music object

types (list):
'(general-music event note-event rhythmic-event melodic-event)

The types of this music object; determines by what engraver this music expression is processed.


Start or stop grouping brackets.

Event classes: note-grouping-event, music-event and StreamEvent

Accepted by: Horizontal_bracket_engraver


name (symbol):

Name of this music object

types (list):
'(general-music event note-grouping-event)

The types of this music object; determines by what engraver this music expression is processed.


Extend the definition of a graphical object.


\override [ Ctxt . ] Obj prop = val


name (symbol):

Name of this music object

types (list):
'(general-music layout-instruction-event override-property-event)

The types of this music object; determines by what engraver this music expression is processed.

iterator-ctor (procedure):

Function to construct music-event-iterator object for this Music


Allow, forbid or force a page break.

Event classes: page-break-event, break-event, music-event and StreamEvent

Accepted by: Page_turn_engraver and Paper_column_engraver


name (symbol):

Name of this music object

types (list):
'(general-music break-event page-break-event event)

The types of this music object; determines by what engraver this music expression is processed.


Allow, forbid or force a page turn.

Event classes: page-turn-event, break-event, music-event and StreamEvent

Accepted by: Page_turn_engraver and Paper_column_engraver


name (symbol):

Name of this music object

types (list):
'(general-music break-event page-turn-event event)

The types of this music object; determines by what engraver this music expression is processed.


Combine two parts on a staff, either merged or as separate voices.


name (symbol):

Name of this music object

length-callback (procedure):

How to compute the duration of this music. This property can only be defined as initializer in define-music-types.scm.

start-callback (procedure):

Function to compute the negative length of starting grace notes. This property can only be defined as initializer in define-music-types.scm.

types (list):
'(general-music part-combine-music)

The types of this music object; determines by what engraver this music expression is processed.

iterator-ctor (procedure):

Function to construct music-event-iterator object for this Music


Used internally to signal percent repeats.

Event classes: percent-event, music-event and StreamEvent

Accepted by: Percent_repeat_engraver and Slash_repeat_engraver


name (symbol):

Name of this music object

types (list):
'(general-music event percent-event)

The types of this music object; determines by what engraver this music expression is processed.


Repeats encoded by percents.


name (symbol):

Name of this music object

iterator-ctor (procedure):

Function to construct music-event-iterator object for this Music

start-callback (procedure):

Function to compute the negative length of starting grace notes. This property can only be defined as initializer in define-music-types.scm.

length-callback (procedure):

How to compute the duration of this music. This property can only be defined as initializer in define-music-types.scm.

types (list):
'(general-music repeated-music percent-repeated-music)

The types of this music object; determines by what engraver this music expression is processed.


Within a ligature, mark the previous and the following note to form a pes (if melody goes up) or a flexa (if melody goes down).

Event classes: pes-or-flexa-event, music-event and StreamEvent

Accepted by: Vaticana_ligature_engraver


name (symbol):

Name of this music object

types (list):
'(general-music pes-or-flexa-event event)

The types of this music object; determines by what engraver this music expression is processed.


Start or end phrasing slur.

Syntax NOTE \( and \) NOTE

Event classes: phrasing-slur-event, span-event, music-event and StreamEvent

Accepted by: Phrasing_slur_engraver


name (symbol):

Name of this music object

types (list):
'(general-music span-event event phrasing-slur-event)

The types of this music object; determines by what engraver this music expression is processed.


Set a context property.

Syntax: \property context.prop = scheme-val.


name (symbol):

Name of this music object

types (list):
'(layout-instruction-event general-music)

The types of this music object; determines by what engraver this music expression is processed.

iterator-ctor (procedure):

Function to construct music-event-iterator object for this Music


Remove the definition of a context \property.


name (symbol):

Name of this music object

types (list):
'(layout-instruction-event general-music)

The types of this music object; determines by what engraver this music expression is processed.

iterator-ctor (procedure):

Function to construct music-event-iterator object for this Music


Quote preprocessed snippets of music.


name (symbol):

Name of this music object

iterator-ctor (procedure):

Function to construct music-event-iterator object for this Music

length-callback (procedure):

How to compute the duration of this music. This property can only be defined as initializer in define-music-types.scm.

start-callback (procedure):

Function to compute the negative length of starting grace notes. This property can only be defined as initializer in define-music-types.scm.

types (list):
'(general-music music-wrapper-music)

The types of this music object; determines by what engraver this music expression is processed.


Check if a pitch is in the correct octave.


name (symbol):

Name of this music object

to-relative-callback (procedure):

How to transform a piece of music to relative pitches

types (list):
'(general-music relative-octave-check)

The types of this music object; determines by what engraver this music expression is processed.


Music that was entered in relative octave notation.


name (symbol):

Name of this music object

to-relative-callback (procedure):

How to transform a piece of music to relative pitches

iterator-ctor (procedure):

Function to construct music-event-iterator object for this Music

length-callback (procedure):

How to compute the duration of this music. This property can only be defined as initializer in define-music-types.scm.

start-callback (procedure):

Function to compute the negative length of starting grace notes. This property can only be defined as initializer in define-music-types.scm.

types (list):
'(music-wrapper-music general-music relative-octave-music)

The types of this music object; determines by what engraver this music expression is processed.


Ties for starting a second volta bracket.

Event classes: repeat-tie-event, music-event and StreamEvent

Accepted by: Repeat_tie_engraver


name (symbol):

Name of this music object

types (list):
'(general-music event repeat-tie-event)

The types of this music object; determines by what engraver this music expression is processed.


Repeat music in different ways


name (symbol):

Name of this music object

types (list):
'(general-music repeated-music)

The types of this music object; determines by what engraver this music expression is processed.


A Rest.

Syntax r4 for a quarter rest.

Event classes: rest-event, rhythmic-event, music-event and StreamEvent

Accepted by: Figured_bass_engraver and Rest_engraver


name (symbol):

Name of this music object

types (list):
'(general-music event rhythmic-event rest-event)

The types of this music object; determines by what engraver this music expression is processed.


The opposite of OverrideProperty: remove a previously added property from a graphical object definition


name (symbol):

Name of this music object

types (list):
'(general-music layout-instruction-event)

The types of this music object; determines by what engraver this music expression is processed.

iterator-ctor (procedure):

Function to construct music-event-iterator object for this Music


Add an articulation mark to a note.

Event classes: script-event, music-event and StreamEvent

Accepted by: none


name (symbol):

Name of this music object

types (list):
'(general-music event)

The types of this music object; determines by what engraver this music expression is processed.


Music expressions concatenated.

Syntax \sequential {..} or simply {..} .


name (symbol):

Name of this music object

length-callback (procedure):

How to compute the duration of this music. This property can only be defined as initializer in define-music-types.scm.

start-callback (procedure):

Function to compute the negative length of starting grace notes. This property can only be defined as initializer in define-music-types.scm.

elements-callback (procedure):
#<procedure #f (m)>

Return a list of children, for use by a sequential iterator. Takes a single Music parameter

iterator-ctor (procedure):

Function to construct music-event-iterator object for this Music

types (list):
'(general-music sequential-music)

The types of this music object; determines by what engraver this music expression is processed.


Music playing together.


\simultaneous { .. } or << .. >>.


name (symbol):

Name of this music object

iterator-ctor (procedure):

Function to construct music-event-iterator object for this Music

start-callback (procedure):

Function to compute the negative length of starting grace notes. This property can only be defined as initializer in define-music-types.scm.

length-callback (procedure):

How to compute the duration of this music. This property can only be defined as initializer in define-music-types.scm.

to-relative-callback (procedure):

How to transform a piece of music to relative pitches

types (list):
'(general-music simultaneous-music)

The types of this music object; determines by what engraver this music expression is processed.


Filler that takes up duration, but does not print anything.

Syntax: sduration

Event classes: skip-event, rhythmic-event, music-event and StreamEvent

Accepted by: none


name (symbol):

Name of this music object

types (list):
'(general-music event rhythmic-event skip-event)

The types of this music object; determines by what engraver this music expression is processed.


Filler that takes up duration, does not print anything, and also does not create staffs or voices implicitly.

Syntax: \skip duration.


name (symbol):

Name of this music object

length-callback (procedure):

How to compute the duration of this music. This property can only be defined as initializer in define-music-types.scm.

iterator-ctor (procedure):

Function to construct music-event-iterator object for this Music

types (list):
'(general-music event rhythmic-event skip-event)

The types of this music object; determines by what engraver this music expression is processed.


Start or end slur.

Syntax NOTE( and NOTE)

Event classes: slur-event, span-event, music-event and StreamEvent

Accepted by: Slur_engraver and Slur_performer


name (symbol):

Name of this music object

types (list):
'(general-music span-event event slur-event)

The types of this music object; determines by what engraver this music expression is processed.


Print Solo.1

Event classes: solo-one-event, part-combine-event, music-event and StreamEvent

Accepted by: Part_combine_engraver


name (symbol):

Name of this music object

part-combine-status (symbol):

Change to what kind of state? Options are solo1, solo2 and unisono

types (list):
'(general-music event part-combine-event solo-one-event)

The types of this music object; determines by what engraver this music expression is processed.


Print Solo.2

Event classes: solo-two-event, part-combine-event, music-event and StreamEvent

Accepted by: Part_combine_engraver


name (symbol):

Name of this music object

part-combine-status (symbol):

Change to what kind of state? Options are solo1, solo2 and unisono

types (list):
'(general-music event part-combine-event solo-two-event)

The types of this music object; determines by what engraver this music expression is processed.


Depress or release sostenuto pedal.

Event classes: sostenuto-event, pedal-event, span-event, music-event and StreamEvent

Accepted by: Piano_pedal_engraver and Piano_pedal_performer


name (symbol):

Name of this music object

types (list):
'(general-music event pedal-event sostenuto-event)

The types of this music object; determines by what engraver this music expression is processed.


Start a new spacing section

Event classes: spacing-section-event, music-event and StreamEvent

Accepted by: Spacing_engraver


name (symbol):

Name of this music object

types (list):
'(general-music event spacing-section-event)

The types of this music object; determines by what engraver this music expression is processed.


Event for anything that is started at a different time than stopped.

Event classes: span-event, music-event and StreamEvent

Accepted by: none


name (symbol):

Name of this music object

types (list):
'(general-music event)

The types of this music object; determines by what engraver this music expression is processed.


Start or stop a staff symbol.

Event classes: staff-span-event, span-event, music-event and StreamEvent

Accepted by: Staff_symbol_engraver


name (symbol):

Name of this music object

types (list):
'(general-music event span-event staff-span-event)

The types of this music object; determines by what engraver this music expression is processed.


Specify on which string to play this note.

Syntax: \number.

Event classes: string-number-event, music-event and StreamEvent

Accepted by: Fretboard_engraver and Tab_note_heads_engraver


name (symbol):

Name of this music object

types (list):
'(general-music string-number-event event)

The types of this music object; determines by what engraver this music expression is processed.


Specify with which finger to pluck a string.

Syntax: \rightHandFinger text.

Event classes: stroke-finger-event, music-event and StreamEvent

Accepted by: Fingering_engraver


name (symbol):

Name of this music object

types (list):
'(general-music stroke-finger-event event)

The types of this music object; determines by what engraver this music expression is processed.


Depress or release sustain pedal.

Event classes: sustain-event, pedal-event, span-event, music-event and StreamEvent

Accepted by: Piano_pedal_engraver and Piano_pedal_performer


name (symbol):

Name of this music object

types (list):
'(general-music event pedal-event sustain-event)

The types of this music object; determines by what engraver this music expression is processed.


Event classes: text-script-event, script-event, music-event and StreamEvent

Accepted by: Text_engraver


name (symbol):

Name of this music object

types (list):
'(general-music script-event text-script-event event)

The types of this music object; determines by what engraver this music expression is processed.


Start a text spanner like 8va.....|

Event classes: text-span-event, span-event, music-event and StreamEvent

Accepted by: Text_spanner_engraver


name (symbol):

Name of this music object

types (list):
'(general-music span-event event text-span-event)

The types of this music object; determines by what engraver this music expression is processed.


A tie. Entered as note-~.

Event classes: tie-event, music-event and StreamEvent

Accepted by: Tie_engraver and Tie_performer


name (symbol):

Name of this music object

types (list):
'(general-music tie-event event)

The types of this music object; determines by what engraver this music expression is processed.


Multiply durations, as in tuplets.

Syntax \times fraction music, e.g. \times 2/3 { ... } for triplets.


name (symbol):

Name of this music object

length-callback (procedure):

How to compute the duration of this music. This property can only be defined as initializer in define-music-types.scm.

start-callback (procedure):

Function to compute the negative length of starting grace notes. This property can only be defined as initializer in define-music-types.scm.

iterator-ctor (procedure):

Function to construct music-event-iterator object for this Music

types (list):
'(time-scaled-music music-wrapper-music general-music)

The types of this music object; determines by what engraver this music expression is processed.


Music that has been transposed.


name (symbol):

Name of this music object

iterator-ctor (procedure):

Function to construct music-event-iterator object for this Music

start-callback (procedure):

Function to compute the negative length of starting grace notes. This property can only be defined as initializer in define-music-types.scm.

length-callback (procedure):

How to compute the duration of this music. This property can only be defined as initializer in define-music-types.scm.

to-relative-callback (procedure):

How to transform a piece of music to relative pitches

types (list):
'(music-wrapper-music general-music transposed-music)

The types of this music object; determines by what engraver this music expression is processed.


Un measured tremolo.

Event classes: tremolo-event, music-event and StreamEvent

Accepted by: Stem_engraver


name (symbol):

Name of this music object

types (list):
'(general-music event tremolo-event)

The types of this music object; determines by what engraver this music expression is processed.


Repeated notes denoted by tremolo beams.


name (symbol):

Name of this music object

iterator-ctor (procedure):

Function to construct music-event-iterator object for this Music

start-callback (procedure):

Function to compute the negative length of starting grace notes. This property can only be defined as initializer in define-music-types.scm.

length-callback (procedure):

How to compute the duration of this music. This property can only be defined as initializer in define-music-types.scm.

types (list):
'(general-music repeated-music tremolo-repeated-music)

The types of this music object; determines by what engraver this music expression is processed.


Tremolo over two stems

Event classes: tremolo-span-event, span-event, music-event and StreamEvent

Accepted by: Chord_tremolo_engraver


name (symbol):

Name of this music object

types (list):
'(general-music event span-event tremolo-span-event)

The types of this music object; determines by what engraver this music expression is processed.


Start a trill spanner tr~~~

Event classes: trill-span-event, span-event, music-event and StreamEvent

Accepted by: Trill_spanner_engraver


name (symbol):

Name of this music object

types (list):
'(general-music span-event event trill-span-event)

The types of this music object; determines by what engraver this music expression is processed.


Used internally to signal where tuplet brackets start and stop.

Event classes: tuplet-span-event, span-event, music-event and StreamEvent

Accepted by: Tuplet_engraver


name (symbol):

Name of this music object

types (list):
'(tuplet-span-event span-event event general-music)

The types of this music object; determines by what engraver this music expression is processed.


Depress or release una-corda pedal.

Event classes: una-corda-event, pedal-event, span-event, music-event and StreamEvent

Accepted by: Piano_pedal_engraver and Piano_pedal_performer


name (symbol):

Name of this music object

types (list):
'(general-music event pedal-event una-corda-event)

The types of this music object; determines by what engraver this music expression is processed.



name (symbol):

Name of this music object

iterator-ctor (procedure):

Function to construct music-event-iterator object for this Music

start-callback (procedure):

Function to compute the negative length of starting grace notes. This property can only be defined as initializer in define-music-types.scm.

types (list):
'(general-music repeated-music unfolded-repeated-music)

The types of this music object; determines by what engraver this music expression is processed.

length-callback (procedure):

How to compute the duration of this music. This property can only be defined as initializer in define-music-types.scm.


Print a2

Event classes: unisono-event, part-combine-event, music-event and StreamEvent

Accepted by: Part_combine_engraver


name (symbol):

Name of this music object

part-combine-status (symbol):

Change to what kind of state? Options are solo1, solo2 and unisono

types (list):
'(general-music event part-combine-event unisono-event)

The types of this music object; determines by what engraver this music expression is processed.


Music that can not be converted from relative to absolute notation. For example, transposed music.


name (symbol):

Name of this music object

to-relative-callback (procedure):

How to transform a piece of music to relative pitches

iterator-ctor (procedure):

Function to construct music-event-iterator object for this Music

length-callback (procedure):

How to compute the duration of this music. This property can only be defined as initializer in define-music-types.scm.

types (list):
'(music-wrapper-music general-music unrelativable-music)

The types of this music object; determines by what engraver this music expression is processed.


Separate polyphonic voices in simultaneous music.

Syntax: \\


name (symbol):

Name of this music object

types (list):
'(separator general-music)

The types of this music object; determines by what engraver this music expression is processed.



name (symbol):

Name of this music object

iterator-ctor (procedure):

Function to construct music-event-iterator object for this Music

start-callback (procedure):

Function to compute the negative length of starting grace notes. This property can only be defined as initializer in define-music-types.scm.

length-callback (procedure):

How to compute the duration of this music. This property can only be defined as initializer in define-music-types.scm.

types (list):
'(general-music repeated-music volta-repeated-music)

The types of this music object; determines by what engraver this music expression is processed.

Music classes


Music event type StreamEvent is in Music objects of type AbsoluteDynamicEvent, AnnotateOutputEvent, ApplyOutputEvent, ArpeggioEvent, ArticulationEvent, BassFigureEvent, BeamEvent, BeamForbidEvent, BendAfterEvent, BreathingEvent, ClusterNoteEvent, CrescendoEvent, DecrescendoEvent, ExtenderEvent, FingeringEvent, GlissandoEvent, HarmonicEvent, HyphenEvent, KeyChangeEvent, LaissezVibrerEvent, LigatureEvent, LineBreakEvent, LyricEvent, MarkEvent, MultiMeasureRestEvent, MultiMeasureTextEvent, NoteEvent, NoteGroupingEvent, PageBreakEvent, PageTurnEvent, PercentEvent, PesOrFlexaEvent, PhrasingSlurEvent, RepeatTieEvent, RestEvent, ScriptEvent, SkipEvent, SlurEvent, SoloOneEvent, SoloTwoEvent, SostenutoEvent, SpacingSectionEvent, SpanEvent, StaffSpanEvent, StringNumberEvent, StrokeFingerEvent, SustainEvent, TextScriptEvent, TextSpanEvent, TieEvent, TremoloEvent, TremoloSpanEvent, TrillSpanEvent, TupletSpanEvent, UnaCordaEvent and UnisonoEvent

Accepted by: none


Music event type absolute-dynamic-event is in Music objects of type AbsoluteDynamicEvent

Accepted by: Dynamic_engraver and Dynamic_performer


Music event type annotate-output-event is in Music objects of type AnnotateOutputEvent

Accepted by: Balloon_engraver


Music event type apply-output-event is in Music objects of type ApplyOutputEvent

Accepted by: Output_property_engraver


Music event type arpeggio-event is in Music objects of type ArpeggioEvent

Accepted by: Arpeggio_engraver


Music event type articulation-event is in Music objects of type ArticulationEvent

Accepted by: Script_engraver


Music event type bass-figure-event is in Music objects of type BassFigureEvent

Accepted by: Figured_bass_engraver


Music event type beam-event is in Music objects of type BeamEvent

Accepted by: Beam_engraver, Beam_performer and Grace_beam_engraver


Music event type beam-forbid-event is in Music objects of type BeamForbidEvent

Accepted by: Auto_beam_engraver


Music event type bend-after-event is in Music objects of type BendAfterEvent

Accepted by: Bend_after_engraver


Music event type break-event is in Music objects of type LineBreakEvent, PageBreakEvent and PageTurnEvent

Accepted by: Page_turn_engraver and Paper_column_engraver


Music event type breathing-event is in Music objects of type BreathingEvent

Accepted by: Breathing_sign_engraver


Music event type cluster-note-event is in Music objects of type ClusterNoteEvent

Accepted by: Cluster_spanner_engraver


Music event type crescendo-event is in Music objects of type CrescendoEvent

Accepted by: Dynamic_performer


Music event type decrescendo-event is in Music objects of type DecrescendoEvent

Accepted by: Dynamic_performer


Music event type dynamic-event is in Music objects of type AbsoluteDynamicEvent

Accepted by: none


Music event type extender-event is in Music objects of type ExtenderEvent

Accepted by: Extender_engraver


Music event type fingering-event is in Music objects of type FingeringEvent

Accepted by: Fingering_engraver


Music event type glissando-event is in Music objects of type GlissandoEvent

Accepted by: Glissando_engraver


Music event type harmonic-event is in Music objects of type HarmonicEvent

Accepted by: none


Music event type hyphen-event is in Music objects of type HyphenEvent

Accepted by: Hyphen_engraver


Music event type key-change-event is in Music objects of type KeyChangeEvent

Accepted by: Key_engraver and Key_performer


Music event type laissez-vibrer-event is in Music objects of type LaissezVibrerEvent

Accepted by: Laissez_vibrer_engraver


Music event type layout-instruction-event is in Music objects of type ApplyOutputEvent

Accepted by: none


Music event type ligature-event is in Music objects of type LigatureEvent

Accepted by: Ligature_bracket_engraver, Mensural_ligature_engraver and Vaticana_ligature_engraver


Music event type line-break-event is in Music objects of type LineBreakEvent

Accepted by: none


Music event type lyric-event is in Music objects of type LyricEvent

Accepted by: Lyric_engraver and Lyric_performer


Music event type mark-event is in Music objects of type MarkEvent

Accepted by: Mark_engraver


Music event type melodic-event is in Music objects of type ClusterNoteEvent and NoteEvent

Accepted by: none


Music event type multi-measure-rest-event is in Music objects of type MultiMeasureRestEvent

Accepted by: Multi_measure_rest_engraver


Music event type multi-measure-text-event is in Music objects of type MultiMeasureTextEvent

Accepted by: Multi_measure_rest_engraver


Music event type music-event is in Music objects of type AbsoluteDynamicEvent, AnnotateOutputEvent, ApplyOutputEvent, ArpeggioEvent, ArticulationEvent, BassFigureEvent, BeamEvent, BeamForbidEvent, BendAfterEvent, BreathingEvent, ClusterNoteEvent, CrescendoEvent, DecrescendoEvent, ExtenderEvent, FingeringEvent, GlissandoEvent, HarmonicEvent, HyphenEvent, KeyChangeEvent, LaissezVibrerEvent, LigatureEvent, LineBreakEvent, LyricEvent, MarkEvent, MultiMeasureRestEvent, MultiMeasureTextEvent, NoteEvent, NoteGroupingEvent, PageBreakEvent, PageTurnEvent, PercentEvent, PesOrFlexaEvent, PhrasingSlurEvent, RepeatTieEvent, RestEvent, ScriptEvent, SkipEvent, SlurEvent, SoloOneEvent, SoloTwoEvent, SostenutoEvent, SpacingSectionEvent, SpanEvent, StaffSpanEvent, StringNumberEvent, StrokeFingerEvent, SustainEvent, TextScriptEvent, TextSpanEvent, TieEvent, TremoloEvent, TremoloSpanEvent, TrillSpanEvent, TupletSpanEvent, UnaCordaEvent and UnisonoEvent

Accepted by: none


Music event type note-event is in Music objects of type NoteEvent

Accepted by: Chord_name_engraver, Completion_heads_engraver, Drum_note_performer, Drum_notes_engraver, Fretboard_engraver, Note_heads_engraver, Note_name_engraver, Note_performer and Tab_note_heads_engraver


Music event type note-grouping-event is in Music objects of type NoteGroupingEvent

Accepted by: Horizontal_bracket_engraver


Music event type page-break-event is in Music objects of type PageBreakEvent

Accepted by: none


Music event type page-turn-event is in Music objects of type PageTurnEvent

Accepted by: none


Music event type part-combine-event is in Music objects of type SoloOneEvent, SoloTwoEvent and UnisonoEvent

Accepted by: Part_combine_engraver


Music event type pedal-event is in Music objects of type SostenutoEvent, SustainEvent and UnaCordaEvent

Accepted by: none


Music event type percent-event is in Music objects of type PercentEvent

Accepted by: Percent_repeat_engraver and Slash_repeat_engraver


Music event type pes-or-flexa-event is in Music objects of type PesOrFlexaEvent

Accepted by: Vaticana_ligature_engraver


Music event type phrasing-slur-event is in Music objects of type PhrasingSlurEvent

Accepted by: Phrasing_slur_engraver


Music event type repeat-tie-event is in Music objects of type RepeatTieEvent

Accepted by: Repeat_tie_engraver


Music event type rest-event is in Music objects of type RestEvent

Accepted by: Figured_bass_engraver and Rest_engraver


Music event type rhythmic-event is in Music objects of type BassFigureEvent, ClusterNoteEvent, LyricEvent, MultiMeasureRestEvent, NoteEvent, RestEvent and SkipEvent

Accepted by: none


Music event type script-event is in Music objects of type ArticulationEvent, ScriptEvent and TextScriptEvent

Accepted by: none


Music event type skip-event is in Music objects of type SkipEvent

Accepted by: none


Music event type slur-event is in Music objects of type SlurEvent

Accepted by: Slur_engraver and Slur_performer


Music event type solo-one-event is in Music objects of type SoloOneEvent

Accepted by: none


Music event type solo-two-event is in Music objects of type SoloTwoEvent

Accepted by: none


Music event type sostenuto-event is in Music objects of type SostenutoEvent

Accepted by: Piano_pedal_engraver and Piano_pedal_performer


Music event type spacing-section-event is in Music objects of type SpacingSectionEvent

Accepted by: Spacing_engraver


Music event type span-dynamic-event is in Music objects of type CrescendoEvent and DecrescendoEvent

Accepted by: Dynamic_engraver


Music event type span-event is in Music objects of type BeamEvent, CrescendoEvent, DecrescendoEvent, LigatureEvent, PhrasingSlurEvent, SlurEvent, SostenutoEvent, SpanEvent, StaffSpanEvent, SustainEvent, TextSpanEvent, TremoloSpanEvent, TrillSpanEvent, TupletSpanEvent and UnaCordaEvent

Accepted by: none


Music event type staff-span-event is in Music objects of type StaffSpanEvent

Accepted by: Staff_symbol_engraver


Music event type string-number-event is in Music objects of type StringNumberEvent

Accepted by: Fretboard_engraver and Tab_note_heads_engraver


Music event type stroke-finger-event is in Music objects of type StrokeFingerEvent

Accepted by: Fingering_engraver


Music event type sustain-event is in Music objects of type SustainEvent

Accepted by: Piano_pedal_engraver and Piano_pedal_performer


Music event type text-script-event is in Music objects of type TextScriptEvent

Accepted by: Text_engraver


Music event type text-span-event is in Music objects of type TextSpanEvent

Accepted by: Text_spanner_engraver


Music event type tie-event is in Music objects of type TieEvent

Accepted by: Tie_engraver and Tie_performer


Music event type tremolo-event is in Music objects of type TremoloEvent

Accepted by: Stem_engraver


Music event type tremolo-span-event is in Music objects of type TremoloSpanEvent

Accepted by: Chord_tremolo_engraver


Music event type trill-span-event is in Music objects of type TrillSpanEvent

Accepted by: Trill_spanner_engraver


Music event type tuplet-span-event is in Music objects of type TupletSpanEvent

Accepted by: Tuplet_engraver


Music event type una-corda-event is in Music objects of type UnaCordaEvent

Accepted by: Piano_pedal_engraver and Piano_pedal_performer


Music event type unisono-event is in Music objects of type UnisonoEvent

Accepted by: none

Music properties

X-offset (number)
Offset of resulting grob; only used for balloon texts.
Y-offset (number)
Offset of resulting grob; only used for balloon texts.
absolute-octave (integer)
The absolute octave for a octave check note.
alteration (number)
alteration for figured bass
articulation-type (string)
key for script definitions alist.

TODO: consider making type into symbol

articulations (list of music)
Articulation events specifically for this note.
associated-context (string)
Name of the Voice context associated with this \newaddlyrics section
augmented (boolean)
This figure is for an augmented figured bass (with +) sign.
bass (boolean)
Set if this note is a bass note in a chord
bracket-start (boolean)
start a bracket here. TODO: use SpanEvents?
bracket-stop (boolean)
stop a bracket here.
break-penalty (number)
Penalty for line break hint.
break-permission (symbol)
Whether to allow, forbid or force a line break.
cautionary (boolean)
If set, this alteration needs cautionary accidental
change-to-id (string)
name of the context to change to
change-to-type (symbol)
type of the context to change to.
compress-procedure (procedure)
compress this music expression. Argument 1: the music, arg 2: factor
context-id (string)
name of context
context-type (symbol)
type of context
create-new (boolean)
Create a fresh context.
delta-step (number)
How much should a fall change pitch?
denominator (integer)
denominator in a time signature
descend-only (boolean)
If set, this \context will only descend in the context tree.
digit (integer)
digit for fingering
diminished (boolean)
This bass figure should be slashed.
direction (direction)
Print this up or down?
drum-type (symbol)
Which percussion instrument to play this note on.
duration (duration)
Duration of this note/lyric.
element (music)
The single child of a Music_wrapper music object, or the body of a repeat.
elements (list of music)
A list of elements for sequential of simultaneous music, or the alternatives of repeated music.
elements-callback (procedure)
Return a list of children, for use by a sequential iterator. Takes a single Music parameter
error-found (boolean)
If true, a parsing error was found in this expression
expected-beam-count (integer)
Expected number of non-tremolo beams in a tremolo repeat
figure (integer)
a bass figure
force-accidental (boolean)
If set, a cautionary accidental should always be printed on this note
grob-property (symbol)
The symbol of the grob property to set.
grob-property-path (list)
A list of symbols, locating a nested grob property, e.g. (beamed-lengths details).
grob-value (any type)
The value of the grob property to set
input-tag (any type)
Arbitrary marker to relate input and output
inversion (boolean)
If set, this chord note is inverted.
iterator-ctor (procedure)
Function to construct music-event-iterator object for this Music
label (markup)
label of a mark.
last-pitch (pitch)
The last pitch after relativization.
length (moment)
The duration of this music
length-callback (procedure)
How to compute the duration of this music. This property can only be defined as initializer in define-music-types.scm.
metronome-count (number)
How many beats in a minute?
name (symbol)
Name of this music object
no-continuation (boolean)
If set, disallow continuation lines
numerator (integer)
numerator of a time signature
octavation (integer)
This pitch was octavated by how many octaves? For chord inversions, this is negative.
once (boolean)
Apply this operation only during one time step?
origin (input location)
where was this piece of music defined?
parenthesize (boolean)
Enclose resulting objects in parentheses?
part-combine-status (symbol)
Change to what kind of state? Options are solo1, solo2 and unisono
pitch (pitch)
the pitch of this note
pitch-alist (list)
list of pitches jointly forming the scale of a key signature
pop-first (boolean)
Do a revert before we try to do a override on some grob property.
prob-property (symbol)
The symbol of the prob property to set.
procedure (procedure)
The function to run with \applycontext. It must take a single argument, being the context.
property-operations (list)
Do these operations for instantiating the context.
quoted-context-id (string)
The id of the context to direct quotes to, eg., cue.
quoted-context-type (symbol)
The name of the context to direct quotes to, eg., Voice.
quoted-events (vector)
A vector of with moment/event-list entries.
quoted-music-name (string)
The name of the voice to quote.
quoted-transposition (pitch)
The pitch used for the quote, overriding \transposition
quoted-voice-direction (direction)
Should the quoted voice be up-stem or down-stem?
repeat-count (integer)
do a epeat how ofen?
span-direction (direction)
Does this start or stop a spanner?
span-type (string)
What kind of spanner should be created?

TODO: consider making type into symbol

split-list (list)
splitting moments for part combiner.
start-callback (procedure)
Function to compute the negative length of starting grace notes. This property can only be defined as initializer in define-music-types.scm.
string-number (integer)
The number of the string in a StringNumberEvent
symbol (symbol)
Grob name to perform an override/revert on.
tags (list)
List of symbols that for denoting extra details, e.g. \tag #'part ... could tag a piece of music as only being active in a part.
tempo-unit (duration)
The unit for the metronome count.
text (markup)
markup expression to be printed
text-type (symbol)
Particular type of text script (e.g. finger, dynamic).
to-relative-callback (procedure)
How to transform a piece of music to relative pitches
tonic (pitch)
Base of the scale
tremolo-type (integer)
speed of tremolo, e.g. 16 for c4:16
trill-pitch (pitch)
Pitch of other note of the trill.
tweaks (list)
An alist of properties to override in the backend for the grob made of this event.
type (symbol)
The type of this music object. Determines iteration in some cases.
types (list)
The types of this music object; determines by what engraver this music expression is processed.
untransposable (boolean)
If set, this music is not transposed.
value (any type)
Assignment value for a translation property
void (boolean)
If this property is #t, then the music expression is to be discarded by the toplevel music handler.
what (symbol)
What to change for auto-change. FIXME, naming




Identical to StaffGroup except that the contained staves are not connected vertically.

This context creates the following layout objects:

SystemStartBar, SystemStartBrace, SystemStartBracket and SystemStartSquare.

This context sets the following properties:

Context ChoirStaff can contain Staff, InnerStaffGroup, InnerChoirStaff, ChordNames, Lyrics, PianoStaff, GrandStaff, RhythmicStaff and DrumStaff

This context is built from the following engravers:

Creates a system start delimiter (ie. SystemStart{Bar, Brace, Bracket} spanner

Properties (read)

systemStartDelimiter (symbol)
Which grob to make for the start of the system/staff? Set to SystemStartBrace, SystemStartBracket or SystemStartBar.
systemStartDelimiterHierarchy (pair)
A nested list, indicating the nesting of a start delimiters.
currentCommandColumn (layout object)
Grob that is X-parent to all current breakable (clef, key signature, etc.) items.
This engraver creates the following layout objects: SystemStartBar, SystemStartBrace, SystemStartBracket and SystemStartSquare.


Typesets chord names.

This context creates the following layout objects:

ChordName, SeparatingGroupSpanner, SeparationItem, StaffSpacing, VerticalAxisGroup and VoltaBracket.

This context sets the following properties:

This context is a `bottom' context; it can not contain other contexts.

This context is built from the following engravers:

Like Axis_group_engraver, but make a hara-kiri spanner, and add interesting items (ie. note heads, lyric syllables and normal rests)

Properties (read)

keepAliveInterfaces (list)
List of symbols, signifying grob interfaces that are worth keeping an staff with remove-empty set around for.
This engraver creates the following layout objects: VerticalAxisGroup.
Swallow \skip.
Catch note-events and generate the appropriate chordname.

Music types accepted:


Properties (read)

chordChanges (boolean)
Only show changes in chords scheme?
chordNameExceptions (list)
An alist of chord exceptions. Contains (chord . markup) entries.
chordNameFunction (procedure)
The function that converts lists of pitches to chord names.
chordNoteNamer (procedure)
Function that converts from a pitch object to a text markup. Used for single pitches.
chordRootNamer (procedure)
Function that converts from a pitch object to a text markup. Used for chords.
chordNameExceptions (list)
An alist of chord exceptions. Contains (chord . markup) entries.
majorSevenSymbol (markup)
How should the major 7th be formatted in a chord name?
This engraver creates the following layout objects: ChordName.
Generates objects for computing spacing parameters.

Properties (read)

createSpacing (boolean)
Create StaffSpacing objects? Should be set for staves.
Properties (write)
breakableSeparationItem (layout object)
The breakable items in this time step, for this staff.
This engraver creates the following layout objects: SeparatingGroupSpanner, SeparationItem and StaffSpacing.
Apply a procedure to any grob acknowledged.

Music types accepted:


Swallow rest
Make volta brackets.

Properties (read)

repeatCommands (list)
This property is read to find any command of the form (volta . x), where x is a string or #f
voltaSpannerDuration (moment)
This specifies the maximum duration to use for the brackets printed for \alternative. This can be used to shrink the length of brackets in the situation where one alternative is very large.
stavesFound (list of grobs)
list of all staff-symbols found.
This engraver creates the following layout objects: VoltaBracket.


Corresponds to a voice on a staff. This context handles the conversion of dynamic signs, stems, beams, super- and subscripts, slurs, ties, and rests.

You have to instantiate this explicitly if you want to have multiple voices on the same staff.

This context also accepts commands for the following context(s):


This context creates the following layout objects:

Arpeggio, Beam, BendAfter, BreathingSign, ClusterSpannerBeacon, ClusterSpanner, CombineTextScript, Dots, DoublePercentRepeatCounter, DoublePercentRepeat, DynamicLineSpanner, DynamicText, Fingering, Glissando, Hairpin, InstrumentSwitch, LaissezVibrerTieColumn, LaissezVibrerTie, MultiMeasureRestNumber, MultiMeasureRestText, MultiMeasureRest, NoteColumn, NoteHead, NoteSpacing, PercentRepeatCounter, PercentRepeat, PhrasingSlur, RepeatSlash, RepeatTieColumn, RepeatTie, Rest, ScriptColumn, Script, Slur, StemTremolo, Stem, StringNumber, StrokeFinger, TextScript, TextSpanner, TieColumn, Tie, TrillPitchAccidental, TrillPitchGroup, TrillPitchHead, TrillSpanner, TupletBracket, TupletNumber and VoiceFollower.

This context sets the following properties:

This context is a `bottom' context; it can not contain other contexts.

This context is built from the following engravers:

Swallow \skip.
Create a cue text for taking instrument.

Properties (read)

instrumentCueName (markup)
Name to print if another instrument is to be taken.
This engraver creates the following layout objects: InstrumentSwitch.
Set font size and other properties for grace notes.

Properties (read)

graceSettings (list)
Overrides for grace notes. This property should be manipulated through the add-grace-property function.

Catch tuplet events and generate appropriate bracket.

Music types accepted:


Properties (read)

tupletFullLength (boolean)
If set, the tuplet is printed up to the start of the next note.
tupletFullLengthNote (boolean)
If set, end at the next note, otherwise end on the matter (time sigs, etc.) before the note.
This engraver creates the following layout objects: TupletBracket and TupletNumber.
Generate ties between noteheads of equal pitch.

Music types accepted:


Properties (read)

tieWaitForNote (boolean)
If true, tied notes do not have to follow each other directly. This can be used for writing out arpeggios
Properties (write)
tieMelismaBusy (boolean)
Signal whether a tie is present.
This engraver creates the following layout objects: Tie and TieColumn.
Build slur grobs from slur events

Music types accepted:


Properties (read)

slurMelismaBusy (boolean)
Signal if a slur is present.
doubleSlurs (boolean)
When set, two slurs are created for every slurred note, one above and one below the chord.
This engraver creates the following layout objects: Slur.
Engraves a cluster using Spanner notation

Music types accepted:


This engraver creates the following layout objects: ClusterSpanner and ClusterSpannerBeacon.

Print phrasing slurs. Similar to Slur_engraver

Music types accepted:


This engraver creates the following layout objects: PhrasingSlur.

Generates NoteSpacing, an object linking horizontal lines for use in spacing.

This engraver creates the following layout objects: NoteSpacing.

Generates NoteColumn, an objects that groups stems, noteheads and rests.

This engraver creates the following layout objects: NoteColumn.


This engraver creates the following layout objects: ScriptColumn.

Handles note scripted articulations.

Music types accepted:


Properties (read)

scriptDefinitions (list)
Description of scripts. This is used by Script_engraver for typesetting note-super/subscripts. See scm/script.scm for more information
This engraver creates the following layout objects: Script.
Create fall spanners.

Music types accepted:


This engraver creates the following layout objects: BendAfter.

Create fingering-scripts

Music types accepted:

stroke-finger-event and fingering-event

This engraver creates the following layout objects: Fingering.

This engraver creates hairpins, dynamic texts, and their vertical alignments. The symbols are collected onto a DynamicLineSpanner grob which takes care of vertical positioning.

Music types accepted:

span-dynamic-event and absolute-dynamic-event

This engraver creates the following layout objects: DynamicLineSpanner, DynamicText, Hairpin and TextSpanner.

Create text-scripts

Music types accepted:


This engraver creates the following layout objects: TextScript.

Part combine engraver for orchestral scores: Print markings a2, Solo, Solo II, and unisono

Music types accepted:


Properties (read)

printPartCombineTexts (boolean)
set Solo/A due texts in the part combiner?
soloText (string)
text for begin of solo when part-combining.
soloIIText (string)
text for begin of solo for voice “two” when part-combining.
aDueText (string)
Text to print at a unisono passage.
This engraver creates the following layout objects: CombineTextScript.
Make beat repeats.

Music types accepted:


Properties (read)

measureLength (moment)
Length of one measure in the current time signature.
This engraver creates the following layout objects: RepeatSlash.
Make whole bar and double bar repeats.

Music types accepted:


Properties (read)

countPercentRepeats (boolean)
If set, produce counters for percent repeats.
currentCommandColumn (layout object)
Grob that is X-parent to all current breakable (clef, key signature, etc.) items.
measureLength (moment)
Length of one measure in the current time signature.
Properties (write)
forbidBreak (boolean)
If set to ##t, prevent a line break at this point.
This engraver creates the following layout objects: DoublePercentRepeat, DoublePercentRepeatCounter, PercentRepeat and PercentRepeatCounter.
Generates beams for tremolo repeats.

Music types accepted:


This engraver creates the following layout objects: Beam.

Create fingering-scripts for notes in a new chord. This engraver is ill-named, since it also takes care of articulations and harmonic note heads

Properties (read)

fingeringOrientations (list)
List of symbols, containing `left', `right', `up' and/or `down'. This list determines where fingerings are put relative to the chord being fingered.
strokeFingerOrientations (list)
See fingeringOrientations
stringNumberOrientations (list)
See fingeringOrientations
This engraver creates the following layout objects: Fingering, Script, StringNumber and StrokeFinger.
Generate beams based on measure characteristics and observed Stems. Uses beatLength, measureLength and measurePosition to decide when to start and stop a beam. Overriding beaming is done through Stem_engraver properties stemLeftBeamCount and stemRightBeamCount.

Music types accepted:


Properties (read)

autoBeaming (boolean)
If set to true then beams are generated automatically.
autoBeamSettings (list)
Specifies when automatically generated beams should begin and end. See Setting automatic beam behavior for more information.
beatLength (moment)
The length of one beat in this time signature.
subdivideBeams (boolean)
If set, multiple beams will be subdivided at beat positions by only drawing one beam over the beat.
This engraver creates the following layout objects: Beam.
Handles Beam events by engraving Beams. If omitted, then notes will be printed with flags instead of beams. Only engraves beams when we are at grace points in time.

Music types accepted:


Properties (read)

beamMelismaBusy (boolean)
Signal if a beam is present.
beatLength (moment)
The length of one beat in this time signature.
allowBeamBreak (boolean)
If true allow line breaks for beams over bar lines.
subdivideBeams (boolean)
If set, multiple beams will be subdivided at beat positions by only drawing one beam over the beat.
This engraver creates the following layout objects: Beam.
Handles Beam events by engraving Beams. If omitted, then notes will be printed with flags instead of beams.

Music types accepted:


Properties (read)

beamMelismaBusy (boolean)
Signal if a beam is present.
beatLength (moment)
The length of one beat in this time signature.
subdivideBeams (boolean)
If set, multiple beams will be subdivided at beat positions by only drawing one beam over the beat.
Properties (write)
forbidBreak (boolean)
If set to ##t, prevent a line break at this point.
This engraver creates the following layout objects: Beam.
Create stems and single-stem tremolos. It also works together with the beam engraver for overriding beaming.

Music types accepted:


Properties (read)

tremoloFlags (integer)
Number of tremolo flags to add if no number is specified.
stemLeftBeamCount (integer)
Specify the number of beams to draw on the left side of the next note. Overrides automatic beaming. The value is only used once, and then it is erased.
stemRightBeamCount (integer)
See stemLeftBeamCount.
This engraver creates the following layout objects: Stem and StemTremolo.

Music types accepted:


Properties (read)

middleCPosition (number)
Place of the middle C, measured in half staff-spaces. Usually determined by looking at clefPosition and clefGlyph.
This engraver creates the following layout objects: Rest.
Create Dots objects for rhythmic-head-interfaces.

This engraver creates the following layout objects: Dots.

Generate noteheads.

Music types accepted:


Properties (read)

middleCPosition (number)
Place of the middle C, measured in half staff-spaces. Usually determined by looking at clefPosition and clefGlyph.
This engraver creates the following layout objects: NoteHead.

Music types accepted:


This engraver creates the following layout objects: BreathingSign.

Handles Ligature_events by engraving Ligature brackets.

Music types accepted:


This engraver creates the following layout objects: TupletBracket.

Engrave a glissandi

Music types accepted:


Properties (read)

followVoice (boolean)
If set, note heads are tracked across staff switches by a thin line
This engraver creates the following layout objects: Glissando.
Engrave a line between two note heads, for example a glissando. If followVoice is set, staff switches also generate a line.

Properties (read)

followVoice (boolean)
If set, note heads are tracked across staff switches by a thin line
This engraver creates the following layout objects: Glissando and VoiceFollower.
Create Laissez vibrer items.

Music types accepted:


This engraver creates the following layout objects: RepeatTie and RepeatTieColumn.

Create Laissez vibrer items.

Music types accepted:


This engraver creates the following layout objects: LaissezVibrerTie and LaissezVibrerTieColumn.

Forbid line breaks when note heads are still playing at some point.

Properties (read)

busyGrobs (list)
a queue of (end-moment . GROB) conses. This is for internal (C++) use only. This property contains the grobs which are still busy (e.g. note heads, spanners, etc.)
Properties (write)
forbidBreak (boolean)
If set to ##t, prevent a line break at this point.

Administrate when certain grobs (eg. note heads) stop playing

Properties (read)

busyGrobs (list)
a queue of (end-moment . GROB) conses. This is for internal (C++) use only. This property contains the grobs which are still busy (e.g. note heads, spanners, etc.)
Properties (write)
busyGrobs (list)
a queue of (end-moment . GROB) conses. This is for internal (C++) use only. This property contains the grobs which are still busy (e.g. note heads, spanners, etc.)

Create trill spanner from an event.

Music types accepted:


This engraver creates the following layout objects: TrillSpanner.

Create text spanner from an event.

Music types accepted:


This engraver creates the following layout objects: TextSpanner.

Engraves multi-measure rests that are produced with R. Reads measurePosition and internalBarNumber to determine what number to print over the MultiMeasureRest. Reads measureLength to determine if it should use a whole rest or a breve rest to represent 1 measure

Music types accepted:

multi-measure-text-event and multi-measure-rest-event

Properties (read)

internalBarNumber (integer)
Contains the current barnumber. This property is used for internal timekeeping, among others by the Accidental_engraver.
restNumberThreshold (number)
If a multimeasure rest has more measures than this, a number is printed.
breakableSeparationItem (layout object)
The breakable items in this time step, for this staff.
currentCommandColumn (layout object)
Grob that is X-parent to all current breakable (clef, key signature, etc.) items.
measurePosition (moment)
How much of the current measure have we had. This can be set manually to create incomplete measures.
measureLength (moment)
Length of one measure in the current time signature.
This engraver creates the following layout objects: MultiMeasureRest, MultiMeasureRestNumber and MultiMeasureRestText.
Generate an Arpeggio symbol

Music types accepted:


This engraver creates the following layout objects: Arpeggio.

Apply a procedure to any grob acknowledged.

Music types accepted:


Print the bracketed notehead after a notehead with trill.

This engraver creates the following layout objects: TrillPitchAccidental, TrillPitchGroup and TrillPitchHead.

Puts fontSize into font-size grob property.

Properties (read)

fontSize (number)
The relative size of all grobs in a context.


Silently discards all musical information given to this context.

This context also accepts commands for the following context(s):

Voice and Staff

This context creates the following layout objects:


This context is a `bottom' context; it can not contain other contexts.

This context is built from the following engravers:

This engraver swallows everything given to it silently. The purpose of this is to prevent spurious "event junked" warnings.


Handles typesetting for percussion.

This context also accepts commands for the following context(s):


This context creates the following layout objects:

BarLine, BassFigureAlignmentPositioning, BassFigureAlignment, BassFigureBracket, BassFigureContinuation, BassFigureLine, BassFigure, Clef, DotColumn, InstrumentName, LedgerLineSpanner, NoteCollision, OctavateEight, RestCollision, ScriptRow, SeparatingGroupSpanner, SeparationItem, SostenutoPedalLineSpanner, StaffSpacing, StaffSymbol, SustainPedalLineSpanner, TimeSignature, UnaCordaPedalLineSpanner, VerticalAxisGroup and VoltaBracket.

This context sets the following properties:

Context DrumStaff can contain DrumVoice and CueVoice

This context is built from the following engravers:

Determine order in horizontal side position elements.

This engraver creates the following layout objects: ScriptRow.

Position figured bass alignments over notes.

This engraver creates the following layout objects: BassFigureAlignmentPositioning.

Make figured bass numbers.

Music types accepted:

bass-figure-event and rest-event

Properties (read)

figuredBassAlterationDirection (direction)
Where to put alterations relative to the main figure.
figuredBassCenterContinuations (boolean)
Whether to vertically center pairs of extender lines. This does not work with three or more lines
figuredBassFormatter (procedure)
Routine generating a markup for a bass figure.
implicitBassFigures (list)
List of bass figures that are not printed as numbers, but only as extender lines.
useBassFigureExtenders (boolean)
Whether to use extender lines for repeated bass figures
ignoreFiguredBassRest (boolean)
Don't swallow rest events.
This engraver creates the following layout objects: BassFigure, BassFigureAlignment, BassFigureBracket, BassFigureContinuation and BassFigureLine.
Group all objects created in this context in a VerticalAxisGroup spanner.

Properties (read)

currentCommandColumn (layout object)
Grob that is X-parent to all current breakable (clef, key signature, etc.) items.
This engraver creates the following layout objects: VerticalAxisGroup.
Creates a system start text for instrument or vocal names.

Properties (read)

currentCommandColumn (layout object)
Grob that is X-parent to all current breakable (clef, key signature, etc.) items.
shortInstrumentName (markup)
See instrument
instrumentName (markup)
The name to print left of a staff. The instrument property labels the staff in the first system, and the instr property labels following lines.
shortVocalName (markup)
Name of a vocal line, short version.
vocalName (markup)
Name of a vocal line.
This engraver creates the following layout objects: InstrumentName.
Align piano pedal symbols and brackets.

Properties (read)

currentCommandColumn (layout object)
Grob that is X-parent to all current breakable (clef, key signature, etc.) items.
This engraver creates the following layout objects: SostenutoPedalLineSpanner, SustainPedalLineSpanner and UnaCordaPedalLineSpanner.
Handles collisions of rests.

This engraver creates the following layout objects: RestCollision.

Collect NoteColumns, and as soon as there are two or more, put them in a NoteCollision object.

This engraver creates the following layout objects: NoteCollision.

Create the constellation of five (default) staff lines.

Music types accepted:


This engraver creates the following layout objects: StaffSymbol.

Creates the spanner to draw ledger lines, and notices objects that need ledger lines

This engraver creates the following layout objects: LedgerLineSpanner.

Create a TimeSignature whenever timeSignatureFraction changes

This engraver creates the following layout objects: TimeSignature.

Determine and set reference point for pitches

Properties (read)

clefGlyph (string)
Name of the symbol within the music font.
clefOctavation (integer)
Add this much extra octavation. Values of 7 and -7 are common.
clefPosition (number)
Where should the center of the clef symbol go, measured in half staff spaces from the center of the staff.
explicitClefVisibility (vector)
`break-visibility' function for clef changes.
forceClef (boolean)
Show clef symbol, even if it has not changed. Only active for the first clef after the property is set, not for the full staff.
middleCPosition (number)
Place of the middle C, measured in half staff-spaces. Usually determined by looking at clefPosition and clefGlyph.
This engraver creates the following layout objects: Clef and OctavateEight.
Engraves dots on dotted notes shifted to the right of the note. If omitted, then dots appear on top of the notes.

This engraver creates the following layout objects: DotColumn.

Generates objects for computing spacing parameters.

Properties (read)

createSpacing (boolean)
Create StaffSpacing objects? Should be set for staves.
Properties (write)
breakableSeparationItem (layout object)
The breakable items in this time step, for this staff.
This engraver creates the following layout objects: SeparatingGroupSpanner, SeparationItem and StaffSpacing.
Make volta brackets.

Properties (read)

repeatCommands (list)
This property is read to find any command of the form (volta . x), where x is a string or #f
voltaSpannerDuration (moment)
This specifies the maximum duration to use for the brackets printed for \alternative. This can be used to shrink the length of brackets in the situation where one alternative is very large.
stavesFound (list of grobs)
list of all staff-symbols found.
This engraver creates the following layout objects: VoltaBracket.
Puts fontSize into font-size grob property.

Properties (read)

fontSize (number)
The relative size of all grobs in a context.

Create barlines. This engraver is controlled through the whichBar property. If it has no bar line to create, it will forbid a linebreak at this point

Properties (read)

whichBar (string)
This property is read to determine what type of bar line to create.


               \set Staff.whichBar = "|:"

This will create a start-repeat bar in this staff only. Valid values are described in bar-line-interface.

Properties (write)
forbidBreak (boolean)
If set to ##t, prevent a line break at this point.
This engraver creates the following layout objects: BarLine.
Apply a procedure to any grob acknowledged.

Music types accepted:



A voice on a percussion staff.

This context also accepts commands for the following context(s):


This context creates the following layout objects:

Beam, BendAfter, BreathingSign, CombineTextScript, Dots, DoublePercentRepeatCounter, DoublePercentRepeat, DynamicLineSpanner, DynamicText, Hairpin, InstrumentSwitch, LaissezVibrerTieColumn, LaissezVibrerTie, MultiMeasureRestNumber, MultiMeasureRestText, MultiMeasureRest, NoteColumn, NoteHead, NoteSpacing, PercentRepeatCounter, PercentRepeat, PhrasingSlur, RepeatSlash, RepeatTieColumn, RepeatTie, Rest, ScriptColumn, Script, Slur, StemTremolo, Stem, TextScript, TextSpanner, TieColumn, Tie, TrillPitchAccidental, TrillPitchGroup, TrillPitchHead, TrillSpanner, TupletBracket and TupletNumber.

This context sets the following properties:

This context is a `bottom' context; it can not contain other contexts.

This context is built from the following engravers:

Swallow \skip.
Catch tuplet events and generate appropriate bracket.

Music types accepted:


Properties (read)

tupletFullLength (boolean)
If set, the tuplet is printed up to the start of the next note.
tupletFullLengthNote (boolean)
If set, end at the next note, otherwise end on the matter (time sigs, etc.) before the note.
This engraver creates the following layout objects: TupletBracket and TupletNumber.
Generate noteheads.

Music types accepted:


Properties (read)

drumStyleTable (hash table)
A hash table containing mapping drums to layout settings. Predefined values: `drums-style', `timbales-style', `congas-style', `bongos-style' and `percussion-style'.

The layout style is a hash table, containing the drum-pitches (e.g. the symbol `hihat') as key, and a list (notehead-style script vertical-position) as values.

This engraver creates the following layout objects: NoteHead and Script.
Administrate when certain grobs (eg. note heads) stop playing

Properties (read)

busyGrobs (list)
a queue of (end-moment . GROB) conses. This is for internal (C++) use only. This property contains the grobs which are still busy (e.g. note heads, spanners, etc.)
Properties (write)
busyGrobs (list)
a queue of (end-moment . GROB) conses. This is for internal (C++) use only. This property contains the grobs which are still busy (e.g. note heads, spanners, etc.)

Create text spanner from an event.

Music types accepted:


This engraver creates the following layout objects: TextSpanner.

Engraves multi-measure rests that are produced with R. Reads measurePosition and internalBarNumber to determine what number to print over the MultiMeasureRest. Reads measureLength to determine if it should use a whole rest or a breve rest to represent 1 measure

Music types accepted:

multi-measure-text-event and multi-measure-rest-event

Properties (read)

internalBarNumber (integer)
Contains the current barnumber. This property is used for internal timekeeping, among others by the Accidental_engraver.
restNumberThreshold (number)
If a multimeasure rest has more measures than this, a number is printed.
breakableSeparationItem (layout object)
The breakable items in this time step, for this staff.
currentCommandColumn (layout object)
Grob that is X-parent to all current breakable (clef, key signature, etc.) items.
measurePosition (moment)
How much of the current measure have we had. This can be set manually to create incomplete measures.
measureLength (moment)
Length of one measure in the current time signature.
This engraver creates the following layout objects: MultiMeasureRest, MultiMeasureRestNumber and MultiMeasureRestText.
Swallow \skip.
Create a cue text for taking instrument.

Properties (read)

instrumentCueName (markup)
Name to print if another instrument is to be taken.
This engraver creates the following layout objects: InstrumentSwitch.
Set font size and other properties for grace notes.

Properties (read)

graceSettings (list)
Overrides for grace notes. This property should be manipulated through the add-grace-property function.

Catch tuplet events and generate appropriate bracket.

Music types accepted:


Properties (read)

tupletFullLength (boolean)
If set, the tuplet is printed up to the start of the next note.
tupletFullLengthNote (boolean)
If set, end at the next note, otherwise end on the matter (time sigs, etc.) before the note.
This engraver creates the following layout objects: TupletBracket and TupletNumber.
Generate ties between noteheads of equal pitch.

Music types accepted:


Properties (read)

tieWaitForNote (boolean)
If true, tied notes do not have to follow each other directly. This can be used for writing out arpeggios
Properties (write)
tieMelismaBusy (boolean)
Signal whether a tie is present.
This engraver creates the following layout objects: Tie and TieColumn.
Build slur grobs from slur events

Music types accepted:


Properties (read)

slurMelismaBusy (boolean)
Signal if a slur is present.
doubleSlurs (boolean)
When set, two slurs are created for every slurred note, one above and one below the chord.
This engraver creates the following layout objects: Slur.
Print phrasing slurs. Similar to Slur_engraver

Music types accepted:


This engraver creates the following layout objects: PhrasingSlur.

Generates NoteSpacing, an object linking horizontal lines for use in spacing.

This engraver creates the following layout objects: NoteSpacing.

Generates NoteColumn, an objects that groups stems, noteheads and rests.

This engraver creates the following layout objects: NoteColumn.


This engraver creates the following layout objects: ScriptColumn.

Handles note scripted articulations.

Music types accepted:


Properties (read)

scriptDefinitions (list)
Description of scripts. This is used by Script_engraver for typesetting note-super/subscripts. See scm/script.scm for more information
This engraver creates the following layout objects: Script.
Create fall spanners.

Music types accepted:


This engraver creates the following layout objects: BendAfter.

This engraver creates hairpins, dynamic texts, and their vertical alignments. The symbols are collected onto a DynamicLineSpanner grob which takes care of vertical positioning.

Music types accepted:

span-dynamic-event and absolute-dynamic-event

This engraver creates the following layout objects: DynamicLineSpanner, DynamicText, Hairpin and TextSpanner.

Create text-scripts

Music types accepted:


This engraver creates the following layout objects: TextScript.

Part combine engraver for orchestral scores: Print markings a2, Solo, Solo II, and unisono

Music types accepted:


Properties (read)

printPartCombineTexts (boolean)
set Solo/A due texts in the part combiner?
soloText (string)
text for begin of solo when part-combining.
soloIIText (string)
text for begin of solo for voice “two” when part-combining.
aDueText (string)
Text to print at a unisono passage.
This engraver creates the following layout objects: CombineTextScript.
Make beat repeats.

Music types accepted:


Properties (read)

measureLength (moment)
Length of one measure in the current time signature.
This engraver creates the following layout objects: RepeatSlash.
Make whole bar and double bar repeats.

Music types accepted:


Properties (read)

countPercentRepeats (boolean)
If set, produce counters for percent repeats.
currentCommandColumn (layout object)
Grob that is X-parent to all current breakable (clef, key signature, etc.) items.
measureLength (moment)
Length of one measure in the current time signature.
Properties (write)
forbidBreak (boolean)
If set to ##t, prevent a line break at this point.
This engraver creates the following layout objects: DoublePercentRepeat, DoublePercentRepeatCounter, PercentRepeat and PercentRepeatCounter.
Generates beams for tremolo repeats.

Music types accepted:


This engraver creates the following layout objects: Beam.

Generate beams based on measure characteristics and observed Stems. Uses beatLength, measureLength and measurePosition to decide when to start and stop a beam. Overriding beaming is done through Stem_engraver properties stemLeftBeamCount and stemRightBeamCount.

Music types accepted:


Properties (read)

autoBeaming (boolean)
If set to true then beams are generated automatically.
autoBeamSettings (list)
Specifies when automatically generated beams should begin and end. See Setting automatic beam behavior for more information.
beatLength (moment)
The length of one beat in this time signature.
subdivideBeams (boolean)
If set, multiple beams will be subdivided at beat positions by only drawing one beam over the beat.
This engraver creates the following layout objects: Beam.
Handles Beam events by engraving Beams. If omitted, then notes will be printed with flags instead of beams. Only engraves beams when we are at grace points in time.

Music types accepted:


Properties (read)

beamMelismaBusy (boolean)
Signal if a beam is present.
beatLength (moment)
The length of one beat in this time signature.
allowBeamBreak (boolean)
If true allow line breaks for beams over bar lines.
subdivideBeams (boolean)
If set, multiple beams will be subdivided at beat positions by only drawing one beam over the beat.
This engraver creates the following layout objects: Beam.
Handles Beam events by engraving Beams. If omitted, then notes will be printed with flags instead of beams.

Music types accepted:


Properties (read)

beamMelismaBusy (boolean)
Signal if a beam is present.
beatLength (moment)
The length of one beat in this time signature.
subdivideBeams (boolean)
If set, multiple beams will be subdivided at beat positions by only drawing one beam over the beat.
Properties (write)
forbidBreak (boolean)
If set to ##t, prevent a line break at this point.
This engraver creates the following layout objects: Beam.
Create stems and single-stem tremolos. It also works together with the beam engraver for overriding beaming.

Music types accepted:


Properties (read)

tremoloFlags (integer)
Number of tremolo flags to add if no number is specified.
stemLeftBeamCount (integer)
Specify the number of beams to draw on the left side of the next note. Overrides automatic beaming. The value is only used once, and then it is erased.
stemRightBeamCount (integer)
See stemLeftBeamCount.
This engraver creates the following layout objects: Stem and StemTremolo.

Music types accepted:


Properties (read)

middleCPosition (number)
Place of the middle C, measured in half staff-spaces. Usually determined by looking at clefPosition and clefGlyph.
This engraver creates the following layout objects: Rest.
Create Dots objects for rhythmic-head-interfaces.

This engraver creates the following layout objects: Dots.


Music types accepted:


This engraver creates the following layout objects: BreathingSign.

Create Laissez vibrer items.

Music types accepted:


This engraver creates the following layout objects: RepeatTie and RepeatTieColumn.

Create Laissez vibrer items.

Music types accepted:


This engraver creates the following layout objects: LaissezVibrerTie and LaissezVibrerTieColumn.

Forbid line breaks when note heads are still playing at some point.

Properties (read)

busyGrobs (list)
a queue of (end-moment . GROB) conses. This is for internal (C++) use only. This property contains the grobs which are still busy (e.g. note heads, spanners, etc.)
Properties (write)
forbidBreak (boolean)
If set to ##t, prevent a line break at this point.

Administrate when certain grobs (eg. note heads) stop playing

Properties (read)

busyGrobs (list)
a queue of (end-moment . GROB) conses. This is for internal (C++) use only. This property contains the grobs which are still busy (e.g. note heads, spanners, etc.)
Properties (write)
busyGrobs (list)
a queue of (end-moment . GROB) conses. This is for internal (C++) use only. This property contains the grobs which are still busy (e.g. note heads, spanners, etc.)

Create trill spanner from an event.

Music types accepted:


This engraver creates the following layout objects: TrillSpanner.

Create text spanner from an event.

Music types accepted:


This engraver creates the following layout objects: TextSpanner.

Engraves multi-measure rests that are produced with R. Reads measurePosition and internalBarNumber to determine what number to print over the MultiMeasureRest. Reads measureLength to determine if it should use a whole rest or a breve rest to represent 1 measure

Music types accepted:

multi-measure-text-event and multi-measure-rest-event

Properties (read)

internalBarNumber (integer)
Contains the current barnumber. This property is used for internal timekeeping, among others by the Accidental_engraver.
restNumberThreshold (number)
If a multimeasure rest has more measures than this, a number is printed.
breakableSeparationItem (layout object)
The breakable items in this time step, for this staff.
currentCommandColumn (layout object)
Grob that is X-parent to all current breakable (clef, key signature, etc.) items.
measurePosition (moment)
How much of the current measure have we had. This can be set manually to create incomplete measures.
measureLength (moment)
Length of one measure in the current time signature.
This engraver creates the following layout objects: MultiMeasureRest, MultiMeasureRestNumber and MultiMeasureRestText.
Apply a procedure to any grob acknowledged.

Music types accepted:


Print the bracketed notehead after a notehead with trill.

This engraver creates the following layout objects: TrillPitchAccidental, TrillPitchGroup and TrillPitchHead.

Puts fontSize into font-size grob property.

Properties (read)

fontSize (number)
The relative size of all grobs in a context.


(not documented)

This context creates the following layout objects:

BassFigureAlignment, BassFigureBracket, BassFigureContinuation, BassFigureLine, BassFigure, SeparatingGroupSpanner, SeparationItem, StaffSpacing and VerticalAxisGroup.

This context sets the following properties:

This context is a `bottom' context; it can not contain other contexts.

This context is built from the following engravers:

Like Axis_group_engraver, but make a hara-kiri spanner, and add interesting items (ie. note heads, lyric syllables and normal rests)

Properties (read)

keepAliveInterfaces (list)
List of symbols, signifying grob interfaces that are worth keeping an staff with remove-empty set around for.
This engraver creates the following layout objects: VerticalAxisGroup.
Generates objects for computing spacing parameters.

Properties (read)

createSpacing (boolean)
Create StaffSpacing objects? Should be set for staves.
Properties (write)
breakableSeparationItem (layout object)
The breakable items in this time step, for this staff.
This engraver creates the following layout objects: SeparatingGroupSpanner, SeparationItem and StaffSpacing.
Swallow \skip.
Swallow notes
Make figured bass numbers.

Music types accepted:

bass-figure-event and rest-event

Properties (read)

figuredBassAlterationDirection (direction)
Where to put alterations relative to the main figure.
figuredBassCenterContinuations (boolean)
Whether to vertically center pairs of extender lines. This does not work with three or more lines
figuredBassFormatter (procedure)
Routine generating a markup for a bass figure.
implicitBassFigures (list)
List of bass figures that are not printed as numbers, but only as extender lines.
useBassFigureExtenders (boolean)
Whether to use extender lines for repeated bass figures
ignoreFiguredBassRest (boolean)
Don't swallow rest events.
This engraver creates the following layout objects: BassFigure, BassFigureAlignment, BassFigureBracket, BassFigureContinuation and BassFigureLine.


(not documented)

This context creates the following layout objects:

FretBoard, InstrumentName, SeparatingGroupSpanner, SeparationItem, StaffSpacing and VerticalAxisGroup.

This context is a `bottom' context; it can not contain other contexts.

This context is built from the following engravers:

Creates a system start text for instrument or vocal names.

Properties (read)

currentCommandColumn (layout object)
Grob that is X-parent to all current breakable (clef, key signature, etc.) items.
shortInstrumentName (markup)
See instrument
instrumentName (markup)
The name to print left of a staff. The instrument property labels the staff in the first system, and the instr property labels following lines.
shortVocalName (markup)
Name of a vocal line, short version.
vocalName (markup)
Name of a vocal line.
This engraver creates the following layout objects: InstrumentName.
Puts fontSize into font-size grob property.

Properties (read)

fontSize (number)
The relative size of all grobs in a context.

Generates objects for computing spacing parameters.

Properties (read)

createSpacing (boolean)
Create StaffSpacing objects? Should be set for staves.
Properties (write)
breakableSeparationItem (layout object)
The breakable items in this time step, for this staff.
This engraver creates the following layout objects: SeparatingGroupSpanner, SeparationItem and StaffSpacing.
Generate one or more tablature noteheads from event of type NoteEvent.

Music types accepted:

string-number-event and note-event

Properties (read)

stringTunings (list)
The tablature strings tuning. It is a list of the pitch (in semitones) of each string (starting with the lower one).
minimumFret (number)
The tablature auto string-selecting mechanism selects the highest string with a fret at least minimumFret
tablatureFormat (procedure)
Function formatting a tab note head; it takes a string number, a list of string tunings and Pitch object. It returns the text as a string.
highStringOne (boolean)
Whether the 1st string is the string with highest pitch on the instrument. This used by the automatic string selector for tab notation.
This engraver creates the following layout objects: FretBoard.
Group all objects created in this context in a VerticalAxisGroup spanner.

Properties (read)

currentCommandColumn (layout object)
Grob that is X-parent to all current breakable (clef, key signature, etc.) items.
This engraver creates the following layout objects: VerticalAxisGroup.
Apply a procedure to any grob acknowledged.

Music types accepted:



Hard coded entry point for LilyPond. Cannot be tuned.

This context creates the following layout objects:


This context sets the following properties:

Context Global can contain Score

This context is built from the following engravers:


A group of staffs, with a brace on the left side, grouping the staves together. The bar lines of the contained staves are connected vertically.

This context creates the following layout objects:

Arpeggio, SpanBar, SystemStartBar, SystemStartBrace, SystemStartBracket and SystemStartSquare.

This context sets the following properties:

Context GrandStaff can contain FiguredBass and Staff

This context is built from the following engravers:

Creates a system start delimiter (ie. SystemStart{Bar, Brace, Bracket} spanner

Properties (read)

systemStartDelimiter (symbol)
Which grob to make for the start of the system/staff? Set to SystemStartBrace, SystemStartBracket or SystemStartBar.
systemStartDelimiterHierarchy (pair)
A nested list, indicating the nesting of a start delimiters.
currentCommandColumn (layout object)
Grob that is X-parent to all current breakable (clef, key signature, etc.) items.
This engraver creates the following layout objects: SystemStartBar, SystemStartBrace, SystemStartBracket and SystemStartSquare.

Properties (read)

connectArpeggios (boolean)
If set, connect arpeggios across piano staff.
This engraver creates the following layout objects: Arpeggio.
This engraver makes cross-staff barlines: It catches all normal bar lines, and draws a single span-bar across them.

This engraver creates the following layout objects: SpanBar.


Handles clefs, bar lines, keys, accidentals. It can contain Voice contexts.

This context also accepts commands for the following context(s):


This context creates the following layout objects:

AccidentalSuggestion, Accidental, BarLine, BassFigureAlignmentPositioning, BassFigureAlignment, BassFigureBracket, BassFigureContinuation, BassFigureLine, BassFigure, Clef, DotColumn, InstrumentName, KeySignature, LedgerLineSpanner, NoteCollision, OctavateEight, OttavaBracket, PianoPedalBracket, RestCollision, ScriptRow, SeparatingGroupSpanner, SeparationItem, SostenutoPedalLineSpanner, SostenutoPedal, StaffSpacing, StaffSymbol, SustainPedalLineSpanner, SustainPedal, TimeSignature, UnaCordaPedalLineSpanner, UnaCordaPedal, VerticalAxisGroup and VoltaBracket.

This context sets the following properties:

Context GregorianTranscriptionStaff can contain GregorianTranscriptionVoice and CueVoice

This context is built from the following engravers:

Determine order in horizontal side position elements.

This engraver creates the following layout objects: ScriptRow.

Position figured bass alignments over notes.

This engraver creates the following layout objects: BassFigureAlignmentPositioning.

Make figured bass numbers.

Music types accepted:

bass-figure-event and rest-event

Properties (read)

figuredBassAlterationDirection (direction)
Where to put alterations relative to the main figure.
figuredBassCenterContinuations (boolean)
Whether to vertically center pairs of extender lines. This does not work with three or more lines
figuredBassFormatter (procedure)
Routine generating a markup for a bass figure.
implicitBassFigures (list)
List of bass figures that are not printed as numbers, but only as extender lines.
useBassFigureExtenders (boolean)
Whether to use extender lines for repeated bass figures
ignoreFiguredBassRest (boolean)
Don't swallow rest events.
This engraver creates the following layout objects: BassFigure, BassFigureAlignment, BassFigureBracket, BassFigureContinuation and BassFigureLine.
Group all objects created in this context in a VerticalAxisGroup spanner.

Properties (read)

currentCommandColumn (layout object)
Grob that is X-parent to all current breakable (clef, key signature, etc.) items.
This engraver creates the following layout objects: VerticalAxisGroup.
Swallow string-number-events - the purpose of this engraver is to process tab for normal notation. To provent warnings for unprocessed string-number-event to obscure real error messages, this engraver swallows them all.
Creates a system start text for instrument or vocal names.

Properties (read)

currentCommandColumn (layout object)
Grob that is X-parent to all current breakable (clef, key signature, etc.) items.
shortInstrumentName (markup)
See instrument
instrumentName (markup)
The name to print left of a staff. The instrument property labels the staff in the first system, and the instr property labels following lines.
shortVocalName (markup)
Name of a vocal line, short version.
vocalName (markup)
Name of a vocal line.
This engraver creates the following layout objects: InstrumentName.
Align piano pedal symbols and brackets.

Properties (read)

currentCommandColumn (layout object)
Grob that is X-parent to all current breakable (clef, key signature, etc.) items.
This engraver creates the following layout objects: SostenutoPedalLineSpanner, SustainPedalLineSpanner and UnaCordaPedalLineSpanner.
Engrave piano pedal symbols and brackets.

Music types accepted:

una-corda-event, sustain-event and sostenuto-event

Properties (read)

currentCommandColumn (layout object)
Grob that is X-parent to all current breakable (clef, key signature, etc.) items.
pedalSostenutoStrings (list)
See pedalSustainStrings.
pedalSostenutoStyle (symbol)
see pedalSustainStyle.
pedalSustainStrings (list)
List of string to print for sustain-pedal. Format is (up updown down), where each of the three is the string to print when this is done with the pedal.
pedalSustainStyle (symbol)
A symbol that indicates how to print sustain pedals: text, bracket or mixed (both).
pedalUnaCordaStrings (list)
See pedalSustainStrings.
pedalUnaCordaStyle (symbol)
see pedalSustainStyle.
This engraver creates the following layout objects: PianoPedalBracket, SostenutoPedal, SustainPedal and UnaCordaPedal.
Make accidentals. Catch note heads, ties and notices key-change events. This engraver usually lives at Staff level, but reads the settings for Accidental at Voice level, so you can \override them at Voice.

Properties (read)

autoAccidentals (list)
List of different ways to typeset an accidental.

For determining when to print an accidental, several different rules are tried. The rule that gives the highest number of accidentals is used. Each rule consists of

In which context is the rule applied. For example, if context is Score then all staves share accidentals, and if context is Staff then all voices in the same staff share accidentals, but staves do not.
Whether the accidental changes all octaves or only the current octave. Valid choices are
This is the default algorithm. Accidentals are typeset if the note changes the accidental of that note in that octave. Accidentals lasts to the end of the measure and then as many measures as specified in the value. I.e. 1 means to the end of next measure, -1 means to the end of previous measure (that is: no duration at all), etc. #t means forever.
Accidentals are typeset if the note is different from the previous note on the same pitch in any octave. The value has same meaning as in same-octave.

Over how many bar lines the accidental lasts. If laziness is -1 then the accidental is forgotten immediately, and if laziness is #t then the accidental lasts forever.

autoCautionaries (list)
List similar to autoAccidentals, but it controls cautionary accidentals rather than normal ones. Both lists are tried, and the one giving the most accidentals wins. In case of draw, a normal accidental is typeset.
internalBarNumber (integer)
Contains the current barnumber. This property is used for internal timekeeping, among others by the Accidental_engraver.
extraNatural (boolean)
Whether to typeset an extra natural sign before accidentals changing from a non-natural to another non-natural.
harmonicAccidentals (boolean)
If set, harmonic notes in chords get accidentals.
localKeySignature (list)
the key signature at this point in the measure. The format is the same as for keySignature, but can also contain ((octave . name) . (alter . barnumber)) pairs. It is reset at every bar line.
Properties (write)
localKeySignature (list)
the key signature at this point in the measure. The format is the same as for keySignature, but can also contain ((octave . name) . (alter . barnumber)) pairs. It is reset at every bar line.
This engraver creates the following layout objects: Accidental and AccidentalSuggestion.
Handles collisions of rests.

This engraver creates the following layout objects: RestCollision.

Collect NoteColumns, and as soon as there are two or more, put them in a NoteCollision object.

This engraver creates the following layout objects: NoteCollision.

Create the constellation of five (default) staff lines.

Music types accepted:


This engraver creates the following layout objects: StaffSymbol.

Creates the spanner to draw ledger lines, and notices objects that need ledger lines

This engraver creates the following layout objects: LedgerLineSpanner.

Create a TimeSignature whenever timeSignatureFraction changes

This engraver creates the following layout objects: TimeSignature.


Music types accepted:


Properties (read)

createKeyOnClefChange (boolean)
Print a key signature whenever the clef is changed.
explicitKeySignatureVisibility (vector)
`break-visibility' function for explicit key changes. `\override' of the break-visibility property will set the visibility for normal (i.e. at the start of the line) key signatures.
extraNatural (boolean)
Whether to typeset an extra natural sign before accidentals changing from a non-natural to another non-natural.
keyAlterationOrder (list)
Alist that defines in what order alterations should be printed. The format is (step . alter), where step is from 0 .. 6 and alter from -2 (sharp) and 2 (flat).
keySignature (list)
The current key signature. This is an alist containing (name . alter) or ((octave . name) . alter). where name is from 0.. 6 and alter from -4 (double flat) to 4 (double sharp).
keySignature (list)
The current key signature. This is an alist containing (name . alter) or ((octave . name) . alter). where name is from 0.. 6 and alter from -4 (double flat) to 4 (double sharp).
lastKeySignature (list)
Last key signature before a key signature change.
printKeyCancellation (boolean)
Print restoration alterations before a key signature change.
Properties (write)
keySignature (list)
The current key signature. This is an alist containing (name . alter) or ((octave . name) . alter). where name is from 0.. 6 and alter from -4 (double flat) to 4 (double sharp).
lastKeySignature (list)
Last key signature before a key signature change.
tonic (pitch)
The tonic of the current scale
This engraver creates the following layout objects: KeySignature.
Determine and set reference point for pitches

Properties (read)

clefGlyph (string)
Name of the symbol within the music font.
clefOctavation (integer)
Add this much extra octavation. Values of 7 and -7 are common.
clefPosition (number)
Where should the center of the clef symbol go, measured in half staff spaces from the center of the staff.
explicitClefVisibility (vector)
`break-visibility' function for clef changes.
forceClef (boolean)
Show clef symbol, even if it has not changed. Only active for the first clef after the property is set, not for the full staff.
middleCPosition (number)
Place of the middle C, measured in half staff-spaces. Usually determined by looking at clefPosition and clefGlyph.
This engraver creates the following layout objects: Clef and OctavateEight.
Create a text spanner when the ottavation property changes..

Properties (read)

ottavation (string)
If set, the text for an ottava spanner. Changing this creates a new text spanner.
originalMiddleCPosition (integer)
Used for temporary overriding middle C in octavation brackets.
currentMusicalColumn (layout object)
Grob that is X-parent to all non-breakable items (note heads, lyrics, etc.).
This engraver creates the following layout objects: OttavaBracket.
Engraves dots on dotted notes shifted to the right of the note. If omitted, then dots appear on top of the notes.

This engraver creates the following layout objects: DotColumn.

Generates objects for computing spacing parameters.

Properties (read)

createSpacing (boolean)
Create StaffSpacing objects? Should be set for staves.
Properties (write)
breakableSeparationItem (layout object)
The breakable items in this time step, for this staff.
This engraver creates the following layout objects: SeparatingGroupSpanner, SeparationItem and StaffSpacing.
Make volta brackets.

Properties (read)

repeatCommands (list)
This property is read to find any command of the form (volta . x), where x is a string or #f
voltaSpannerDuration (moment)
This specifies the maximum duration to use for the brackets printed for \alternative. This can be used to shrink the length of brackets in the situation where one alternative is very large.
stavesFound (list of grobs)
list of all staff-symbols found.
This engraver creates the following layout objects: VoltaBracket.
Puts fontSize into font-size grob property.

Properties (read)

fontSize (number)
The relative size of all grobs in a context.

Create barlines. This engraver is controlled through the whichBar property. If it has no bar line to create, it will forbid a linebreak at this point

Properties (read)

whichBar (string)
This property is read to determine what type of bar line to create.


               \set Staff.whichBar = "|:"

This will create a start-repeat bar in this staff only. Valid values are described in bar-line-interface.

Properties (write)
forbidBreak (boolean)
If set to ##t, prevent a line break at this point.
This engraver creates the following layout objects: BarLine.
Apply a procedure to any grob acknowledged.

Music types accepted:



Corresponds to a voice on a staff. This context handles the conversion of dynamic signs, stems, beams, super- and subscripts, slurs, ties, and rests.

You have to instantiate this explicitly if you want to have multiple voices on the same staff.

This context also accepts commands for the following context(s):


This context creates the following layout objects:

Arpeggio, Beam, BendAfter, BreathingSign, ClusterSpannerBeacon, ClusterSpanner, CombineTextScript, Dots, DoublePercentRepeatCounter, DoublePercentRepeat, DynamicLineSpanner, DynamicText, Fingering, Glissando, Hairpin, InstrumentSwitch, LaissezVibrerTieColumn, LaissezVibrerTie, MultiMeasureRestNumber, MultiMeasureRestText, MultiMeasureRest, NoteColumn, NoteHead, NoteSpacing, PercentRepeatCounter, PercentRepeat, PhrasingSlur, RepeatSlash, RepeatTieColumn, RepeatTie, Rest, ScriptColumn, Script, Slur, StemTremolo, Stem, StringNumber, StrokeFinger, TextScript, TextSpanner, TieColumn, Tie, TrillPitchAccidental, TrillPitchGroup, TrillPitchHead, TrillSpanner, TupletBracket, TupletNumber and VoiceFollower.

This context sets the following properties:

This context is a `bottom' context; it can not contain other contexts.

This context is built from the following engravers:

Swallow \skip.
Create a cue text for taking instrument.

Properties (read)

instrumentCueName (markup)
Name to print if another instrument is to be taken.
This engraver creates the following layout objects: InstrumentSwitch.
Set font size and other properties for grace notes.

Properties (read)

graceSettings (list)
Overrides for grace notes. This property should be manipulated through the add-grace-property function.

Catch tuplet events and generate appropriate bracket.

Music types accepted:


Properties (read)

tupletFullLength (boolean)
If set, the tuplet is printed up to the start of the next note.
tupletFullLengthNote (boolean)
If set, end at the next note, otherwise end on the matter (time sigs, etc.) before the note.
This engraver creates the following layout objects: TupletBracket and TupletNumber.
Generate ties between noteheads of equal pitch.

Music types accepted:


Properties (read)

tieWaitForNote (boolean)
If true, tied notes do not have to follow each other directly. This can be used for writing out arpeggios
Properties (write)
tieMelismaBusy (boolean)
Signal whether a tie is present.
This engraver creates the following layout objects: Tie and TieColumn.
Build slur grobs from slur events

Music types accepted:


Properties (read)

slurMelismaBusy (boolean)
Signal if a slur is present.
doubleSlurs (boolean)
When set, two slurs are created for every slurred note, one above and one below the chord.
This engraver creates the following layout objects: Slur.
Engraves a cluster using Spanner notation

Music types accepted:


This engraver creates the following layout objects: ClusterSpanner and ClusterSpannerBeacon.

Print phrasing slurs. Similar to Slur_engraver

Music types accepted:


This engraver creates the following layout objects: PhrasingSlur.

Generates NoteSpacing, an object linking horizontal lines for use in spacing.

This engraver creates the following layout objects: NoteSpacing.

Generates NoteColumn, an objects that groups stems, noteheads and rests.

This engraver creates the following layout objects: NoteColumn.


This engraver creates the following layout objects: ScriptColumn.

Handles note scripted articulations.

Music types accepted:


Properties (read)

scriptDefinitions (list)
Description of scripts. This is used by Script_engraver for typesetting note-super/subscripts. See scm/script.scm for more information
This engraver creates the following layout objects: Script.
Create fall spanners.

Music types accepted:


This engraver creates the following layout objects: BendAfter.

Create fingering-scripts

Music types accepted:

stroke-finger-event and fingering-event

This engraver creates the following layout objects: Fingering.

This engraver creates hairpins, dynamic texts, and their vertical alignments. The symbols are collected onto a DynamicLineSpanner grob which takes care of vertical positioning.

Music types accepted:

span-dynamic-event and absolute-dynamic-event

This engraver creates the following layout objects: DynamicLineSpanner, DynamicText, Hairpin and TextSpanner.

Create text-scripts

Music types accepted:


This engraver creates the following layout objects: TextScript.

Part combine engraver for orchestral scores: Print markings a2, Solo, Solo II, and unisono

Music types accepted:


Properties (read)

printPartCombineTexts (boolean)
set Solo/A due texts in the part combiner?
soloText (string)
text for begin of solo when part-combining.
soloIIText (string)
text for begin of solo for voice “two” when part-combining.
aDueText (string)
Text to print at a unisono passage.
This engraver creates the following layout objects: CombineTextScript.
Make beat repeats.

Music types accepted:


Properties (read)

measureLength (moment)
Length of one measure in the current time signature.
This engraver creates the following layout objects: RepeatSlash.
Make whole bar and double bar repeats.

Music types accepted:


Properties (read)

countPercentRepeats (boolean)
If set, produce counters for percent repeats.
currentCommandColumn (layout object)
Grob that is X-parent to all current breakable (clef, key signature, etc.) items.
measureLength (moment)
Length of one measure in the current time signature.
Properties (write)
forbidBreak (boolean)
If set to ##t, prevent a line break at this point.
This engraver creates the following layout objects: DoublePercentRepeat, DoublePercentRepeatCounter, PercentRepeat and PercentRepeatCounter.
Generates beams for tremolo repeats.

Music types accepted:


This engraver creates the following layout objects: Beam.

Create fingering-scripts for notes in a new chord. This engraver is ill-named, since it also takes care of articulations and harmonic note heads

Properties (read)

fingeringOrientations (list)
List of symbols, containing `left', `right', `up' and/or `down'. This list determines where fingerings are put relative to the chord being fingered.
strokeFingerOrientations (list)
See fingeringOrientations
stringNumberOrientations (list)
See fingeringOrientations
This engraver creates the following layout objects: Fingering, Script, StringNumber and StrokeFinger.
Generate beams based on measure characteristics and observed Stems. Uses beatLength, measureLength and measurePosition to decide when to start and stop a beam. Overriding beaming is done through Stem_engraver properties stemLeftBeamCount and stemRightBeamCount.

Music types accepted:


Properties (read)

autoBeaming (boolean)
If set to true then beams are generated automatically.
autoBeamSettings (list)
Specifies when automatically generated beams should begin and end. See Setting automatic beam behavior for more information.
beatLength (moment)
The length of one beat in this time signature.
subdivideBeams (boolean)
If set, multiple beams will be subdivided at beat positions by only drawing one beam over the beat.
This engraver creates the following layout objects: Beam.
Handles Beam events by engraving Beams. If omitted, then notes will be printed with flags instead of beams. Only engraves beams when we are at grace points in time.

Music types accepted:


Properties (read)

beamMelismaBusy (boolean)
Signal if a beam is present.
beatLength (moment)
The length of one beat in this time signature.
allowBeamBreak (boolean)
If true allow line breaks for beams over bar lines.
subdivideBeams (boolean)
If set, multiple beams will be subdivided at beat positions by only drawing one beam over the beat.
This engraver creates the following layout objects: Beam.
Handles Beam events by engraving Beams. If omitted, then notes will be printed with flags instead of beams.

Music types accepted:


Properties (read)

beamMelismaBusy (boolean)
Signal if a beam is present.
beatLength (moment)
The length of one beat in this time signature.
subdivideBeams (boolean)
If set, multiple beams will be subdivided at beat positions by only drawing one beam over the beat.
Properties (write)
forbidBreak (boolean)
If set to ##t, prevent a line break at this point.
This engraver creates the following layout objects: Beam.
Create stems and single-stem tremolos. It also works together with the beam engraver for overriding beaming.

Music types accepted:


Properties (read)

tremoloFlags (integer)
Number of tremolo flags to add if no number is specified.
stemLeftBeamCount (integer)
Specify the number of beams to draw on the left side of the next note. Overrides automatic beaming. The value is only used once, and then it is erased.
stemRightBeamCount (integer)
See stemLeftBeamCount.
This engraver creates the following layout objects: Stem and StemTremolo.

Music types accepted:


Properties (read)

middleCPosition (number)
Place of the middle C, measured in half staff-spaces. Usually determined by looking at clefPosition and clefGlyph.
This engraver creates the following layout objects: Rest.
Create Dots objects for rhythmic-head-interfaces.

This engraver creates the following layout objects: Dots.

Generate noteheads.

Music types accepted:


Properties (read)

middleCPosition (number)
Place of the middle C, measured in half staff-spaces. Usually determined by looking at clefPosition and clefGlyph.
This engraver creates the following layout objects: NoteHead.

Music types accepted:


This engraver creates the following layout objects: BreathingSign.

Handles Ligature_events by engraving Ligature brackets.

Music types accepted:


This engraver creates the following layout objects: TupletBracket.

Engrave a glissandi

Music types accepted:


Properties (read)

followVoice (boolean)
If set, note heads are tracked across staff switches by a thin line
This engraver creates the following layout objects: Glissando.
Engrave a line between two note heads, for example a glissando. If followVoice is set, staff switches also generate a line.

Properties (read)

followVoice (boolean)
If set, note heads are tracked across staff switches by a thin line
This engraver creates the following layout objects: Glissando and VoiceFollower.
Create Laissez vibrer items.

Music types accepted:


This engraver creates the following layout objects: RepeatTie and RepeatTieColumn.

Create Laissez vibrer items.

Music types accepted:


This engraver creates the following layout objects: LaissezVibrerTie and LaissezVibrerTieColumn.

Forbid line breaks when note heads are still playing at some point.

Properties (read)

busyGrobs (list)
a queue of (end-moment . GROB) conses. This is for internal (C++) use only. This property contains the grobs which are still busy (e.g. note heads, spanners, etc.)
Properties (write)
forbidBreak (boolean)
If set to ##t, prevent a line break at this point.

Administrate when certain grobs (eg. note heads) stop playing

Properties (read)

busyGrobs (list)
a queue of (end-moment . GROB) conses. This is for internal (C++) use only. This property contains the grobs which are still busy (e.g. note heads, spanners, etc.)
Properties (write)
busyGrobs (list)
a queue of (end-moment . GROB) conses. This is for internal (C++) use only. This property contains the grobs which are still busy (e.g. note heads, spanners, etc.)

Create trill spanner from an event.

Music types accepted:


This engraver creates the following layout objects: TrillSpanner.

Create text spanner from an event.

Music types accepted:


This engraver creates the following layout objects: TextSpanner.

Engraves multi-measure rests that are produced with R. Reads measurePosition and internalBarNumber to determine what number to print over the MultiMeasureRest. Reads measureLength to determine if it should use a whole rest or a breve rest to represent 1 measure

Music types accepted:

multi-measure-text-event and multi-measure-rest-event

Properties (read)

internalBarNumber (integer)
Contains the current barnumber. This property is used for internal timekeeping, among others by the Accidental_engraver.
restNumberThreshold (number)
If a multimeasure rest has more measures than this, a number is printed.
breakableSeparationItem (layout object)
The breakable items in this time step, for this staff.
currentCommandColumn (layout object)
Grob that is X-parent to all current breakable (clef, key signature, etc.) items.
measurePosition (moment)
How much of the current measure have we had. This can be set manually to create incomplete measures.
measureLength (moment)
Length of one measure in the current time signature.
This engraver creates the following layout objects: MultiMeasureRest, MultiMeasureRestNumber and MultiMeasureRestText.
Generate an Arpeggio symbol

Music types accepted:


This engraver creates the following layout objects: Arpeggio.

Apply a procedure to any grob acknowledged.

Music types accepted:


Print the bracketed notehead after a notehead with trill.

This engraver creates the following layout objects: TrillPitchAccidental, TrillPitchGroup and TrillPitchHead.

Puts fontSize into font-size grob property.

Properties (read)

fontSize (number)
The relative size of all grobs in a context.


(not documented)

This context creates the following layout objects:

SystemStartBar, SystemStartBrace, SystemStartBracket and SystemStartSquare.

This context sets the following properties:

Context InnerChoirStaff can contain Staff, ChordNames, Lyrics, PianoStaff, GrandStaff, RhythmicStaff and DrumStaff

This context is built from the following engravers:

Creates a system start delimiter (ie. SystemStart{Bar, Brace, Bracket} spanner

Properties (read)

systemStartDelimiter (symbol)
Which grob to make for the start of the system/staff? Set to SystemStartBrace, SystemStartBracket or SystemStartBar.
systemStartDelimiterHierarchy (pair)
A nested list, indicating the nesting of a start delimiters.
currentCommandColumn (layout object)
Grob that is X-parent to all current breakable (clef, key signature, etc.) items.
This engraver creates the following layout objects: SystemStartBar, SystemStartBrace, SystemStartBracket and SystemStartSquare.


(not documented)

This context creates the following layout objects:

Arpeggio, SpanBar, SystemStartBar, SystemStartBrace, SystemStartBracket and SystemStartSquare.

This context sets the following properties:

Context InnerStaffGroup can contain Staff, ChordNames, Lyrics, TabStaff, PianoStaff, GrandStaff, DrumStaff and RhythmicStaff

This context is built from the following engravers:

Creates a system start delimiter (ie. SystemStart{Bar, Brace, Bracket} spanner

Properties (read)

systemStartDelimiter (symbol)
Which grob to make for the start of the system/staff? Set to SystemStartBrace, SystemStartBracket or SystemStartBar.
systemStartDelimiterHierarchy (pair)
A nested list, indicating the nesting of a start delimiters.
currentCommandColumn (layout object)
Grob that is X-parent to all current breakable (clef, key signature, etc.) items.
This engraver creates the following layout objects: SystemStartBar, SystemStartBrace, SystemStartBracket and SystemStartSquare.
Apply a procedure to any grob acknowledged.

Music types accepted:



Properties (read)

connectArpeggios (boolean)
If set, connect arpeggios across piano staff.
This engraver creates the following layout objects: Arpeggio.
This engraver makes cross-staff barlines: It catches all normal bar lines, and draws a single span-bar across them.

This engraver creates the following layout objects: SpanBar.


Corresponds to a voice with lyrics. Handles the printing of a single line of lyrics.

This context creates the following layout objects:

InstrumentName, LyricExtender, LyricHyphen, LyricSpace, LyricText, StanzaNumber and VerticalAxisGroup.

This context sets the following properties:

This context is a `bottom' context; it can not contain other contexts.

This context is built from the following engravers:

Like Axis_group_engraver, but make a hara-kiri spanner, and add interesting items (ie. note heads, lyric syllables and normal rests)

Properties (read)

keepAliveInterfaces (list)
List of symbols, signifying grob interfaces that are worth keeping an staff with remove-empty set around for.
This engraver creates the following layout objects: VerticalAxisGroup.
Puts fontSize into font-size grob property.

Properties (read)

fontSize (number)
The relative size of all grobs in a context.

Swallow \skip.
Creates a system start text for instrument or vocal names.

Properties (read)

currentCommandColumn (layout object)
Grob that is X-parent to all current breakable (clef, key signature, etc.) items.
shortInstrumentName (markup)
See instrument
instrumentName (markup)
The name to print left of a staff. The instrument property labels the staff in the first system, and the instr property labels following lines.
shortVocalName (markup)
Name of a vocal line, short version.
vocalName (markup)
Name of a vocal line.
This engraver creates the following layout objects: InstrumentName.

Properties (read)

stanza (markup)
Stanza `number' to print before the start of a verse. Use in Lyrics context.
This engraver creates the following layout objects: StanzaNumber.
Create lyric hyphens and distance constraints between words.

Music types accepted:


This engraver creates the following layout objects: LyricHyphen and LyricSpace.

Create lyric extenders

Music types accepted:


Properties (read)

extendersOverRests (boolean)
Whether to continue extenders as they cross a rest.
This engraver creates the following layout objects: LyricExtender.

Music types accepted:


This engraver creates the following layout objects: LyricText.


Same as Staff context, except that it is accommodated for tyepsetting a piece in mensural style.

This context also accepts commands for the following context(s):


This context creates the following layout objects:

AccidentalSuggestion, Accidental, BarLine, BassFigureAlignmentPositioning, BassFigureAlignment, BassFigureBracket, BassFigureContinuation, BassFigureLine, BassFigure, Clef, Custos, DotColumn, InstrumentName, KeySignature, LedgerLineSpanner, NoteCollision, OctavateEight, OttavaBracket, PianoPedalBracket, RestCollision, ScriptRow, SeparatingGroupSpanner, SeparationItem, SostenutoPedalLineSpanner, SostenutoPedal, StaffSpacing, StaffSymbol, SustainPedalLineSpanner, SustainPedal, TimeSignature, UnaCordaPedalLineSpanner, UnaCordaPedal, VerticalAxisGroup and VoltaBracket.

This context sets the following properties:

Context MensuralStaff can contain MensuralVoice and CueVoice

This context is built from the following engravers:


This engraver creates the following layout objects: Custos.

Determine order in horizontal side position elements.

This engraver creates the following layout objects: ScriptRow.

Position figured bass alignments over notes.

This engraver creates the following layout objects: BassFigureAlignmentPositioning.

Make figured bass numbers.

Music types accepted:

bass-figure-event and rest-event

Properties (read)

figuredBassAlterationDirection (direction)
Where to put alterations relative to the main figure.
figuredBassCenterContinuations (boolean)
Whether to vertically center pairs of extender lines. This does not work with three or more lines
figuredBassFormatter (procedure)
Routine generating a markup for a bass figure.
implicitBassFigures (list)
List of bass figures that are not printed as numbers, but only as extender lines.
useBassFigureExtenders (boolean)
Whether to use extender lines for repeated bass figures
ignoreFiguredBassRest (boolean)
Don't swallow rest events.
This engraver creates the following layout objects: BassFigure, BassFigureAlignment, BassFigureBracket, BassFigureContinuation and BassFigureLine.
Group all objects created in this context in a VerticalAxisGroup spanner.

Properties (read)

currentCommandColumn (layout object)
Grob that is X-parent to all current breakable (clef, key signature, etc.) items.
This engraver creates the following layout objects: VerticalAxisGroup.
Swallow string-number-events - the purpose of this engraver is to process tab for normal notation. To provent warnings for unprocessed string-number-event to obscure real error messages, this engraver swallows them all.
Creates a system start text for instrument or vocal names.

Properties (read)

currentCommandColumn (layout object)
Grob that is X-parent to all current breakable (clef, key signature, etc.) items.
shortInstrumentName (markup)
See instrument
instrumentName (markup)
The name to print left of a staff. The instrument property labels the staff in the first system, and the instr property labels following lines.
shortVocalName (markup)
Name of a vocal line, short version.
vocalName (markup)
Name of a vocal line.
This engraver creates the following layout objects: InstrumentName.
Align piano pedal symbols and brackets.

Properties (read)

currentCommandColumn (layout object)
Grob that is X-parent to all current breakable (clef, key signature, etc.) items.
This engraver creates the following layout objects: SostenutoPedalLineSpanner, SustainPedalLineSpanner and UnaCordaPedalLineSpanner.
Engrave piano pedal symbols and brackets.

Music types accepted:

una-corda-event, sustain-event and sostenuto-event

Properties (read)

currentCommandColumn (layout object)
Grob that is X-parent to all current breakable (clef, key signature, etc.) items.
pedalSostenutoStrings (list)
See pedalSustainStrings.
pedalSostenutoStyle (symbol)
see pedalSustainStyle.
pedalSustainStrings (list)
List of string to print for sustain-pedal. Format is (up updown down), where each of the three is the string to print when this is done with the pedal.
pedalSustainStyle (symbol)
A symbol that indicates how to print sustain pedals: text, bracket or mixed (both).
pedalUnaCordaStrings (list)
See pedalSustainStrings.
pedalUnaCordaStyle (symbol)
see pedalSustainStyle.
This engraver creates the following layout objects: PianoPedalBracket, SostenutoPedal, SustainPedal and UnaCordaPedal.
Make accidentals. Catch note heads, ties and notices key-change events. This engraver usually lives at Staff level, but reads the settings for Accidental at Voice level, so you can \override them at Voice.

Properties (read)

autoAccidentals (list)
List of different ways to typeset an accidental.

For determining when to print an accidental, several different rules are tried. The rule that gives the highest number of accidentals is used. Each rule consists of

In which context is the rule applied. For example, if context is Score then all staves share accidentals, and if context is Staff then all voices in the same staff share accidentals, but staves do not.
Whether the accidental changes all octaves or only the current octave. Valid choices are
This is the default algorithm. Accidentals are typeset if the note changes the accidental of that note in that octave. Accidentals lasts to the end of the measure and then as many measures as specified in the value. I.e. 1 means to the end of next measure, -1 means to the end of previous measure (that is: no duration at all), etc. #t means forever.
Accidentals are typeset if the note is different from the previous note on the same pitch in any octave. The value has same meaning as in same-octave.

Over how many bar lines the accidental lasts. If laziness is -1 then the accidental is forgotten immediately, and if laziness is #t then the accidental lasts forever.

autoCautionaries (list)
List similar to autoAccidentals, but it controls cautionary accidentals rather than normal ones. Both lists are tried, and the one giving the most accidentals wins. In case of draw, a normal accidental is typeset.
internalBarNumber (integer)
Contains the current barnumber. This property is used for internal timekeeping, among others by the Accidental_engraver.
extraNatural (boolean)
Whether to typeset an extra natural sign before accidentals changing from a non-natural to another non-natural.
harmonicAccidentals (boolean)
If set, harmonic notes in chords get accidentals.
localKeySignature (list)
the key signature at this point in the measure. The format is the same as for keySignature, but can also contain ((octave . name) . (alter . barnumber)) pairs. It is reset at every bar line.
Properties (write)
localKeySignature (list)
the key signature at this point in the measure. The format is the same as for keySignature, but can also contain ((octave . name) . (alter . barnumber)) pairs. It is reset at every bar line.
This engraver creates the following layout objects: Accidental and AccidentalSuggestion.
Handles collisions of rests.

This engraver creates the following layout objects: RestCollision.

Collect NoteColumns, and as soon as there are two or more, put them in a NoteCollision object.

This engraver creates the following layout objects: NoteCollision.

Create the constellation of five (default) staff lines.

Music types accepted:


This engraver creates the following layout objects: StaffSymbol.

Creates the spanner to draw ledger lines, and notices objects that need ledger lines

This engraver creates the following layout objects: LedgerLineSpanner.

Create a TimeSignature whenever timeSignatureFraction changes

This engraver creates the following layout objects: TimeSignature.


Music types accepted:


Properties (read)

createKeyOnClefChange (boolean)
Print a key signature whenever the clef is changed.
explicitKeySignatureVisibility (vector)
`break-visibility' function for explicit key changes. `\override' of the break-visibility property will set the visibility for normal (i.e. at the start of the line) key signatures.
extraNatural (boolean)
Whether to typeset an extra natural sign before accidentals changing from a non-natural to another non-natural.
keyAlterationOrder (list)
Alist that defines in what order alterations should be printed. The format is (step . alter), where step is from 0 .. 6 and alter from -2 (sharp) and 2 (flat).
keySignature (list)
The current key signature. This is an alist containing (name . alter) or ((octave . name) . alter). where name is from 0.. 6 and alter from -4 (double flat) to 4 (double sharp).
keySignature (list)
The current key signature. This is an alist containing (name . alter) or ((octave . name) . alter). where name is from 0.. 6 and alter from -4 (double flat) to 4 (double sharp).
lastKeySignature (list)
Last key signature before a key signature change.
printKeyCancellation (boolean)
Print restoration alterations before a key signature change.
Properties (write)
keySignature (list)
The current key signature. This is an alist containing (name . alter) or ((octave . name) . alter). where name is from 0.. 6 and alter from -4 (double flat) to 4 (double sharp).
lastKeySignature (list)
Last key signature before a key signature change.
tonic (pitch)
The tonic of the current scale
This engraver creates the following layout objects: KeySignature.
Determine and set reference point for pitches

Properties (read)

clefGlyph (string)
Name of the symbol within the music font.
clefOctavation (integer)
Add this much extra octavation. Values of 7 and -7 are common.
clefPosition (number)
Where should the center of the clef symbol go, measured in half staff spaces from the center of the staff.
explicitClefVisibility (vector)
`break-visibility' function for clef changes.
forceClef (boolean)
Show clef symbol, even if it has not changed. Only active for the first clef after the property is set, not for the full staff.
middleCPosition (number)
Place of the middle C, measured in half staff-spaces. Usually determined by looking at clefPosition and clefGlyph.
This engraver creates the following layout objects: Clef and OctavateEight.
Create a text spanner when the ottavation property changes..

Properties (read)

ottavation (string)
If set, the text for an ottava spanner. Changing this creates a new text spanner.
originalMiddleCPosition (integer)
Used for temporary overriding middle C in octavation brackets.
currentMusicalColumn (layout object)
Grob that is X-parent to all non-breakable items (note heads, lyrics, etc.).
This engraver creates the following layout objects: OttavaBracket.
Engraves dots on dotted notes shifted to the right of the note. If omitted, then dots appear on top of the notes.

This engraver creates the following layout objects: DotColumn.

Generates objects for computing spacing parameters.

Properties (read)

createSpacing (boolean)
Create StaffSpacing objects? Should be set for staves.
Properties (write)
breakableSeparationItem (layout object)
The breakable items in this time step, for this staff.
This engraver creates the following layout objects: SeparatingGroupSpanner, SeparationItem and StaffSpacing.
Make volta brackets.

Properties (read)

repeatCommands (list)
This property is read to find any command of the form (volta . x), where x is a string or #f
voltaSpannerDuration (moment)
This specifies the maximum duration to use for the brackets printed for \alternative. This can be used to shrink the length of brackets in the situation where one alternative is very large.
stavesFound (list of grobs)
list of all staff-symbols found.
This engraver creates the following layout objects: VoltaBracket.
Puts fontSize into font-size grob property.

Properties (read)

fontSize (number)
The relative size of all grobs in a context.

Create barlines. This engraver is controlled through the whichBar property. If it has no bar line to create, it will forbid a linebreak at this point

Properties (read)

whichBar (string)
This property is read to determine what type of bar line to create.


               \set Staff.whichBar = "|:"

This will create a start-repeat bar in this staff only. Valid values are described in bar-line-interface.

Properties (write)
forbidBreak (boolean)
If set to ##t, prevent a line break at this point.
This engraver creates the following layout objects: BarLine.
Apply a procedure to any grob acknowledged.

Music types accepted:



Same as Voice context, except that it is accommodated for tyepsetting a piece in mensural style.

This context also accepts commands for the following context(s):


This context creates the following layout objects:

Arpeggio, Beam, BendAfter, BreathingSign, ClusterSpannerBeacon, ClusterSpanner, CombineTextScript, Dots, DoublePercentRepeatCounter, DoublePercentRepeat, DynamicLineSpanner, DynamicText, Fingering, Glissando, Hairpin, InstrumentSwitch, LaissezVibrerTieColumn, LaissezVibrerTie, MensuralLigature, MultiMeasureRestNumber, MultiMeasureRestText, MultiMeasureRest, NoteColumn, NoteHead, NoteSpacing, PercentRepeatCounter, PercentRepeat, PhrasingSlur, RepeatSlash, RepeatTieColumn, RepeatTie, Rest, ScriptColumn, Script, StemTremolo, Stem, StringNumber, StrokeFinger, TextScript, TextSpanner, TieColumn, Tie, TrillPitchAccidental, TrillPitchGroup, TrillPitchHead, TrillSpanner, TupletBracket, TupletNumber and VoiceFollower.

This context sets the following properties:

This context is a `bottom' context; it can not contain other contexts.

This context is built from the following engravers:

Handles Mensural_ligature_events by glueing special ligature heads together.

Music types accepted:


This engraver creates the following layout objects: MensuralLigature.

Swallow \skip.
Create a cue text for taking instrument.

Properties (read)

instrumentCueName (markup)
Name to print if another instrument is to be taken.
This engraver creates the following layout objects: InstrumentSwitch.
Set font size and other properties for grace notes.

Properties (read)

graceSettings (list)
Overrides for grace notes. This property should be manipulated through the add-grace-property function.

Catch tuplet events and generate appropriate bracket.

Music types accepted:


Properties (read)

tupletFullLength (boolean)
If set, the tuplet is printed up to the start of the next note.
tupletFullLengthNote (boolean)
If set, end at the next note, otherwise end on the matter (time sigs, etc.) before the note.
This engraver creates the following layout objects: TupletBracket and TupletNumber.
Generate ties between noteheads of equal pitch.

Music types accepted:


Properties (read)

tieWaitForNote (boolean)
If true, tied notes do not have to follow each other directly. This can be used for writing out arpeggios
Properties (write)
tieMelismaBusy (boolean)
Signal whether a tie is present.
This engraver creates the following layout objects: Tie and TieColumn.
Engraves a cluster using Spanner notation

Music types accepted:


This engraver creates the following layout objects: ClusterSpanner and ClusterSpannerBeacon.

Print phrasing slurs. Similar to Slur_engraver

Music types accepted:


This engraver creates the following layout objects: PhrasingSlur.

Generates NoteSpacing, an object linking horizontal lines for use in spacing.

This engraver creates the following layout objects: NoteSpacing.

Generates NoteColumn, an objects that groups stems, noteheads and rests.

This engraver creates the following layout objects: NoteColumn.


This engraver creates the following layout objects: ScriptColumn.

Handles note scripted articulations.

Music types accepted:


Properties (read)

scriptDefinitions (list)
Description of scripts. This is used by Script_engraver for typesetting note-super/subscripts. See scm/script.scm for more information
This engraver creates the following layout objects: Script.
Create fall spanners.

Music types accepted:


This engraver creates the following layout objects: BendAfter.

Create fingering-scripts

Music types accepted:

stroke-finger-event and fingering-event

This engraver creates the following layout objects: Fingering.

This engraver creates hairpins, dynamic texts, and their vertical alignments. The symbols are collected onto a DynamicLineSpanner grob which takes care of vertical positioning.

Music types accepted:

span-dynamic-event and absolute-dynamic-event

This engraver creates the following layout objects: DynamicLineSpanner, DynamicText, Hairpin and TextSpanner.

Create text-scripts

Music types accepted:


This engraver creates the following layout objects: TextScript.

Part combine engraver for orchestral scores: Print markings a2, Solo, Solo II, and unisono

Music types accepted:


Properties (read)

printPartCombineTexts (boolean)
set Solo/A due texts in the part combiner?
soloText (string)
text for begin of solo when part-combining.
soloIIText (string)
text for begin of solo for voice “two” when part-combining.
aDueText (string)
Text to print at a unisono passage.
This engraver creates the following layout objects: CombineTextScript.
Make beat repeats.

Music types accepted:


Properties (read)

measureLength (moment)
Length of one measure in the current time signature.
This engraver creates the following layout objects: RepeatSlash.
Make whole bar and double bar repeats.

Music types accepted:


Properties (read)

countPercentRepeats (boolean)
If set, produce counters for percent repeats.
currentCommandColumn (layout object)
Grob that is X-parent to all current breakable (clef, key signature, etc.) items.
measureLength (moment)
Length of one measure in the current time signature.
Properties (write)
forbidBreak (boolean)
If set to ##t, prevent a line break at this point.
This engraver creates the following layout objects: DoublePercentRepeat, DoublePercentRepeatCounter, PercentRepeat and PercentRepeatCounter.
Generates beams for tremolo repeats.

Music types accepted:


This engraver creates the following layout objects: Beam.

Create fingering-scripts for notes in a new chord. This engraver is ill-named, since it also takes care of articulations and harmonic note heads

Properties (read)

fingeringOrientations (list)
List of symbols, containing `left', `right', `up' and/or `down'. This list determines where fingerings are put relative to the chord being fingered.
strokeFingerOrientations (list)
See fingeringOrientations
stringNumberOrientations (list)
See fingeringOrientations
This engraver creates the following layout objects: Fingering, Script, StringNumber and StrokeFinger.
Generate beams based on measure characteristics and observed Stems. Uses beatLength, measureLength and measurePosition to decide when to start and stop a beam. Overriding beaming is done through Stem_engraver properties stemLeftBeamCount and stemRightBeamCount.

Music types accepted:


Properties (read)

autoBeaming (boolean)
If set to true then beams are generated automatically.
autoBeamSettings (list)
Specifies when automatically generated beams should begin and end. See Setting automatic beam behavior for more information.
beatLength (moment)
The length of one beat in this time signature.
subdivideBeams (boolean)
If set, multiple beams will be subdivided at beat positions by only drawing one beam over the beat.
This engraver creates the following layout objects: Beam.
Handles Beam events by engraving Beams. If omitted, then notes will be printed with flags instead of beams. Only engraves beams when we are at grace points in time.

Music types accepted:


Properties (read)

beamMelismaBusy (boolean)
Signal if a beam is present.
beatLength (moment)
The length of one beat in this time signature.
allowBeamBreak (boolean)
If true allow line breaks for beams over bar lines.
subdivideBeams (boolean)
If set, multiple beams will be subdivided at beat positions by only drawing one beam over the beat.
This engraver creates the following layout objects: Beam.
Handles Beam events by engraving Beams. If omitted, then notes will be printed with flags instead of beams.

Music types accepted:


Properties (read)

beamMelismaBusy (boolean)
Signal if a beam is present.
beatLength (moment)
The length of one beat in this time signature.
subdivideBeams (boolean)
If set, multiple beams will be subdivided at beat positions by only drawing one beam over the beat.
Properties (write)
forbidBreak (boolean)
If set to ##t, prevent a line break at this point.
This engraver creates the following layout objects: Beam.
Create stems and single-stem tremolos. It also works together with the beam engraver for overriding beaming.

Music types accepted:


Properties (read)

tremoloFlags (integer)
Number of tremolo flags to add if no number is specified.
stemLeftBeamCount (integer)
Specify the number of beams to draw on the left side of the next note. Overrides automatic beaming. The value is only used once, and then it is erased.
stemRightBeamCount (integer)
See stemLeftBeamCount.
This engraver creates the following layout objects: Stem and StemTremolo.

Music types accepted:


Properties (read)

middleCPosition (number)
Place of the middle C, measured in half staff-spaces. Usually determined by looking at clefPosition and clefGlyph.
This engraver creates the following layout objects: Rest.
Create Dots objects for rhythmic-head-interfaces.

This engraver creates the following layout objects: Dots.

Generate noteheads.

Music types accepted:


Properties (read)

middleCPosition (number)
Place of the middle C, measured in half staff-spaces. Usually determined by looking at clefPosition and clefGlyph.
This engraver creates the following layout objects: NoteHead.

Music types accepted:


This engraver creates the following layout objects: BreathingSign.

Engrave a glissandi

Music types accepted:


Properties (read)

followVoice (boolean)
If set, note heads are tracked across staff switches by a thin line
This engraver creates the following layout objects: Glissando.
Engrave a line between two note heads, for example a glissando. If followVoice is set, staff switches also generate a line.

Properties (read)

followVoice (boolean)
If set, note heads are tracked across staff switches by a thin line
This engraver creates the following layout objects: Glissando and VoiceFollower.
Create Laissez vibrer items.

Music types accepted:


This engraver creates the following layout objects: RepeatTie and RepeatTieColumn.

Create Laissez vibrer items.

Music types accepted:


This engraver creates the following layout objects: LaissezVibrerTie and LaissezVibrerTieColumn.

Forbid line breaks when note heads are still playing at some point.

Properties (read)

busyGrobs (list)
a queue of (end-moment . GROB) conses. This is for internal (C++) use only. This property contains the grobs which are still busy (e.g. note heads, spanners, etc.)
Properties (write)
forbidBreak (boolean)
If set to ##t, prevent a line break at this point.

Administrate when certain grobs (eg. note heads) stop playing

Properties (read)

busyGrobs (list)
a queue of (end-moment . GROB) conses. This is for internal (C++) use only. This property contains the grobs which are still busy (e.g. note heads, spanners, etc.)
Properties (write)
busyGrobs (list)
a queue of (end-moment . GROB) conses. This is for internal (C++) use only. This property contains the grobs which are still busy (e.g. note heads, spanners, etc.)

Create trill spanner from an event.

Music types accepted:


This engraver creates the following layout objects: TrillSpanner.

Create text spanner from an event.

Music types accepted:


This engraver creates the following layout objects: TextSpanner.

Engraves multi-measure rests that are produced with R. Reads measurePosition and internalBarNumber to determine what number to print over the MultiMeasureRest. Reads measureLength to determine if it should use a whole rest or a breve rest to represent 1 measure

Music types accepted:

multi-measure-text-event and multi-measure-rest-event

Properties (read)

internalBarNumber (integer)
Contains the current barnumber. This property is used for internal timekeeping, among others by the Accidental_engraver.
restNumberThreshold (number)
If a multimeasure rest has more measures than this, a number is printed.
breakableSeparationItem (layout object)
The breakable items in this time step, for this staff.
currentCommandColumn (layout object)
Grob that is X-parent to all current breakable (clef, key signature, etc.) items.
measurePosition (moment)
How much of the current measure have we had. This can be set manually to create incomplete measures.
measureLength (moment)
Length of one measure in the current time signature.
This engraver creates the following layout objects: MultiMeasureRest, MultiMeasureRestNumber and MultiMeasureRestText.
Generate an Arpeggio symbol

Music types accepted:


This engraver creates the following layout objects: Arpeggio.

Apply a procedure to any grob acknowledged.

Music types accepted:


Print the bracketed notehead after a notehead with trill.

This engraver creates the following layout objects: TrillPitchAccidental, TrillPitchGroup and TrillPitchHead.

Puts fontSize into font-size grob property.

Properties (read)

fontSize (number)
The relative size of all grobs in a context.


(not documented)

This context creates the following layout objects:

NoteName, SeparatingGroupSpanner, SeparationItem, StaffSpacing, TieColumn, Tie and VerticalAxisGroup.

This context sets the following properties:

This context is a `bottom' context; it can not contain other contexts.

This context is built from the following engravers:

Generates objects for computing spacing parameters.

Properties (read)

createSpacing (boolean)
Create StaffSpacing objects? Should be set for staves.
Properties (write)
breakableSeparationItem (layout object)
The breakable items in this time step, for this staff.
This engraver creates the following layout objects: SeparatingGroupSpanner, SeparationItem and StaffSpacing.
Print pitches as words.

Music types accepted:


Properties (read)

printOctaveNames (boolean)
Print octave marks for the NoteNames context.
This engraver creates the following layout objects: NoteName.
Generate ties between noteheads of equal pitch.

Music types accepted:


Properties (read)

tieWaitForNote (boolean)
If true, tied notes do not have to follow each other directly. This can be used for writing out arpeggios
Properties (write)
tieMelismaBusy (boolean)
Signal whether a tie is present.
This engraver creates the following layout objects: Tie and TieColumn.
Swallow \skip.
Swallow rest
Group all objects created in this context in a VerticalAxisGroup spanner.

Properties (read)

currentCommandColumn (layout object)
Grob that is X-parent to all current breakable (clef, key signature, etc.) items.
This engraver creates the following layout objects: VerticalAxisGroup.


Just like GrandStaff but with a forced distance between the staves, so cross staff beaming and slurring can be used.

This context also accepts commands for the following context(s):


This context creates the following layout objects:

Arpeggio, InstrumentName, SpanBar, SystemStartBar, SystemStartBrace, SystemStartBracket, SystemStartSquare and VerticalAlignment.

This context sets the following properties:

Context PianoStaff can contain FiguredBass and Staff

This context is built from the following engravers:

Creates a system start text for instrument or vocal names.

Properties (read)

currentCommandColumn (layout object)
Grob that is X-parent to all current breakable (clef, key signature, etc.) items.
shortInstrumentName (markup)
See instrument
instrumentName (markup)
The name to print left of a staff. The instrument property labels the staff in the first system, and the instr property labels following lines.
shortVocalName (markup)
Name of a vocal line, short version.
vocalName (markup)
Name of a vocal line.
This engraver creates the following layout objects: InstrumentName.
Catch groups (staffs, lyrics lines, etc.) and stack them vertically.

Properties (read)

alignAboveContext (string)
Where to insert newly created context in vertiical alignment.
alignBelowContext (string)
Where to insert newly created context in vertiical alignment.
This engraver creates the following layout objects: VerticalAlignment.
Creates a system start delimiter (ie. SystemStart{Bar, Brace, Bracket} spanner

Properties (read)

systemStartDelimiter (symbol)
Which grob to make for the start of the system/staff? Set to SystemStartBrace, SystemStartBracket or SystemStartBar.
systemStartDelimiterHierarchy (pair)
A nested list, indicating the nesting of a start delimiters.
currentCommandColumn (layout object)
Grob that is X-parent to all current breakable (clef, key signature, etc.) items.
This engraver creates the following layout objects: SystemStartBar, SystemStartBrace, SystemStartBracket and SystemStartSquare.

Properties (read)

connectArpeggios (boolean)
If set, connect arpeggios across piano staff.
This engraver creates the following layout objects: Arpeggio.
This engraver makes cross-staff barlines: It catches all normal bar lines, and draws a single span-bar across them.

This engraver creates the following layout objects: SpanBar.


A context like Staff but for printing rhythms. Pitches are ignored; the notes are printed on one line.

This context also accepts commands for the following context(s):


This context creates the following layout objects:

BarLine, DotColumn, InstrumentName, LedgerLineSpanner, SeparatingGroupSpanner, SeparationItem, StaffSpacing, StaffSymbol, TimeSignature, VerticalAxisGroup and VoltaBracket.

This context sets the following properties:

Context RhythmicStaff can contain Voice and CueVoice

This context is built from the following engravers:

Creates the spanner to draw ledger lines, and notices objects that need ledger lines

This engraver creates the following layout objects: LedgerLineSpanner.

Group all objects created in this context in a VerticalAxisGroup spanner.

Properties (read)

currentCommandColumn (layout object)
Grob that is X-parent to all current breakable (clef, key signature, etc.) items.
This engraver creates the following layout objects: VerticalAxisGroup.
Creates a system start text for instrument or vocal names.

Properties (read)

currentCommandColumn (layout object)
Grob that is X-parent to all current breakable (clef, key signature, etc.) items.
shortInstrumentName (markup)
See instrument
instrumentName (markup)
The name to print left of a staff. The instrument property labels the staff in the first system, and the instr property labels following lines.
shortVocalName (markup)
Name of a vocal line, short version.
vocalName (markup)
Name of a vocal line.
This engraver creates the following layout objects: InstrumentName.
Create a TimeSignature whenever timeSignatureFraction changes

This engraver creates the following layout objects: TimeSignature.

Set the vertical position of noteheads to squashedPosition, if that property is set. This can be used to make a single line staff demonstrating the rhythm of a melody.

Properties (read)

squashedPosition (integer)
Vertical position of squashing for Pitch_squash_engraver.

Create the constellation of five (default) staff lines.

Music types accepted:


This engraver creates the following layout objects: StaffSymbol.

Create barlines. This engraver is controlled through the whichBar property. If it has no bar line to create, it will forbid a linebreak at this point

Properties (read)

whichBar (string)
This property is read to determine what type of bar line to create.


               \set Staff.whichBar = "|:"

This will create a start-repeat bar in this staff only. Valid values are described in bar-line-interface.

Properties (write)
forbidBreak (boolean)
If set to ##t, prevent a line break at this point.
This engraver creates the following layout objects: BarLine.
Engraves dots on dotted notes shifted to the right of the note. If omitted, then dots appear on top of the notes.

This engraver creates the following layout objects: DotColumn.

Generates objects for computing spacing parameters.

Properties (read)

createSpacing (boolean)
Create StaffSpacing objects? Should be set for staves.
Properties (write)
breakableSeparationItem (layout object)
The breakable items in this time step, for this staff.
This engraver creates the following layout objects: SeparatingGroupSpanner, SeparationItem and StaffSpacing.
Make volta brackets.

Properties (read)

repeatCommands (list)
This property is read to find any command of the form (volta . x), where x is a string or #f
voltaSpannerDuration (moment)
This specifies the maximum duration to use for the brackets printed for \alternative. This can be used to shrink the length of brackets in the situation where one alternative is very large.
stavesFound (list of grobs)
list of all staff-symbols found.
This engraver creates the following layout objects: VoltaBracket.
Puts fontSize into font-size grob property.

Properties (read)

fontSize (number)
The relative size of all grobs in a context.

Apply a procedure to any grob acknowledged.

Music types accepted:



This is the top level notation context. No other context can contain a Score context. This context handles the administration of time signatures. It also makes sure that items such as clefs, time signatures, and key-signatures are aligned across staves.

You cannot explicitly instantiate a Score context (since it is not contained in any other context). It is instantiated automatically when an output definition (a \score or \layout block) is processed.

This context creates the following layout objects:

BarNumber, BreakAlignGroup, BreakAlignment, GraceSpacing, LeftEdge, MetronomeMark, NonMusicalPaperColumn, PaperColumn, ParenthesesItem, RehearsalMark, SpacingSpanner, SystemStartBar, SystemStartBrace, SystemStartBracket, SystemStartSquare and VerticalAlignment.

This context sets the following properties:

Context Score can contain Staff, FiguredBass, NoteNames, Devnull, PianoStaff, ChoirStaff, GrandStaff, ChordNames, Lyrics, DrumStaff, StaffGroup, MensuralStaff, GregorianTranscriptionStaff, VaticanaStaff, TabStaff, RhythmicStaff and FretBoards

This context is built from the following engravers:

Parenthesize objects whose music cause has the parenthesize property.

This engraver creates the following layout objects: ParenthesesItem.

Read the tweaks property from the originating event, and set properties.
A bar number is created whenever measurePosition is zero and when there is a bar line (ie. when whichBar is set. It is put on top of all staves, and appears only at left side of the staff. The staves are taken from stavesFound, which is maintained by Staff_collecting_engraver.

Properties (read)

currentBarNumber (integer)
Contains the current barnumber. This property is incremented at every bar line.
whichBar (string)
This property is read to determine what type of bar line to create.


               \set Staff.whichBar = "|:"

This will create a start-repeat bar in this staff only. Valid values are described in bar-line-interface.

stavesFound (list of grobs)
list of all staff-symbols found.
barNumberVisibility (procedure)
Procedure that takes an int and returns whether the corresponding bar number should be printed
This engraver creates the following layout objects: BarNumber.
This engraver ensures that stanza numbers are neatly aligned.
Catch groups (staffs, lyrics lines, etc.) and stack them vertically.

Properties (read)

alignAboveContext (string)
Where to insert newly created context in vertiical alignment.
alignBelowContext (string)
Where to insert newly created context in vertiical alignment.
This engraver creates the following layout objects: VerticalAlignment.
Bookkeeping of shortest starting and playing notes in grace note runs.

Properties (read)

currentMusicalColumn (layout object)
Grob that is X-parent to all non-breakable items (note heads, lyrics, etc.).
This engraver creates the following layout objects: GraceSpacing.
make a SpacingSpanner and do bookkeeping of shortest starting and playing notes

Music types accepted:


Properties (read)

currentMusicalColumn (layout object)
Grob that is X-parent to all non-breakable items (note heads, lyrics, etc.).
currentCommandColumn (layout object)
Grob that is X-parent to all current breakable (clef, key signature, etc.) items.
proportionalNotationDuration (moment)
Global override for shortest-playing duration. This is used for switching on proportional notation.
This engraver creates the following layout objects: SpacingSpanner.
Align grobs with corresponding break-align-symbols into groups, and order the groups according to breakAlignOrder. The left edge of the alignment gets a separate group, with a symbol left-edge.

This engraver creates the following layout objects: BreakAlignGroup, BreakAlignment and LeftEdge.

Engrave metro nome marking. This delegates the formatting work to the function in the metronomeMarkFormatter property. The mark is put over all staves. The staves are taken from the stavesFound property, which is maintained by Staff_collecting_engraver.

Properties (read)

stavesFound (list of grobs)
list of all staff-symbols found.
metronomeMarkFormatter (procedure)
How to produce a metronome markup. Called with 2 arguments, event and context.
tempoUnitDuration (duration)
Unit for specifying tempo.
tempoUnitCount (number)
Count for specifying tempo.
This engraver creates the following layout objects: MetronomeMark.
This engraver will create RehearsalMark objects. It puts them on top of all staves (which is taken from the property stavesFound). If moving this engraver to a different context, Staff_collecting_engraver must move along, otherwise all marksend up on the same Y-location

Music types accepted:


Properties (read)

markFormatter (procedure)
Procedure taking as arguments context and rehearsal mark. It should return the formatted mark as a markup object.
rehearsalMark (integer)
The last rehearsal mark printed.
stavesFound (list of grobs)
list of all staff-symbols found.
This engraver creates the following layout objects: RehearsalMark.
Creates a system start delimiter (ie. SystemStart{Bar, Brace, Bracket} spanner

Properties (read)

systemStartDelimiter (symbol)
Which grob to make for the start of the system/staff? Set to SystemStartBrace, SystemStartBracket or SystemStartBar.
systemStartDelimiterHierarchy (pair)
A nested list, indicating the nesting of a start delimiters.
currentCommandColumn (layout object)
Grob that is X-parent to all current breakable (clef, key signature, etc.) items.
This engraver creates the following layout objects: SystemStartBar, SystemStartBrace, SystemStartBracket and SystemStartSquare.
Apply a procedure to any grob acknowledged.

Music types accepted:


This engraver determines what kind of automatic bar lines should be produced, and sets whichBar accordingly. It should be at the same level as Timing_translator.

Properties (read)

automaticBars (boolean)
If set to true then bar lines will not be printed automatically; they must be explicitly created with \bar command. Unlike the \cadenza keyword, measures are still counted. Bar generation will resume according to that count if this property is unset.
barAlways (boolean)
If set to true a bar line is drawn after each note.
defaultBarType (string)
Sets the default type of bar line. See whichBar for information on available bar types.

This variable is read by Timing_translator at Score level.

measureLength (moment)
Length of one measure in the current time signature.
whichBar (string)
This property is read to determine what type of bar line to create.


               \set Staff.whichBar = "|:"

This will create a start-repeat bar in this staff only. Valid values are described in bar-line-interface.

measurePosition (moment)
How much of the current measure have we had. This can be set manually to create incomplete measures.
Properties (write)
automaticBars (boolean)
If set to true then bar lines will not be printed automatically; they must be explicitly created with \bar command. Unlike the \cadenza keyword, measures are still counted. Bar generation will resume according to that count if this property is unset.

This engraver adds the alias Timing to its containing context.Responsible for synchronizing timing information from staves. Normally in Score. In order to create polyrhythmic music, this engraver should be removed from Score and placed in Staff.

This engraver adds the alias Timing to its containing context.

Properties (read)

internalBarNumber (integer)
Contains the current barnumber. This property is used for internal timekeeping, among others by the Accidental_engraver.
currentBarNumber (integer)
Contains the current barnumber. This property is incremented at every bar line.
measureLength (moment)
Length of one measure in the current time signature.
measurePosition (moment)
How much of the current measure have we had. This can be set manually to create incomplete measures.
Properties (write)
internalBarNumber (integer)
Contains the current barnumber. This property is used for internal timekeeping, among others by the Accidental_engraver.
currentBarNumber (integer)
Contains the current barnumber. This property is incremented at every bar line.
measurePosition (moment)
How much of the current measure have we had. This can be set manually to create incomplete measures.

Maintain the stavesFound variable

Properties (read)

stavesFound (list of grobs)
list of all staff-symbols found.
Properties (write)
stavesFound (list of grobs)
list of all staff-symbols found.

Acknowledge repeated music, and convert the contents of repeatCommands ainto an appropriate setting for whichBar.

Properties (read)

repeatCommands (list)
This property is read to find any command of the form (volta . x), where x is a string or #f
whichBar (string)
This property is read to determine what type of bar line to create.


               \set Staff.whichBar = "|:"

This will create a start-repeat bar in this staff only. Valid values are described in bar-line-interface.


Properties (read)

verticallySpacedContexts (list)
List of symbols, containing context names whose vertical axis groups should be taken into account for vertical spacing of systems.
Properties (write)
verticallySpacedContexts (list)
List of symbols, containing context names whose vertical axis groups should be taken into account for vertical spacing of systems.

Takes care of generating columns.

This engraver decides whether a column is breakable. The default is that a column is always breakable. However, every Bar_engraver that does not have a barline at a certain point will set forbidBreaks in the score context to stop linebreaks. In practice, this means that you can make a breakpoint by creating a barline (assuming that there are no beams or notes that prevent a breakpoint.)

Music types accepted:


Properties (read)

forbidBreak (boolean)
If set to ##t, prevent a line break at this point.
Properties (write)
forbidBreak (boolean)
If set to ##t, prevent a line break at this point.
currentCommandColumn (layout object)
Grob that is X-parent to all current breakable (clef, key signature, etc.) items.
currentMusicalColumn (layout object)
Grob that is X-parent to all non-breakable items (note heads, lyrics, etc.).
This engraver creates the following layout objects: NonMusicalPaperColumn and PaperColumn.


Handles clefs, bar lines, keys, accidentals. It can contain Voice contexts.

This context creates the following layout objects:

AccidentalSuggestion, Accidental, BarLine, BassFigureAlignmentPositioning, BassFigureAlignment, BassFigureBracket, BassFigureContinuation, BassFigureLine, BassFigure, Clef, DotColumn, InstrumentName, KeySignature, LedgerLineSpanner, NoteCollision, OctavateEight, OttavaBracket, PianoPedalBracket, RestCollision, ScriptRow, SeparatingGroupSpanner, SeparationItem, SostenutoPedalLineSpanner, SostenutoPedal, StaffSpacing, StaffSymbol, SustainPedalLineSpanner, SustainPedal, TimeSignature, UnaCordaPedalLineSpanner, UnaCordaPedal, VerticalAxisGroup and VoltaBracket.

This context sets the following properties:

Context Staff can contain Voice and CueVoice

This context is built from the following engravers:

Determine order in horizontal side position elements.

This engraver creates the following layout objects: ScriptRow.

Position figured bass alignments over notes.

This engraver creates the following layout objects: BassFigureAlignmentPositioning.

Make figured bass numbers.

Music types accepted:

bass-figure-event and rest-event

Properties (read)

figuredBassAlterationDirection (direction)
Where to put alterations relative to the main figure.
figuredBassCenterContinuations (boolean)
Whether to vertically center pairs of extender lines. This does not work with three or more lines
figuredBassFormatter (procedure)
Routine generating a markup for a bass figure.
implicitBassFigures (list)
List of bass figures that are not printed as numbers, but only as extender lines.
useBassFigureExtenders (boolean)
Whether to use extender lines for repeated bass figures
ignoreFiguredBassRest (boolean)
Don't swallow rest events.
This engraver creates the following layout objects: BassFigure, BassFigureAlignment, BassFigureBracket, BassFigureContinuation and BassFigureLine.
Group all objects created in this context in a VerticalAxisGroup spanner.

Properties (read)

currentCommandColumn (layout object)
Grob that is X-parent to all current breakable (clef, key signature, etc.) items.
This engraver creates the following layout objects: VerticalAxisGroup.
Swallow string-number-events - the purpose of this engraver is to process tab for normal notation. To provent warnings for unprocessed string-number-event to obscure real error messages, this engraver swallows them all.
Creates a system start text for instrument or vocal names.

Properties (read)

currentCommandColumn (layout object)
Grob that is X-parent to all current breakable (clef, key signature, etc.) items.
shortInstrumentName (markup)
See instrument
instrumentName (markup)
The name to print left of a staff. The instrument property labels the staff in the first system, and the instr property labels following lines.
shortVocalName (markup)
Name of a vocal line, short version.
vocalName (markup)
Name of a vocal line.
This engraver creates the following layout objects: InstrumentName.
Align piano pedal symbols and brackets.

Properties (read)

currentCommandColumn (layout object)
Grob that is X-parent to all current breakable (clef, key signature, etc.) items.
This engraver creates the following layout objects: SostenutoPedalLineSpanner, SustainPedalLineSpanner and UnaCordaPedalLineSpanner.
Engrave piano pedal symbols and brackets.

Music types accepted:

una-corda-event, sustain-event and sostenuto-event

Properties (read)

currentCommandColumn (layout object)
Grob that is X-parent to all current breakable (clef, key signature, etc.) items.
pedalSostenutoStrings (list)
See pedalSustainStrings.
pedalSostenutoStyle (symbol)
see pedalSustainStyle.
pedalSustainStrings (list)
List of string to print for sustain-pedal. Format is (up updown down), where each of the three is the string to print when this is done with the pedal.
pedalSustainStyle (symbol)
A symbol that indicates how to print sustain pedals: text, bracket or mixed (both).
pedalUnaCordaStrings (list)
See pedalSustainStrings.
pedalUnaCordaStyle (symbol)
see pedalSustainStyle.
This engraver creates the following layout objects: PianoPedalBracket, SostenutoPedal, SustainPedal and UnaCordaPedal.
Make accidentals. Catch note heads, ties and notices key-change events. This engraver usually lives at Staff level, but reads the settings for Accidental at Voice level, so you can \override them at Voice.

Properties (read)

autoAccidentals (list)
List of different ways to typeset an accidental.

For determining when to print an accidental, several different rules are tried. The rule that gives the highest number of accidentals is used. Each rule consists of

In which context is the rule applied. For example, if context is Score then all staves share accidentals, and if context is Staff then all voices in the same staff share accidentals, but staves do not.
Whether the accidental changes all octaves or only the current octave. Valid choices are
This is the default algorithm. Accidentals are typeset if the note changes the accidental of that note in that octave. Accidentals lasts to the end of the measure and then as many measures as specified in the value. I.e. 1 means to the end of next measure, -1 means to the end of previous measure (that is: no duration at all), etc. #t means forever.
Accidentals are typeset if the note is different from the previous note on the same pitch in any octave. The value has same meaning as in same-octave.

Over how many bar lines the accidental lasts. If laziness is -1 then the accidental is forgotten immediately, and if laziness is #t then the accidental lasts forever.

autoCautionaries (list)
List similar to autoAccidentals, but it controls cautionary accidentals rather than normal ones. Both lists are tried, and the one giving the most accidentals wins. In case of draw, a normal accidental is typeset.
internalBarNumber (integer)
Contains the current barnumber. This property is used for internal timekeeping, among others by the Accidental_engraver.
extraNatural (boolean)
Whether to typeset an extra natural sign before accidentals changing from a non-natural to another non-natural.
harmonicAccidentals (boolean)
If set, harmonic notes in chords get accidentals.
localKeySignature (list)
the key signature at this point in the measure. The format is the same as for keySignature, but can also contain ((octave . name) . (alter . barnumber)) pairs. It is reset at every bar line.
Properties (write)
localKeySignature (list)
the key signature at this point in the measure. The format is the same as for keySignature, but can also contain ((octave . name) . (alter . barnumber)) pairs. It is reset at every bar line.
This engraver creates the following layout objects: Accidental and AccidentalSuggestion.
Handles collisions of rests.

This engraver creates the following layout objects: RestCollision.

Collect NoteColumns, and as soon as there are two or more, put them in a NoteCollision object.

This engraver creates the following layout objects: NoteCollision.

Create the constellation of five (default) staff lines.

Music types accepted:


This engraver creates the following layout objects: StaffSymbol.

Creates the spanner to draw ledger lines, and notices objects that need ledger lines

This engraver creates the following layout objects: LedgerLineSpanner.

Create a TimeSignature whenever timeSignatureFraction changes

This engraver creates the following layout objects: TimeSignature.


Music types accepted:


Properties (read)

createKeyOnClefChange (boolean)
Print a key signature whenever the clef is changed.
explicitKeySignatureVisibility (vector)
`break-visibility' function for explicit key changes. `\override' of the break-visibility property will set the visibility for normal (i.e. at the start of the line) key signatures.
extraNatural (boolean)
Whether to typeset an extra natural sign before accidentals changing from a non-natural to another non-natural.
keyAlterationOrder (list)
Alist that defines in what order alterations should be printed. The format is (step . alter), where step is from 0 .. 6 and alter from -2 (sharp) and 2 (flat).
keySignature (list)
The current key signature. This is an alist containing (name . alter) or ((octave . name) . alter). where name is from 0.. 6 and alter from -4 (double flat) to 4 (double sharp).
keySignature (list)
The current key signature. This is an alist containing (name . alter) or ((octave . name) . alter). where name is from 0.. 6 and alter from -4 (double flat) to 4 (double sharp).
lastKeySignature (list)
Last key signature before a key signature change.
printKeyCancellation (boolean)
Print restoration alterations before a key signature change.
Properties (write)
keySignature (list)
The current key signature. This is an alist containing (name . alter) or ((octave . name) . alter). where name is from 0.. 6 and alter from -4 (double flat) to 4 (double sharp).
lastKeySignature (list)
Last key signature before a key signature change.
tonic (pitch)
The tonic of the current scale
This engraver creates the following layout objects: KeySignature.
Determine and set reference point for pitches

Properties (read)

clefGlyph (string)
Name of the symbol within the music font.
clefOctavation (integer)
Add this much extra octavation. Values of 7 and -7 are common.
clefPosition (number)
Where should the center of the clef symbol go, measured in half staff spaces from the center of the staff.
explicitClefVisibility (vector)
`break-visibility' function for clef changes.
forceClef (boolean)
Show clef symbol, even if it has not changed. Only active for the first clef after the property is set, not for the full staff.
middleCPosition (number)
Place of the middle C, measured in half staff-spaces. Usually determined by looking at clefPosition and clefGlyph.
This engraver creates the following layout objects: Clef and OctavateEight.
Create a text spanner when the ottavation property changes..

Properties (read)

ottavation (string)
If set, the text for an ottava spanner. Changing this creates a new text spanner.
originalMiddleCPosition (integer)
Used for temporary overriding middle C in octavation brackets.
currentMusicalColumn (layout object)
Grob that is X-parent to all non-breakable items (note heads, lyrics, etc.).
This engraver creates the following layout objects: OttavaBracket.
Engraves dots on dotted notes shifted to the right of the note. If omitted, then dots appear on top of the notes.

This engraver creates the following layout objects: DotColumn.

Generates objects for computing spacing parameters.

Properties (read)

createSpacing (boolean)
Create StaffSpacing objects? Should be set for staves.
Properties (write)
breakableSeparationItem (layout object)
The breakable items in this time step, for this staff.
This engraver creates the following layout objects: SeparatingGroupSpanner, SeparationItem and StaffSpacing.
Make volta brackets.

Properties (read)

repeatCommands (list)
This property is read to find any command of the form (volta . x), where x is a string or #f
voltaSpannerDuration (moment)
This specifies the maximum duration to use for the brackets printed for \alternative. This can be used to shrink the length of brackets in the situation where one alternative is very large.
stavesFound (list of grobs)
list of all staff-symbols found.
This engraver creates the following layout objects: VoltaBracket.
Puts fontSize into font-size grob property.

Properties (read)

fontSize (number)
The relative size of all grobs in a context.

Create barlines. This engraver is controlled through the whichBar property. If it has no bar line to create, it will forbid a linebreak at this point

Properties (read)

whichBar (string)
This property is read to determine what type of bar line to create.


               \set Staff.whichBar = "|:"

This will create a start-repeat bar in this staff only. Valid values are described in bar-line-interface.

Properties (write)
forbidBreak (boolean)
If set to ##t, prevent a line break at this point.
This engraver creates the following layout objects: BarLine.
Apply a procedure to any grob acknowledged.

Music types accepted:



Groups staffs while adding a bracket on the left side, grouping the staves together. The bar lines of the contained staves are connected vertically. StaffGroup only consists of a collection of staffs, with a bracket in front and spanning bar lines.

This context creates the following layout objects:

Arpeggio, SpanBar, SystemStartBar, SystemStartBrace, SystemStartBracket and SystemStartSquare.

This context sets the following properties:

Context StaffGroup can contain Staff, FiguredBass, InnerStaffGroup, ChoirStaff, InnerChoirStaff, ChordNames, Lyrics, TabStaff, PianoStaff, GrandStaff, DrumStaff and RhythmicStaff

This context is built from the following engravers:

Creates a system start delimiter (ie. SystemStart{Bar, Brace, Bracket} spanner

Properties (read)

systemStartDelimiter (symbol)
Which grob to make for the start of the system/staff? Set to SystemStartBrace, SystemStartBracket or SystemStartBar.
systemStartDelimiterHierarchy (pair)
A nested list, indicating the nesting of a start delimiters.
currentCommandColumn (layout object)
Grob that is X-parent to all current breakable (clef, key signature, etc.) items.
This engraver creates the following layout objects: SystemStartBar, SystemStartBrace, SystemStartBracket and SystemStartSquare.
Apply a procedure to any grob acknowledged.

Music types accepted:



Properties (read)

connectArpeggios (boolean)
If set, connect arpeggios across piano staff.
This engraver creates the following layout objects: Arpeggio.
This engraver makes cross-staff barlines: It catches all normal bar lines, and draws a single span-bar across them.

This engraver creates the following layout objects: SpanBar.


Context for generating tablature. [DOCME]

This context also accepts commands for the following context(s):


This context creates the following layout objects:

BarLine, BassFigureAlignmentPositioning, BassFigureAlignment, BassFigureBracket, BassFigureContinuation, BassFigureLine, BassFigure, Clef, DotColumn, InstrumentName, LedgerLineSpanner, NoteCollision, OctavateEight, OttavaBracket, PianoPedalBracket, RestCollision, ScriptRow, SeparatingGroupSpanner, SeparationItem, SostenutoPedalLineSpanner, SostenutoPedal, StaffSpacing, StaffSymbol, SustainPedalLineSpanner, SustainPedal, TimeSignature, UnaCordaPedalLineSpanner, UnaCordaPedal, VerticalAxisGroup and VoltaBracket.

This context sets the following properties:

Context TabStaff can contain TabVoice and CueVoice

This context is built from the following engravers:

Create a staff-symbol, but look at stringTunings for the number of lines.

Properties (read)

stringTunings (list)
The tablature strings tuning. It is a list of the pitch (in semitones) of each string (starting with the lower one).
This engraver creates the following layout objects: StaffSymbol.
Determine order in horizontal side position elements.

This engraver creates the following layout objects: ScriptRow.

Position figured bass alignments over notes.

This engraver creates the following layout objects: BassFigureAlignmentPositioning.

Make figured bass numbers.

Music types accepted:

bass-figure-event and rest-event

Properties (read)

figuredBassAlterationDirection (direction)
Where to put alterations relative to the main figure.
figuredBassCenterContinuations (boolean)
Whether to vertically center pairs of extender lines. This does not work with three or more lines
figuredBassFormatter (procedure)
Routine generating a markup for a bass figure.
implicitBassFigures (list)
List of bass figures that are not printed as numbers, but only as extender lines.
useBassFigureExtenders (boolean)
Whether to use extender lines for repeated bass figures
ignoreFiguredBassRest (boolean)
Don't swallow rest events.
This engraver creates the following layout objects: BassFigure, BassFigureAlignment, BassFigureBracket, BassFigureContinuation and BassFigureLine.
Group all objects created in this context in a VerticalAxisGroup spanner.

Properties (read)

currentCommandColumn (layout object)
Grob that is X-parent to all current breakable (clef, key signature, etc.) items.
This engraver creates the following layout objects: VerticalAxisGroup.
Creates a system start text for instrument or vocal names.

Properties (read)

currentCommandColumn (layout object)
Grob that is X-parent to all current breakable (clef, key signature, etc.) items.
shortInstrumentName (markup)
See instrument
instrumentName (markup)
The name to print left of a staff. The instrument property labels the staff in the first system, and the instr property labels following lines.
shortVocalName (markup)
Name of a vocal line, short version.
vocalName (markup)
Name of a vocal line.
This engraver creates the following layout objects: InstrumentName.
Align piano pedal symbols and brackets.

Properties (read)

currentCommandColumn (layout object)
Grob that is X-parent to all current breakable (clef, key signature, etc.) items.
This engraver creates the following layout objects: SostenutoPedalLineSpanner, SustainPedalLineSpanner and UnaCordaPedalLineSpanner.
Engrave piano pedal symbols and brackets.

Music types accepted:

una-corda-event, sustain-event and sostenuto-event

Properties (read)

currentCommandColumn (layout object)
Grob that is X-parent to all current breakable (clef, key signature, etc.) items.
pedalSostenutoStrings (list)
See pedalSustainStrings.
pedalSostenutoStyle (symbol)
see pedalSustainStyle.
pedalSustainStrings (list)
List of string to print for sustain-pedal. Format is (up updown down), where each of the three is the string to print when this is done with the pedal.
pedalSustainStyle (symbol)
A symbol that indicates how to print sustain pedals: text, bracket or mixed (both).
pedalUnaCordaStrings (list)
See pedalSustainStrings.
pedalUnaCordaStyle (symbol)
see pedalSustainStyle.
This engraver creates the following layout objects: PianoPedalBracket, SostenutoPedal, SustainPedal and UnaCordaPedal.
Handles collisions of rests.

This engraver creates the following layout objects: RestCollision.

Collect NoteColumns, and as soon as there are two or more, put them in a NoteCollision object.

This engraver creates the following layout objects: NoteCollision.

Create the constellation of five (default) staff lines.

Music types accepted:


This engraver creates the following layout objects: StaffSymbol.

Creates the spanner to draw ledger lines, and notices objects that need ledger lines

This engraver creates the following layout objects: LedgerLineSpanner.

Create a TimeSignature whenever timeSignatureFraction changes

This engraver creates the following layout objects: TimeSignature.

Determine and set reference point for pitches

Properties (read)

clefGlyph (string)
Name of the symbol within the music font.
clefOctavation (integer)
Add this much extra octavation. Values of 7 and -7 are common.
clefPosition (number)
Where should the center of the clef symbol go, measured in half staff spaces from the center of the staff.
explicitClefVisibility (vector)
`break-visibility' function for clef changes.
forceClef (boolean)
Show clef symbol, even if it has not changed. Only active for the first clef after the property is set, not for the full staff.
middleCPosition (number)
Place of the middle C, measured in half staff-spaces. Usually determined by looking at clefPosition and clefGlyph.
This engraver creates the following layout objects: Clef and OctavateEight.
Create a text spanner when the ottavation property changes..

Properties (read)

ottavation (string)
If set, the text for an ottava spanner. Changing this creates a new text spanner.
originalMiddleCPosition (integer)
Used for temporary overriding middle C in octavation brackets.
currentMusicalColumn (layout object)
Grob that is X-parent to all non-breakable items (note heads, lyrics, etc.).
This engraver creates the following layout objects: OttavaBracket.
Engraves dots on dotted notes shifted to the right of the note. If omitted, then dots appear on top of the notes.

This engraver creates the following layout objects: DotColumn.

Generates objects for computing spacing parameters.

Properties (read)

createSpacing (boolean)
Create StaffSpacing objects? Should be set for staves.
Properties (write)
breakableSeparationItem (layout object)
The breakable items in this time step, for this staff.
This engraver creates the following layout objects: SeparatingGroupSpanner, SeparationItem and StaffSpacing.
Make volta brackets.

Properties (read)

repeatCommands (list)
This property is read to find any command of the form (volta . x), where x is a string or #f
voltaSpannerDuration (moment)
This specifies the maximum duration to use for the brackets printed for \alternative. This can be used to shrink the length of brackets in the situation where one alternative is very large.
stavesFound (list of grobs)
list of all staff-symbols found.
This engraver creates the following layout objects: VoltaBracket.
Puts fontSize into font-size grob property.

Properties (read)

fontSize (number)
The relative size of all grobs in a context.

Create barlines. This engraver is controlled through the whichBar property. If it has no bar line to create, it will forbid a linebreak at this point

Properties (read)

whichBar (string)
This property is read to determine what type of bar line to create.


               \set Staff.whichBar = "|:"

This will create a start-repeat bar in this staff only. Valid values are described in bar-line-interface.

Properties (write)
forbidBreak (boolean)
If set to ##t, prevent a line break at this point.
This engraver creates the following layout objects: BarLine.
Apply a procedure to any grob acknowledged.

Music types accepted:



Context for drawing notes in a Tab staff.

This context also accepts commands for the following context(s):


This context creates the following layout objects:

Arpeggio, Beam, BendAfter, BreathingSign, ClusterSpannerBeacon, ClusterSpanner, CombineTextScript, Dots, DoublePercentRepeatCounter, DoublePercentRepeat, DynamicLineSpanner, DynamicText, Glissando, Hairpin, InstrumentSwitch, LaissezVibrerTieColumn, LaissezVibrerTie, MultiMeasureRestNumber, MultiMeasureRestText, MultiMeasureRest, NoteColumn, NoteSpacing, PercentRepeatCounter, PercentRepeat, PhrasingSlur, RepeatSlash, RepeatTieColumn, RepeatTie, Rest, ScriptColumn, Script, Slur, StemTremolo, Stem, TabNoteHead, TextScript, TextSpanner, TieColumn, Tie, TrillPitchAccidental, TrillPitchGroup, TrillPitchHead, TrillSpanner, TupletBracket, TupletNumber and VoiceFollower.

This context sets the following properties:

This context is a `bottom' context; it can not contain other contexts.

This context is built from the following engravers:

Generate one or more tablature noteheads from event of type NoteEvent.

Music types accepted:

string-number-event and note-event

Properties (read)

middleCPosition (number)
Place of the middle C, measured in half staff-spaces. Usually determined by looking at clefPosition and clefGlyph.
stringTunings (list)
The tablature strings tuning. It is a list of the pitch (in semitones) of each string (starting with the lower one).
minimumFret (number)
The tablature auto string-selecting mechanism selects the highest string with a fret at least minimumFret
tablatureFormat (procedure)
Function formatting a tab note head; it takes a string number, a list of string tunings and Pitch object. It returns the text as a string.
highStringOne (boolean)
Whether the 1st string is the string with highest pitch on the instrument. This used by the automatic string selector for tab notation.
stringOneTopmost (boolean)
Whether the 1st string is printed on the top line of the tablature.
This engraver creates the following layout objects: TabNoteHead.
Swallow \skip.
Create a cue text for taking instrument.

Properties (read)

instrumentCueName (markup)
Name to print if another instrument is to be taken.
This engraver creates the following layout objects: InstrumentSwitch.
Set font size and other properties for grace notes.

Properties (read)

graceSettings (list)
Overrides for grace notes. This property should be manipulated through the add-grace-property function.

Catch tuplet events and generate appropriate bracket.

Music types accepted:


Properties (read)

tupletFullLength (boolean)
If set, the tuplet is printed up to the start of the next note.
tupletFullLengthNote (boolean)
If set, end at the next note, otherwise end on the matter (time sigs, etc.) before the note.
This engraver creates the following layout objects: TupletBracket and TupletNumber.
Generate ties between noteheads of equal pitch.

Music types accepted:


Properties (read)

tieWaitForNote (boolean)
If true, tied notes do not have to follow each other directly. This can be used for writing out arpeggios
Properties (write)
tieMelismaBusy (boolean)
Signal whether a tie is present.
This engraver creates the following layout objects: Tie and TieColumn.
Build slur grobs from slur events

Music types accepted:


Properties (read)

slurMelismaBusy (boolean)
Signal if a slur is present.
doubleSlurs (boolean)
When set, two slurs are created for every slurred note, one above and one below the chord.
This engraver creates the following layout objects: Slur.
Engraves a cluster using Spanner notation

Music types accepted:


This engraver creates the following layout objects: ClusterSpanner and ClusterSpannerBeacon.

Print phrasing slurs. Similar to Slur_engraver

Music types accepted:


This engraver creates the following layout objects: PhrasingSlur.

Generates NoteSpacing, an object linking horizontal lines for use in spacing.

This engraver creates the following layout objects: NoteSpacing.

Generates NoteColumn, an objects that groups stems, noteheads and rests.

This engraver creates the following layout objects: NoteColumn.


This engraver creates the following layout objects: ScriptColumn.

Handles note scripted articulations.

Music types accepted:


Properties (read)

scriptDefinitions (list)
Description of scripts. This is used by Script_engraver for typesetting note-super/subscripts. See scm/script.scm for more information
This engraver creates the following layout objects: Script.
Create fall spanners.

Music types accepted:


This engraver creates the following layout objects: BendAfter.

This engraver creates hairpins, dynamic texts, and their vertical alignments. The symbols are collected onto a DynamicLineSpanner grob which takes care of vertical positioning.

Music types accepted:

span-dynamic-event and absolute-dynamic-event

This engraver creates the following layout objects: DynamicLineSpanner, DynamicText, Hairpin and TextSpanner.

Create text-scripts

Music types accepted:


This engraver creates the following layout objects: TextScript.

Part combine engraver for orchestral scores: Print markings a2, Solo, Solo II, and unisono

Music types accepted:


Properties (read)

printPartCombineTexts (boolean)
set Solo/A due texts in the part combiner?
soloText (string)
text for begin of solo when part-combining.
soloIIText (string)
text for begin of solo for voice “two” when part-combining.
aDueText (string)
Text to print at a unisono passage.
This engraver creates the following layout objects: CombineTextScript.
Make beat repeats.

Music types accepted:


Properties (read)

measureLength (moment)
Length of one measure in the current time signature.
This engraver creates the following layout objects: RepeatSlash.
Make whole bar and double bar repeats.

Music types accepted:


Properties (read)

countPercentRepeats (boolean)
If set, produce counters for percent repeats.
currentCommandColumn (layout object)
Grob that is X-parent to all current breakable (clef, key signature, etc.) items.
measureLength (moment)
Length of one measure in the current time signature.
Properties (write)
forbidBreak (boolean)
If set to ##t, prevent a line break at this point.
This engraver creates the following layout objects: DoublePercentRepeat, DoublePercentRepeatCounter, PercentRepeat and PercentRepeatCounter.
Generates beams for tremolo repeats.

Music types accepted:


This engraver creates the following layout objects: Beam.

Generate beams based on measure characteristics and observed Stems. Uses beatLength, measureLength and measurePosition to decide when to start and stop a beam. Overriding beaming is done through Stem_engraver properties stemLeftBeamCount and stemRightBeamCount.

Music types accepted:


Properties (read)

autoBeaming (boolean)
If set to true then beams are generated automatically.
autoBeamSettings (list)
Specifies when automatically generated beams should begin and end. See Setting automatic beam behavior for more information.
beatLength (moment)
The length of one beat in this time signature.
subdivideBeams (boolean)
If set, multiple beams will be subdivided at beat positions by only drawing one beam over the beat.
This engraver creates the following layout objects: Beam.
Handles Beam events by engraving Beams. If omitted, then notes will be printed with flags instead of beams. Only engraves beams when we are at grace points in time.

Music types accepted:


Properties (read)

beamMelismaBusy (boolean)
Signal if a beam is present.
beatLength (moment)
The length of one beat in this time signature.
allowBeamBreak (boolean)
If true allow line breaks for beams over bar lines.
subdivideBeams (boolean)
If set, multiple beams will be subdivided at beat positions by only drawing one beam over the beat.
This engraver creates the following layout objects: Beam.
Handles Beam events by engraving Beams. If omitted, then notes will be printed with flags instead of beams.

Music types accepted:


Properties (read)

beamMelismaBusy (boolean)
Signal if a beam is present.
beatLength (moment)
The length of one beat in this time signature.
subdivideBeams (boolean)
If set, multiple beams will be subdivided at beat positions by only drawing one beam over the beat.
Properties (write)
forbidBreak (boolean)
If set to ##t, prevent a line break at this point.
This engraver creates the following layout objects: Beam.
Create stems and single-stem tremolos. It also works together with the beam engraver for overriding beaming.

Music types accepted:


Properties (read)

tremoloFlags (integer)
Number of tremolo flags to add if no number is specified.
stemLeftBeamCount (integer)
Specify the number of beams to draw on the left side of the next note. Overrides automatic beaming. The value is only used once, and then it is erased.
stemRightBeamCount (integer)
See stemLeftBeamCount.
This engraver creates the following layout objects: Stem and StemTremolo.

Music types accepted:


Properties (read)

middleCPosition (number)
Place of the middle C, measured in half staff-spaces. Usually determined by looking at clefPosition and clefGlyph.
This engraver creates the following layout objects: Rest.
Create Dots objects for rhythmic-head-interfaces.

This engraver creates the following layout objects: Dots.


Music types accepted:


This engraver creates the following layout objects: BreathingSign.

Handles Ligature_events by engraving Ligature brackets.

Music types accepted:


This engraver creates the following layout objects: TupletBracket.

Engrave a glissandi

Music types accepted:


Properties (read)

followVoice (boolean)
If set, note heads are tracked across staff switches by a thin line
This engraver creates the following layout objects: Glissando.
Engrave a line between two note heads, for example a glissando. If followVoice is set, staff switches also generate a line.

Properties (read)

followVoice (boolean)
If set, note heads are tracked across staff switches by a thin line
This engraver creates the following layout objects: Glissando and VoiceFollower.
Create Laissez vibrer items.

Music types accepted:


This engraver creates the following layout objects: RepeatTie and RepeatTieColumn.

Create Laissez vibrer items.

Music types accepted:


This engraver creates the following layout objects: LaissezVibrerTie and LaissezVibrerTieColumn.

Forbid line breaks when note heads are still playing at some point.

Properties (read)

busyGrobs (list)
a queue of (end-moment . GROB) conses. This is for internal (C++) use only. This property contains the grobs which are still busy (e.g. note heads, spanners, etc.)
Properties (write)
forbidBreak (boolean)
If set to ##t, prevent a line break at this point.

Administrate when certain grobs (eg. note heads) stop playing

Properties (read)

busyGrobs (list)
a queue of (end-moment . GROB) conses. This is for internal (C++) use only. This property contains the grobs which are still busy (e.g. note heads, spanners, etc.)
Properties (write)
busyGrobs (list)
a queue of (end-moment . GROB) conses. This is for internal (C++) use only. This property contains the grobs which are still busy (e.g. note heads, spanners, etc.)

Create trill spanner from an event.

Music types accepted:


This engraver creates the following layout objects: TrillSpanner.

Create text spanner from an event.

Music types accepted:


This engraver creates the following layout objects: TextSpanner.

Engraves multi-measure rests that are produced with R. Reads measurePosition and internalBarNumber to determine what number to print over the MultiMeasureRest. Reads measureLength to determine if it should use a whole rest or a breve rest to represent 1 measure

Music types accepted:

multi-measure-text-event and multi-measure-rest-event

Properties (read)

internalBarNumber (integer)
Contains the current barnumber. This property is used for internal timekeeping, among others by the Accidental_engraver.
restNumberThreshold (number)
If a multimeasure rest has more measures than this, a number is printed.
breakableSeparationItem (layout object)
The breakable items in this time step, for this staff.
currentCommandColumn (layout object)
Grob that is X-parent to all current breakable (clef, key signature, etc.) items.
measurePosition (moment)
How much of the current measure have we had. This can be set manually to create incomplete measures.
measureLength (moment)
Length of one measure in the current time signature.
This engraver creates the following layout objects: MultiMeasureRest, MultiMeasureRestNumber and MultiMeasureRestText.
Generate an Arpeggio symbol

Music types accepted:


This engraver creates the following layout objects: Arpeggio.

Apply a procedure to any grob acknowledged.

Music types accepted:


Print the bracketed notehead after a notehead with trill.

This engraver creates the following layout objects: TrillPitchAccidental, TrillPitchGroup and TrillPitchHead.

Puts fontSize into font-size grob property.

Properties (read)

fontSize (number)
The relative size of all grobs in a context.


Same as Staff context, except that it is accommodated for tyepsetting Gregorian Chant in the notational style of Editio Vaticana.

This context also accepts commands for the following context(s):


This context creates the following layout objects:

AccidentalSuggestion, Accidental, BarLine, BassFigureAlignmentPositioning, BassFigureAlignment, BassFigureBracket, BassFigureContinuation, BassFigureLine, BassFigure, Clef, Custos, DotColumn, InstrumentName, KeySignature, LedgerLineSpanner, NoteCollision, OctavateEight, OttavaBracket, PianoPedalBracket, RestCollision, ScriptRow, SeparatingGroupSpanner, SeparationItem, SostenutoPedalLineSpanner, SostenutoPedal, StaffSpacing, StaffSymbol, SustainPedalLineSpanner, SustainPedal, UnaCordaPedalLineSpanner, UnaCordaPedal, VerticalAxisGroup and VoltaBracket.

This context sets the following properties:

Context VaticanaStaff can contain VaticanaVoice and CueVoice

This context is built from the following engravers:


This engraver creates the following layout objects: Custos.

Determine order in horizontal side position elements.

This engraver creates the following layout objects: ScriptRow.

Position figured bass alignments over notes.

This engraver creates the following layout objects: BassFigureAlignmentPositioning.

Make figured bass numbers.

Music types accepted:

bass-figure-event and rest-event

Properties (read)

figuredBassAlterationDirection (direction)
Where to put alterations relative to the main figure.
figuredBassCenterContinuations (boolean)
Whether to vertically center pairs of extender lines. This does not work with three or more lines
figuredBassFormatter (procedure)
Routine generating a markup for a bass figure.
implicitBassFigures (list)
List of bass figures that are not printed as numbers, but only as extender lines.
useBassFigureExtenders (boolean)
Whether to use extender lines for repeated bass figures
ignoreFiguredBassRest (boolean)
Don't swallow rest events.
This engraver creates the following layout objects: BassFigure, BassFigureAlignment, BassFigureBracket, BassFigureContinuation and BassFigureLine.
Group all objects created in this context in a VerticalAxisGroup spanner.

Properties (read)

currentCommandColumn (layout object)
Grob that is X-parent to all current breakable (clef, key signature, etc.) items.
This engraver creates the following layout objects: VerticalAxisGroup.
Swallow string-number-events - the purpose of this engraver is to process tab for normal notation. To provent warnings for unprocessed string-number-event to obscure real error messages, this engraver swallows them all.
Creates a system start text for instrument or vocal names.

Properties (read)

currentCommandColumn (layout object)
Grob that is X-parent to all current breakable (clef, key signature, etc.) items.
shortInstrumentName (markup)
See instrument
instrumentName (markup)
The name to print left of a staff. The instrument property labels the staff in the first system, and the instr property labels following lines.
shortVocalName (markup)
Name of a vocal line, short version.
vocalName (markup)
Name of a vocal line.
This engraver creates the following layout objects: InstrumentName.
Align piano pedal symbols and brackets.

Properties (read)

currentCommandColumn (layout object)
Grob that is X-parent to all current breakable (clef, key signature, etc.) items.
This engraver creates the following layout objects: SostenutoPedalLineSpanner, SustainPedalLineSpanner and UnaCordaPedalLineSpanner.
Engrave piano pedal symbols and brackets.

Music types accepted:

una-corda-event, sustain-event and sostenuto-event

Properties (read)

currentCommandColumn (layout object)
Grob that is X-parent to all current breakable (clef, key signature, etc.) items.
pedalSostenutoStrings (list)
See pedalSustainStrings.
pedalSostenutoStyle (symbol)
see pedalSustainStyle.
pedalSustainStrings (list)
List of string to print for sustain-pedal. Format is (up updown down), where each of the three is the string to print when this is done with the pedal.
pedalSustainStyle (symbol)
A symbol that indicates how to print sustain pedals: text, bracket or mixed (both).
pedalUnaCordaStrings (list)
See pedalSustainStrings.
pedalUnaCordaStyle (symbol)
see pedalSustainStyle.
This engraver creates the following layout objects: PianoPedalBracket, SostenutoPedal, SustainPedal and UnaCordaPedal.
Make accidentals. Catch note heads, ties and notices key-change events. This engraver usually lives at Staff level, but reads the settings for Accidental at Voice level, so you can \override them at Voice.

Properties (read)

autoAccidentals (list)
List of different ways to typeset an accidental.

For determining when to print an accidental, several different rules are tried. The rule that gives the highest number of accidentals is used. Each rule consists of

In which context is the rule applied. For example, if context is Score then all staves share accidentals, and if context is Staff then all voices in the same staff share accidentals, but staves do not.
Whether the accidental changes all octaves or only the current octave. Valid choices are
This is the default algorithm. Accidentals are typeset if the note changes the accidental of that note in that octave. Accidentals lasts to the end of the measure and then as many measures as specified in the value. I.e. 1 means to the end of next measure, -1 means to the end of previous measure (that is: no duration at all), etc. #t means forever.
Accidentals are typeset if the note is different from the previous note on the same pitch in any octave. The value has same meaning as in same-octave.

Over how many bar lines the accidental lasts. If laziness is -1 then the accidental is forgotten immediately, and if laziness is #t then the accidental lasts forever.

autoCautionaries (list)
List similar to autoAccidentals, but it controls cautionary accidentals rather than normal ones. Both lists are tried, and the one giving the most accidentals wins. In case of draw, a normal accidental is typeset.
internalBarNumber (integer)
Contains the current barnumber. This property is used for internal timekeeping, among others by the Accidental_engraver.
extraNatural (boolean)
Whether to typeset an extra natural sign before accidentals changing from a non-natural to another non-natural.
harmonicAccidentals (boolean)
If set, harmonic notes in chords get accidentals.
localKeySignature (list)
the key signature at this point in the measure. The format is the same as for keySignature, but can also contain ((octave . name) . (alter . barnumber)) pairs. It is reset at every bar line.
Properties (write)
localKeySignature (list)
the key signature at this point in the measure. The format is the same as for keySignature, but can also contain ((octave . name) . (alter . barnumber)) pairs. It is reset at every bar line.
This engraver creates the following layout objects: Accidental and AccidentalSuggestion.
Handles collisions of rests.

This engraver creates the following layout objects: RestCollision.

Collect NoteColumns, and as soon as there are two or more, put them in a NoteCollision object.

This engraver creates the following layout objects: NoteCollision.

Create the constellation of five (default) staff lines.

Music types accepted:


This engraver creates the following layout objects: StaffSymbol.

Creates the spanner to draw ledger lines, and notices objects that need ledger lines

This engraver creates the following layout objects: LedgerLineSpanner.


Music types accepted:


Properties (read)

createKeyOnClefChange (boolean)
Print a key signature whenever the clef is changed.
explicitKeySignatureVisibility (vector)
`break-visibility' function for explicit key changes. `\override' of the break-visibility property will set the visibility for normal (i.e. at the start of the line) key signatures.
extraNatural (boolean)
Whether to typeset an extra natural sign before accidentals changing from a non-natural to another non-natural.
keyAlterationOrder (list)
Alist that defines in what order alterations should be printed. The format is (step . alter), where step is from 0 .. 6 and alter from -2 (sharp) and 2 (flat).
keySignature (list)
The current key signature. This is an alist containing (name . alter) or ((octave . name) . alter). where name is from 0.. 6 and alter from -4 (double flat) to 4 (double sharp).
keySignature (list)
The current key signature. This is an alist containing (name . alter) or ((octave . name) . alter). where name is from 0.. 6 and alter from -4 (double flat) to 4 (double sharp).
lastKeySignature (list)
Last key signature before a key signature change.
printKeyCancellation (boolean)
Print restoration alterations before a key signature change.
Properties (write)
keySignature (list)
The current key signature. This is an alist containing (name . alter) or ((octave . name) . alter). where name is from 0.. 6 and alter from -4 (double flat) to 4 (double sharp).
lastKeySignature (list)
Last key signature before a key signature change.
tonic (pitch)
The tonic of the current scale
This engraver creates the following layout objects: KeySignature.
Determine and set reference point for pitches

Properties (read)

clefGlyph (string)
Name of the symbol within the music font.
clefOctavation (integer)
Add this much extra octavation. Values of 7 and -7 are common.
clefPosition (number)
Where should the center of the clef symbol go, measured in half staff spaces from the center of the staff.
explicitClefVisibility (vector)
`break-visibility' function for clef changes.
forceClef (boolean)
Show clef symbol, even if it has not changed. Only active for the first clef after the property is set, not for the full staff.
middleCPosition (number)
Place of the middle C, measured in half staff-spaces. Usually determined by looking at clefPosition and clefGlyph.
This engraver creates the following layout objects: Clef and OctavateEight.
Create a text spanner when the ottavation property changes..

Properties (read)

ottavation (string)
If set, the text for an ottava spanner. Changing this creates a new text spanner.
originalMiddleCPosition (integer)
Used for temporary overriding middle C in octavation brackets.
currentMusicalColumn (layout object)
Grob that is X-parent to all non-breakable items (note heads, lyrics, etc.).
This engraver creates the following layout objects: OttavaBracket.
Engraves dots on dotted notes shifted to the right of the note. If omitted, then dots appear on top of the notes.

This engraver creates the following layout objects: DotColumn.

Generates objects for computing spacing parameters.

Properties (read)

createSpacing (boolean)
Create StaffSpacing objects? Should be set for staves.
Properties (write)
breakableSeparationItem (layout object)
The breakable items in this time step, for this staff.
This engraver creates the following layout objects: SeparatingGroupSpanner, SeparationItem and StaffSpacing.
Make volta brackets.

Properties (read)

repeatCommands (list)
This property is read to find any command of the form (volta . x), where x is a string or #f
voltaSpannerDuration (moment)
This specifies the maximum duration to use for the brackets printed for \alternative. This can be used to shrink the length of brackets in the situation where one alternative is very large.
stavesFound (list of grobs)
list of all staff-symbols found.
This engraver creates the following layout objects: VoltaBracket.
Puts fontSize into font-size grob property.

Properties (read)

fontSize (number)
The relative size of all grobs in a context.

Create barlines. This engraver is controlled through the whichBar property. If it has no bar line to create, it will forbid a linebreak at this point

Properties (read)

whichBar (string)
This property is read to determine what type of bar line to create.


               \set Staff.whichBar = "|:"

This will create a start-repeat bar in this staff only. Valid values are described in bar-line-interface.

Properties (write)
forbidBreak (boolean)
If set to ##t, prevent a line break at this point.
This engraver creates the following layout objects: BarLine.
Apply a procedure to any grob acknowledged.

Music types accepted:



Same as Voice context, except that it is accommodated for tyepsetting Gregorian Chant in the notational style of Editio Vaticana.

This context also accepts commands for the following context(s):


This context creates the following layout objects:

Arpeggio, Beam, BendAfter, BreathingSign, ClusterSpannerBeacon, ClusterSpanner, CombineTextScript, DotColumn, Dots, DoublePercentRepeatCounter, DoublePercentRepeat, DynamicLineSpanner, DynamicText, Fingering, Glissando, Hairpin, InstrumentSwitch, LaissezVibrerTieColumn, LaissezVibrerTie, MultiMeasureRestNumber, MultiMeasureRestText, MultiMeasureRest, NoteColumn, NoteHead, NoteSpacing, PercentRepeatCounter, PercentRepeat, PhrasingSlur, RepeatSlash, RepeatTieColumn, RepeatTie, Rest, ScriptColumn, Script, StringNumber, StrokeFinger, TextScript, TextSpanner, TieColumn, Tie, TrillPitchAccidental, TrillPitchGroup, TrillPitchHead, TrillSpanner, TupletBracket, TupletNumber, VaticanaLigature and VoiceFollower.

This context sets the following properties:

This context is a `bottom' context; it can not contain other contexts.

This context is built from the following engravers:

Handles ligatures by glueing special ligature heads together.

Music types accepted:

ligature-event and pes-or-flexa-event

This engraver creates the following layout objects: DotColumn and VaticanaLigature.

Swallow \skip.
Create a cue text for taking instrument.

Properties (read)

instrumentCueName (markup)
Name to print if another instrument is to be taken.
This engraver creates the following layout objects: InstrumentSwitch.
Set font size and other properties for grace notes.

Properties (read)

graceSettings (list)
Overrides for grace notes. This property should be manipulated through the add-grace-property function.

Catch tuplet events and generate appropriate bracket.

Music types accepted:


Properties (read)

tupletFullLength (boolean)
If set, the tuplet is printed up to the start of the next note.
tupletFullLengthNote (boolean)
If set, end at the next note, otherwise end on the matter (time sigs, etc.) before the note.
This engraver creates the following layout objects: TupletBracket and TupletNumber.
Generate ties between noteheads of equal pitch.

Music types accepted:


Properties (read)

tieWaitForNote (boolean)
If true, tied notes do not have to follow each other directly. This can be used for writing out arpeggios
Properties (write)
tieMelismaBusy (boolean)
Signal whether a tie is present.
This engraver creates the following layout objects: Tie and TieColumn.
Engraves a cluster using Spanner notation

Music types accepted:


This engraver creates the following layout objects: ClusterSpanner and ClusterSpannerBeacon.

Print phrasing slurs. Similar to Slur_engraver

Music types accepted:


This engraver creates the following layout objects: PhrasingSlur.

Generates NoteSpacing, an object linking horizontal lines for use in spacing.

This engraver creates the following layout objects: NoteSpacing.

Generates NoteColumn, an objects that groups stems, noteheads and rests.

This engraver creates the following layout objects: NoteColumn.


This engraver creates the following layout objects: ScriptColumn.

Handles note scripted articulations.

Music types accepted:


Properties (read)

scriptDefinitions (list)
Description of scripts. This is used by Script_engraver for typesetting note-super/subscripts. See scm/script.scm for more information
This engraver creates the following layout objects: Script.
Create fall spanners.

Music types accepted:


This engraver creates the following layout objects: BendAfter.

Create fingering-scripts

Music types accepted:

stroke-finger-event and fingering-event

This engraver creates the following layout objects: Fingering.

This engraver creates hairpins, dynamic texts, and their vertical alignments. The symbols are collected onto a DynamicLineSpanner grob which takes care of vertical positioning.

Music types accepted:

span-dynamic-event and absolute-dynamic-event

This engraver creates the following layout objects: DynamicLineSpanner, DynamicText, Hairpin and TextSpanner.

Create text-scripts

Music types accepted:


This engraver creates the following layout objects: TextScript.

Part combine engraver for orchestral scores: Print markings a2, Solo, Solo II, and unisono

Music types accepted:


Properties (read)

printPartCombineTexts (boolean)
set Solo/A due texts in the part combiner?
soloText (string)
text for begin of solo when part-combining.
soloIIText (string)
text for begin of solo for voice “two” when part-combining.
aDueText (string)
Text to print at a unisono passage.
This engraver creates the following layout objects: CombineTextScript.
Make beat repeats.

Music types accepted:


Properties (read)

measureLength (moment)
Length of one measure in the current time signature.
This engraver creates the following layout objects: RepeatSlash.
Make whole bar and double bar repeats.

Music types accepted:


Properties (read)

countPercentRepeats (boolean)
If set, produce counters for percent repeats.
currentCommandColumn (layout object)
Grob that is X-parent to all current breakable (clef, key signature, etc.) items.
measureLength (moment)
Length of one measure in the current time signature.
Properties (write)
forbidBreak (boolean)
If set to ##t, prevent a line break at this point.
This engraver creates the following layout objects: DoublePercentRepeat, DoublePercentRepeatCounter, PercentRepeat and PercentRepeatCounter.
Generates beams for tremolo repeats.

Music types accepted:


This engraver creates the following layout objects: Beam.

Create fingering-scripts for notes in a new chord. This engraver is ill-named, since it also takes care of articulations and harmonic note heads

Properties (read)

fingeringOrientations (list)
List of symbols, containing `left', `right', `up' and/or `down'. This list determines where fingerings are put relative to the chord being fingered.
strokeFingerOrientations (list)
See fingeringOrientations
stringNumberOrientations (list)
See fingeringOrientations
This engraver creates the following layout objects: Fingering, Script, StringNumber and StrokeFinger.
Generate beams based on measure characteristics and observed Stems. Uses beatLength, measureLength and measurePosition to decide when to start and stop a beam. Overriding beaming is done through Stem_engraver properties stemLeftBeamCount and stemRightBeamCount.

Music types accepted:


Properties (read)

autoBeaming (boolean)
If set to true then beams are generated automatically.
autoBeamSettings (list)
Specifies when automatically generated beams should begin and end. See Setting automatic beam behavior for more information.
beatLength (moment)
The length of one beat in this time signature.
subdivideBeams (boolean)
If set, multiple beams will be subdivided at beat positions by only drawing one beam over the beat.
This engraver creates the following layout objects: Beam.
Handles Beam events by engraving Beams. If omitted, then notes will be printed with flags instead of beams. Only engraves beams when we are at grace points in time.

Music types accepted:


Properties (read)

beamMelismaBusy (boolean)
Signal if a beam is present.
beatLength (moment)
The length of one beat in this time signature.
allowBeamBreak (boolean)
If true allow line breaks for beams over bar lines.
subdivideBeams (boolean)
If set, multiple beams will be subdivided at beat positions by only drawing one beam over the beat.
This engraver creates the following layout objects: Beam.
Handles Beam events by engraving Beams. If omitted, then notes will be printed with flags instead of beams.

Music types accepted:


Properties (read)

beamMelismaBusy (boolean)
Signal if a beam is present.
beatLength (moment)
The length of one beat in this time signature.
subdivideBeams (boolean)
If set, multiple beams will be subdivided at beat positions by only drawing one beam over the beat.
Properties (write)
forbidBreak (boolean)
If set to ##t, prevent a line break at this point.
This engraver creates the following layout objects: Beam.

Music types accepted:


Properties (read)

middleCPosition (number)
Place of the middle C, measured in half staff-spaces. Usually determined by looking at clefPosition and clefGlyph.
This engraver creates the following layout objects: Rest.
Create Dots objects for rhythmic-head-interfaces.

This engraver creates the following layout objects: Dots.

Generate noteheads.

Music types accepted:


Properties (read)

middleCPosition (number)
Place of the middle C, measured in half staff-spaces. Usually determined by looking at clefPosition and clefGlyph.
This engraver creates the following layout objects: NoteHead.

Music types accepted:


This engraver creates the following layout objects: BreathingSign.

Engrave a glissandi

Music types accepted:


Properties (read)

followVoice (boolean)
If set, note heads are tracked across staff switches by a thin line
This engraver creates the following layout objects: Glissando.
Engrave a line between two note heads, for example a glissando. If followVoice is set, staff switches also generate a line.

Properties (read)

followVoice (boolean)
If set, note heads are tracked across staff switches by a thin line
This engraver creates the following layout objects: Glissando and VoiceFollower.
Create Laissez vibrer items.

Music types accepted:


This engraver creates the following layout objects: RepeatTie and RepeatTieColumn.

Create Laissez vibrer items.

Music types accepted:


This engraver creates the following layout objects: LaissezVibrerTie and LaissezVibrerTieColumn.

Forbid line breaks when note heads are still playing at some point.

Properties (read)

busyGrobs (list)
a queue of (end-moment . GROB) conses. This is for internal (C++) use only. This property contains the grobs which are still busy (e.g. note heads, spanners, etc.)
Properties (write)
forbidBreak (boolean)
If set to ##t, prevent a line break at this point.

Administrate when certain grobs (eg. note heads) stop playing

Properties (read)

busyGrobs (list)
a queue of (end-moment . GROB) conses. This is for internal (C++) use only. This property contains the grobs which are still busy (e.g. note heads, spanners, etc.)
Properties (write)
busyGrobs (list)
a queue of (end-moment . GROB) conses. This is for internal (C++) use only. This property contains the grobs which are still busy (e.g. note heads, spanners, etc.)

Create trill spanner from an event.

Music types accepted:


This engraver creates the following layout objects: TrillSpanner.

Create text spanner from an event.

Music types accepted:


This engraver creates the following layout objects: TextSpanner.

Engraves multi-measure rests that are produced with R. Reads measurePosition and internalBarNumber to determine what number to print over the MultiMeasureRest. Reads measureLength to determine if it should use a whole rest or a breve rest to represent 1 measure

Music types accepted:

multi-measure-text-event and multi-measure-rest-event

Properties (read)

internalBarNumber (integer)
Contains the current barnumber. This property is used for internal timekeeping, among others by the Accidental_engraver.
restNumberThreshold (number)
If a multimeasure rest has more measures than this, a number is printed.
breakableSeparationItem (layout object)
The breakable items in this time step, for this staff.
currentCommandColumn (layout object)
Grob that is X-parent to all current breakable (clef, key signature, etc.) items.
measurePosition (moment)
How much of the current measure have we had. This can be set manually to create incomplete measures.
measureLength (moment)
Length of one measure in the current time signature.
This engraver creates the following layout objects: MultiMeasureRest, MultiMeasureRestNumber and MultiMeasureRestText.
Generate an Arpeggio symbol

Music types accepted:


This engraver creates the following layout objects: Arpeggio.

Apply a procedure to any grob acknowledged.

Music types accepted:


Print the bracketed notehead after a notehead with trill.

This engraver creates the following layout objects: TrillPitchAccidental, TrillPitchGroup and TrillPitchHead.

Puts fontSize into font-size grob property.

Properties (read)

fontSize (number)
The relative size of all grobs in a context.


Corresponds to a voice on a staff. This context handles the conversion of dynamic signs, stems, beams, super- and subscripts, slurs, ties, and rests.

You have to instantiate this explicitly if you want to have multiple voices on the same staff.

This context creates the following layout objects:

Arpeggio, Beam, BendAfter, BreathingSign, ClusterSpannerBeacon, ClusterSpanner, CombineTextScript, Dots, DoublePercentRepeatCounter, DoublePercentRepeat, DynamicLineSpanner, DynamicText, Fingering, Glissando, Hairpin, InstrumentSwitch, LaissezVibrerTieColumn, LaissezVibrerTie, MultiMeasureRestNumber, MultiMeasureRestText, MultiMeasureRest, NoteColumn, NoteHead, NoteSpacing, PercentRepeatCounter, PercentRepeat, PhrasingSlur, RepeatSlash, RepeatTieColumn, RepeatTie, Rest, ScriptColumn, Script, Slur, StemTremolo, Stem, StringNumber, StrokeFinger, TextScript, TextSpanner, TieColumn, Tie, TrillPitchAccidental, TrillPitchGroup, TrillPitchHead, TrillSpanner, TupletBracket, TupletNumber and VoiceFollower.

This context sets the following properties:

This context is a `bottom' context; it can not contain other contexts.

This context is built from the following engravers:

Swallow \skip.
Create a cue text for taking instrument.

Properties (read)

instrumentCueName (markup)
Name to print if another instrument is to be taken.
This engraver creates the following layout objects: InstrumentSwitch.
Set font size and other properties for grace notes.

Properties (read)

graceSettings (list)
Overrides for grace notes. This property should be manipulated through the add-grace-property function.

Catch tuplet events and generate appropriate bracket.

Music types accepted:


Properties (read)

tupletFullLength (boolean)
If set, the tuplet is printed up to the start of the next note.
tupletFullLengthNote (boolean)
If set, end at the next note, otherwise end on the matter (time sigs, etc.) before the note.
This engraver creates the following layout objects: TupletBracket and TupletNumber.
Generate ties between noteheads of equal pitch.

Music types accepted:


Properties (read)

tieWaitForNote (boolean)
If true, tied notes do not have to follow each other directly. This can be used for writing out arpeggios
Properties (write)
tieMelismaBusy (boolean)
Signal whether a tie is present.
This engraver creates the following layout objects: Tie and TieColumn.
Build slur grobs from slur events

Music types accepted:


Properties (read)

slurMelismaBusy (boolean)
Signal if a slur is present.
doubleSlurs (boolean)
When set, two slurs are created for every slurred note, one above and one below the chord.
This engraver creates the following layout objects: Slur.
Engraves a cluster using Spanner notation

Music types accepted:


This engraver creates the following layout objects: ClusterSpanner and ClusterSpannerBeacon.

Print phrasing slurs. Similar to Slur_engraver

Music types accepted:


This engraver creates the following layout objects: PhrasingSlur.

Generates NoteSpacing, an object linking horizontal lines for use in spacing.

This engraver creates the following layout objects: NoteSpacing.

Generates NoteColumn, an objects that groups stems, noteheads and rests.

This engraver creates the following layout objects: NoteColumn.


This engraver creates the following layout objects: ScriptColumn.

Handles note scripted articulations.

Music types accepted:


Properties (read)

scriptDefinitions (list)
Description of scripts. This is used by Script_engraver for typesetting note-super/subscripts. See scm/script.scm for more information
This engraver creates the following layout objects: Script.
Create fall spanners.

Music types accepted:


This engraver creates the following layout objects: BendAfter.

Create fingering-scripts

Music types accepted:

stroke-finger-event and fingering-event

This engraver creates the following layout objects: Fingering.

This engraver creates hairpins, dynamic texts, and their vertical alignments. The symbols are collected onto a DynamicLineSpanner grob which takes care of vertical positioning.

Music types accepted:

span-dynamic-event and absolute-dynamic-event

This engraver creates the following layout objects: DynamicLineSpanner, DynamicText, Hairpin and TextSpanner.

Create text-scripts

Music types accepted:


This engraver creates the following layout objects: TextScript.

Part combine engraver for orchestral scores: Print markings a2, Solo, Solo II, and unisono

Music types accepted:


Properties (read)

printPartCombineTexts (boolean)
set Solo/A due texts in the part combiner?
soloText (string)
text for begin of solo when part-combining.
soloIIText (string)
text for begin of solo for voice “two” when part-combining.
aDueText (string)
Text to print at a unisono passage.
This engraver creates the following layout objects: CombineTextScript.
Make beat repeats.

Music types accepted:


Properties (read)

measureLength (moment)
Length of one measure in the current time signature.
This engraver creates the following layout objects: RepeatSlash.
Make whole bar and double bar repeats.

Music types accepted:


Properties (read)

countPercentRepeats (boolean)
If set, produce counters for percent repeats.
currentCommandColumn (layout object)
Grob that is X-parent to all current breakable (clef, key signature, etc.) items.
measureLength (moment)
Length of one measure in the current time signature.
Properties (write)
forbidBreak (boolean)
If set to ##t, prevent a line break at this point.
This engraver creates the following layout objects: DoublePercentRepeat, DoublePercentRepeatCounter, PercentRepeat and PercentRepeatCounter.
Generates beams for tremolo repeats.

Music types accepted:


This engraver creates the following layout objects: Beam.

Create fingering-scripts for notes in a new chord. This engraver is ill-named, since it also takes care of articulations and harmonic note heads

Properties (read)

fingeringOrientations (list)
List of symbols, containing `left', `right', `up' and/or `down'. This list determines where fingerings are put relative to the chord being fingered.
strokeFingerOrientations (list)
See fingeringOrientations
stringNumberOrientations (list)
See fingeringOrientations
This engraver creates the following layout objects: Fingering, Script, StringNumber and StrokeFinger.
Generate beams based on measure characteristics and observed Stems. Uses beatLength, measureLength and measurePosition to decide when to start and stop a beam. Overriding beaming is done through Stem_engraver properties stemLeftBeamCount and stemRightBeamCount.

Music types accepted:


Properties (read)

autoBeaming (boolean)
If set to true then beams are generated automatically.
autoBeamSettings (list)
Specifies when automatically generated beams should begin and end. See Setting automatic beam behavior for more information.
beatLength (moment)
The length of one beat in this time signature.
subdivideBeams (boolean)
If set, multiple beams will be subdivided at beat positions by only drawing one beam over the beat.
This engraver creates the following layout objects: Beam.
Handles Beam events by engraving Beams. If omitted, then notes will be printed with flags instead of beams. Only engraves beams when we are at grace points in time.

Music types accepted:


Properties (read)

beamMelismaBusy (boolean)
Signal if a beam is present.
beatLength (moment)
The length of one beat in this time signature.
allowBeamBreak (boolean)
If true allow line breaks for beams over bar lines.
subdivideBeams (boolean)
If set, multiple beams will be subdivided at beat positions by only drawing one beam over the beat.
This engraver creates the following layout objects: Beam.
Handles Beam events by engraving Beams. If omitted, then notes will be printed with flags instead of beams.

Music types accepted:


Properties (read)

beamMelismaBusy (boolean)
Signal if a beam is present.
beatLength (moment)
The length of one beat in this time signature.
subdivideBeams (boolean)
If set, multiple beams will be subdivided at beat positions by only drawing one beam over the beat.
Properties (write)
forbidBreak (boolean)
If set to ##t, prevent a line break at this point.
This engraver creates the following layout objects: Beam.
Create stems and single-stem tremolos. It also works together with the beam engraver for overriding beaming.

Music types accepted:


Properties (read)

tremoloFlags (integer)
Number of tremolo flags to add if no number is specified.
stemLeftBeamCount (integer)
Specify the number of beams to draw on the left side of the next note. Overrides automatic beaming. The value is only used once, and then it is erased.
stemRightBeamCount (integer)
See stemLeftBeamCount.
This engraver creates the following layout objects: Stem and StemTremolo.

Music types accepted:


Properties (read)

middleCPosition (number)
Place of the middle C, measured in half staff-spaces. Usually determined by looking at clefPosition and clefGlyph.
This engraver creates the following layout objects: Rest.
Create Dots objects for rhythmic-head-interfaces.

This engraver creates the following layout objects: Dots.

Generate noteheads.

Music types accepted:


Properties (read)

middleCPosition (number)
Place of the middle C, measured in half staff-spaces. Usually determined by looking at clefPosition and clefGlyph.
This engraver creates the following layout objects: NoteHead.

Music types accepted:


This engraver creates the following layout objects: BreathingSign.

Handles Ligature_events by engraving Ligature brackets.

Music types accepted:


This engraver creates the following layout objects: TupletBracket.

Engrave a glissandi

Music types accepted:


Properties (read)

followVoice (boolean)
If set, note heads are tracked across staff switches by a thin line
This engraver creates the following layout objects: Glissando.
Engrave a line between two note heads, for example a glissando. If followVoice is set, staff switches also generate a line.

Properties (read)

followVoice (boolean)
If set, note heads are tracked across staff switches by a thin line
This engraver creates the following layout objects: Glissando and VoiceFollower.
Create Laissez vibrer items.

Music types accepted:


This engraver creates the following layout objects: RepeatTie and RepeatTieColumn.

Create Laissez vibrer items.

Music types accepted:


This engraver creates the following layout objects: LaissezVibrerTie and LaissezVibrerTieColumn.

Forbid line breaks when note heads are still playing at some point.

Properties (read)

busyGrobs (list)
a queue of (end-moment . GROB) conses. This is for internal (C++) use only. This property contains the grobs which are still busy (e.g. note heads, spanners, etc.)
Properties (write)
forbidBreak (boolean)
If set to ##t, prevent a line break at this point.

Administrate when certain grobs (eg. note heads) stop playing

Properties (read)

busyGrobs (list)
a queue of (end-moment . GROB) conses. This is for internal (C++) use only. This property contains the grobs which are still busy (e.g. note heads, spanners, etc.)
Properties (write)
busyGrobs (list)
a queue of (end-moment . GROB) conses. This is for internal (C++) use only. This property contains the grobs which are still busy (e.g. note heads, spanners, etc.)

Create trill spanner from an event.

Music types accepted:


This engraver creates the following layout objects: TrillSpanner.

Create text spanner from an event.

Music types accepted:


This engraver creates the following layout objects: TextSpanner.

Engraves multi-measure rests that are produced with R. Reads measurePosition and internalBarNumber to determine what number to print over the MultiMeasureRest. Reads measureLength to determine if it should use a whole rest or a breve rest to represent 1 measure

Music types accepted:

multi-measure-text-event and multi-measure-rest-event

Properties (read)

internalBarNumber (integer)
Contains the current barnumber. This property is used for internal timekeeping, among others by the Accidental_engraver.
restNumberThreshold (number)
If a multimeasure rest has more measures than this, a number is printed.
breakableSeparationItem (layout object)
The breakable items in this time step, for this staff.
currentCommandColumn (layout object)
Grob that is X-parent to all current breakable (clef, key signature, etc.) items.
measurePosition (moment)
How much of the current measure have we had. This can be set manually to create incomplete measures.
measureLength (moment)
Length of one measure in the current time signature.
This engraver creates the following layout objects: MultiMeasureRest, MultiMeasureRestNumber and MultiMeasureRestText.
Generate an Arpeggio symbol

Music types accepted:


This engraver creates the following layout objects: Arpeggio.

Apply a procedure to any grob acknowledged.

Music types accepted:


Print the bracketed notehead after a notehead with trill.

This engraver creates the following layout objects: TrillPitchAccidental, TrillPitchGroup and TrillPitchHead.

Puts fontSize into font-size grob property.

Properties (read)

fontSize (number)
The relative size of all grobs in a context.


See Modifying context plug-ins .


Make accidentals. Catch note heads, ties and notices key-change events. This engraver usually lives at Staff level, but reads the settings for Accidental at Voice level, so you can \override them at Voice.

Properties (read)

autoAccidentals (list)
List of different ways to typeset an accidental.

For determining when to print an accidental, several different rules are tried. The rule that gives the highest number of accidentals is used. Each rule consists of

In which context is the rule applied. For example, if context is Score then all staves share accidentals, and if context is Staff then all voices in the same staff share accidentals, but staves do not.
Whether the accidental changes all octaves or only the current octave. Valid choices are
This is the default algorithm. Accidentals are typeset if the note changes the accidental of that note in that octave. Accidentals lasts to the end of the measure and then as many measures as specified in the value. I.e. 1 means to the end of next measure, -1 means to the end of previous measure (that is: no duration at all), etc. #t means forever.
Accidentals are typeset if the note is different from the previous note on the same pitch in any octave. The value has same meaning as in same-octave.

Over how many bar lines the accidental lasts. If laziness is -1 then the accidental is forgotten immediately, and if laziness is #t then the accidental lasts forever.

autoCautionaries (list)
List similar to autoAccidentals, but it controls cautionary accidentals rather than normal ones. Both lists are tried, and the one giving the most accidentals wins. In case of draw, a normal accidental is typeset.
internalBarNumber (integer)
Contains the current barnumber. This property is used for internal timekeeping, among others by the Accidental_engraver.
extraNatural (boolean)
Whether to typeset an extra natural sign before accidentals changing from a non-natural to another non-natural.
harmonicAccidentals (boolean)
If set, harmonic notes in chords get accidentals.
localKeySignature (list)
the key signature at this point in the measure. The format is the same as for keySignature, but can also contain ((octave . name) . (alter . barnumber)) pairs. It is reset at every bar line.
Properties (write)
localKeySignature (list)
the key signature at this point in the measure. The format is the same as for keySignature, but can also contain ((octave . name) . (alter . barnumber)) pairs. It is reset at every bar line.
This engraver creates the following layout objects: Accidental and AccidentalSuggestion.

Accidental_engraver is part of contexts: GregorianTranscriptionStaff, MensuralStaff, Staff and VaticanaStaff


This engraver creates the following layout objects: Ambitus, AmbitusAccidental, AmbitusLine and AmbitusNoteHead.

Ambitus_engraver is part of contexts: none


Generate an Arpeggio symbol

Music types accepted:


This engraver creates the following layout objects: Arpeggio.

Arpeggio_engraver is part of contexts: CueVoice, GregorianTranscriptionVoice, MensuralVoice, TabVoice, VaticanaVoice and Voice


Generate beams based on measure characteristics and observed Stems. Uses beatLength, measureLength and measurePosition to decide when to start and stop a beam. Overriding beaming is done through Stem_engraver properties stemLeftBeamCount and stemRightBeamCount.

Music types accepted:


Properties (read)

autoBeaming (boolean)
If set to true then beams are generated automatically.
autoBeamSettings (list)
Specifies when automatically generated beams should begin and end. See Setting automatic beam behavior for more information.
beatLength (moment)
The length of one beat in this time signature.
subdivideBeams (boolean)
If set, multiple beams will be subdivided at beat positions by only drawing one beam over the beat.
This engraver creates the following layout objects: Beam.

Auto_beam_engraver is part of contexts: CueVoice, DrumVoice, GregorianTranscriptionVoice, MensuralVoice, TabVoice, VaticanaVoice and Voice


Group all objects created in this context in a VerticalAxisGroup spanner.

Properties (read)

currentCommandColumn (layout object)
Grob that is X-parent to all current breakable (clef, key signature, etc.) items.
This engraver creates the following layout objects: VerticalAxisGroup.

Axis_group_engraver is part of contexts: DrumStaff, FretBoards, GregorianTranscriptionStaff, MensuralStaff, NoteNames, RhythmicStaff, Staff, TabStaff and VaticanaStaff


Create balloon texts

Music types accepted:


This engraver creates the following layout objects: BalloonTextItem.

Balloon_engraver is part of contexts: none


Create barlines. This engraver is controlled through the whichBar property. If it has no bar line to create, it will forbid a linebreak at this point

Properties (read)

whichBar (string)
This property is read to determine what type of bar line to create.


          \set Staff.whichBar = "|:"

This will create a start-repeat bar in this staff only. Valid values are described in bar-line-interface.

Properties (write)
forbidBreak (boolean)
If set to ##t, prevent a line break at this point.
This engraver creates the following layout objects: BarLine.

Bar_engraver is part of contexts: DrumStaff, GregorianTranscriptionStaff, MensuralStaff, RhythmicStaff, Staff, TabStaff and VaticanaStaff


A bar number is created whenever measurePosition is zero and when there is a bar line (ie. when whichBar is set. It is put on top of all staves, and appears only at left side of the staff. The staves are taken from stavesFound, which is maintained by Staff_collecting_engraver.

Properties (read)

currentBarNumber (integer)
Contains the current barnumber. This property is incremented at every bar line.
whichBar (string)
This property is read to determine what type of bar line to create.


          \set Staff.whichBar = "|:"

This will create a start-repeat bar in this staff only. Valid values are described in bar-line-interface.

stavesFound (list of grobs)
list of all staff-symbols found.
barNumberVisibility (procedure)
Procedure that takes an int and returns whether the corresponding bar number should be printed
This engraver creates the following layout objects: BarNumber.

Bar_number_engraver is part of contexts: Score


Handles Beam events by engraving Beams. If omitted, then notes will be printed with flags instead of beams.

Music types accepted:


Properties (read)

beamMelismaBusy (boolean)
Signal if a beam is present.
beatLength (moment)
The length of one beat in this time signature.
subdivideBeams (boolean)
If set, multiple beams will be subdivided at beat positions by only drawing one beam over the beat.
Properties (write)
forbidBreak (boolean)
If set to ##t, prevent a line break at this point.
This engraver creates the following layout objects: Beam.

Beam_engraver is part of contexts: CueVoice, DrumVoice, GregorianTranscriptionVoice, MensuralVoice, TabVoice, VaticanaVoice and Voice


Music types accepted:


Beam_performer is part of contexts: none


Create fall spanners.

Music types accepted:


This engraver creates the following layout objects: BendAfter.

Bend_after_engraver is part of contexts: CueVoice, DrumVoice, GregorianTranscriptionVoice, MensuralVoice, TabVoice, VaticanaVoice and Voice


Align grobs with corresponding break-align-symbols into groups, and order the groups according to breakAlignOrder. The left edge of the alignment gets a separate group, with a symbol left-edge.

This engraver creates the following layout objects: BreakAlignGroup, BreakAlignment and LeftEdge.

Break_align_engraver is part of contexts: Score


Music types accepted:


This engraver creates the following layout objects: BreathingSign.

Breathing_sign_engraver is part of contexts: CueVoice, DrumVoice, GregorianTranscriptionVoice, MensuralVoice, TabVoice, VaticanaVoice and Voice


Catch note-events and generate the appropriate chordname.

Music types accepted:


Properties (read)

chordChanges (boolean)
Only show changes in chords scheme?
chordNameExceptions (list)
An alist of chord exceptions. Contains (chord . markup) entries.
chordNameFunction (procedure)
The function that converts lists of pitches to chord names.
chordNoteNamer (procedure)
Function that converts from a pitch object to a text markup. Used for single pitches.
chordRootNamer (procedure)
Function that converts from a pitch object to a text markup. Used for chords.
chordNameExceptions (list)
An alist of chord exceptions. Contains (chord . markup) entries.
majorSevenSymbol (markup)
How should the major 7th be formatted in a chord name?
This engraver creates the following layout objects: ChordName.

Chord_name_engraver is part of contexts: ChordNames


Generates beams for tremolo repeats.

Music types accepted:


This engraver creates the following layout objects: Beam.

Chord_tremolo_engraver is part of contexts: CueVoice, DrumVoice, GregorianTranscriptionVoice, MensuralVoice, TabVoice, VaticanaVoice and Voice


Determine and set reference point for pitches

Properties (read)

clefGlyph (string)
Name of the symbol within the music font.
clefOctavation (integer)
Add this much extra octavation. Values of 7 and -7 are common.
clefPosition (number)
Where should the center of the clef symbol go, measured in half staff spaces from the center of the staff.
explicitClefVisibility (vector)
`break-visibility' function for clef changes.
forceClef (boolean)
Show clef symbol, even if it has not changed. Only active for the first clef after the property is set, not for the full staff.
middleCPosition (number)
Place of the middle C, measured in half staff-spaces. Usually determined by looking at clefPosition and clefGlyph.
This engraver creates the following layout objects: Clef and OctavateEight.

Clef_engraver is part of contexts: DrumStaff, GregorianTranscriptionStaff, MensuralStaff, Staff, TabStaff and VaticanaStaff


Engraves a cluster using Spanner notation

Music types accepted:


This engraver creates the following layout objects: ClusterSpanner and ClusterSpannerBeacon.

Cluster_spanner_engraver is part of contexts: CueVoice, GregorianTranscriptionVoice, MensuralVoice, TabVoice, VaticanaVoice and Voice


Collect NoteColumns, and as soon as there are two or more, put them in a NoteCollision object.

This engraver creates the following layout objects: NoteCollision.

Collision_engraver is part of contexts: DrumStaff, GregorianTranscriptionStaff, MensuralStaff, Staff, TabStaff and VaticanaStaff


This engraver replaces Note_heads_engraver. It plays some trickery to break long notes and automatically tie them into the next measure.

Music types accepted:


Properties (read)

middleCPosition (number)
Place of the middle C, measured in half staff-spaces. Usually determined by looking at clefPosition and clefGlyph.
measurePosition (moment)
How much of the current measure have we had. This can be set manually to create incomplete measures.
measureLength (moment)
Length of one measure in the current time signature.
This engraver creates the following layout objects: Dots, NoteHead and Tie.

Completion_heads_engraver is part of contexts: none


Control_track_performer is part of contexts: none


This engraver creates the following layout objects: Custos.

Custos_engraver is part of contexts: MensuralStaff and VaticanaStaff


This engraver determines what kind of automatic bar lines should be produced, and sets whichBar accordingly. It should be at the same level as Timing_translator.

Properties (read)

automaticBars (boolean)
If set to true then bar lines will not be printed automatically; they must be explicitly created with \bar command. Unlike the \cadenza keyword, measures are still counted. Bar generation will resume according to that count if this property is unset.
barAlways (boolean)
If set to true a bar line is drawn after each note.
defaultBarType (string)
Sets the default type of bar line. See whichBar for information on available bar types.

This variable is read by Timing_translator at Score level.

measureLength (moment)
Length of one measure in the current time signature.
whichBar (string)
This property is read to determine what type of bar line to create.


          \set Staff.whichBar = "|:"

This will create a start-repeat bar in this staff only. Valid values are described in bar-line-interface.

measurePosition (moment)
How much of the current measure have we had. This can be set manually to create incomplete measures.
Properties (write)
automaticBars (boolean)
If set to true then bar lines will not be printed automatically; they must be explicitly created with \bar command. Unlike the \cadenza keyword, measures are still counted. Bar generation will resume according to that count if this property is unset.

Default_bar_line_engraver is part of contexts: Score


Engraves dots on dotted notes shifted to the right of the note. If omitted, then dots appear on top of the notes.

This engraver creates the following layout objects: DotColumn.

Dot_column_engraver is part of contexts: DrumStaff, GregorianTranscriptionStaff, MensuralStaff, RhythmicStaff, Staff, TabStaff and VaticanaStaff


Create Dots objects for rhythmic-head-interfaces.

This engraver creates the following layout objects: Dots.

Dots_engraver is part of contexts: CueVoice, DrumVoice, GregorianTranscriptionVoice, MensuralVoice, TabVoice, VaticanaVoice and Voice


Play drum notes.

Music types accepted:


Drum_note_performer is part of contexts: none


Generate noteheads.

Music types accepted:


Properties (read)

drumStyleTable (hash table)
A hash table containing mapping drums to layout settings. Predefined values: `drums-style', `timbales-style', `congas-style', `bongos-style' and `percussion-style'.

The layout style is a hash table, containing the drum-pitches (e.g. the symbol `hihat') as key, and a list (notehead-style script vertical-position) as values.

This engraver creates the following layout objects: NoteHead and Script.

Drum_notes_engraver is part of contexts: DrumVoice


This engraver creates hairpins, dynamic texts, and their vertical alignments. The symbols are collected onto a DynamicLineSpanner grob which takes care of vertical positioning.

Music types accepted:

span-dynamic-event and absolute-dynamic-event

This engraver creates the following layout objects: DynamicLineSpanner, DynamicText, Hairpin and TextSpanner.

Dynamic_engraver is part of contexts: CueVoice, DrumVoice, GregorianTranscriptionVoice, MensuralVoice, TabVoice, VaticanaVoice and Voice


Music types accepted:

absolute-dynamic-event, crescendo-event and decrescendo-event

Properties (read)

dynamicAbsoluteVolumeFunction (procedure)
instrumentEqualizer (procedure)
Function taking a string (instrument name), and returning a (min . max) pair of numbers for the loudness range of the instrument.
midiMaximumVolume (number)
Analogous to midiMinimumVolume.
midiMinimumVolume (number)
Sets the minimum loudness for MIDI. Ranges from 0 to 1.
midiInstrument (string)
Name of the MIDI instrument to use

Dynamic_performer is part of contexts: none


Base class for engravers. Does nothing, so it is not used.

Engraver is part of contexts: none


Create lyric extenders

Music types accepted:


Properties (read)

extendersOverRests (boolean)
Whether to continue extenders as they cross a rest.
This engraver creates the following layout objects: LyricExtender.

Extender_engraver is part of contexts: Lyrics


Make figured bass numbers.

Music types accepted:

bass-figure-event and rest-event

Properties (read)

figuredBassAlterationDirection (direction)
Where to put alterations relative to the main figure.
figuredBassCenterContinuations (boolean)
Whether to vertically center pairs of extender lines. This does not work with three or more lines
figuredBassFormatter (procedure)
Routine generating a markup for a bass figure.
implicitBassFigures (list)
List of bass figures that are not printed as numbers, but only as extender lines.
useBassFigureExtenders (boolean)
Whether to use extender lines for repeated bass figures
ignoreFiguredBassRest (boolean)
Don't swallow rest events.
This engraver creates the following layout objects: BassFigure, BassFigureAlignment, BassFigureBracket, BassFigureContinuation and BassFigureLine.

Figured_bass_engraver is part of contexts: DrumStaff, FiguredBass, GregorianTranscriptionStaff, MensuralStaff, Staff, TabStaff and VaticanaStaff


Position figured bass alignments over notes.

This engraver creates the following layout objects: BassFigureAlignmentPositioning.

Figured_bass_position_engraver is part of contexts: DrumStaff, GregorianTranscriptionStaff, MensuralStaff, Staff, TabStaff and VaticanaStaff


Create fingering-scripts

Music types accepted:

stroke-finger-event and fingering-event

This engraver creates the following layout objects: Fingering.

Fingering_engraver is part of contexts: CueVoice, GregorianTranscriptionVoice, MensuralVoice, VaticanaVoice and Voice


Puts fontSize into font-size grob property.

Properties (read)

fontSize (number)
The relative size of all grobs in a context.

Font_size_engraver is part of contexts: CueVoice, DrumStaff, DrumVoice, FretBoards, GregorianTranscriptionStaff, GregorianTranscriptionVoice, Lyrics, MensuralStaff, MensuralVoice, RhythmicStaff, Staff, TabStaff, TabVoice, VaticanaStaff, VaticanaVoice and Voice


Forbid line breaks when note heads are still playing at some point.

Properties (read)

busyGrobs (list)
a queue of (end-moment . GROB) conses. This is for internal (C++) use only. This property contains the grobs which are still busy (e.g. note heads, spanners, etc.)
Properties (write)
forbidBreak (boolean)
If set to ##t, prevent a line break at this point.

Forbid_line_break_engraver is part of contexts: CueVoice, DrumVoice, GregorianTranscriptionVoice, MensuralVoice, TabVoice, VaticanaVoice and Voice


Generate one or more tablature noteheads from event of type NoteEvent.

Music types accepted:

string-number-event and note-event

Properties (read)

stringTunings (list)
The tablature strings tuning. It is a list of the pitch (in semitones) of each string (starting with the lower one).
minimumFret (number)
The tablature auto string-selecting mechanism selects the highest string with a fret at least minimumFret
tablatureFormat (procedure)
Function formatting a tab note head; it takes a string number, a list of string tunings and Pitch object. It returns the text as a string.
highStringOne (boolean)
Whether the 1st string is the string with highest pitch on the instrument. This used by the automatic string selector for tab notation.
This engraver creates the following layout objects: FretBoard.

Fretboard_engraver is part of contexts: FretBoards


Engrave a glissandi

Music types accepted:


Properties (read)

followVoice (boolean)
If set, note heads are tracked across staff switches by a thin line
This engraver creates the following layout objects: Glissando.

Glissando_engraver is part of contexts: CueVoice, GregorianTranscriptionVoice, MensuralVoice, TabVoice, VaticanaVoice and Voice


Handles Beam events by engraving Beams. If omitted, then notes will be printed with flags instead of beams. Only engraves beams when we are at grace points in time.

Music types accepted:


Properties (read)

beamMelismaBusy (boolean)
Signal if a beam is present.
beatLength (moment)
The length of one beat in this time signature.
allowBeamBreak (boolean)
If true allow line breaks for beams over bar lines.
subdivideBeams (boolean)
If set, multiple beams will be subdivided at beat positions by only drawing one beam over the beat.
This engraver creates the following layout objects: Beam.

Grace_beam_engraver is part of contexts: CueVoice, DrumVoice, GregorianTranscriptionVoice, MensuralVoice, TabVoice, VaticanaVoice and Voice


Set font size and other properties for grace notes.

Properties (read)

graceSettings (list)
Overrides for grace notes. This property should be manipulated through the add-grace-property function.

Grace_engraver is part of contexts: CueVoice, DrumVoice, GregorianTranscriptionVoice, MensuralVoice, TabVoice, VaticanaVoice and Voice


Bookkeeping of shortest starting and playing notes in grace note runs.

Properties (read)

currentMusicalColumn (layout object)
Grob that is X-parent to all non-breakable items (note heads, lyrics, etc.).
This engraver creates the following layout objects: GraceSpacing.

Grace_spacing_engraver is part of contexts: Score


This engraver makes cross-staff linelines: It catches all normal line lines, and draws a single span-line across them.

This engraver creates the following layout objects: GridLine.

Grid_line_span_engraver is part of contexts: none


generate grid points.

Properties (read)

gridInterval (moment)
Interval for which to generate GridPoints
This engraver creates the following layout objects: GridPoint.

Grid_point_engraver is part of contexts: none


Administrate when certain grobs (eg. note heads) stop playing

Properties (read)

busyGrobs (list)
a queue of (end-moment . GROB) conses. This is for internal (C++) use only. This property contains the grobs which are still busy (e.g. note heads, spanners, etc.)
Properties (write)
busyGrobs (list)
a queue of (end-moment . GROB) conses. This is for internal (C++) use only. This property contains the grobs which are still busy (e.g. note heads, spanners, etc.)

Grob_pq_engraver is part of contexts: CueVoice, DrumVoice, GregorianTranscriptionVoice, MensuralVoice, TabVoice, VaticanaVoice and Voice


Like Axis_group_engraver, but make a hara-kiri spanner, and add interesting items (ie. note heads, lyric syllables and normal rests)

Properties (read)

keepAliveInterfaces (list)
List of symbols, signifying grob interfaces that are worth keeping an staff with remove-empty set around for.
This engraver creates the following layout objects: VerticalAxisGroup.

Hara_kiri_engraver is part of contexts: ChordNames, FiguredBass and Lyrics


Create horizontal brackets over notes for musical analysis purposes.

Music types accepted:


This engraver creates the following layout objects: HorizontalBracket.

Horizontal_bracket_engraver is part of contexts: none


Create lyric hyphens and distance constraints between words.

Music types accepted:


This engraver creates the following layout objects: LyricHyphen and LyricSpace.

Hyphen_engraver is part of contexts: Lyrics


Creates a system start text for instrument or vocal names.

Properties (read)

currentCommandColumn (layout object)
Grob that is X-parent to all current breakable (clef, key signature, etc.) items.
shortInstrumentName (markup)
See instrument
instrumentName (markup)
The name to print left of a staff. The instrument property labels the staff in the first system, and the instr property labels following lines.
shortVocalName (markup)
Name of a vocal line, short version.
vocalName (markup)
Name of a vocal line.
This engraver creates the following layout objects: InstrumentName.

Instrument_name_engraver is part of contexts: DrumStaff, FretBoards, GregorianTranscriptionStaff, Lyrics, MensuralStaff, PianoStaff, RhythmicStaff, Staff, TabStaff and VaticanaStaff


Create a cue text for taking instrument.

Properties (read)

instrumentCueName (markup)
Name to print if another instrument is to be taken.
This engraver creates the following layout objects: InstrumentSwitch.

Instrument_switch_engraver is part of contexts: CueVoice, DrumVoice, GregorianTranscriptionVoice, MensuralVoice, TabVoice, VaticanaVoice and Voice


Music types accepted:


Properties (read)

createKeyOnClefChange (boolean)
Print a key signature whenever the clef is changed.
explicitKeySignatureVisibility (vector)
`break-visibility' function for explicit key changes. `\override' of the break-visibility property will set the visibility for normal (i.e. at the start of the line) key signatures.
extraNatural (boolean)
Whether to typeset an extra natural sign before accidentals changing from a non-natural to another non-natural.
keyAlterationOrder (list)
Alist that defines in what order alterations should be printed. The format is (step . alter), where step is from 0 .. 6 and alter from -2 (sharp) and 2 (flat).
keySignature (list)
The current key signature. This is an alist containing (name . alter) or ((octave . name) . alter). where name is from 0.. 6 and alter from -4 (double flat) to 4 (double sharp).
keySignature (list)
The current key signature. This is an alist containing (name . alter) or ((octave . name) . alter). where name is from 0.. 6 and alter from -4 (double flat) to 4 (double sharp).
lastKeySignature (list)
Last key signature before a key signature change.
printKeyCancellation (boolean)
Print restoration alterations before a key signature change.
Properties (write)
keySignature (list)
The current key signature. This is an alist containing (name . alter) or ((octave . name) . alter). where name is from 0.. 6 and alter from -4 (double flat) to 4 (double sharp).
lastKeySignature (list)
Last key signature before a key signature change.
tonic (pitch)
The tonic of the current scale
This engraver creates the following layout objects: KeySignature.

Key_engraver is part of contexts: GregorianTranscriptionStaff, MensuralStaff, Staff and VaticanaStaff


Music types accepted:


Key_performer is part of contexts: none


Create Laissez vibrer items.

Music types accepted:


This engraver creates the following layout objects: LaissezVibrerTie and LaissezVibrerTieColumn.

Laissez_vibrer_engraver is part of contexts: CueVoice, DrumVoice, GregorianTranscriptionVoice, MensuralVoice, TabVoice, VaticanaVoice and Voice


Creates the spanner to draw ledger lines, and notices objects that need ledger lines

This engraver creates the following layout objects: LedgerLineSpanner.

Ledger_line_engraver is part of contexts: DrumStaff, GregorianTranscriptionStaff, MensuralStaff, RhythmicStaff, Staff, TabStaff and VaticanaStaff


Handles Ligature_events by engraving Ligature brackets.

Music types accepted:


This engraver creates the following layout objects: TupletBracket.

Ligature_bracket_engraver is part of contexts: CueVoice, GregorianTranscriptionVoice, TabVoice and Voice


Music types accepted:


This engraver creates the following layout objects: LyricText.

Lyric_engraver is part of contexts: Lyrics


Music types accepted:


Lyric_performer is part of contexts: none


This engraver will create RehearsalMark objects. It puts them on top of all staves (which is taken from the property stavesFound). If moving this engraver to a different context, Staff_collecting_engraver must move along, otherwise all marksend up on the same Y-location

Music types accepted:


Properties (read)

markFormatter (procedure)
Procedure taking as arguments context and rehearsal mark. It should return the formatted mark as a markup object.
rehearsalMark (integer)
The last rehearsal mark printed.
stavesFound (list of grobs)
list of all staff-symbols found.
This engraver creates the following layout objects: RehearsalMark.

Mark_engraver is part of contexts: Score


Creates MeasureGrouping to indicate beat subdivision.

Properties (read)

beatLength (moment)
The length of one beat in this time signature.
currentMusicalColumn (layout object)
Grob that is X-parent to all non-breakable items (note heads, lyrics, etc.).
measurePosition (moment)
How much of the current measure have we had. This can be set manually to create incomplete measures.
beatGrouping (list)
List of beatgroups, e.g., in 5/8 time '(2 3).
This engraver creates the following layout objects: MeasureGrouping.

Measure_grouping_engraver is part of contexts: none


This translator collects melisma information about ties, beams, and user settings (melismaBusy, and signals it to the ddlyrics code.

Properties (read)

beamMelismaBusy (boolean)
Signal if a beam is present.
melismaBusy (boolean)
Signifies whether a melisma is active. This can be used to signal melismas on top of those automatically detected.
melismaBusyProperties (list)
List of properties (symbols) to determine whether a melisma is playing. Setting this property will influence how lyrics are aligned to notes. For example, if set to #'(melismaBusy beamMelismaBusy), only manual melismata and manual beams are considered. Possible values include melismaBusy, slurMelismaBusy, tieMelismaBusy, and beamMelismaBusy
slurMelismaBusy (boolean)
Signal if a slur is present.
tieMelismaBusy (boolean)
Signal whether a tie is present.

Melisma_translator is part of contexts: none


Create information for context dependent typesetting decisions.

This engraver creates the following layout objects: MelodyItem.

Melody_engraver is part of contexts: none


Handles Mensural_ligature_events by glueing special ligature heads together.

Music types accepted:


This engraver creates the following layout objects: MensuralLigature.

Mensural_ligature_engraver is part of contexts: MensuralVoice


Engrave metro nome marking. This delegates the formatting work to the function in the metronomeMarkFormatter property. The mark is put over all staves. The staves are taken from the stavesFound property, which is maintained by Staff_collecting_engraver.

Properties (read)

stavesFound (list of grobs)
list of all staff-symbols found.
metronomeMarkFormatter (procedure)
How to produce a metronome markup. Called with 2 arguments, event and context.
tempoUnitDuration (duration)
Unit for specifying tempo.
tempoUnitCount (number)
Count for specifying tempo.
This engraver creates the following layout objects: MetronomeMark.

Metronome_mark_engraver is part of contexts: Score


Engraves multi-measure rests that are produced with R. Reads measurePosition and internalBarNumber to determine what number to print over the MultiMeasureRest. Reads measureLength to determine if it should use a whole rest or a breve rest to represent 1 measure

Music types accepted:

multi-measure-text-event and multi-measure-rest-event

Properties (read)

internalBarNumber (integer)
Contains the current barnumber. This property is used for internal timekeeping, among others by the Accidental_engraver.
restNumberThreshold (number)
If a multimeasure rest has more measures than this, a number is printed.
breakableSeparationItem (layout object)
The breakable items in this time step, for this staff.
currentCommandColumn (layout object)
Grob that is X-parent to all current breakable (clef, key signature, etc.) items.
measurePosition (moment)
How much of the current measure have we had. This can be set manually to create incomplete measures.
measureLength (moment)
Length of one measure in the current time signature.
This engraver creates the following layout objects: MultiMeasureRest, MultiMeasureRestNumber and MultiMeasureRestText.

Multi_measure_rest_engraver is part of contexts: CueVoice, DrumVoice, GregorianTranscriptionVoice, MensuralVoice, TabVoice, VaticanaVoice and Voice


Create fingering-scripts for notes in a new chord. This engraver is ill-named, since it also takes care of articulations and harmonic note heads

Properties (read)

fingeringOrientations (list)
List of symbols, containing `left', `right', `up' and/or `down'. This list determines where fingerings are put relative to the chord being fingered.
strokeFingerOrientations (list)
See fingeringOrientations
stringNumberOrientations (list)
See fingeringOrientations
This engraver creates the following layout objects: Fingering, Script, StringNumber and StrokeFinger.

New_fingering_engraver is part of contexts: CueVoice, GregorianTranscriptionVoice, MensuralVoice, VaticanaVoice and Voice


Engrave a line between two note heads, for example a glissando. If followVoice is set, staff switches also generate a line.

Properties (read)

followVoice (boolean)
If set, note heads are tracked across staff switches by a thin line
This engraver creates the following layout objects: Glissando and VoiceFollower.

Note_head_line_engraver is part of contexts: CueVoice, GregorianTranscriptionVoice, MensuralVoice, TabVoice, VaticanaVoice and Voice


Generate noteheads.

Music types accepted:


Properties (read)

middleCPosition (number)
Place of the middle C, measured in half staff-spaces. Usually determined by looking at clefPosition and clefGlyph.
This engraver creates the following layout objects: NoteHead.

Note_heads_engraver is part of contexts: CueVoice, GregorianTranscriptionVoice, MensuralVoice, VaticanaVoice and Voice


Print pitches as words.

Music types accepted:


Properties (read)

printOctaveNames (boolean)
Print octave marks for the NoteNames context.
This engraver creates the following layout objects: NoteName.

Note_name_engraver is part of contexts: NoteNames


Music types accepted:


Note_performer is part of contexts: none


Generates NoteSpacing, an object linking horizontal lines for use in spacing.

This engraver creates the following layout objects: NoteSpacing.

Note_spacing_engraver is part of contexts: CueVoice, DrumVoice, GregorianTranscriptionVoice, MensuralVoice, TabVoice, VaticanaVoice and Voice


Swallow notes

Note_swallow_translator is part of contexts: FiguredBass


Create a text spanner when the ottavation property changes..

Properties (read)

ottavation (string)
If set, the text for an ottava spanner. Changing this creates a new text spanner.
originalMiddleCPosition (integer)
Used for temporary overriding middle C in octavation brackets.
currentMusicalColumn (layout object)
Grob that is X-parent to all non-breakable items (note heads, lyrics, etc.).
This engraver creates the following layout objects: OttavaBracket.

Ottava_spanner_engraver is part of contexts: GregorianTranscriptionStaff, MensuralStaff, Staff, TabStaff and VaticanaStaff


Apply a procedure to any grob acknowledged.

Music types accepted:


Output_property_engraver is part of contexts: ChordNames, CueVoice, DrumStaff, DrumVoice, FretBoards, GregorianTranscriptionStaff, GregorianTranscriptionVoice, InnerStaffGroup, MensuralStaff, MensuralVoice, RhythmicStaff, Score, Staff, StaffGroup, TabStaff, TabVoice, VaticanaStaff, VaticanaVoice and Voice


Decide where page turns are allowed to go

Music types accepted:


Properties (read)

minimumPageTurnLength (moment)
Minimum length of a rest for a page turn to be allowed
minimumRepeatLengthForPageTurn (moment)
Minimum length of a repeated section for a page turn to be allowed within that section

Page_turn_engraver is part of contexts: none


Takes care of generating columns.

This engraver decides whether a column is breakable. The default is that a column is always breakable. However, every Bar_engraver that does not have a barline at a certain point will set forbidBreaks in the score context to stop linebreaks. In practice, this means that you can make a breakpoint by creating a barline (assuming that there are no beams or notes that prevent a breakpoint.)

Music types accepted:


Properties (read)

forbidBreak (boolean)
If set to ##t, prevent a line break at this point.
Properties (write)
forbidBreak (boolean)
If set to ##t, prevent a line break at this point.
currentCommandColumn (layout object)
Grob that is X-parent to all current breakable (clef, key signature, etc.) items.
currentMusicalColumn (layout object)
Grob that is X-parent to all non-breakable items (note heads, lyrics, etc.).
This engraver creates the following layout objects: NonMusicalPaperColumn and PaperColumn.

Paper_column_engraver is part of contexts: Score


Parenthesize objects whose music cause has the parenthesize property.

This engraver creates the following layout objects: ParenthesesItem.

Parenthesis_engraver is part of contexts: Score


Part combine engraver for orchestral scores: Print markings a2, Solo, Solo II, and unisono

Music types accepted:


Properties (read)

printPartCombineTexts (boolean)
set Solo/A due texts in the part combiner?
soloText (string)
text for begin of solo when part-combining.
soloIIText (string)
text for begin of solo for voice “two” when part-combining.
aDueText (string)
Text to print at a unisono passage.
This engraver creates the following layout objects: CombineTextScript.

Part_combine_engraver is part of contexts: CueVoice, DrumVoice, GregorianTranscriptionVoice, MensuralVoice, TabVoice, VaticanaVoice and Voice


Make whole bar and double bar repeats.

Music types accepted:


Properties (read)

countPercentRepeats (boolean)
If set, produce counters for percent repeats.
currentCommandColumn (layout object)
Grob that is X-parent to all current breakable (clef, key signature, etc.) items.
measureLength (moment)
Length of one measure in the current time signature.
Properties (write)
forbidBreak (boolean)
If set to ##t, prevent a line break at this point.
This engraver creates the following layout objects: DoublePercentRepeat, DoublePercentRepeatCounter, PercentRepeat and PercentRepeatCounter.

Percent_repeat_engraver is part of contexts: CueVoice, DrumVoice, GregorianTranscriptionVoice, MensuralVoice, TabVoice, VaticanaVoice and Voice


Print phrasing slurs. Similar to Slur_engraver

Music types accepted:


This engraver creates the following layout objects: PhrasingSlur.

Phrasing_slur_engraver is part of contexts: CueVoice, DrumVoice, GregorianTranscriptionVoice, MensuralVoice, TabVoice, VaticanaVoice and Voice


Align piano pedal symbols and brackets.

Properties (read)

currentCommandColumn (layout object)
Grob that is X-parent to all current breakable (clef, key signature, etc.) items.
This engraver creates the following layout objects: SostenutoPedalLineSpanner, SustainPedalLineSpanner and UnaCordaPedalLineSpanner.

Piano_pedal_align_engraver is part of contexts: DrumStaff, GregorianTranscriptionStaff, MensuralStaff, Staff, TabStaff and VaticanaStaff


Engrave piano pedal symbols and brackets.

Music types accepted:

una-corda-event, sustain-event and sostenuto-event

Properties (read)

currentCommandColumn (layout object)
Grob that is X-parent to all current breakable (clef, key signature, etc.) items.
pedalSostenutoStrings (list)
See pedalSustainStrings.
pedalSostenutoStyle (symbol)
see pedalSustainStyle.
pedalSustainStrings (list)
List of string to print for sustain-pedal. Format is (up updown down), where each of the three is the string to print when this is done with the pedal.
pedalSustainStyle (symbol)
A symbol that indicates how to print sustain pedals: text, bracket or mixed (both).
pedalUnaCordaStrings (list)
See pedalSustainStrings.
pedalUnaCordaStyle (symbol)
see pedalSustainStyle.
This engraver creates the following layout objects: PianoPedalBracket, SostenutoPedal, SustainPedal and UnaCordaPedal.

Piano_pedal_engraver is part of contexts: GregorianTranscriptionStaff, MensuralStaff, Staff, TabStaff and VaticanaStaff


Music types accepted:

una-corda-event, sustain-event and sostenuto-event

Piano_pedal_performer is part of contexts: none


Set the vertical position of noteheads to squashedPosition, if that property is set. This can be used to make a single line staff demonstrating the rhythm of a melody.

Properties (read)

squashedPosition (integer)
Vertical position of squashing for Pitch_squash_engraver.

Pitch_squash_engraver is part of contexts: RhythmicStaff


Print the bracketed notehead after a notehead with trill.

This engraver creates the following layout objects: TrillPitchAccidental, TrillPitchGroup and TrillPitchHead.

Pitched_trill_engraver is part of contexts: CueVoice, DrumVoice, GregorianTranscriptionVoice, MensuralVoice, TabVoice, VaticanaVoice and Voice


Acknowledge repeated music, and convert the contents of repeatCommands ainto an appropriate setting for whichBar.

Properties (read)

repeatCommands (list)
This property is read to find any command of the form (volta . x), where x is a string or #f
whichBar (string)
This property is read to determine what type of bar line to create.


          \set Staff.whichBar = "|:"

This will create a start-repeat bar in this staff only. Valid values are described in bar-line-interface.

Repeat_acknowledge_engraver is part of contexts: Score


Create Laissez vibrer items.

Music types accepted:


This engraver creates the following layout objects: RepeatTie and RepeatTieColumn.

Repeat_tie_engraver is part of contexts: CueVoice, DrumVoice, GregorianTranscriptionVoice, MensuralVoice, TabVoice, VaticanaVoice and Voice


Handles collisions of rests.

This engraver creates the following layout objects: RestCollision.

Rest_collision_engraver is part of contexts: DrumStaff, GregorianTranscriptionStaff, MensuralStaff, Staff, TabStaff and VaticanaStaff


Music types accepted:


Properties (read)

middleCPosition (number)
Place of the middle C, measured in half staff-spaces. Usually determined by looking at clefPosition and clefGlyph.
This engraver creates the following layout objects: Rest.

Rest_engraver is part of contexts: CueVoice, DrumVoice, GregorianTranscriptionVoice, MensuralVoice, TabVoice, VaticanaVoice and Voice


Swallow rest

Rest_swallow_translator is part of contexts: ChordNames and NoteNames


Generates NoteColumn, an objects that groups stems, noteheads and rests.

This engraver creates the following layout objects: NoteColumn.

Rhythmic_column_engraver is part of contexts: CueVoice, DrumVoice, GregorianTranscriptionVoice, MensuralVoice, TabVoice, VaticanaVoice and Voice


This engraver creates the following layout objects: ScriptColumn.

Script_column_engraver is part of contexts: CueVoice, DrumVoice, GregorianTranscriptionVoice, MensuralVoice, TabVoice, VaticanaVoice and Voice


Handles note scripted articulations.

Music types accepted:


Properties (read)

scriptDefinitions (list)
Description of scripts. This is used by Script_engraver for typesetting note-super/subscripts. See scm/script.scm for more information
This engraver creates the following layout objects: Script.

Script_engraver is part of contexts: CueVoice, DrumVoice, GregorianTranscriptionVoice, MensuralVoice, TabVoice, VaticanaVoice and Voice


Determine order in horizontal side position elements.

This engraver creates the following layout objects: ScriptRow.

Script_row_engraver is part of contexts: DrumStaff, GregorianTranscriptionStaff, MensuralStaff, Staff, TabStaff and VaticanaStaff


Generates objects for computing spacing parameters.

Properties (read)

createSpacing (boolean)
Create StaffSpacing objects? Should be set for staves.
Properties (write)
breakableSeparationItem (layout object)
The breakable items in this time step, for this staff.
This engraver creates the following layout objects: SeparatingGroupSpanner, SeparationItem and StaffSpacing.

Separating_line_group_engraver is part of contexts: ChordNames, DrumStaff, FiguredBass, FretBoards, GregorianTranscriptionStaff, MensuralStaff, NoteNames, RhythmicStaff, Staff, TabStaff and VaticanaStaff


Swallow \skip.

Skip_event_swallow_translator is part of contexts: ChordNames, CueVoice, DrumVoice, FiguredBass, GregorianTranscriptionVoice, Lyrics, MensuralVoice, NoteNames, TabVoice, VaticanaVoice and Voice


Make beat repeats.

Music types accepted:


Properties (read)

measureLength (moment)
Length of one measure in the current time signature.
This engraver creates the following layout objects: RepeatSlash.

Slash_repeat_engraver is part of contexts: CueVoice, DrumVoice, GregorianTranscriptionVoice, MensuralVoice, TabVoice, VaticanaVoice and Voice


Build slur grobs from slur events

Music types accepted:


Properties (read)

slurMelismaBusy (boolean)
Signal if a slur is present.
doubleSlurs (boolean)
When set, two slurs are created for every slurred note, one above and one below the chord.
This engraver creates the following layout objects: Slur.

Slur_engraver is part of contexts: CueVoice, DrumVoice, GregorianTranscriptionVoice, TabVoice and Voice


Music types accepted:


Slur_performer is part of contexts: none


make a SpacingSpanner and do bookkeeping of shortest starting and playing notes

Music types accepted:


Properties (read)

currentMusicalColumn (layout object)
Grob that is X-parent to all non-breakable items (note heads, lyrics, etc.).
currentCommandColumn (layout object)
Grob that is X-parent to all current breakable (clef, key signature, etc.) items.
proportionalNotationDuration (moment)
Global override for shortest-playing duration. This is used for switching on proportional notation.
This engraver creates the following layout objects: SpacingSpanner.

Spacing_engraver is part of contexts: Score


Properties (read)

connectArpeggios (boolean)
If set, connect arpeggios across piano staff.
This engraver creates the following layout objects: Arpeggio.

Span_arpeggio_engraver is part of contexts: GrandStaff, InnerStaffGroup, PianoStaff and StaffGroup


This engraver makes cross-staff barlines: It catches all normal bar lines, and draws a single span-bar across them.

This engraver creates the following layout objects: SpanBar.

Span_bar_engraver is part of contexts: GrandStaff, InnerStaffGroup, PianoStaff and StaffGroup


Maintain the stavesFound variable

Properties (read)

stavesFound (list of grobs)
list of all staff-symbols found.
Properties (write)
stavesFound (list of grobs)
list of all staff-symbols found.

Staff_collecting_engraver is part of contexts: Score


Staff_performer is part of contexts: none


Create the constellation of five (default) staff lines.

Music types accepted:


This engraver creates the following layout objects: StaffSymbol.

Staff_symbol_engraver is part of contexts: DrumStaff, GregorianTranscriptionStaff, MensuralStaff, RhythmicStaff, Staff, TabStaff and VaticanaStaff


This engraver ensures that stanza numbers are neatly aligned.

Stanza_number_align_engraver is part of contexts: Score


Properties (read)

stanza (markup)
Stanza `number' to print before the start of a verse. Use in Lyrics context.
This engraver creates the following layout objects: StanzaNumber.

Stanza_number_engraver is part of contexts: Lyrics


Create stems and single-stem tremolos. It also works together with the beam engraver for overriding beaming.

Music types accepted:


Properties (read)

tremoloFlags (integer)
Number of tremolo flags to add if no number is specified.
stemLeftBeamCount (integer)
Specify the number of beams to draw on the left side of the next note. Overrides automatic beaming. The value is only used once, and then it is erased.
stemRightBeamCount (integer)
See stemLeftBeamCount.
This engraver creates the following layout objects: Stem and StemTremolo.

Stem_engraver is part of contexts: CueVoice, DrumVoice, GregorianTranscriptionVoice, MensuralVoice, TabVoice and Voice


Swallow string-number-events - the purpose of this engraver is to process tab for normal notation. To provent warnings for unprocessed string-number-event to obscure real error messages, this engraver swallows them all.

String_number_engraver is part of contexts: GregorianTranscriptionStaff, MensuralStaff, Staff and VaticanaStaff


This engraver swallows everything given to it silently. The purpose of this is to prevent spurious "event junked" warnings.

Swallow_engraver is part of contexts: Devnull


Swallow_performer is part of contexts: none


Creates a system start delimiter (ie. SystemStart{Bar, Brace, Bracket} spanner

Properties (read)

systemStartDelimiter (symbol)
Which grob to make for the start of the system/staff? Set to SystemStartBrace, SystemStartBracket or SystemStartBar.
systemStartDelimiterHierarchy (pair)
A nested list, indicating the nesting of a start delimiters.
currentCommandColumn (layout object)
Grob that is X-parent to all current breakable (clef, key signature, etc.) items.
This engraver creates the following layout objects: SystemStartBar, SystemStartBrace, SystemStartBracket and SystemStartSquare.

System_start_delimiter_engraver is part of contexts: ChoirStaff, GrandStaff, InnerChoirStaff, InnerStaffGroup, PianoStaff, Score and StaffGroup


Generate one or more tablature noteheads from event of type NoteEvent.

Music types accepted:

string-number-event and note-event

Properties (read)

middleCPosition (number)
Place of the middle C, measured in half staff-spaces. Usually determined by looking at clefPosition and clefGlyph.
stringTunings (list)
The tablature strings tuning. It is a list of the pitch (in semitones) of each string (starting with the lower one).
minimumFret (number)
The tablature auto string-selecting mechanism selects the highest string with a fret at least minimumFret
tablatureFormat (procedure)
Function formatting a tab note head; it takes a string number, a list of string tunings and Pitch object. It returns the text as a string.
highStringOne (boolean)
Whether the 1st string is the string with highest pitch on the instrument. This used by the automatic string selector for tab notation.
stringOneTopmost (boolean)
Whether the 1st string is printed on the top line of the tablature.
This engraver creates the following layout objects: TabNoteHead.

Tab_note_heads_engraver is part of contexts: TabVoice


Create a staff-symbol, but look at stringTunings for the number of lines.

Properties (read)

stringTunings (list)
The tablature strings tuning. It is a list of the pitch (in semitones) of each string (starting with the lower one).
This engraver creates the following layout objects: StaffSymbol.

Tab_staff_symbol_engraver is part of contexts: TabStaff


Properties (read)

tempoWholesPerMinute (moment)
The tempo in whole notes per minute.

Tempo_performer is part of contexts: none


Create text-scripts

Music types accepted:


This engraver creates the following layout objects: TextScript.

Text_engraver is part of contexts: CueVoice, DrumVoice, GregorianTranscriptionVoice, MensuralVoice, TabVoice, VaticanaVoice and Voice


Create text spanner from an event.

Music types accepted:


This engraver creates the following layout objects: TextSpanner.

Text_spanner_engraver is part of contexts: CueVoice, DrumVoice, GregorianTranscriptionVoice, MensuralVoice, TabVoice, VaticanaVoice and Voice


Generate ties between noteheads of equal pitch.

Music types accepted:


Properties (read)

tieWaitForNote (boolean)
If true, tied notes do not have to follow each other directly. This can be used for writing out arpeggios
Properties (write)
tieMelismaBusy (boolean)
Signal whether a tie is present.
This engraver creates the following layout objects: Tie and TieColumn.

Tie_engraver is part of contexts: CueVoice, DrumVoice, GregorianTranscriptionVoice, MensuralVoice, NoteNames, TabVoice, VaticanaVoice and Voice


Generate ties between noteheads of equal pitch.

Music types accepted:


Properties (read)

tieMelismaBusy (boolean)
Signal whether a tie is present.

Tie_performer is part of contexts: none


Create a TimeSignature whenever timeSignatureFraction changes

This engraver creates the following layout objects: TimeSignature.

Time_signature_engraver is part of contexts: DrumStaff, GregorianTranscriptionStaff, MensuralStaff, RhythmicStaff, Staff and TabStaff


Time_signature_performer is part of contexts: none


This engraver adds the alias Timing to its containing context.Responsible for synchronizing timing information from staves. Normally in Score. In order to create polyrhythmic music, this engraver should be removed from Score and placed in Staff.

This engraver adds the alias Timing to its containing context.

Properties (read)

internalBarNumber (integer)
Contains the current barnumber. This property is used for internal timekeeping, among others by the Accidental_engraver.
currentBarNumber (integer)
Contains the current barnumber. This property is incremented at every bar line.
measureLength (moment)
Length of one measure in the current time signature.
measurePosition (moment)
How much of the current measure have we had. This can be set manually to create incomplete measures.
Properties (write)
internalBarNumber (integer)
Contains the current barnumber. This property is used for internal timekeeping, among others by the Accidental_engraver.
currentBarNumber (integer)
Contains the current barnumber. This property is incremented at every bar line.
measurePosition (moment)
How much of the current measure have we had. This can be set manually to create incomplete measures.

Timing_translator is part of contexts: Score


Base class. Not instantiated.

Translator is part of contexts: none


Create trill spanner from an event.

Music types accepted:


This engraver creates the following layout objects: TrillSpanner.

Trill_spanner_engraver is part of contexts: CueVoice, DrumVoice, GregorianTranscriptionVoice, MensuralVoice, TabVoice, VaticanaVoice and Voice


Catch tuplet events and generate appropriate bracket.

Music types accepted:


Properties (read)

tupletFullLength (boolean)
If set, the tuplet is printed up to the start of the next note.
tupletFullLengthNote (boolean)
If set, end at the next note, otherwise end on the matter (time sigs, etc.) before the note.
This engraver creates the following layout objects: TupletBracket and TupletNumber.

Tuplet_engraver is part of contexts: CueVoice, DrumVoice, GregorianTranscriptionVoice, MensuralVoice, TabVoice, VaticanaVoice and Voice


Read the tweaks property from the originating event, and set properties.

Tweak_engraver is part of contexts: Score


Handles ligatures by glueing special ligature heads together.

Music types accepted:

ligature-event and pes-or-flexa-event

This engraver creates the following layout objects: DotColumn and VaticanaLigature.

Vaticana_ligature_engraver is part of contexts: VaticanaVoice


Catch groups (staffs, lyrics lines, etc.) and stack them vertically.

Properties (read)

alignAboveContext (string)
Where to insert newly created context in vertiical alignment.
alignBelowContext (string)
Where to insert newly created context in vertiical alignment.
This engraver creates the following layout objects: VerticalAlignment.

Vertical_align_engraver is part of contexts: PianoStaff and Score


Properties (read)

verticallySpacedContexts (list)
List of symbols, containing context names whose vertical axis groups should be taken into account for vertical spacing of systems.
Properties (write)
verticallySpacedContexts (list)
List of symbols, containing context names whose vertical axis groups should be taken into account for vertical spacing of systems.

Vertically_spaced_contexts_engraver is part of contexts: Score


Make volta brackets.

Properties (read)

repeatCommands (list)
This property is read to find any command of the form (volta . x), where x is a string or #f
voltaSpannerDuration (moment)
This specifies the maximum duration to use for the brackets printed for \alternative. This can be used to shrink the length of brackets in the situation where one alternative is very large.
stavesFound (list of grobs)
list of all staff-symbols found.
This engraver creates the following layout objects: VoltaBracket.

Volta_engraver is part of contexts: ChordNames, DrumStaff, GregorianTranscriptionStaff, MensuralStaff, RhythmicStaff, Staff, TabStaff and VaticanaStaff

Tunable context properties

aDueText (string)
Text to print at a unisono passage.
alignAboveContext (string)
Where to insert newly created context in vertiical alignment.
alignBassFigureAccidentals (boolean)
If true, then the accidentals are aligned in bass figure context.
alignBelowContext (string)
Where to insert newly created context in vertiical alignment.
allowBeamBreak (boolean)
If true allow line breaks for beams over bar lines.
associatedVoice (string)
Name of the Voice that has the melody for this Lyrics line.
autoAccidentals (list)
List of different ways to typeset an accidental.

For determining when to print an accidental, several different rules are tried. The rule that gives the highest number of accidentals is used. Each rule consists of

In which context is the rule applied. For example, if context is Score then all staves share accidentals, and if context is Staff then all voices in the same staff share accidentals, but staves do not.
Whether the accidental changes all octaves or only the current octave. Valid choices are
This is the default algorithm. Accidentals are typeset if the note changes the accidental of that note in that octave. Accidentals lasts to the end of the measure and then as many measures as specified in the value. I.e. 1 means to the end of next measure, -1 means to the end of previous measure (that is: no duration at all), etc. #t means forever.
Accidentals are typeset if the note is different from the previous note on the same pitch in any octave. The value has same meaning as in same-octave.

Over how many bar lines the accidental lasts. If laziness is -1 then the accidental is forgotten immediately, and if laziness is #t then the accidental lasts forever.

autoBeamCheck (procedure)
Procedure taking three arguments, CONTEXT, DIR start/stop (-1 or 1) and TEST shortest note in the beam. A non-#f return value starts or stops the auto beam.
autoBeamSettings (list)
Specifies when automatically generated beams should begin and end. See Setting automatic beam behavior for more information.
autoBeaming (boolean)
If set to true then beams are generated automatically.
autoCautionaries (list)
List similar to autoAccidentals, but it controls cautionary accidentals rather than normal ones. Both lists are tried, and the one giving the most accidentals wins. In case of draw, a normal accidental is typeset.
automaticBars (boolean)
If set to true then bar lines will not be printed automatically; they must be explicitly created with \bar command. Unlike the \cadenza keyword, measures are still counted. Bar generation will resume according to that count if this property is unset.
barAlways (boolean)
If set to true a bar line is drawn after each note.
barCheckSynchronize (boolean)
If true then reset measurePosition when finding a barcheck.
barNumberVisibility (procedure)
Procedure that takes an int and returns whether the corresponding bar number should be printed
bassFigureFormatFunction (procedure)
Procedure that is called to produce the formatting for a BassFigure grob. It takes a list of BassFigureEvents, a context, and the grob to format.
bassStaffProperties (list)
Alist of property settings to apply for the down staff of PianoStaff. Used by \autochange
beatGrouping (list)
List of beatgroups, e.g., in 5/8 time '(2 3).
beatLength (moment)
The length of one beat in this time signature.
chordChanges (boolean)
Only show changes in chords scheme?
chordNameExceptions (list)
An alist of chord exceptions. Contains (chord . markup) entries.
chordNameExceptionsFull (list)
An alist of chord exceptions. Contains (chord . markup) entries.
chordNameExceptionsPartial (list)
An alist of partial chord exceptions. Contains (chord . (prefix-markup suffix-markup)) entries.
chordNameFunction (procedure)
The function that converts lists of pitches to chord names.
chordNameSeparator (markup)
The markup object used to separate parts of a chord name.
chordNoteNamer (procedure)
Function that converts from a pitch object to a text markup. Used for single pitches.
chordPrefixSpacer (number)
The space added between the root symbol and the prefix of a chord name
chordRootNamer (procedure)
Function that converts from a pitch object to a text markup. Used for chords.
clefGlyph (string)
Name of the symbol within the music font.
clefOctavation (integer)
Add this much extra octavation. Values of 7 and -7 are common.
clefPosition (number)
Where should the center of the clef symbol go, measured in half staff spaces from the center of the staff.
connectArpeggios (boolean)
If set, connect arpeggios across piano staff.
countPercentRepeats (boolean)
If set, produce counters for percent repeats.
createKeyOnClefChange (boolean)
Print a key signature whenever the clef is changed.
createSpacing (boolean)
Create StaffSpacing objects? Should be set for staves.
crescendoSpanner (symbol)
Type of spanner to be used for crescendi. One of: `hairpin', `line', `dashed-line', `dotted-line'. If unset, hairpin type is used.
crescendoText (markup)
Text to print at start of non-hairpin crescendo, i.e.: `cresc.'
currentBarNumber (integer)
Contains the current barnumber. This property is incremented at every bar line.
decrescendoSpanner (symbol)
See crescendoSpanner.
decrescendoText (markup)
Text to print at start of non-hairpin decrescendo, i.e.: `dim.'
defaultBarType (string)
Sets the default type of bar line. See whichBar for information on available bar types.

This variable is read by Timing_translator at Score level.

doubleSlurs (boolean)
When set, two slurs are created for every slurred note, one above and one below the chord.
drumPitchTable (hash table)
A table mapping percussion instruments (symbols) to pitches.
drumStyleTable (hash table)
A hash table containing mapping drums to layout settings. Predefined values: `drums-style', `timbales-style', `congas-style', `bongos-style' and `percussion-style'.

The layout style is a hash table, containing the drum-pitches (e.g. the symbol `hihat') as key, and a list (notehead-style script vertical-position) as values.

explicitClefVisibility (vector)
`break-visibility' function for clef changes.
explicitKeySignatureVisibility (vector)
`break-visibility' function for explicit key changes. `\override' of the break-visibility property will set the visibility for normal (i.e. at the start of the line) key signatures.
extendersOverRests (boolean)
Whether to continue extenders as they cross a rest.
extraNatural (boolean)
Whether to typeset an extra natural sign before accidentals changing from a non-natural to another non-natural.
figuredBassAlterationDirection (direction)
Where to put alterations relative to the main figure.
figuredBassCenterContinuations (boolean)
Whether to vertically center pairs of extender lines. This does not work with three or more lines
figuredBassFormatter (procedure)
Routine generating a markup for a bass figure.
figuredBassPlusDirection (direction)
Where to put plus signs relative to the the main figure.
fingeringOrientations (list)
List of symbols, containing `left', `right', `up' and/or `down'. This list determines where fingerings are put relative to the chord being fingered.
firstClef (boolean)
If true, create a new clef when starting a staff.
followVoice (boolean)
If set, note heads are tracked across staff switches by a thin line
fontSize (number)
The relative size of all grobs in a context.
forbidBreak (boolean)
If set to ##t, prevent a line break at this point.
forceClef (boolean)
Show clef symbol, even if it has not changed. Only active for the first clef after the property is set, not for the full staff.
gridInterval (moment)
Interval for which to generate GridPoints
hairpinToBarline (boolean)
If set, end a hairpin at the barline before the ending note.
harmonicAccidentals (boolean)
If set, harmonic notes in chords get accidentals.
highStringOne (boolean)
Whether the 1st string is the string with highest pitch on the instrument. This used by the automatic string selector for tab notation.
ignoreBarChecks (boolean)
Ignore bar checks
ignoreFiguredBassRest (boolean)
Don't swallow rest events.
ignoreMelismata (boolean)
Ignore melismata for this Lyrics line.
implicitBassFigures (list)
List of bass figures that are not printed as numbers, but only as extender lines.
instrumentCueName (markup)
Name to print if another instrument is to be taken.
instrumentEqualizer (procedure)
Function taking a string (instrument name), and returning a (min . max) pair of numbers for the loudness range of the instrument.
instrumentName (markup)
The name to print left of a staff. The instrument property labels the staff in the first system, and the instr property labels following lines.
instrumentTransposition (pitch)
Defines the transposition of the instrument. Its value is the pitch that sounds like middle C. This is used to transpose the MIDI output, and \quotes.
internalBarNumber (integer)
Contains the current barnumber. This property is used for internal timekeeping, among others by the Accidental_engraver.
keepAliveInterfaces (list)
List of symbols, signifying grob interfaces that are worth keeping an staff with remove-empty set around for.
keyAlterationOrder (list)
Alist that defines in what order alterations should be printed. The format is (step . alter), where step is from 0 .. 6 and alter from -2 (sharp) and 2 (flat).
keySignature (list)
The current key signature. This is an alist containing (name . alter) or ((octave . name) . alter). where name is from 0.. 6 and alter from -4 (double flat) to 4 (double sharp).
majorSevenSymbol (markup)
How should the major 7th be formatted in a chord name?
markFormatter (procedure)
Procedure taking as arguments context and rehearsal mark. It should return the formatted mark as a markup object.
maximumFretStretch (number)
Don't allocate frets further than this from specified frets.
measureLength (moment)
Length of one measure in the current time signature.
measurePosition (moment)
How much of the current measure have we had. This can be set manually to create incomplete measures.
melismaBusyProperties (list)
List of properties (symbols) to determine whether a melisma is playing. Setting this property will influence how lyrics are aligned to notes. For example, if set to #'(melismaBusy beamMelismaBusy), only manual melismata and manual beams are considered. Possible values include melismaBusy, slurMelismaBusy, tieMelismaBusy, and beamMelismaBusy
metronomeMarkFormatter (procedure)
How to produce a metronome markup. Called with 2 arguments, event and context.
middleCPosition (number)
Place of the middle C, measured in half staff-spaces. Usually determined by looking at clefPosition and clefGlyph.
midiInstrument (string)
Name of the MIDI instrument to use
midiMaximumVolume (number)
Analogous to midiMinimumVolume.
midiMinimumVolume (number)
Sets the minimum loudness for MIDI. Ranges from 0 to 1.
minimumFret (number)
The tablature auto string-selecting mechanism selects the highest string with a fret at least minimumFret
minimumPageTurnLength (moment)
Minimum length of a rest for a page turn to be allowed
minimumRepeatLengthForPageTurn (moment)
Minimum length of a repeated section for a page turn to be allowed within that section
noteToFretFunction (procedure)
How to produce a fret diagram. Parameters: list of note events and list of tabstring events.
ottavation (string)
If set, the text for an ottava spanner. Changing this creates a new text spanner.
output (unknown)
The output produced by a score-level translator during music interpretation
pedalSostenutoStrings (list)
See pedalSustainStrings.
pedalSostenutoStyle (symbol)
see pedalSustainStyle.
pedalSustainStrings (list)
List of string to print for sustain-pedal. Format is (up updown down), where each of the three is the string to print when this is done with the pedal.
pedalSustainStyle (symbol)
A symbol that indicates how to print sustain pedals: text, bracket or mixed (both).
pedalUnaCordaStrings (list)
See pedalSustainStrings.
pedalUnaCordaStyle (symbol)
see pedalSustainStyle.
printKeyCancellation (boolean)
Print restoration alterations before a key signature change.
printOctaveNames (boolean)
Print octave marks for the NoteNames context.
printPartCombineTexts (boolean)
set Solo/A due texts in the part combiner?
proportionalNotationDuration (moment)
Global override for shortest-playing duration. This is used for switching on proportional notation.
recordEventSequence (procedure)
When Recording_group_engraver is in this context, then upon termination of the context, this function is called with current context and a list of music objects. The list of contains entries with start times, music objects and whether they are processed in this context.
rehearsalMark (integer)
The last rehearsal mark printed.
repeatCommands (list)
This property is read to find any command of the form (volta . x), where x is a string or #f
restNumberThreshold (number)
If a multimeasure rest has more measures than this, a number is printed.
shapeNoteStyles (vector)
Vector of symbols, listing style for each note head relative to the tonic (qv.) of the scale.
shortInstrumentName (markup)
See instrument
shortVocalName (markup)
Name of a vocal line, short version.
skipBars (boolean)
If set to true, then skip the empty bars that are produced by multimeasure notes and rests. These bars will not appear on the printed output. If not set (the default) multimeasure notes and rests expand into their full length, printing the appropriate number of empty bars so that synchronization with other voices is preserved.
          r1 r1*3 R1*3
          \set Score.skipBars= ##t
          r1*3 R1*3

skipTypesetting (boolean)
When true, all no typesetting is done, speeding up the interpretation phase. This speeds up debugging large scores.
soloIIText (string)
text for begin of solo for voice “two” when part-combining.
soloText (string)
text for begin of solo when part-combining.
squashedPosition (integer)
Vertical position of squashing for Pitch_squash_engraver.
stanza (markup)
Stanza `number' to print before the start of a verse. Use in Lyrics context.
stemLeftBeamCount (integer)
Specify the number of beams to draw on the left side of the next note. Overrides automatic beaming. The value is only used once, and then it is erased.
stemRightBeamCount (integer)
See stemLeftBeamCount.
stringNumberOrientations (list)
See fingeringOrientations
stringOneTopmost (boolean)
Whether the 1st string is printed on the top line of the tablature.
stringTunings (list)
The tablature strings tuning. It is a list of the pitch (in semitones) of each string (starting with the lower one).
strokeFingerOrientations (list)
See fingeringOrientations
subdivideBeams (boolean)
If set, multiple beams will be subdivided at beat positions by only drawing one beam over the beat.
suggestAccidentals (boolean)
If set, accidentals are typeset as cautionary suggestions over the note.
systemStartDelimiter (symbol)
Which grob to make for the start of the system/staff? Set to SystemStartBrace, SystemStartBracket or SystemStartBar.
systemStartDelimiterHierarchy (pair)
A nested list, indicating the nesting of a start delimiters.
tablatureFormat (procedure)
Function formatting a tab note head; it takes a string number, a list of string tunings and Pitch object. It returns the text as a string.
tempoUnitCount (number)
Count for specifying tempo.
tempoUnitDuration (duration)
Unit for specifying tempo.
tempoWholesPerMinute (moment)
The tempo in whole notes per minute.
tieWaitForNote (boolean)
If true, tied notes do not have to follow each other directly. This can be used for writing out arpeggios
timeSignatureFraction (pair of numbers)
pair of numbers, signifying the time signature. For example #'(4 . 4) is a 4/4 time signature.
timing (boolean)
Keep administration of measure length, position, bar number, etc? Switch off for cadenzas.
tonic (pitch)
The tonic of the current scale
trebleStaffProperties (list)
Alist of property settings to apply for the up staff of PianoStaff. Used by \autochange
tremoloFlags (integer)
Number of tremolo flags to add if no number is specified.
tupletFullLength (boolean)
If set, the tuplet is printed up to the start of the next note.
tupletFullLengthNote (boolean)
If set, end at the next note, otherwise end on the matter (time sigs, etc.) before the note.
tupletSpannerDuration (moment)
Normally a tuplet bracket is as wide as the \times expression that gave rise to it. By setting this property, you can make brackets last shorter. Example
          \set tupletSpannerDuration = #(ly:make-moment 1 4)
          \times 2/3 { c8 c c c c c }


useBassFigureExtenders (boolean)
Whether to use extender lines for repeated bass figures
verticallySpacedContexts (list)
List of symbols, containing context names whose vertical axis groups should be taken into account for vertical spacing of systems.
vocalName (markup)
Name of a vocal line.
voltaOnThisStaff (boolean)
Normally, volta brackets are put only on the topmost staff. This variable overrides this behavior, when set to #t or #f.
voltaSpannerDuration (moment)
This specifies the maximum duration to use for the brackets printed for \alternative. This can be used to shrink the length of brackets in the situation where one alternative is very large.
whichBar (string)
This property is read to determine what type of bar line to create.


          \set Staff.whichBar = "|:"

This will create a start-repeat bar in this staff only. Valid values are described in bar-line-interface.

Internal context properties

associatedVoiceContext (context)
The context object of the Voice that has the melody for this Lyrics.
barCheckLastFail (moment)
Where in the measure did the last barcheck fail?
beamMelismaBusy (boolean)
Signal if a beam is present.
breakableSeparationItem (layout object)
The breakable items in this time step, for this staff.
busyGrobs (list)
a queue of (end-moment . GROB) conses. This is for internal (C++) use only. This property contains the grobs which are still busy (e.g. note heads, spanners, etc.)
currentCommandColumn (layout object)
Grob that is X-parent to all current breakable (clef, key signature, etc.) items.
currentMusicalColumn (layout object)
Grob that is X-parent to all non-breakable items (note heads, lyrics, etc.).
dynamicAbsoluteVolumeFunction (procedure)
finalizations (list)
List of expressions to evaluate before proceeding to next time step. Internal variable.
graceSettings (list)
Overrides for grace notes. This property should be manipulated through the add-grace-property function.
instrumentSupport (list of grobs)
list of grobs to attach instrument name to.
lastKeySignature (list)
Last key signature before a key signature change.
localKeySignature (list)
the key signature at this point in the measure. The format is the same as for keySignature, but can also contain ((octave . name) . (alter . barnumber)) pairs. It is reset at every bar line.
localKeySignatureChanges (list)
Experimental. [DOCME]
melismaBusy (boolean)
Signifies whether a melisma is active. This can be used to signal melismas on top of those automatically detected.
originalMiddleCPosition (integer)
Used for temporary overriding middle C in octavation brackets.
quotedEventTypes (list)
List of symbols, representing the event types that should be duplicated for \quote commands.
rootSystem (layout object)
The System object
scriptDefinitions (list)
Description of scripts. This is used by Script_engraver for typesetting note-super/subscripts. See scm/script.scm for more information
slurMelismaBusy (boolean)
Signal if a slur is present.
stavesFound (list of grobs)
list of all staff-symbols found.
tieMelismaBusy (boolean)
Signal whether a tie is present.


All layout objects


Accidental objects are created by: Accidental_engraver

Standard settings:

avoid-slur (symbol):

Method of handling slur collisions. Choices are around, inside, outside. If unset, script and slur ignore eachother.

cautionary-style (symbol):

How to print cautionary accidentals. Choices are smaller or parentheses.

stencil (unknown):

The symbol to print.

after-line-breaking (boolean):

Dummy property, used to trigger callback for after-line-breaking

This object supports the following interfaces: item-interface, font-interface, accidental-interface and grob-interface


AccidentalPlacement objects are created by: none

Standard settings:

left-padding (dimension, in staff space):

The amount of space that is put left to an object (eg. a group of accidentals).

script-priority (number):

A sorting key that determines in what order a script is within a stack of scripts.

direction (direction):

If side-position is 1 (#X), then this property determines if the object is placed #LEFT, #CENTER or #RIGHT with respect to the other object. Otherwise, it determines if the object is placed #UP #CENTER or #DOWN. Numerical values may also be used. #UP=1, #DOWN=-1, #LEFT=-1, #RIGHT=1, CENTER=0 but also other numerical values are permitted.

X-extent (pair of numbers):

Hard coded extent in X direction.

right-padding (dimension, in staff space):

Space to insert on the right side of an object (eg. between note and its accidentals.)

This object supports the following interfaces: item-interface, accidental-placement-interface and grob-interface


AccidentalSuggestion objects are created by: Accidental_engraver

Standard settings:

stencil (unknown):

The symbol to print.

X-offset (number):
#<simple-closure (#<primitive-generic +> #<simple-closure (#<primitive-procedure ly:self-alignment-interface::centered-on-x-parent>) > #<simple-closure (#<primitive-procedure ly:self-alignment-interface::x-aligned-on-self>) >) >

The horizontal amount that this object is moved relative to its X-parent

self-alignment-X (number):

Specify alignment of an object. The value -1 means left aligned, 0 centered, and 1 right-aligned in X direction. Values in between may also be specified.

cautionary (boolean):

Is this a cautionary accidental?

cautionary-style (symbol):

How to print cautionary accidentals. Choices are smaller or parentheses.

Y-offset (number):

The vertical amount that this object is moved relative to its Y-parent

cautionary-style (symbol):

How to print cautionary accidentals. Choices are smaller or parentheses.

direction (direction):

If side-position is 1 (#X), then this property determines if the object is placed #LEFT, #CENTER or #RIGHT with respect to the other object. Otherwise, it determines if the object is placed #UP #CENTER or #DOWN. Numerical values may also be used. #UP=1, #DOWN=-1, #LEFT=-1, #RIGHT=1, CENTER=0 but also other numerical values are permitted.

staff-padding (dimension, in staff space):

Maintain this much space between reference points and the staff. Its effect is to align objects of differing sizes (like the dynamic p and f) on their baselines.

script-priority (number):

A sorting key that determines in what order a script is within a stack of scripts.

side-axis (number):

If the value is #X (or equivalently 1), the object is placed horizontally next to the other object. If the value is #Y or 0, it is placed vertically.

This object supports the following interfaces: side-position-interface, self-alignment-interface, script-interface, item-interface, font-interface, accidental-suggestion-interface, accidental-interface and grob-interface


Ambitus objects are created by: Ambitus_engraver

Standard settings:

axes (list):
'(0 1)

list of axis numbers. In the case of alignment grobs, this should contain only one number.

X-extent (pair of numbers):

Hard coded extent in X direction.

Y-extent (pair of numbers):

See X-extent.

space-alist (list):
'((clef extra-space . 0.5) (key-signature extra-space . 0.0) (staff-bar extra-space . 0.0) (time-signature extra-space . 0.0) (first-note fixed-space . 0.0))

A table that specifies distances between prefatory items, like clef and time-signature. The format is an alist of spacing tuples: (break-align-symbol type . distance), where type can be the symbols minimum-space or extra-space.

non-musical (boolean):

True if the grob belongs in a NonMusicalPaperColumn.

break-align-symbol (symbol):

This key is used for aligning and spacing breakable items.

break-visibility (vector):
#(#f #f #t)

A vector of 3 booleans, #(end-of-line unbroken begin-of-line). #t means visible, #f means killed.

This object supports the following interfaces: item-interface, break-aligned-interface, axis-group-interface, ambitus-interface and grob-interface


AmbitusAccidental objects are created by: Ambitus_engraver

Standard settings:

font-family (symbol):

The font family is the broadest category for selecting text fonts. Options include: sans, roman

padding (dimension, in staff space):

Add this much extra space between objects that are next to each other.

X-offset (number):

The horizontal amount that this object is moved relative to its X-parent

direction (direction):

If side-position is 1 (#X), then this property determines if the object is placed #LEFT, #CENTER or #RIGHT with respect to the other object. Otherwise, it determines if the object is placed #UP #CENTER or #DOWN. Numerical values may also be used. #UP=1, #DOWN=-1, #LEFT=-1, #RIGHT=1, CENTER=0 but also other numerical values are permitted.

cautionary-style (symbol):

How to print cautionary accidentals. Choices are smaller or parentheses.

stencil (unknown):

The symbol to print.

after-line-breaking (boolean):

Dummy property, used to trigger callback for after-line-breaking

side-axis (number):

If the value is #X (or equivalently 1), the object is placed horizontally next to the other object. If the value is #Y or 0, it is placed vertically.

This object supports the following interfaces: side-position-interface, item-interface, font-interface, break-aligned-interface, accidental-interface and grob-interface


AmbitusLine objects are created by: Ambitus_engraver

Standard settings:

stencil (unknown):

The symbol to print.

thickness (number):

Line thickness, generally measured in line-thickness.

X-offset (number):

The horizontal amount that this object is moved relative to its X-parent

This object supports the following interfaces: staff-symbol-referencer-interface, item-interface, font-interface, ambitus-interface and grob-interface


AmbitusNoteHead objects are created by: Ambitus_engraver

Standard settings:

duration-log (integer):

The 2-log of the note head duration, i.e. 0=whole note, 1 = half note, etc.

stencil (unknown):

The symbol to print.

Y-offset (number):

The vertical amount that this object is moved relative to its Y-parent

This object supports the following interfaces: staff-symbol-referencer-interface, rhythmic-head-interface, note-head-interface, ledgered-interface, item-interface, font-interface, ambitus-interface and grob-interface


Arpeggio objects are created by: Arpeggio_engraver and Span_arpeggio_engraver

Standard settings:

X-extent (pair of numbers):

Hard coded extent in X direction.

stencil (unknown):

The symbol to print.

Y-offset (number):

The vertical amount that this object is moved relative to its Y-parent

X-offset (number):

The horizontal amount that this object is moved relative to its X-parent

direction (direction):

If side-position is 1 (#X), then this property determines if the object is placed #LEFT, #CENTER or #RIGHT with respect to the other object. Otherwise, it determines if the object is placed #UP #CENTER or #DOWN. Numerical values may also be used. #UP=1, #DOWN=-1, #LEFT=-1, #RIGHT=1, CENTER=0 but also other numerical values are permitted.

padding (dimension, in staff space):

Add this much extra space between objects that are next to each other.

script-priority (number):

A sorting key that determines in what order a script is within a stack of scripts.

side-axis (number):

If the value is #X (or equivalently 1), the object is placed horizontally next to the other object. If the value is #Y or 0, it is placed vertically.

staff-position (number):

Vertical position, measured in half staff spaces, counted from the middle line.

This object supports the following interfaces: staff-symbol-referencer-interface, side-position-interface, item-interface, font-interface, arpeggio-interface and grob-interface


BalloonTextItem objects are created by: Balloon_engraver

Standard settings:

stencil (unknown):

The symbol to print.

text (markup):
#<procedure #f (grob)>

Text markup. See Text markup .

X-offset (number):
#<procedure #f (grob)>

The horizontal amount that this object is moved relative to its X-parent

Y-offset (number):
#<procedure #f (grob)>

The vertical amount that this object is moved relative to its Y-parent

This object supports the following interfaces: text-interface, item-interface, font-interface and grob-interface


BarLine objects are created by: Bar_engraver

Standard settings:

break-align-symbol (symbol):

This key is used for aligning and spacing breakable items.

glyph (string):

a string determining what (style) of glyph is typeset. Valid choices depend on the function that is reading this property.

gap (dimension, in staff space):

Size of a gap in a variable symbol.

layer (number):

The output layer [0..2]: layers define the order of printing objects. Objects in lower layers are overprinted by objects in higher layers.

break-visibility (vector):
#(#t #t #t)

A vector of 3 booleans, #(end-of-line unbroken begin-of-line). #t means visible, #f means killed.

non-musical (boolean):

True if the grob belongs in a NonMusicalPaperColumn.

stencil (unknown):

The symbol to print.

bar-size (dimension, in staff space):

size of a bar line.

space-alist (list):
'((time-signature extra-space . 0.75) (custos minimum-space . 2.0) (clef minimum-space . 1.0) (key-signature extra-space . 1.0) (key-cancellation extra-space . 1.0) (first-note fixed-space . 1.3) (next-note semi-fixed-space . 1.3) (right-edge extra-space . 0.0))

A table that specifies distances between prefatory items, like clef and time-signature. The format is an alist of spacing tuples: (break-align-symbol type . distance), where type can be the symbols minimum-space or extra-space.

kern (dimension, in staff space):

Amount of extra white space to add. For bar line, this is the amount of space after a thick line.

thin-kern (number):

The space after a hair-line in a bar line.

hair-thickness (number):

Thickness of the thin line in a bar line.

thick-thickness (number):

Bar line thickness, measured in line-thickness.

This object supports the following interfaces: item-interface, font-interface, break-aligned-interface, bar-line-interface and grob-interface


BarNumber objects are created by: Bar_number_engraver

Standard settings:

stencil (unknown):

The symbol to print.

non-musical (boolean):

True if the grob belongs in a NonMusicalPaperColumn.

break-visibility (vector):
#(#f #f #t)

A vector of 3 booleans, #(end-of-line unbroken begin-of-line). #t means visible, #f means killed.

padding (dimension, in staff space):

Add this much extra space between objects that are next to each other.

direction (direction):

If side-position is 1 (#X), then this property determines if the object is placed #LEFT, #CENTER or #RIGHT with respect to the other object. Otherwise, it determines if the object is placed #UP #CENTER or #DOWN. Numerical values may also be used. #UP=1, #DOWN=-1, #LEFT=-1, #RIGHT=1, CENTER=0 but also other numerical values are permitted.

font-family (symbol):

The font family is the broadest category for selecting text fonts. Options include: sans, roman

font-size (number):

The font size, compared the `normal' size. 0 is style-sheet's normal size, -1 is smaller, +1 is bigger. Each step of 1 is approximately 12% larger, 6 steps are exactly a factor 2 larger. Fractional values are allowed.

Y-offset (number):

The vertical amount that this object is moved relative to its Y-parent

side-axis (number):

If the value is #X (or equivalently 1), the object is placed horizontally next to the other object. If the value is #Y or 0, it is placed vertically.

X-offset (number):
#<simple-closure (#<primitive-generic +> #<simple-closure (#<primitive-procedure ly:break-alignment-align-interface::self-align-callback>) > #<simple-closure (#<primitive-procedure ly:self-alignment-interface::x-aligned-on-self>) >) >

The horizontal amount that this object is moved relative to its X-parent

self-alignment-X (number):

Specify alignment of an object. The value -1 means left aligned, 0 centered, and 1 right-aligned in X direction. Values in between may also be specified.

break-align-symbol (symbol):

This key is used for aligning and spacing breakable items.

This object supports the following interfaces: text-interface, side-position-interface, self-alignment-interface, item-interface, font-interface, break-alignment-align-interface and grob-interface


BassFigure objects are created by: Figured_bass_engraver

Standard settings:

stencil (unknown):

The symbol to print.

This object supports the following interfaces: text-interface, rhythmic-grob-interface, item-interface, font-interface, bass-figure-interface and grob-interface


BassFigureAlignment objects are created by: Figured_bass_engraver

Standard settings:

axes (list):

list of axis numbers. In the case of alignment grobs, this should contain only one number.

threshold (pair of numbers):
'(2 . 1000)

(min . max), where min and max are dimensions in staff space.

Y-extent (pair of numbers):

See X-extent.

stacking-dir (direction):

Stack objects in which direction?

This object supports the following interfaces: spanner-interface, bass-figure-alignment-interface, axis-group-interface, align-interface and grob-interface


BassFigureAlignmentPositioning objects are created by: Figured_bass_position_engraver

Standard settings:

Y-offset (number):

The vertical amount that this object is moved relative to its Y-parent

side-axis (number):

If the value is #X (or equivalently 1), the object is placed horizontally next to the other object. If the value is #Y or 0, it is placed vertically.

direction (direction):

If side-position is 1 (#X), then this property determines if the object is placed #LEFT, #CENTER or #RIGHT with respect to the other object. Otherwise, it determines if the object is placed #UP #CENTER or #DOWN. Numerical values may also be used. #UP=1, #DOWN=-1, #LEFT=-1, #RIGHT=1, CENTER=0 but also other numerical values are permitted.

Y-extent (pair of numbers):

See X-extent.

axes (list):

list of axis numbers. In the case of alignment grobs, this should contain only one number.

staff-padding (dimension, in staff space):

Maintain this much space between reference points and the staff. Its effect is to align objects of differing sizes (like the dynamic p and f) on their baselines.

padding (dimension, in staff space):

Add this much extra space between objects that are next to each other.

This object supports the following interfaces: spanner-interface, side-position-interface, axis-group-interface and grob-interface


BassFigureBracket objects are created by: Figured_bass_engraver

Standard settings:

stencil (unknown):

The symbol to print.

X-extent (pair of numbers):

Hard coded extent in X direction.

edge-height (pair):
'(0.2 . 0.2)

A pair of number specifying the heights of the vertical edges '(left-height . right-height).

This object supports the following interfaces: item-interface, enclosing-bracket-interface and grob-interface


BassFigureContinuation objects are created by: Figured_bass_engraver

Standard settings:

stencil (unknown):

The symbol to print.

Y-offset (number):

The vertical amount that this object is moved relative to its Y-parent

This object supports the following interfaces: spanner-interface, figured-bass-continuation-interface and grob-interface


BassFigureLine objects are created by: Figured_bass_engraver

Standard settings:

axes (list):

list of axis numbers. In the case of alignment grobs, this should contain only one number.

Y-extent (pair of numbers):

See X-extent.

This object supports the following interfaces: spanner-interface, axis-group-interface and grob-interface


Beam objects are created by: Auto_beam_engraver, Beam_engraver, Chord_tremolo_engraver and Grace_beam_engraver

Standard settings:

gap (dimension, in staff space):

Size of a gap in a variable symbol.

positions (pair):
#<simple-closure #<simple-closure (#<procedure chain-grob-member-functions (grob value . funcs)> (#<primitive-procedure cons> 0 0) #<primitive-procedure ly:beam::calc-least-squares-positions> #<primitive-procedure ly:beam::slope-damping> #<primitive-procedure ly:beam::shift-region-to-valid> #<primitive-procedure ly:beam::quanting>) > >

Pair of staff coordinates (left . right), where both left and right are in the staff-space unit of the current staff.

concaveness (number):

A beam is concave when its inner stems are closer to the beam than the two outside stems. This number is a measure of the closeness of the inner stems. It is used for damping the slope of the beam.

direction (direction):

If side-position is 1 (#X), then this property determines if the object is placed #LEFT, #CENTER or #RIGHT with respect to the other object. Otherwise, it determines if the object is placed #UP #CENTER or #DOWN. Numerical values may also be used. #UP=1, #DOWN=-1, #LEFT=-1, #RIGHT=1, CENTER=0 but also other numerical values are permitted.

beaming (pair):

Pair of number lists. Each number list specifies which beams to make. 0 is the central beam, 1 is the next beam toward the note etc. This information is used to determine how to connect the beaming patterns from stem to stem inside a beam.

stencil (unknown):

The symbol to print.

clip-edges (boolean):

Allow outward pointing beamlets at the edges of beams?

thickness (number):

Line thickness, generally measured in line-thickness.

neutral-direction (direction):

Which direction to take in the center of the staff.

beamed-stem-shorten (list):
'(1.0 0.5 0.25)

How much to shorten beamed stems, when their direction is forced. It is a list, since the value is different depending on the number flags/beams.

damping (number):

Amount of beam slope damping.

auto-knee-gap (dimension, in staff space):

If a gap is found between note heads where a horizontal beam fits that is larger than this number, make a kneed beam.

font-family (symbol):

The font family is the broadest category for selecting text fonts. Options include: sans, roman

This object supports the following interfaces: staff-symbol-referencer-interface, spanner-interface, beam-interface and grob-interface


BendAfter objects are created by: Bend_after_engraver

Standard settings:

stencil (unknown):

The symbol to print.

thickness (number):

Line thickness, generally measured in line-thickness.

This object supports the following interfaces: spanner-interface, bend-after-interface and grob-interface


BreakAlignGroup objects are created by: Break_align_engraver

Standard settings:

axes (list):

list of axis numbers. In the case of alignment grobs, this should contain only one number.

X-extent (pair of numbers):

Hard coded extent in X direction.

This object supports the following interfaces: item-interface, break-aligned-interface, axis-group-interface and grob-interface


BreakAlignment objects are created by: Break_align_engraver

Standard settings:

non-musical (boolean):

True if the grob belongs in a NonMusicalPaperColumn.

stacking-dir (direction):

Stack objects in which direction?

X-extent (pair of numbers):

Hard coded extent in X direction.

break-align-orders (vector):
#((left-edge ambitus breathing-sign clef staff-bar key-cancellation key-signature time-signature custos) (left-edge ambitus breathing-sign clef staff-bar key-cancellation key-signature staff time-signature custos) (left-edge ambitus breathing-sign clef key-cancellation key-signature staff-bar time-signature custos))

Defines the order in which prefatory matter (clefs, key signatures) appears. The format is a vector of length 3, where each element is one order for end-of-line, middle of line, and start-of-line respectively. An order is a list of symbols.

For example, clefs are put after key signatures by setting

          	\override Score.BreakAlignment #'break-align-orders = #(make-vector  3

axes (list):

list of axis numbers. In the case of alignment grobs, this should contain only one number.

This object supports the following interfaces: item-interface, break-alignment-interface, axis-group-interface and grob-interface


BreathingSign objects are created by: Breathing_sign_engraver

Standard settings:

break-align-symbol (symbol):

This key is used for aligning and spacing breakable items.

non-musical (boolean):

True if the grob belongs in a NonMusicalPaperColumn.

space-alist (list):
'((ambitus extra-space . 2.0) (custos minimum-space . 1.0) (key-signature minimum-space . 1.5) (time-signature minimum-space . 1.5) (staff-bar minimum-space . 1.5) (clef minimum-space . 2.0) (first-note fixed-space . 1.0) (right-edge extra-space . 0.1))

A table that specifies distances between prefatory items, like clef and time-signature. The format is an alist of spacing tuples: (break-align-symbol type . distance), where type can be the symbols minimum-space or extra-space.

stencil (unknown):

The symbol to print.

text (markup):
'(#<procedure musicglyph-markup (layout props glyph-name)> scripts.rcomma)

Text markup. See Text markup .

Y-offset (number):

The vertical amount that this object is moved relative to its Y-parent

break-visibility (vector):
#(#t #t #f)

A vector of 3 booleans, #(end-of-line unbroken begin-of-line). #t means visible, #f means killed.

This object supports the following interfaces: text-interface, item-interface, font-interface, breathing-sign-interface, break-aligned-interface and grob-interface


ChordName objects are created by: Chord_name_engraver

Standard settings:

stencil (unknown):

The symbol to print.

after-line-breaking (boolean):

Dummy property, used to trigger callback for after-line-breaking

word-space (dimension, in staff space):

space to insert between words in texts.

font-family (symbol):

The font family is the broadest category for selecting text fonts. Options include: sans, roman

font-size (number):

The font size, compared the `normal' size. 0 is style-sheet's normal size, -1 is smaller, +1 is bigger. Each step of 1 is approximately 12% larger, 6 steps are exactly a factor 2 larger. Fractional values are allowed.

This object supports the following interfaces: text-interface, rhythmic-grob-interface, item-interface, font-interface, chord-name-interface and grob-interface


Clef objects are created by: Clef_engraver

Standard settings:

stencil (unknown):

The symbol to print.

non-musical (boolean):

True if the grob belongs in a NonMusicalPaperColumn.

avoid-slur (symbol):

Method of handling slur collisions. Choices are around, inside, outside. If unset, script and slur ignore eachother.

font-family (symbol):

The font family is the broadest category for selecting text fonts. Options include: sans, roman

break-align-symbol (symbol):

This key is used for aligning and spacing breakable items.

break-visibility (vector):
#(#f #f #t)

A vector of 3 booleans, #(end-of-line unbroken begin-of-line). #t means visible, #f means killed.

space-alist (list):
'((ambitus extra-space . 2.0) (staff-bar extra-space . 0.7) (key-cancellation minimum-space . 3.5) (key-signature minimum-space . 3.5) (time-signature minimum-space . 4.2) (first-note minimum-fixed-space . 5.0) (next-note extra-space . 0.5) (right-edge extra-space . 0.5))

A table that specifies distances between prefatory items, like clef and time-signature. The format is an alist of spacing tuples: (break-align-symbol type . distance), where type can be the symbols minimum-space or extra-space.

Y-offset (number):

The vertical amount that this object is moved relative to its Y-parent

This object supports the following interfaces: staff-symbol-referencer-interface, item-interface, font-interface, clef-interface, break-aligned-interface and grob-interface


ClusterSpanner objects are created by: Cluster_spanner_engraver

Standard settings:

springs-and-rods (boolean):

Dummy variable for triggering spacing routines.

stencil (unknown):

The symbol to print.

minimum-length (dimension, in staff space):

Try to make a spanner at least this long. This requires an appropriate callback for the springs-and-rods property.

padding (dimension, in staff space):

Add this much extra space between objects that are next to each other.

style (symbol):

This setting determines in what style a grob is typeset. Valid choices depend on the stencil callback reading this property.

This object supports the following interfaces: spanner-interface, cluster-interface and grob-interface


ClusterSpannerBeacon objects are created by: Cluster_spanner_engraver

Standard settings:

Y-extent (pair of numbers):

See X-extent.

This object supports the following interfaces: item-interface, cluster-beacon-interface and grob-interface


CombineTextScript objects are created by: Part_combine_engraver

Standard settings:

stencil (unknown):

The symbol to print.

no-spacing-rods (boolean):

Items with this property do not cause spacing constraints.

Y-offset (number):

The vertical amount that this object is moved relative to its Y-parent

X-offset (number):

The horizontal amount that this object is moved relative to its X-parent

direction (direction):

If side-position is 1 (#X), then this property determines if the object is placed #LEFT, #CENTER or #RIGHT with respect to the other object. Otherwise, it determines if the object is placed #UP #CENTER or #DOWN. Numerical values may also be used. #UP=1, #DOWN=-1, #LEFT=-1, #RIGHT=1, CENTER=0 but also other numerical values are permitted.

padding (dimension, in staff space):

Add this much extra space between objects that are next to each other.

staff-padding (dimension, in staff space):

Maintain this much space between reference points and the staff. Its effect is to align objects of differing sizes (like the dynamic p and f) on their baselines.

script-priority (number):

A sorting key that determines in what order a script is within a stack of scripts.

baseline-skip (dimension, in staff space):

Distance between base lines of multiple lines of text.

side-axis (number):

If the value is #X (or equivalently 1), the object is placed horizontally next to the other object. If the value is #Y or 0, it is placed vertically.

font-series (symbol):

Select the series of a font. Choices include medium, bold, bold-narrow, etc.

This object supports the following interfaces: text-script-interface, text-interface, side-position-interface, item-interface, font-interface and grob-interface


Custos objects are created by: Custos_engraver

Standard settings:

break-align-symbol (symbol):

This key is used for aligning and spacing breakable items.

non-musical (boolean):

True if the grob belongs in a NonMusicalPaperColumn.

stencil (unknown):

The symbol to print.

break-visibility (vector):
#(#t #f #f)

A vector of 3 booleans, #(end-of-line unbroken begin-of-line). #t means visible, #f means killed.

style (symbol):

This setting determines in what style a grob is typeset. Valid choices depend on the stencil callback reading this property.

neutral-direction (direction):

Which direction to take in the center of the staff.

Y-offset (number):

The vertical amount that this object is moved relative to its Y-parent

space-alist (list):
'((first-note minimum-fixed-space . 0.0) (right-edge extra-space . 0.1))

A table that specifies distances between prefatory items, like clef and time-signature. The format is an alist of spacing tuples: (break-align-symbol type . distance), where type can be the symbols minimum-space or extra-space.

This object supports the following interfaces: staff-symbol-referencer-interface, item-interface, font-interface, custos-interface, break-aligned-interface and grob-interface


DotColumn objects are created by: Dot_column_engraver and Vaticana_ligature_engraver

Standard settings:

axes (list):

list of axis numbers. In the case of alignment grobs, this should contain only one number.

direction (direction):

If side-position is 1 (#X), then this property determines if the object is placed #LEFT, #CENTER or #RIGHT with respect to the other object. Otherwise, it determines if the object is placed #UP #CENTER or #DOWN. Numerical values may also be used. #UP=1, #DOWN=-1, #LEFT=-1, #RIGHT=1, CENTER=0 but also other numerical values are permitted.

X-extent (pair of numbers):

Hard coded extent in X direction.

X-offset (number):

The horizontal amount that this object is moved relative to its X-parent

This object supports the following interfaces: item-interface, dot-column-interface, axis-group-interface and grob-interface


Dots objects are created by: Completion_heads_engraver and Dots_engraver

Standard settings:

stencil (unknown):

The symbol to print.

dot-count (integer):

The number of dots.

staff-position (number):

Vertical position, measured in half staff spaces, counted from the middle line.

This object supports the following interfaces: staff-symbol-referencer-interface, item-interface, font-interface, dots-interface and grob-interface


DoublePercentRepeat objects are created by: Percent_repeat_engraver

Standard settings:

stencil (unknown):

The symbol to print.

non-musical (boolean):

True if the grob belongs in a NonMusicalPaperColumn.

slope (number):

The slope of this object.

font-encoding (symbol):

The font encoding is the broadest category for selecting a font. Options include: fetaMusic, fetaNumber, TeX-text, TeX-math, fetaBraces, fetaDynamic

width (dimension, in staff space):

The width of a grob measured in staff space.

thickness (number):

Line thickness, generally measured in line-thickness.

break-align-symbol (symbol):

This key is used for aligning and spacing breakable items.

break-visibility (vector):
#(#t #t #f)

A vector of 3 booleans, #(end-of-line unbroken begin-of-line). #t means visible, #f means killed.

This object supports the following interfaces: percent-repeat-interface, item-interface, font-interface, break-aligned-interface and grob-interface


DoublePercentRepeatCounter objects are created by: Percent_repeat_engraver

Standard settings:

stencil (unknown):

The symbol to print.

X-offset (number):
#<simple-closure (#<primitive-generic +> #<simple-closure (#<primitive-procedure ly:self-alignment-interface::centered-on-y-parent>) > #<simple-closure (#<primitive-procedure ly:self-alignment-interface::x-aligned-on-self>) >) >

The horizontal amount that this object is moved relative to its X-parent

Y-offset (number):

The vertical amount that this object is moved relative to its Y-parent

font-encoding (symbol):

The font encoding is the broadest category for selecting a font. Options include: fetaMusic, fetaNumber, TeX-text, TeX-math, fetaBraces, fetaDynamic

self-alignment-X (number):

Specify alignment of an object. The value -1 means left aligned, 0 centered, and 1 right-aligned in X direction. Values in between may also be specified.

font-size (number):

The font size, compared the `normal' size. 0 is style-sheet's normal size, -1 is smaller, +1 is bigger. Each step of 1 is approximately 12% larger, 6 steps are exactly a factor 2 larger. Fractional values are allowed.

direction (direction):

If side-position is 1 (#X), then this property determines if the object is placed #LEFT, #CENTER or #RIGHT with respect to the other object. Otherwise, it determines if the object is placed #UP #CENTER or #DOWN. Numerical values may also be used. #UP=1, #DOWN=-1, #LEFT=-1, #RIGHT=1, CENTER=0 but also other numerical values are permitted.

padding (dimension, in staff space):

Add this much extra space between objects that are next to each other.

staff-padding (dimension, in staff space):

Maintain this much space between reference points and the staff. Its effect is to align objects of differing sizes (like the dynamic p and f) on their baselines.

side-axis (number):

If the value is #X (or equivalently 1), the object is placed horizontally next to the other object. If the value is #Y or 0, it is placed vertically.

This object supports the following interfaces: text-interface, side-position-interface, self-alignment-interface, percent-repeat-interface, item-interface, font-interface and grob-interface


DynamicLineSpanner objects are created by: Dynamic_engraver

Standard settings:

axes (list):

list of axis numbers. In the case of alignment grobs, this should contain only one number.

Y-offset (number):

The vertical amount that this object is moved relative to its Y-parent

staff-padding (dimension, in staff space):

Maintain this much space between reference points and the staff. Its effect is to align objects of differing sizes (like the dynamic p and f) on their baselines.

padding (dimension, in staff space):

Add this much extra space between objects that are next to each other.

avoid-slur (symbol):

Method of handling slur collisions. Choices are around, inside, outside. If unset, script and slur ignore eachother.

slur-padding (number):

Extra distance between slur and script.

minimum-space (dimension, in staff space):

Minimum distance that the victim should move (after padding).

direction (direction):

If side-position is 1 (#X), then this property determines if the object is placed #LEFT, #CENTER or #RIGHT with respect to the other object. Otherwise, it determines if the object is placed #UP #CENTER or #DOWN. Numerical values may also be used. #UP=1, #DOWN=-1, #LEFT=-1, #RIGHT=1, CENTER=0 but also other numerical values are permitted.

side-axis (number):

If the value is #X (or equivalently 1), the object is placed horizontally next to the other object. If the value is #Y or 0, it is placed vertically.

Y-extent (pair of numbers):

See X-extent.

X-extent (pair of numbers):

Hard coded extent in X direction.

This object supports the following interfaces: spanner-interface, side-position-interface, dynamic-line-spanner-interface, dynamic-interface, axis-group-interface and grob-interface


DynamicText objects are created by: Dynamic_engraver

Standard settings:

stencil (unknown):

The symbol to print.

direction (direction):

If side-position is 1 (#X), then this property determines if the object is placed #LEFT, #CENTER or #RIGHT with respect to the other object. Otherwise, it determines if the object is placed #UP #CENTER or #DOWN. Numerical values may also be used. #UP=1, #DOWN=-1, #LEFT=-1, #RIGHT=1, CENTER=0 but also other numerical values are permitted.

X-offset (number):

The horizontal amount that this object is moved relative to its X-parent

self-alignment-X (number):

Specify alignment of an object. The value -1 means left aligned, 0 centered, and 1 right-aligned in X direction. Values in between may also be specified.

Y-offset (number):

The vertical amount that this object is moved relative to its Y-parent

self-alignment-Y (number):

like self-alignment-X but for Y axis.

font-series (symbol):

Select the series of a font. Choices include medium, bold, bold-narrow, etc.

font-encoding (symbol):

The font encoding is the broadest category for selecting a font. Options include: fetaMusic, fetaNumber, TeX-text, TeX-math, fetaBraces, fetaDynamic

font-shape (symbol):

Select the shape of a font. Choices include upright, italic, caps.

avoid-slur (symbol):

Method of handling slur collisions. Choices are around, inside, outside. If unset, script and slur ignore eachother.

no-spacing-rods (boolean):

Items with this property do not cause spacing constraints.

script-priority (number):

A sorting key that determines in what order a script is within a stack of scripts.

This object supports the following interfaces: text-interface, self-alignment-interface, script-interface, item-interface, font-interface, dynamic-interface and grob-interface


DynamicTextSpanner objects are created by: none

Standard settings:

stencil (unknown):

The symbol to print.

font-shape (symbol):

Select the shape of a font. Choices include upright, italic, caps.

style (symbol):

This setting determines in what style a grob is typeset. Valid choices depend on the stencil callback reading this property.

minimum-Y-extent (pair of numbers):
'(-1 . 1)

See minimum-X-extent.

font-size (number):

The font size, compared the `normal' size. 0 is style-sheet's normal size, -1 is smaller, +1 is bigger. Each step of 1 is approximately 12% larger, 6 steps are exactly a factor 2 larger. Fractional values are allowed.

bound-padding (number):

The amount of padding to insert around spanner bounds.

dash-fraction (number):

Size of the dashes, relative to dash-period. Should be between 0.0 (no line) and 1.0 (continuous line).

dash-period (number):

the length of one dash + white space. If negative, no line is drawn at all.

This object supports the following interfaces: text-interface, spanner-interface, line-spanner-interface, font-interface, dynamic-text-spanner-interface, dynamic-interface and grob-interface


Fingering objects are created by: Fingering_engraver and New_fingering_engraver

Standard settings:

padding (dimension, in staff space):

Add this much extra space between objects that are next to each other.

avoid-slur (symbol):

Method of handling slur collisions. Choices are around, inside, outside. If unset, script and slur ignore eachother.

slur-padding (number):

Extra distance between slur and script.

staff-padding (dimension, in staff space):

Maintain this much space between reference points and the staff. Its effect is to align objects of differing sizes (like the dynamic p and f) on their baselines.

self-alignment-X (number):

Specify alignment of an object. The value -1 means left aligned, 0 centered, and 1 right-aligned in X direction. Values in between may also be specified.

self-alignment-Y (number):

like self-alignment-X but for Y axis.

script-priority (number):

A sorting key that determines in what order a script is within a stack of scripts.

stencil (unknown):

The symbol to print.

direction (direction):

If side-position is 1 (#X), then this property determines if the object is placed #LEFT, #CENTER or #RIGHT with respect to the other object. Otherwise, it determines if the object is placed #UP #CENTER or #DOWN. Numerical values may also be used. #UP=1, #DOWN=-1, #LEFT=-1, #RIGHT=1, CENTER=0 but also other numerical values are permitted.

text (markup):

Text markup. See Text markup .

font-encoding (symbol):

The font encoding is the broadest category for selecting a font. Options include: fetaMusic, fetaNumber, TeX-text, TeX-math, fetaBraces, fetaDynamic

font-size (number):

The font size, compared the `normal' size. 0 is style-sheet's normal size, -1 is smaller, +1 is bigger. Each step of 1 is approximately 12% larger, 6 steps are exactly a factor 2 larger. Fractional values are allowed.

This object supports the following interfaces: text-script-interface, text-interface, side-position-interface, self-alignment-interface, item-interface, font-interface, finger-interface and grob-interface


FretBoard objects are created by: Fretboard_engraver

Standard settings:

stencil (unknown):

The symbol to print.

finger-code (symbol):

Code for the type of fingering indication in a fret diagram. Options include none, in-dot, and below-string.

This object supports the following interfaces: item-interface, fret-diagram-interface, font-interface and grob-interface


Glissando objects are created by: Glissando_engraver and Note_head_line_engraver

Standard settings:

style (symbol):

This setting determines in what style a grob is typeset. Valid choices depend on the stencil callback reading this property.

gap (dimension, in staff space):

Size of a gap in a variable symbol.

zigzag-width (dimension, in staff space):

The width of one zigzag-squiggle. This number will be adjusted slightly so that the glissando line can be constructed from a whole number of squiggles.

non-musical (boolean):

True if the grob belongs in a NonMusicalPaperColumn.

X-extent (pair of numbers):

Hard coded extent in X direction.

Y-extent (pair of numbers):

See X-extent.

stencil (unknown):

The symbol to print.

after-line-breaking (boolean):

Dummy property, used to trigger callback for after-line-breaking

This object supports the following interfaces: spanner-interface, line-spanner-interface, line-interface and grob-interface


GraceSpacing objects are created by: Grace_spacing_engraver

Standard settings:

common-shortest-duration (moment):

The most common shortest note length. This is used in spacing. Enlarging this will set the score tighter.

spacing-increment (number):

Add this much space for a doubled duration. Typically, the width of a note head. See also spacing-spanner-interface.

shortest-duration-space (dimension, in staff space):

Start with this much space for the shortest duration. This is expressed in spacing-increment as unit. See also spacing-spanner-interface.

This object supports the following interfaces: spanner-interface, spacing-options-interface, spacing-interface, grace-spacing-interface and grob-interface


GridLine objects are created by: Grid_line_span_engraver

Standard settings:

X-extent (pair of numbers):

Hard coded extent in X direction.

stencil (unknown):

The symbol to print.

self-alignment-X (number):

Specify alignment of an object. The value -1 means left aligned, 0 centered, and 1 right-aligned in X direction. Values in between may also be specified.

X-offset (number):
#<simple-closure (#<primitive-generic +> #<simple-closure (#<primitive-procedure ly:self-alignment-interface::centered-on-x-parent>) > #<simple-closure (#<primitive-procedure ly:self-alignment-interface::x-aligned-on-self>) >) >

The horizontal amount that this object is moved relative to its X-parent

layer (number):

The output layer [0..2]: layers define the order of printing objects. Objects in lower layers are overprinted by objects in higher layers.

This object supports the following interfaces: self-alignment-interface, item-interface, grid-line-interface and grob-interface


GridPoint objects are created by: Grid_point_engraver

Standard settings:

X-extent (pair of numbers):
'(0 . 0)

Hard coded extent in X direction.

Y-extent (pair of numbers):
'(0 . 0)

See X-extent.

This object supports the following interfaces: item-interface, grid-point-interface and grob-interface


Hairpin objects are created by: Dynamic_engraver

Standard settings:

stencil (unknown):

The symbol to print.

springs-and-rods (boolean):

Dummy variable for triggering spacing routines.

after-line-breaking (boolean):

Dummy property, used to trigger callback for after-line-breaking

grow-direction (direction):

Crescendo or decrescendo?

thickness (number):

Line thickness, generally measured in line-thickness.

height (dimension, in staff space):

Height of an object in staff-space.

minimum-length (dimension, in staff space):

Try to make a spanner at least this long. This requires an appropriate callback for the springs-and-rods property.

bound-padding (number):

The amount of padding to insert around spanner bounds.

self-alignment-Y (number):

like self-alignment-X but for Y axis.

Y-offset (number):

The vertical amount that this object is moved relative to its Y-parent

This object supports the following interfaces: spanner-interface, self-alignment-interface, line-interface, hairpin-interface, dynamic-interface and grob-interface


HorizontalBracket objects are created by: Horizontal_bracket_engraver

Standard settings:

thickness (number):

Line thickness, generally measured in line-thickness.

stencil (unknown):

The symbol to print.

Y-offset (number):

The vertical amount that this object is moved relative to its Y-parent

connect-to-neighbor (pair):

Pair of booleans, indicating whether this grob looks as a continued break.

padding (dimension, in staff space):

Add this much extra space between objects that are next to each other.

staff-padding (dimension, in staff space):

Maintain this much space between reference points and the staff. Its effect is to align objects of differing sizes (like the dynamic p and f) on their baselines.

direction (direction):

If side-position is 1 (#X), then this property determines if the object is placed #LEFT, #CENTER or #RIGHT with respect to the other object. Otherwise, it determines if the object is placed #UP #CENTER or #DOWN. Numerical values may also be used. #UP=1, #DOWN=-1, #LEFT=-1, #RIGHT=1, CENTER=0 but also other numerical values are permitted.

side-axis (number):

If the value is #X (or equivalently 1), the object is placed horizontally next to the other object. If the value is #Y or 0, it is placed vertically.

bracket-flare (pair of numbers):
'(0.5 . 0.5)

A pair of numbers specifying how much edges of brackets should slant outward. Value 0.0 means straight edges

This object supports the following interfaces: spanner-interface, side-position-interface, line-interface, horizontal-bracket-interface and grob-interface


InstrumentName objects are created by: Instrument_name_engraver

Standard settings:

padding (dimension, in staff space):

Add this much extra space between objects that are next to each other.

stencil (unknown):

The symbol to print.

X-offset (number):

The horizontal amount that this object is moved relative to its X-parent

direction (direction):

If side-position is 1 (#X), then this property determines if the object is placed #LEFT, #CENTER or #RIGHT with respect to the other object. Otherwise, it determines if the object is placed #UP #CENTER or #DOWN. Numerical values may also be used. #UP=1, #DOWN=-1, #LEFT=-1, #RIGHT=1, CENTER=0 but also other numerical values are permitted.

self-alignment-Y (number):

like self-alignment-X but for Y axis.

This object supports the following interfaces: system-start-text-interface, spanner-interface, side-position-interface, font-interface and grob-interface


InstrumentSwitch objects are created by: Instrument_switch_engraver

Standard settings:

padding (dimension, in staff space):

Add this much extra space between objects that are next to each other.

stencil (unknown):

The symbol to print.

Y-offset (number):

The vertical amount that this object is moved relative to its Y-parent

X-offset (number):

The horizontal amount that this object is moved relative to its X-parent

staff-padding (dimension, in staff space):

Maintain this much space between reference points and the staff. Its effect is to align objects of differing sizes (like the dynamic p and f) on their baselines.

direction (direction):

If side-position is 1 (#X), then this property determines if the object is placed #LEFT, #CENTER or #RIGHT with respect to the other object. Otherwise, it determines if the object is placed #UP #CENTER or #DOWN. Numerical values may also be used. #UP=1, #DOWN=-1, #LEFT=-1, #RIGHT=1, CENTER=0 but also other numerical values are permitted.

self-alignment-X (number):

Specify alignment of an object. The value -1 means left aligned, 0 centered, and 1 right-aligned in X direction. Values in between may also be specified.

This object supports the following interfaces: system-start-text-interface, side-position-interface, item-interface, font-interface and grob-interface


KeyCancellation objects are created by: none

Standard settings:

stencil (unknown):

The symbol to print.

space-alist (list):
'((time-signature extra-space . 1.25) (staff-bar extra-space . 0.6) (key-signature extra-space . 0.5) (right-edge extra-space . 0.5) (first-note fixed-space . 2.5))

A table that specifies distances between prefatory items, like clef and time-signature. The format is an alist of spacing tuples: (break-align-symbol type . distance), where type can be the symbols minimum-space or extra-space.

Y-offset (number):

The vertical amount that this object is moved relative to its Y-parent

break-align-symbol (symbol):

This key is used for aligning and spacing breakable items.

break-visibility (vector):
#(#t #t #f)

A vector of 3 booleans, #(end-of-line unbroken begin-of-line). #t means visible, #f means killed.

non-musical (boolean):

True if the grob belongs in a NonMusicalPaperColumn.

This object supports the following interfaces: key-signature-interface, key-cancellation-interface, item-interface, font-interface, break-aligned-interface and grob-interface


KeySignature objects are created by: Key_engraver

Standard settings:

stencil (unknown):

The symbol to print.

avoid-slur (symbol):

Method of handling slur collisions. Choices are around, inside, outside. If unset, script and slur ignore eachother.

space-alist (list):
'((time-signature extra-space . 1.15) (staff-bar extra-space . 1.1) (right-edge extra-space . 0.5) (first-note fixed-space . 2.5))

A table that specifies distances between prefatory items, like clef and time-signature. The format is an alist of spacing tuples: (break-align-symbol type . distance), where type can be the symbols minimum-space or extra-space.

Y-offset (number):

The vertical amount that this object is moved relative to its Y-parent

break-align-symbol (symbol):

This key is used for aligning and spacing breakable items.

break-visibility (vector):
#(#f #f #t)

A vector of 3 booleans, #(end-of-line unbroken begin-of-line). #t means visible, #f means killed.

non-musical (boolean):

True if the grob belongs in a NonMusicalPaperColumn.

This object supports the following interfaces: key-signature-interface, item-interface, font-interface, break-aligned-interface and grob-interface


LaissezVibrerTie objects are created by: Laissez_vibrer_engraver

Standard settings:

stencil (unknown):

The symbol to print.

control-points (list):

List of offsets (number-pairs) that form control points for the tie/slur/bracket shape. For beziers, this should list the control points of a 3rd order bezier curve.

direction (direction):

If side-position is 1 (#X), then this property determines if the object is placed #LEFT, #CENTER or #RIGHT with respect to the other object. Otherwise, it determines if the object is placed #UP #CENTER or #DOWN. Numerical values may also be used. #UP=1, #DOWN=-1, #LEFT=-1, #RIGHT=1, CENTER=0 but also other numerical values are permitted.

head-direction (direction):

Are the note heads left or right in a semitie?

thickness (number):

Line thickness, generally measured in line-thickness.

This object supports the following interfaces: semi-tie-interface, item-interface and grob-interface


LaissezVibrerTieColumn objects are created by: Laissez_vibrer_engraver

Standard settings:

X-extent (pair of numbers):

Hard coded extent in X direction.

Y-extent (pair of numbers):

See X-extent.

head-direction (direction):

Are the note heads left or right in a semitie?

This object supports the following interfaces: semi-tie-column-interface, item-interface and grob-interface


LedgerLineSpanner objects are created by: Ledger_line_engraver

Standard settings:

springs-and-rods (boolean):

Dummy variable for triggering spacing routines.

stencil (unknown):

The symbol to print.

X-extent (pair of numbers):

Hard coded extent in X direction.

Y-extent (pair of numbers):

See X-extent.

minimum-length-fraction (number):

Minimum length of ledger line as fraction of note head size.

length-fraction (number):

Multiplier for lengths. Used for determining ledger lines and stem lengths.

layer (number):

The output layer [0..2]: layers define the order of printing objects. Objects in lower layers are overprinted by objects in higher layers.

This object supports the following interfaces: spanner-interface, ledger-line-interface and grob-interface


LeftEdge objects are created by: Break_align_engraver

Standard settings:

break-align-symbol (symbol):

This key is used for aligning and spacing breakable items.

X-extent (pair of numbers):
'(0 . 0)

Hard coded extent in X direction.

non-musical (boolean):

True if the grob belongs in a NonMusicalPaperColumn.

break-visibility (vector):
#(#t #f #t)

A vector of 3 booleans, #(end-of-line unbroken begin-of-line). #t means visible, #f means killed.

space-alist (list):
'((custos extra-space . 0.0) (ambitus extra-space . 2.0) (time-signature extra-space . 1.0) (staff-bar extra-space . 0.0) (breathing-sign minimum-space . 0.0) (clef extra-space . 0.8) (first-note fixed-space . 2.0) (right-edge extra-space . 0.0) (key-signature extra-space . 0.0) (key-cancellation extra-space . 0.0))

A table that specifies distances between prefatory items, like clef and time-signature. The format is an alist of spacing tuples: (break-align-symbol type . distance), where type can be the symbols minimum-space or extra-space.

This object supports the following interfaces: item-interface, break-aligned-interface and grob-interface


LigatureBracket objects are created by: none

Standard settings:

padding (dimension, in staff space):

Add this much extra space between objects that are next to each other.

thickness (number):

Line thickness, generally measured in line-thickness.

edge-height (pair):
'(0.7 . 0.7)

A pair of number specifying the heights of the vertical edges '(left-height . right-height).

shorten-pair (pair of numbers):
'(-0.2 . -0.2)

The lengths to shorten a text-spanner on both sides, for example a pedal bracket. Positive values shorten the text-spanner, while negative values lengthen it.

direction (direction):

If side-position is 1 (#X), then this property determines if the object is placed #LEFT, #CENTER or #RIGHT with respect to the other object. Otherwise, it determines if the object is placed #UP #CENTER or #DOWN. Numerical values may also be used. #UP=1, #DOWN=-1, #LEFT=-1, #RIGHT=1, CENTER=0 but also other numerical values are permitted.

positions (pair):

Pair of staff coordinates (left . right), where both left and right are in the staff-space unit of the current staff.

stencil (unknown):

The symbol to print.

staff-padding (dimension, in staff space):

Maintain this much space between reference points and the staff. Its effect is to align objects of differing sizes (like the dynamic p and f) on their baselines.

connect-to-neighbor (pair):

Pair of booleans, indicating whether this grob looks as a continued break.

control-points (list):

List of offsets (number-pairs) that form control points for the tie/slur/bracket shape. For beziers, this should list the control points of a 3rd order bezier curve.

This object supports the following interfaces: tuplet-bracket-interface, spanner-interface, line-interface and grob-interface


LyricExtender objects are created by: Extender_engraver

Standard settings:

stencil (unknown):

The symbol to print.

thickness (number):

Line thickness, generally measured in line-thickness.

minimum-length (dimension, in staff space):

Try to make a spanner at least this long. This requires an appropriate callback for the springs-and-rods property.

Y-extent (pair of numbers):
'(0 . 0)

See X-extent.

This object supports the following interfaces: spanner-interface, lyric-interface, lyric-extender-interface and grob-interface


LyricHyphen objects are created by: Hyphen_engraver

Standard settings:

thickness (number):

Line thickness, generally measured in line-thickness.

height (dimension, in staff space):

Height of an object in staff-space.

dash-period (number):

the length of one dash + white space. If negative, no line is drawn at all.

length (dimension, in staff space):

User override for the stem length of unbeamed stems.

minimum-length (dimension, in staff space):

Try to make a spanner at least this long. This requires an appropriate callback for the springs-and-rods property.

minimum-distance (dimension, in staff space):

Minimum distance between rest and notes or beam.

padding (dimension, in staff space):

Add this much extra space between objects that are next to each other.

springs-and-rods (boolean):

Dummy variable for triggering spacing routines.

stencil (unknown):

The symbol to print.

Y-extent (pair of numbers):
'(0 . 0)

See X-extent.

This object supports the following interfaces: spanner-interface, lyric-interface, lyric-hyphen-interface, font-interface and grob-interface


LyricSpace objects are created by: Hyphen_engraver

Standard settings:

minimum-distance (dimension, in staff space):

Minimum distance between rest and notes or beam.

springs-and-rods (boolean):

Dummy variable for triggering spacing routines.

padding (dimension, in staff space):

Add this much extra space between objects that are next to each other.

Y-extent (pair of numbers):

See X-extent.

X-extent (pair of numbers):

Hard coded extent in X direction.

This object supports the following interfaces: spanner-interface, spacing-interface, lyric-hyphen-interface and grob-interface


LyricText objects are created by: Lyric_engraver

Standard settings:

stencil (unknown):

The symbol to print.

text (markup):
#<procedure #f (grob)>

Text markup. See Text markup .

X-offset (number):

The horizontal amount that this object is moved relative to its X-parent

self-alignment-X (number):

Specify alignment of an object. The value -1 means left aligned, 0 centered, and 1 right-aligned in X direction. Values in between may also be specified.

word-space (dimension, in staff space):

space to insert between words in texts.

font-series (symbol):

Select the series of a font. Choices include medium, bold, bold-narrow, etc.

font-size (number):

The font size, compared the `normal' size. 0 is style-sheet's normal size, -1 is smaller, +1 is bigger. Each step of 1 is approximately 12% larger, 6 steps are exactly a factor 2 larger. Fractional values are allowed.

This object supports the following interfaces: text-interface, self-alignment-interface, rhythmic-grob-interface, lyric-syllable-interface, item-interface, font-interface and grob-interface


MeasureGrouping objects are created by: Measure_grouping_engraver

Standard settings:

Y-offset (number):

The vertical amount that this object is moved relative to its Y-parent

side-axis (number):

If the value is #X (or equivalently 1), the object is placed horizontally next to the other object. If the value is #Y or 0, it is placed vertically.

stencil (unknown):

The symbol to print.

padding (dimension, in staff space):

Add this much extra space between objects that are next to each other.

direction (direction):

If side-position is 1 (#X), then this property determines if the object is placed #LEFT, #CENTER or #RIGHT with respect to the other object. Otherwise, it determines if the object is placed #UP #CENTER or #DOWN. Numerical values may also be used. #UP=1, #DOWN=-1, #LEFT=-1, #RIGHT=1, CENTER=0 but also other numerical values are permitted.

thickness (number):

Line thickness, generally measured in line-thickness.

height (dimension, in staff space):

Height of an object in staff-space.

staff-padding (dimension, in staff space):

Maintain this much space between reference points and the staff. Its effect is to align objects of differing sizes (like the dynamic p and f) on their baselines.

This object supports the following interfaces: spanner-interface, side-position-interface, measure-grouping-interface and grob-interface


MelodyItem objects are created by: Melody_engraver

Standard settings:

neutral-direction (direction):

Which direction to take in the center of the staff.

This object supports the following interfaces: spacing-interface, melody-spanner-interface, item-interface and grob-interface


MensuralLigature objects are created by: Mensural_ligature_engraver

Standard settings:

thickness (number):

Line thickness, generally measured in line-thickness.

stencil (unknown):

The symbol to print.

This object supports the following interfaces: spanner-interface, mensural-ligature-interface, font-interface and grob-interface


MetronomeMark objects are created by: Metronome_mark_engraver

Standard settings:

stencil (unknown):

The symbol to print.

Y-offset (number):

The vertical amount that this object is moved relative to its Y-parent

direction (direction):

If side-position is 1 (#X), then this property determines if the object is placed #LEFT, #CENTER or #RIGHT with respect to the other object. Otherwise, it determines if the object is placed #UP #CENTER or #DOWN. Numerical values may also be used. #UP=1, #DOWN=-1, #LEFT=-1, #RIGHT=1, CENTER=0 but also other numerical values are permitted.

padding (dimension, in staff space):

Add this much extra space between objects that are next to each other.

side-axis (number):

If the value is #X (or equivalently 1), the object is placed horizontally next to the other object. If the value is #Y or 0, it is placed vertically.

This object supports the following interfaces: text-interface, side-position-interface, metronome-mark-interface, item-interface, font-interface and grob-interface


MultiMeasureRest objects are created by: Multi_measure_rest_engraver

Standard settings:

stencil (unknown):

The symbol to print.

springs-and-rods (boolean):

Dummy variable for triggering spacing routines.

Y-offset (number):

The vertical amount that this object is moved relative to its Y-parent

staff-position (number):

Vertical position, measured in half staff spaces, counted from the middle line.

expand-limit (integer):

maximum number of measures expanded in church rests.

thick-thickness (number):

Bar line thickness, measured in line-thickness.

hair-thickness (number):

Thickness of the thin line in a bar line.

padding (dimension, in staff space):

Add this much extra space between objects that are next to each other.

This object supports the following interfaces: staff-symbol-referencer-interface, spanner-interface, rest-interface, multi-measure-rest-interface, multi-measure-interface, font-interface and grob-interface


MultiMeasureRestNumber objects are created by: Multi_measure_rest_engraver

Standard settings:

bound-padding (number):

The amount of padding to insert around spanner bounds.

springs-and-rods (boolean):

Dummy variable for triggering spacing routines.

stencil (unknown):

The symbol to print.

X-offset (number):
#<simple-closure (#<primitive-generic +> #<simple-closure (#<primitive-procedure ly:self-alignment-interface::x-aligned-on-self>) > #<simple-closure (#<primitive-procedure ly:self-alignment-interface::x-centered-on-y-parent>) >) >

The horizontal amount that this object is moved relative to its X-parent

Y-offset (number):

The vertical amount that this object is moved relative to its Y-parent

side-axis (number):

If the value is #X (or equivalently 1), the object is placed horizontally next to the other object. If the value is #Y or 0, it is placed vertically.

self-alignment-X (number):

Specify alignment of an object. The value -1 means left aligned, 0 centered, and 1 right-aligned in X direction. Values in between may also be specified.

direction (direction):

If side-position is 1 (#X), then this property determines if the object is placed #LEFT, #CENTER or #RIGHT with respect to the other object. Otherwise, it determines if the object is placed #UP #CENTER or #DOWN. Numerical values may also be used. #UP=1, #DOWN=-1, #LEFT=-1, #RIGHT=1, CENTER=0 but also other numerical values are permitted.

padding (dimension, in staff space):

Add this much extra space between objects that are next to each other.

staff-padding (dimension, in staff space):

Maintain this much space between reference points and the staff. Its effect is to align objects of differing sizes (like the dynamic p and f) on their baselines.

font-encoding (symbol):

The font encoding is the broadest category for selecting a font. Options include: fetaMusic, fetaNumber, TeX-text, TeX-math, fetaBraces, fetaDynamic

This object supports the following interfaces: text-interface, spanner-interface, side-position-interface, self-alignment-interface, multi-measure-interface, font-interface and grob-interface


MultiMeasureRestText objects are created by: Multi_measure_rest_engraver

Standard settings:

stencil (unknown):

The symbol to print.

X-offset (number):
#<simple-closure (#<primitive-generic +> #<simple-closure (#<primitive-procedure ly:self-alignment-interface::x-centered-on-y-parent>) > #<simple-closure (#<primitive-procedure ly:self-alignment-interface::x-aligned-on-self>) >) >

The horizontal amount that this object is moved relative to its X-parent

Y-offset (number):

The vertical amount that this object is moved relative to its Y-parent

self-alignment-X (number):

Specify alignment of an object. The value -1 means left aligned, 0 centered, and 1 right-aligned in X direction. Values in between may also be specified.

direction (direction):

If side-position is 1 (#X), then this property determines if the object is placed #LEFT, #CENTER or #RIGHT with respect to the other object. Otherwise, it determines if the object is placed #UP #CENTER or #DOWN. Numerical values may also be used. #UP=1, #DOWN=-1, #LEFT=-1, #RIGHT=1, CENTER=0 but also other numerical values are permitted.

padding (dimension, in staff space):

Add this much extra space between objects that are next to each other.

staff-padding (dimension, in staff space):

Maintain this much space between reference points and the staff. Its effect is to align objects of differing sizes (like the dynamic p and f) on their baselines.

This object supports the following interfaces: text-interface, spanner-interface, side-position-interface, self-alignment-interface, multi-measure-interface, font-interface and grob-interface


NonMusicalPaperColumn objects are created by: Paper_column_engraver

Standard settings:

allow-loose-spacing (boolean):

If set, column can be detached from main spacing.

axes (list):

list of axis numbers. In the case of alignment grobs, this should contain only one number.

before-line-breaking (boolean):

Dummy property, used to trigger a callback function.

X-extent (pair of numbers):

Hard coded extent in X direction.

non-musical (boolean):

True if the grob belongs in a NonMusicalPaperColumn.

line-break-permission (symbol):

Instructs the line breaker on whether to put a line break at this column. Can be 'force, or 'allow.

page-break-permission (symbol):

Instructs the page breaker on whether to put a page break at this column. Can be 'force, or 'allow.

This object supports the following interfaces: spaceable-grob-interface, paper-column-interface, item-interface, axis-group-interface and grob-interface


NoteCollision objects are created by: Collision_engraver

Standard settings:

axes (list):
'(0 1)

list of axis numbers. In the case of alignment grobs, this should contain only one number.

X-extent (pair of numbers):

Hard coded extent in X direction.

Y-extent (pair of numbers):

See X-extent.

This object supports the following interfaces: note-collision-interface, item-interface, axis-group-interface and grob-interface


NoteColumn objects are created by: Rhythmic_column_engraver

Standard settings:

axes (list):
'(0 1)

list of axis numbers. In the case of alignment grobs, this should contain only one number.

X-extent (pair of numbers):

Hard coded extent in X direction.

Y-extent (pair of numbers):

See X-extent.

This object supports the following interfaces: note-column-interface, item-interface, axis-group-interface and grob-interface


NoteHead objects are created by: Completion_heads_engraver, Drum_notes_engraver and Note_heads_engraver

Standard settings:

stencil (unknown):

The symbol to print.

duration-log (integer):

The 2-log of the note head duration, i.e. 0=whole note, 1 = half note, etc.

stem-attachment (pair of numbers):

A (x . y) pair where the stem attaches to the notehead.

Y-offset (number):

The vertical amount that this object is moved relative to its Y-parent

X-offset (number):

The horizontal amount that this object is moved relative to its X-parent

This object supports the following interfaces: staff-symbol-referencer-interface, rhythmic-head-interface, rhythmic-grob-interface, note-head-interface, ledgered-interface, item-interface, font-interface and grob-interface


NoteName objects are created by: Note_name_engraver

Standard settings:

stencil (unknown):

The symbol to print.

This object supports the following interfaces: text-interface, note-name-interface, item-interface, font-interface and grob-interface


NoteSpacing objects are created by: Note_spacing_engraver

Standard settings:

stem-spacing-correction (number):

Optical correction amount for stems that are placed in tight configurations. For opposite directions, this amount is the correction for two normal sized stems that overlap completely.

same-direction-correction (number):

Optical correction amount for stems that are placed in tight configurations. This amount is used for stems with the same direction to compensate for note-head to stem distance.

knee-spacing-correction (number):

Factor for the optical correction amount for kneed beams. Set between 0 for no correction and 1 for full correction.

This object supports the following interfaces: spacing-interface, note-spacing-interface, item-interface and grob-interface


OctavateEight objects are created by: Clef_engraver

Standard settings:

self-alignment-X (number):

Specify alignment of an object. The value -1 means left aligned, 0 centered, and 1 right-aligned in X direction. Values in between may also be specified.

break-visibility (vector):
#(#f #f #t)

A vector of 3 booleans, #(end-of-line unbroken begin-of-line). #t means visible, #f means killed.

X-offset (number):
#<simple-closure (#<primitive-generic +> #<simple-closure (#<primitive-procedure ly:self-alignment-interface::x-aligned-on-self>) > #<simple-closure (#<primitive-procedure ly:self-alignment-interface::centered-on-x-parent>) >) >

The horizontal amount that this object is moved relative to its X-parent

Y-offset (number):

The vertical amount that this object is moved relative to its Y-parent

stencil (unknown):

The symbol to print.

Y-extent (pair of numbers):
'(0 . 0)

See X-extent.

font-shape (symbol):

Select the shape of a font. Choices include upright, italic, caps.

padding (dimension, in staff space):

Add this much extra space between objects that are next to each other.

staff-padding (dimension, in staff space):

Maintain this much space between reference points and the staff. Its effect is to align objects of differing sizes (like the dynamic p and f) on their baselines.

font-size (number):

The font size, compared the `normal' size. 0 is style-sheet's normal size, -1 is smaller, +1 is bigger. Each step of 1 is approximately 12% larger, 6 steps are exactly a factor 2 larger. Fractional values are allowed.

This object supports the following interfaces: text-interface, side-position-interface, self-alignment-interface, item-interface, font-interface and grob-interface


OttavaBracket objects are created by: Ottava_spanner_engraver

Standard settings:

Y-offset (number):

The vertical amount that this object is moved relative to its Y-parent

stencil (unknown):

The symbol to print.

font-shape (symbol):

Select the shape of a font. Choices include upright, italic, caps.

shorten-pair (pair of numbers):
'(0.0 . -0.6)

The lengths to shorten a text-spanner on both sides, for example a pedal bracket. Positive values shorten the text-spanner, while negative values lengthen it.

staff-padding (dimension, in staff space):

Maintain this much space between reference points and the staff. Its effect is to align objects of differing sizes (like the dynamic p and f) on their baselines.

padding (dimension, in staff space):

Add this much extra space between objects that are next to each other.

minimum-length (dimension, in staff space):

Try to make a spanner at least this long. This requires an appropriate callback for the springs-and-rods property.

dash-fraction (number):

Size of the dashes, relative to dash-period. Should be between 0.0 (no line) and 1.0 (continuous line).

edge-height (pair):
'(0 . 1.2)

A pair of number specifying the heights of the vertical edges '(left-height . right-height).

direction (direction):

If side-position is 1 (#X), then this property determines if the object is placed #LEFT, #CENTER or #RIGHT with respect to the other object. Otherwise, it determines if the object is placed #UP #CENTER or #DOWN. Numerical values may also be used. #UP=1, #DOWN=-1, #LEFT=-1, #RIGHT=1, CENTER=0 but also other numerical values are permitted.

This object supports the following interfaces: text-interface, spanner-interface, side-position-interface, ottava-bracket-interface, line-interface, horizontal-bracket-interface, font-interface and grob-interface


PaperColumn objects are created by: Paper_column_engraver

Standard settings:

axes (list):

list of axis numbers. In the case of alignment grobs, this should contain only one number.

allow-loose-spacing (boolean):

If set, column can be detached from main spacing.

before-line-breaking (boolean):

Dummy property, used to trigger a callback function.

X-extent (pair of numbers):

Hard coded extent in X direction.

This object supports the following interfaces: spaceable-grob-interface, paper-column-interface, item-interface, axis-group-interface and grob-interface


ParenthesesItem objects are created by: Parenthesis_engraver

Standard settings:

stencil (unknown):

The symbol to print.

font-size (number):

The font size, compared the `normal' size. 0 is style-sheet's normal size, -1 is smaller, +1 is bigger. Each step of 1 is approximately 12% larger, 6 steps are exactly a factor 2 larger. Fractional values are allowed.

padding (dimension, in staff space):

Add this much extra space between objects that are next to each other.

This object supports the following interfaces: parentheses-interface, item-interface, font-interface and grob-interface


PercentRepeat objects are created by: Percent_repeat_engraver

Standard settings:

springs-and-rods (boolean):

Dummy variable for triggering spacing routines.

stencil (unknown):

The symbol to print.

slope (number):

The slope of this object.

thickness (number):

Line thickness, generally measured in line-thickness.

font-encoding (symbol):

The font encoding is the broadest category for selecting a font. Options include: fetaMusic, fetaNumber, TeX-text, TeX-math, fetaBraces, fetaDynamic

This object supports the following interfaces: spanner-interface, percent-repeat-interface, multi-measure-rest-interface, font-interface and grob-interface


PercentRepeatCounter objects are created by: Percent_repeat_engraver

Standard settings:

stencil (unknown):

The symbol to print.

X-offset (number):
#<simple-closure (#<primitive-generic +> #<simple-closure (#<primitive-procedure ly:self-alignment-interface::x-centered-on-y-parent>) > #<simple-closure (#<primitive-procedure ly:self-alignment-interface::x-aligned-on-self>) >) >

The horizontal amount that this object is moved relative to its X-parent

Y-offset (number):

The vertical amount that this object is moved relative to its Y-parent

self-alignment-X (number):

Specify alignment of an object. The value -1 means left aligned, 0 centered, and 1 right-aligned in X direction. Values in between may also be specified.

direction (direction):

If side-position is 1 (#X), then this property determines if the object is placed #LEFT, #CENTER or #RIGHT with respect to the other object. Otherwise, it determines if the object is placed #UP #CENTER or #DOWN. Numerical values may also be used. #UP=1, #DOWN=-1, #LEFT=-1, #RIGHT=1, CENTER=0 but also other numerical values are permitted.

padding (dimension, in staff space):

Add this much extra space between objects that are next to each other.

staff-padding (dimension, in staff space):

Maintain this much space between reference points and the staff. Its effect is to align objects of differing sizes (like the dynamic p and f) on their baselines.

font-size (number):

The font size, compared the `normal' size. 0 is style-sheet's normal size, -1 is smaller, +1 is bigger. Each step of 1 is approximately 12% larger, 6 steps are exactly a factor 2 larger. Fractional values are allowed.

font-encoding (symbol):

The font encoding is the broadest category for selecting a font. Options include: fetaMusic, fetaNumber, TeX-text, TeX-math, fetaBraces, fetaDynamic

This object supports the following interfaces: text-interface, spanner-interface, side-position-interface, self-alignment-interface, percent-repeat-interface, font-interface and grob-interface


PhrasingSlur objects are created by: Phrasing_slur_engraver

Standard settings:

control-points (list):

List of offsets (number-pairs) that form control points for the tie/slur/bracket shape. For beziers, this should list the control points of a 3rd order bezier curve.

direction (direction):

If side-position is 1 (#X), then this property determines if the object is placed #LEFT, #CENTER or #RIGHT with respect to the other object. Otherwise, it determines if the object is placed #UP #CENTER or #DOWN. Numerical values may also be used. #UP=1, #DOWN=-1, #LEFT=-1, #RIGHT=1, CENTER=0 but also other numerical values are permitted.

springs-and-rods (boolean):

Dummy variable for triggering spacing routines.

Y-extent (pair of numbers):

See X-extent.

stencil (unknown):

The symbol to print.

thickness (number):

Line thickness, generally measured in line-thickness.

minimum-length (dimension, in staff space):

Try to make a spanner at least this long. This requires an appropriate callback for the springs-and-rods property.

height-limit (dimension, in staff space):

Maximum slur height: the longer the slur, the closer it is to this height.

ratio (number):

Parameter for slur shape. The higher this number, the quicker the slur attains it height-limit.

This object supports the following interfaces: spanner-interface, slur-interface and grob-interface


PianoPedalBracket objects are created by: Piano_pedal_engraver

Standard settings:

stencil (unknown):

The symbol to print.

style (symbol):

This setting determines in what style a grob is typeset. Valid choices depend on the stencil callback reading this property.

bound-padding (number):

The amount of padding to insert around spanner bounds.

direction (direction):

If side-position is 1 (#X), then this property determines if the object is placed #LEFT, #CENTER or #RIGHT with respect to the other object. Otherwise, it determines if the object is placed #UP #CENTER or #DOWN. Numerical values may also be used. #UP=1, #DOWN=-1, #LEFT=-1, #RIGHT=1, CENTER=0 but also other numerical values are permitted.

bracket-flare (pair of numbers):
'(0.5 . 0.5)

A pair of numbers specifying how much edges of brackets should slant outward. Value 0.0 means straight edges

edge-height (pair):
'(1.0 . 1.0)

A pair of number specifying the heights of the vertical edges '(left-height . right-height).

shorten-pair (pair of numbers):
'(0.0 . 0.0)

The lengths to shorten a text-spanner on both sides, for example a pedal bracket. Positive values shorten the text-spanner, while negative values lengthen it.

thickness (number):

Line thickness, generally measured in line-thickness.

This object supports the following interfaces: spanner-interface, piano-pedal-interface, piano-pedal-bracket-interface, line-interface and grob-interface


RehearsalMark objects are created by: Mark_engraver

Standard settings:

stencil (unknown):

The symbol to print.

X-offset (number):
#<simple-closure (#<primitive-generic +> #<simple-closure (#<primitive-procedure ly:break-alignment-align-interface::self-align-callback>) > #<simple-closure (#<primitive-procedure ly:self-alignment-interface::x-aligned-on-self>) >) >

The horizontal amount that this object is moved relative to its X-parent

Y-offset (number):

The vertical amount that this object is moved relative to its Y-parent

self-alignment-X (number):

Specify alignment of an object. The value -1 means left aligned, 0 centered, and 1 right-aligned in X direction. Values in between may also be specified.

direction (direction):

If side-position is 1 (#X), then this property determines if the object is placed #LEFT, #CENTER or #RIGHT with respect to the other object. Otherwise, it determines if the object is placed #UP #CENTER or #DOWN. Numerical values may also be used. #UP=1, #DOWN=-1, #LEFT=-1, #RIGHT=1, CENTER=0 but also other numerical values are permitted.

non-musical (boolean):

True if the grob belongs in a NonMusicalPaperColumn.

font-size (number):

The font size, compared the `normal' size. 0 is style-sheet's normal size, -1 is smaller, +1 is bigger. Each step of 1 is approximately 12% larger, 6 steps are exactly a factor 2 larger. Fractional values are allowed.

baseline-skip (dimension, in staff space):

Distance between base lines of multiple lines of text.

break-visibility (vector):
#(#f #t #t)

A vector of 3 booleans, #(end-of-line unbroken begin-of-line). #t means visible, #f means killed.

break-align-symbol (symbol):

This key is used for aligning and spacing breakable items.

padding (dimension, in staff space):

Add this much extra space between objects that are next to each other.

This object supports the following interfaces: text-interface, side-position-interface, self-alignment-interface, mark-interface, item-interface, font-interface, break-alignment-align-interface and grob-interface


RepeatSlash objects are created by: Slash_repeat_engraver

Standard settings:

stencil (unknown):

The symbol to print.

thickness (number):

Line thickness, generally measured in line-thickness.

slope (number):

The slope of this object.

This object supports the following interfaces: percent-repeat-interface, item-interface and grob-interface


RepeatTie objects are created by: Repeat_tie_engraver

Standard settings:

stencil (unknown):

The symbol to print.

control-points (list):

List of offsets (number-pairs) that form control points for the tie/slur/bracket shape. For beziers, this should list the control points of a 3rd order bezier curve.

direction (direction):

If side-position is 1 (#X), then this property determines if the object is placed #LEFT, #CENTER or #RIGHT with respect to the other object. Otherwise, it determines if the object is placed #UP #CENTER or #DOWN. Numerical values may also be used. #UP=1, #DOWN=-1, #LEFT=-1, #RIGHT=1, CENTER=0 but also other numerical values are permitted.

thickness (number):

Line thickness, generally measured in line-thickness.

head-direction (direction):

Are the note heads left or right in a semitie?

This object supports the following interfaces: semi-tie-interface, item-interface and grob-interface


RepeatTieColumn objects are created by: Repeat_tie_engraver

Standard settings:

X-extent (pair of numbers):

Hard coded extent in X direction.

Y-extent (pair of numbers):

See X-extent.

direction (direction):

If side-position is 1 (#X), then this property determines if the object is placed #LEFT, #CENTER or #RIGHT with respect to the other object. Otherwise, it determines if the object is placed #UP #CENTER or #DOWN. Numerical values may also be used. #UP=1, #DOWN=-1, #LEFT=-1, #RIGHT=1, CENTER=0 but also other numerical values are permitted.

head-direction (direction):

Are the note heads left or right in a semitie?

This object supports the following interfaces: semi-tie-column-interface, item-interface and grob-interface


Rest objects are created by: Rest_engraver

Standard settings:

stencil (unknown):

The symbol to print.

duration-log (integer):

The 2-log of the note head duration, i.e. 0=whole note, 1 = half note, etc.

X-extent (pair of numbers):

Hard coded extent in X direction.

Y-extent (pair of numbers):

See X-extent.

Y-offset (number):

The vertical amount that this object is moved relative to its Y-parent

minimum-distance (dimension, in staff space):

Minimum distance between rest and notes or beam.

This object supports the following interfaces: staff-symbol-referencer-interface, rhythmic-head-interface, rhythmic-grob-interface, rest-interface, item-interface, font-interface and grob-interface


RestCollision objects are created by: Rest_collision_engraver

Standard settings:

minimum-distance (dimension, in staff space):

Minimum distance between rest and notes or beam.

This object supports the following interfaces: rest-collision-interface, item-interface and grob-interface


Script objects are created by: Drum_notes_engraver, New_fingering_engraver and Script_engraver

Standard settings:

staff-padding (dimension, in staff space):

Maintain this much space between reference points and the staff. Its effect is to align objects of differing sizes (like the dynamic p and f) on their baselines.

X-offset (number):

The horizontal amount that this object is moved relative to its X-parent

Y-offset (number):

The vertical amount that this object is moved relative to its Y-parent

side-axis (number):

If the value is #X (or equivalently 1), the object is placed horizontally next to the other object. If the value is #Y or 0, it is placed vertically.

stencil (unknown):

The symbol to print.

direction (direction):

If side-position is 1 (#X), then this property determines if the object is placed #LEFT, #CENTER or #RIGHT with respect to the other object. Otherwise, it determines if the object is placed #UP #CENTER or #DOWN. Numerical values may also be used. #UP=1, #DOWN=-1, #LEFT=-1, #RIGHT=1, CENTER=0 but also other numerical values are permitted.

font-encoding (symbol):

The font encoding is the broadest category for selecting a font. Options include: fetaMusic, fetaNumber, TeX-text, TeX-math, fetaBraces, fetaDynamic

This object supports the following interfaces: side-position-interface, script-interface, item-interface, font-interface and grob-interface


ScriptColumn objects are created by: Script_column_engraver

Standard settings:

before-line-breaking (boolean):

Dummy property, used to trigger a callback function.

This object supports the following interfaces: script-column-interface, item-interface and grob-interface


ScriptRow objects are created by: Script_row_engraver

Standard settings:

before-line-breaking (boolean):

Dummy property, used to trigger a callback function.

This object supports the following interfaces: script-column-interface, item-interface and grob-interface


SeparatingGroupSpanner objects are created by: Separating_line_group_engraver

Standard settings:

springs-and-rods (boolean):

Dummy variable for triggering spacing routines.

This object supports the following interfaces: spanner-interface, spacing-interface, separation-spanner-interface, only-prebreak-interface and grob-interface


SeparationItem objects are created by: Separating_line_group_engraver

Standard settings:

avoid-slur (symbol):

Method of handling slur collisions. Choices are around, inside, outside. If unset, script and slur ignore eachother.

X-extent (pair of numbers):

Hard coded extent in X direction.

Y-extent (pair of numbers):

See X-extent.

This object supports the following interfaces: spacing-interface, separation-item-interface, item-interface and grob-interface


Slur objects are created by: Slur_engraver

Standard settings:

control-points (list):

List of offsets (number-pairs) that form control points for the tie/slur/bracket shape. For beziers, this should list the control points of a 3rd order bezier curve.

direction (direction):

If side-position is 1 (#X), then this property determines if the object is placed #LEFT, #CENTER or #RIGHT with respect to the other object. Otherwise, it determines if the object is placed #UP #CENTER or #DOWN. Numerical values may also be used. #UP=1, #DOWN=-1, #LEFT=-1, #RIGHT=1, CENTER=0 but also other numerical values are permitted.

springs-and-rods (boolean):

Dummy variable for triggering spacing routines.

Y-extent (pair of numbers):

See X-extent.

stencil (unknown):

The symbol to print.

thickness (number):

Line thickness, generally measured in line-thickness.

line-thickness (number):

The thickness of the tie/slur contour.

minimum-length (dimension, in staff space):

Try to make a spanner at least this long. This requires an appropriate callback for the springs-and-rods property.

height-limit (dimension, in staff space):

Maximum slur height: the longer the slur, the closer it is to this height.

ratio (number):

Parameter for slur shape. The higher this number, the quicker the slur attains it height-limit.

avoid-slur (symbol):

Method of handling slur collisions. Choices are around, inside, outside. If unset, script and slur ignore eachother.

This object supports the following interfaces: spanner-interface, slur-interface and grob-interface


SostenutoPedal objects are created by: Piano_pedal_engraver

Standard settings:

stencil (unknown):

The symbol to print.

direction (direction):

If side-position is 1 (#X), then this property determines if the object is placed #LEFT, #CENTER or #RIGHT with respect to the other object. Otherwise, it determines if the object is placed #UP #CENTER or #DOWN. Numerical values may also be used. #UP=1, #DOWN=-1, #LEFT=-1, #RIGHT=1, CENTER=0 but also other numerical values are permitted.

X-offset (number):

The horizontal amount that this object is moved relative to its X-parent

no-spacing-rods (boolean):

Items with this property do not cause spacing constraints.

padding (dimension, in staff space):

Add this much extra space between objects that are next to each other.

font-shape (symbol):

Select the shape of a font. Choices include upright, italic, caps.

self-alignment-X (number):

Specify alignment of an object. The value -1 means left aligned, 0 centered, and 1 right-aligned in X direction. Values in between may also be specified.

This object supports the following interfaces: text-interface, self-alignment-interface, piano-pedal-script-interface, item-interface, font-interface and grob-interface


SostenutoPedalLineSpanner objects are created by: Piano_pedal_align_engraver

Standard settings:

axes (list):

list of axis numbers. In the case of alignment grobs, this should contain only one number.

Y-extent (pair of numbers):

See X-extent.

Y-offset (number):

The vertical amount that this object is moved relative to its Y-parent

side-axis (number):

If the value is #X (or equivalently 1), the object is placed horizontally next to the other object. If the value is #Y or 0, it is placed vertically.

staff-padding (dimension, in staff space):

Maintain this much space between reference points and the staff. Its effect is to align objects of differing sizes (like the dynamic p and f) on their baselines.

padding (dimension, in staff space):

Add this much extra space between objects that are next to each other.

minimum-space (dimension, in staff space):

Minimum distance that the victim should move (after padding).

direction (direction):

If side-position is 1 (#X), then this property determines if the object is placed #LEFT, #CENTER or #RIGHT with respect to the other object. Otherwise, it determines if the object is placed #UP #CENTER or #DOWN. Numerical values may also be used. #UP=1, #DOWN=-1, #LEFT=-1, #RIGHT=1, CENTER=0 but also other numerical values are permitted.

This object supports the following interfaces: spanner-interface, side-position-interface, piano-pedal-interface, axis-group-interface and grob-interface


SpacingSpanner objects are created by: Spacing_engraver

Standard settings:

springs-and-rods (boolean):

Dummy variable for triggering spacing routines.

common-shortest-duration (moment):

The most common shortest note length. This is used in spacing. Enlarging this will set the score tighter.

average-spacing-wishes (boolean):

If set, the spacing wishes are averaged over staves.

shortest-duration-space (dimension, in staff space):

Start with this much space for the shortest duration. This is expressed in spacing-increment as unit. See also spacing-spanner-interface.

spacing-increment (number):

Add this much space for a doubled duration. Typically, the width of a note head. See also spacing-spanner-interface.

base-shortest-duration (moment):
#<Mom 3/16>

Spacing is based on the shortest notes in a piece. Normally, pieces are spaced as if notes at least as short as this are present.

This object supports the following interfaces: spanner-interface, spacing-spanner-interface, spacing-options-interface, spacing-interface and grob-interface


SpanBar objects are created by: Span_bar_engraver

Standard settings:

break-align-symbol (symbol):

This key is used for aligning and spacing breakable items.

Y-extent (pair of numbers):

See X-extent.

layer (number):

The output layer [0..2]: layers define the order of printing objects. Objects in lower layers are overprinted by objects in higher layers.

non-musical (boolean):

True if the grob belongs in a NonMusicalPaperColumn.

stencil (unknown):

The symbol to print.

bar-size (dimension, in staff space):

size of a bar line.

X-extent (pair of numbers):

Hard coded extent in X direction.

before-line-breaking (boolean):

Dummy property, used to trigger a callback function.

kern (dimension, in staff space):

Amount of extra white space to add. For bar line, this is the amount of space after a thick line.

thin-kern (number):

The space after a hair-line in a bar line.

hair-thickness (number):

Thickness of the thin line in a bar line.

thick-thickness (number):

Bar line thickness, measured in line-thickness.

This object supports the following interfaces: span-bar-interface, item-interface, font-interface, bar-line-interface and grob-interface


StaffSpacing objects are created by: Separating_line_group_engraver

Standard settings:

non-musical (boolean):

True if the grob belongs in a NonMusicalPaperColumn.

stem-spacing-correction (number):

Optical correction amount for stems that are placed in tight configurations. For opposite directions, this amount is the correction for two normal sized stems that overlap completely.

This object supports the following interfaces: staff-spacing-interface, spacing-interface, item-interface and grob-interface


StaffSymbol objects are created by: Staff_symbol_engraver and Tab_staff_symbol_engraver

Standard settings:

Y-extent (pair of numbers):

See X-extent.

stencil (unknown):

The symbol to print.

line-count (integer):

The number of staff lines.

ledger-line-thickness (pair of numbers):
'(1.0 . 0.1)

The thickness of ledger lines: it is the sum of 2 numbers. The first is the factor for line thickness, and the second for staff space. Both contributions are added.

layer (number):

The output layer [0..2]: layers define the order of printing objects. Objects in lower layers are overprinted by objects in higher layers.

This object supports the following interfaces: staff-symbol-interface, spanner-interface and grob-interface


StanzaNumber objects are created by: Stanza_number_engraver

Standard settings:

stencil (unknown):

The symbol to print.

font-series (symbol):

Select the series of a font. Choices include medium, bold, bold-narrow, etc.

padding (dimension, in staff space):

Add this much extra space between objects that are next to each other.

X-offset (number):

The horizontal amount that this object is moved relative to its X-parent

side-axis (number):

If the value is #X (or equivalently 1), the object is placed horizontally next to the other object. If the value is #Y or 0, it is placed vertically.

direction (direction):

If side-position is 1 (#X), then this property determines if the object is placed #LEFT, #CENTER or #RIGHT with respect to the other object. Otherwise, it determines if the object is placed #UP #CENTER or #DOWN. Numerical values may also be used. #UP=1, #DOWN=-1, #LEFT=-1, #RIGHT=1, CENTER=0 but also other numerical values are permitted.

This object supports the following interfaces: text-interface, stanza-number-interface, side-position-interface, item-interface, font-interface and grob-interface


Stem objects are created by: Stem_engraver

Standard settings:

direction (direction):

If side-position is 1 (#X), then this property determines if the object is placed #LEFT, #CENTER or #RIGHT with respect to the other object. Otherwise, it determines if the object is placed #UP #CENTER or #DOWN. Numerical values may also be used. #UP=1, #DOWN=-1, #LEFT=-1, #RIGHT=1, CENTER=0 but also other numerical values are permitted.

duration-log (integer):

The 2-log of the note head duration, i.e. 0=whole note, 1 = half note, etc.

default-direction (direction):

Direction determined by note head positions.

stem-end-position (number):

Where does the stem end (the end is opposite to the support-head.

neutral-direction (direction):

Which direction to take in the center of the staff.

stencil (unknown):

The symbol to print.

X-extent (pair of numbers):

Hard coded extent in X direction.

Y-extent (pair of numbers):

See X-extent.

length (dimension, in staff space):

User override for the stem length of unbeamed stems.

thickness (number):

Line thickness, generally measured in line-thickness.

X-offset (number):

The horizontal amount that this object is moved relative to its X-parent

Y-offset (number):

The vertical amount that this object is moved relative to its Y-parent

This object supports the following interfaces: stem-interface, item-interface, font-interface and grob-interface


StemTremolo objects are created by: Stem_engraver

Standard settings:

Y-extent (pair of numbers):

See X-extent.

stencil (unknown):

The symbol to print.

X-extent (pair of numbers):

Hard coded extent in X direction.

slope (number):

The slope of this object.

beam-width (dimension, in staff space):

width of the tremolo sign.

style (symbol):

This setting determines in what style a grob is typeset. Valid choices depend on the stencil callback reading this property.

beam-thickness (dimension, in staff space):

thickness, measured in staff-space.

This object supports the following interfaces: stem-tremolo-interface, item-interface and grob-interface


StringNumber objects are created by: New_fingering_engraver

Standard settings:

stencil (unknown):

The symbol to print.

text (markup):

Text markup. See Text markup .

padding (dimension, in staff space):

Add this much extra space between objects that are next to each other.

staff-padding (dimension, in staff space):

Maintain this much space between reference points and the staff. Its effect is to align objects of differing sizes (like the dynamic p and f) on their baselines.

self-alignment-X (number):

Specify alignment of an object. The value -1 means left aligned, 0 centered, and 1 right-aligned in X direction. Values in between may also be specified.

self-alignment-Y (number):

like self-alignment-X but for Y axis.

script-priority (number):

A sorting key that determines in what order a script is within a stack of scripts.

font-encoding (symbol):

The font encoding is the broadest category for selecting a font. Options include: fetaMusic, fetaNumber, TeX-text, TeX-math, fetaBraces, fetaDynamic

font-size (number):

The font size, compared the `normal' size. 0 is style-sheet's normal size, -1 is smaller, +1 is bigger. Each step of 1 is approximately 12% larger, 6 steps are exactly a factor 2 larger. Fractional values are allowed.

This object supports the following interfaces: text-script-interface, text-interface, string-number-interface, side-position-interface, self-alignment-interface, item-interface, font-interface and grob-interface


StrokeFinger objects are created by: New_fingering_engraver

Standard settings:

stencil (unknown):

The symbol to print.

text (markup):

Text markup. See Text markup .

digit-names (unknown):
#(p i m a x)

Names for string finger digits.

padding (dimension, in staff space):

Add this much extra space between objects that are next to each other.

staff-padding (dimension, in staff space):

Maintain this much space between reference points and the staff. Its effect is to align objects of differing sizes (like the dynamic p and f) on their baselines.

self-alignment-X (number):

Specify alignment of an object. The value -1 means left aligned, 0 centered, and 1 right-aligned in X direction. Values in between may also be specified.

self-alignment-Y (number):

like self-alignment-X but for Y axis.

script-priority (number):

A sorting key that determines in what order a script is within a stack of scripts.

font-shape (symbol):

Select the shape of a font. Choices include upright, italic, caps.

font-size (number):

The font size, compared the `normal' size. 0 is style-sheet's normal size, -1 is smaller, +1 is bigger. Each step of 1 is approximately 12% larger, 6 steps are exactly a factor 2 larger. Fractional values are allowed.

This object supports the following interfaces: text-script-interface, text-interface, stroke-finger-interface, side-position-interface, self-alignment-interface, item-interface, font-interface and grob-interface


SustainPedal objects are created by: Piano_pedal_engraver

Standard settings:

no-spacing-rods (boolean):

Items with this property do not cause spacing constraints.

stencil (unknown):

The symbol to print.

self-alignment-X (number):

Specify alignment of an object. The value -1 means left aligned, 0 centered, and 1 right-aligned in X direction. Values in between may also be specified.

direction (direction):

If side-position is 1 (#X), then this property determines if the object is placed #LEFT, #CENTER or #RIGHT with respect to the other object. Otherwise, it determines if the object is placed #UP #CENTER or #DOWN. Numerical values may also be used. #UP=1, #DOWN=-1, #LEFT=-1, #RIGHT=1, CENTER=0 but also other numerical values are permitted.

padding (dimension, in staff space):

Add this much extra space between objects that are next to each other.

X-offset (number):

The horizontal amount that this object is moved relative to its X-parent

This object supports the following interfaces: text-spanner-interface, text-interface, self-alignment-interface, piano-pedal-script-interface, piano-pedal-interface, line-spanner-interface, item-interface, font-interface and grob-interface


SustainPedalLineSpanner objects are created by: Piano_pedal_align_engraver

Standard settings:

axes (list):

list of axis numbers. In the case of alignment grobs, this should contain only one number.

Y-extent (pair of numbers):

See X-extent.

Y-offset (number):

The vertical amount that this object is moved relative to its Y-parent

side-axis (number):

If the value is #X (or equivalently 1), the object is placed horizontally next to the other object. If the value is #Y or 0, it is placed vertically.

padding (dimension, in staff space):

Add this much extra space between objects that are next to each other.

staff-padding (dimension, in staff space):

Maintain this much space between reference points and the staff. Its effect is to align objects of differing sizes (like the dynamic p and f) on their baselines.

minimum-space (dimension, in staff space):

Minimum distance that the victim should move (after padding).

direction (direction):

If side-position is 1 (#X), then this property determines if the object is placed #LEFT, #CENTER or #RIGHT with respect to the other object. Otherwise, it determines if the object is placed #UP #CENTER or #DOWN. Numerical values may also be used. #UP=1, #DOWN=-1, #LEFT=-1, #RIGHT=1, CENTER=0 but also other numerical values are permitted.

This object supports the following interfaces: spanner-interface, side-position-interface, piano-pedal-interface, axis-group-interface and grob-interface


System objects are created by: none

Standard settings:

axes (list):
'(0 1)

list of axis numbers. In the case of alignment grobs, this should contain only one number.

X-extent (pair of numbers):

Hard coded extent in X direction.

Y-extent (pair of numbers):

See X-extent.

This object supports the following interfaces: system-interface, spanner-interface, axis-group-interface and grob-interface


SystemStartBar objects are created by: System_start_delimiter_engraver

Standard settings:

Y-extent (pair of numbers):

See X-extent.

padding (dimension, in staff space):

Add this much extra space between objects that are next to each other.

X-offset (number):

The horizontal amount that this object is moved relative to its X-parent

direction (direction):

If side-position is 1 (#X), then this property determines if the object is placed #LEFT, #CENTER or #RIGHT with respect to the other object. Otherwise, it determines if the object is placed #UP #CENTER or #DOWN. Numerical values may also be used. #UP=1, #DOWN=-1, #LEFT=-1, #RIGHT=1, CENTER=0 but also other numerical values are permitted.

style (symbol):

This setting determines in what style a grob is typeset. Valid choices depend on the stencil callback reading this property.

thickness (number):

Line thickness, generally measured in line-thickness.

stencil (unknown):

The symbol to print.

This object supports the following interfaces: system-start-delimiter-interface, spanner-interface, side-position-interface and grob-interface


SystemStartBrace objects are created by: System_start_delimiter_engraver

Standard settings:

style (symbol):

This setting determines in what style a grob is typeset. Valid choices depend on the stencil callback reading this property.

padding (dimension, in staff space):

Add this much extra space between objects that are next to each other.

stencil (unknown):

The symbol to print.

collapse-height (dimension, in staff space):

Minimum height of system start delimiter. If equal or smaller, the bracket is removed.

X-offset (number):

The horizontal amount that this object is moved relative to its X-parent

direction (direction):

If side-position is 1 (#X), then this property determines if the object is placed #LEFT, #CENTER or #RIGHT with respect to the other object. Otherwise, it determines if the object is placed #UP #CENTER or #DOWN. Numerical values may also be used. #UP=1, #DOWN=-1, #LEFT=-1, #RIGHT=1, CENTER=0 but also other numerical values are permitted.

font-encoding (symbol):

The font encoding is the broadest category for selecting a font. Options include: fetaMusic, fetaNumber, TeX-text, TeX-math, fetaBraces, fetaDynamic

Y-extent (pair of numbers):

See X-extent.

This object supports the following interfaces: system-start-delimiter-interface, spanner-interface, side-position-interface, font-interface and grob-interface


SystemStartBracket objects are created by: System_start_delimiter_engraver

Standard settings:

Y-extent (pair of numbers):

See X-extent.

padding (dimension, in staff space):

Add this much extra space between objects that are next to each other.

X-offset (number):

The horizontal amount that this object is moved relative to its X-parent

direction (direction):

If side-position is 1 (#X), then this property determines if the object is placed #LEFT, #CENTER or #RIGHT with respect to the other object. Otherwise, it determines if the object is placed #UP #CENTER or #DOWN. Numerical values may also be used. #UP=1, #DOWN=-1, #LEFT=-1, #RIGHT=1, CENTER=0 but also other numerical values are permitted.

stencil (unknown):

The symbol to print.

style (symbol):

This setting determines in what style a grob is typeset. Valid choices depend on the stencil callback reading this property.

collapse-height (dimension, in staff space):

Minimum height of system start delimiter. If equal or smaller, the bracket is removed.

thickness (number):

Line thickness, generally measured in line-thickness.

This object supports the following interfaces: system-start-delimiter-interface, spanner-interface, side-position-interface, font-interface and grob-interface


SystemStartSquare objects are created by: System_start_delimiter_engraver

Standard settings:

Y-extent (pair of numbers):

See X-extent.

X-offset (number):

The horizontal amount that this object is moved relative to its X-parent

direction (direction):

If side-position is 1 (#X), then this property determines if the object is placed #LEFT, #CENTER or #RIGHT with respect to the other object. Otherwise, it determines if the object is placed #UP #CENTER or #DOWN. Numerical values may also be used. #UP=1, #DOWN=-1, #LEFT=-1, #RIGHT=1, CENTER=0 but also other numerical values are permitted.

stencil (unknown):

The symbol to print.

style (symbol):

This setting determines in what style a grob is typeset. Valid choices depend on the stencil callback reading this property.

thickness (number):

Line thickness, generally measured in line-thickness.

This object supports the following interfaces: system-start-delimiter-interface, spanner-interface, side-position-interface, font-interface and grob-interface


TabNoteHead objects are created by: Tab_note_heads_engraver

Standard settings:

stencil (unknown):

The symbol to print.

Y-offset (number):

The vertical amount that this object is moved relative to its Y-parent

font-size (number):

The font size, compared the `normal' size. 0 is style-sheet's normal size, -1 is smaller, +1 is bigger. Each step of 1 is approximately 12% larger, 6 steps are exactly a factor 2 larger. Fractional values are allowed.

stem-attachment (pair of numbers):
'(0.0 . 1.35)

A (x . y) pair where the stem attaches to the notehead.

font-series (symbol):

Select the series of a font. Choices include medium, bold, bold-narrow, etc.

This object supports the following interfaces: text-interface, staff-symbol-referencer-interface, rhythmic-head-interface, rhythmic-grob-interface, note-head-interface, item-interface, font-interface and grob-interface


TextScript objects are created by: Text_engraver

Standard settings:

no-spacing-rods (boolean):

Items with this property do not cause spacing constraints.

X-offset (number):

The horizontal amount that this object is moved relative to its X-parent

Y-offset (number):

The vertical amount that this object is moved relative to its Y-parent

side-axis (number):

If the value is #X (or equivalently 1), the object is placed horizontally next to the other object. If the value is #Y or 0, it is placed vertically.

direction (direction):

If side-position is 1 (#X), then this property determines if the object is placed #LEFT, #CENTER or #RIGHT with respect to the other object. Otherwise, it determines if the object is placed #UP #CENTER or #DOWN. Numerical values may also be used. #UP=1, #DOWN=-1, #LEFT=-1, #RIGHT=1, CENTER=0 but also other numerical values are permitted.

padding (dimension, in staff space):

Add this much extra space between objects that are next to each other.

staff-padding (dimension, in staff space):

Maintain this much space between reference points and the staff. Its effect is to align objects of differing sizes (like the dynamic p and f) on their baselines.

stencil (unknown):

The symbol to print.

direction (direction):

If side-position is 1 (#X), then this property determines if the object is placed #LEFT, #CENTER or #RIGHT with respect to the other object. Otherwise, it determines if the object is placed #UP #CENTER or #DOWN. Numerical values may also be used. #UP=1, #DOWN=-1, #LEFT=-1, #RIGHT=1, CENTER=0 but also other numerical values are permitted.

avoid-slur (symbol):

Method of handling slur collisions. Choices are around, inside, outside. If unset, script and slur ignore eachother.

slur-padding (number):

Extra distance between slur and script.

script-priority (number):

A sorting key that determines in what order a script is within a stack of scripts.

This object supports the following interfaces: text-script-interface, text-interface, side-position-interface, item-interface, font-interface and grob-interface


TextSpanner objects are created by: Dynamic_engraver and Text_spanner_engraver

Standard settings:

stencil (unknown):

The symbol to print.

Y-offset (number):

The vertical amount that this object is moved relative to its Y-parent

font-shape (symbol):

Select the shape of a font. Choices include upright, italic, caps.

style (symbol):

This setting determines in what style a grob is typeset. Valid choices depend on the stencil callback reading this property.

staff-padding (dimension, in staff space):

Maintain this much space between reference points and the staff. Its effect is to align objects of differing sizes (like the dynamic p and f) on their baselines.

dash-fraction (number):

Size of the dashes, relative to dash-period. Should be between 0.0 (no line) and 1.0 (continuous line).

dash-period (number):

the length of one dash + white space. If negative, no line is drawn at all.

side-axis (number):

If the value is #X (or equivalently 1), the object is placed horizontally next to the other object. If the value is #Y or 0, it is placed vertically.

direction (direction):

If side-position is 1 (#X), then this property determines if the object is placed #LEFT, #CENTER or #RIGHT with respect to the other object. Otherwise, it determines if the object is placed #UP #CENTER or #DOWN. Numerical values may also be used. #UP=1, #DOWN=-1, #LEFT=-1, #RIGHT=1, CENTER=0 but also other numerical values are permitted.

This object supports the following interfaces: text-spanner-interface, spanner-interface, side-position-interface, line-spanner-interface, font-interface and grob-interface


Tie objects are created by: Completion_heads_engraver and Tie_engraver

Standard settings:

control-points (list):

List of offsets (number-pairs) that form control points for the tie/slur/bracket shape. For beziers, this should list the control points of a 3rd order bezier curve.

springs-and-rods (boolean):

Dummy variable for triggering spacing routines.

avoid-slur (symbol):

Method of handling slur collisions. Choices are around, inside, outside. If unset, script and slur ignore eachother.

direction (direction):

If side-position is 1 (#X), then this property determines if the object is placed #LEFT, #CENTER or #RIGHT with respect to the other object. Otherwise, it determines if the object is placed #UP #CENTER or #DOWN. Numerical values may also be used. #UP=1, #DOWN=-1, #LEFT=-1, #RIGHT=1, CENTER=0 but also other numerical values are permitted.

stencil (unknown):

The symbol to print.

font-size (number):

The font size, compared the `normal' size. 0 is style-sheet's normal size, -1 is smaller, +1 is bigger. Each step of 1 is approximately 12% larger, 6 steps are exactly a factor 2 larger. Fractional values are allowed.

thickness (number):

Line thickness, generally measured in line-thickness.

line-thickness (number):

The thickness of the tie/slur contour.

This object supports the following interfaces: tie-interface, spanner-interface and grob-interface


TieColumn objects are created by: Tie_engraver

Standard settings:

before-line-breaking (boolean):

Dummy property, used to trigger a callback function.

X-extent (pair of numbers):

Hard coded extent in X direction.

Y-extent (pair of numbers):

See X-extent.

This object supports the following interfaces: tie-column-interface, spanner-interface and grob-interface


TimeSignature objects are created by: Time_signature_engraver

Standard settings:

stencil (unknown):

The symbol to print.

break-align-symbol (symbol):

This key is used for aligning and spacing breakable items.

break-visibility (vector):
#(#t #t #t)

A vector of 3 booleans, #(end-of-line unbroken begin-of-line). #t means visible, #f means killed.

avoid-slur (symbol):

Method of handling slur collisions. Choices are around, inside, outside. If unset, script and slur ignore eachother.

space-alist (list):
'((first-note fixed-space . 2.0) (right-edge extra-space . 0.5) (staff-bar minimum-space . 2.0))

A table that specifies distances between prefatory items, like clef and time-signature. The format is an alist of spacing tuples: (break-align-symbol type . distance), where type can be the symbols minimum-space or extra-space.

non-musical (boolean):

True if the grob belongs in a NonMusicalPaperColumn.

style (symbol):

This setting determines in what style a grob is typeset. Valid choices depend on the stencil callback reading this property.

This object supports the following interfaces: time-signature-interface, item-interface, font-interface, break-aligned-interface and grob-interface


TrillPitchAccidental objects are created by: Pitched_trill_engraver

Standard settings:

X-offset (number):

The horizontal amount that this object is moved relative to its X-parent

padding (dimension, in staff space):

Add this much extra space between objects that are next to each other.

direction (direction):

If side-position is 1 (#X), then this property determines if the object is placed #LEFT, #CENTER or #RIGHT with respect to the other object. Otherwise, it determines if the object is placed #UP #CENTER or #DOWN. Numerical values may also be used. #UP=1, #DOWN=-1, #LEFT=-1, #RIGHT=1, CENTER=0 but also other numerical values are permitted.

font-size (number):

The font size, compared the `normal' size. 0 is style-sheet's normal size, -1 is smaller, +1 is bigger. Each step of 1 is approximately 12% larger, 6 steps are exactly a factor 2 larger. Fractional values are allowed.

side-axis (number):

If the value is #X (or equivalently 1), the object is placed horizontally next to the other object. If the value is #Y or 0, it is placed vertically.

stencil (unknown):

The symbol to print.

This object supports the following interfaces: trill-pitch-accidental-interface, side-position-interface, item-interface, font-interface and grob-interface


TrillPitchGroup objects are created by: Pitched_trill_engraver

Standard settings:

X-offset (number):

The horizontal amount that this object is moved relative to its X-parent

axes (list):

list of axis numbers. In the case of alignment grobs, this should contain only one number.

font-size (number):

The font size, compared the `normal' size. 0 is style-sheet's normal size, -1 is smaller, +1 is bigger. Each step of 1 is approximately 12% larger, 6 steps are exactly a factor 2 larger. Fractional values are allowed.

stencil (unknown):

The symbol to print.

direction (direction):

If side-position is 1 (#X), then this property determines if the object is placed #LEFT, #CENTER or #RIGHT with respect to the other object. Otherwise, it determines if the object is placed #UP #CENTER or #DOWN. Numerical values may also be used. #UP=1, #DOWN=-1, #LEFT=-1, #RIGHT=1, CENTER=0 but also other numerical values are permitted.

side-axis (number):

If the value is #X (or equivalently 1), the object is placed horizontally next to the other object. If the value is #Y or 0, it is placed vertically.

padding (dimension, in staff space):

Add this much extra space between objects that are next to each other.

This object supports the following interfaces: side-position-interface, rhythmic-head-interface, note-head-interface, item-interface, font-interface, axis-group-interface, accidental-interface and grob-interface


TrillPitchHead objects are created by: Pitched_trill_engraver

Standard settings:

stencil (unknown):

The symbol to print.

duration-log (integer):

The 2-log of the note head duration, i.e. 0=whole note, 1 = half note, etc.

Y-offset (number):

The vertical amount that this object is moved relative to its Y-parent

font-size (number):

The font size, compared the `normal' size. 0 is style-sheet's normal size, -1 is smaller, +1 is bigger. Each step of 1 is approximately 12% larger, 6 steps are exactly a factor 2 larger. Fractional values are allowed.

This object supports the following interfaces: staff-symbol-referencer-interface, rhythmic-head-interface, pitched-trill-interface, ledgered-interface, item-interface, font-interface and grob-interface


TrillSpanner objects are created by: Trill_spanner_engraver

Standard settings:

stencil (unknown):

The symbol to print.

edge-text (pair):
'((#<procedure musicglyph-markup (layout props glyph-name)> scripts.trill) . )

A pair specifying the texts to be set at the edges '(left-text . right-text).

style (symbol):

This setting determines in what style a grob is typeset. Valid choices depend on the stencil callback reading this property.

staff-padding (dimension, in staff space):

Maintain this much space between reference points and the staff. Its effect is to align objects of differing sizes (like the dynamic p and f) on their baselines.

padding (dimension, in staff space):

Add this much extra space between objects that are next to each other.

direction (direction):

If side-position is 1 (#X), then this property determines if the object is placed #LEFT, #CENTER or #RIGHT with respect to the other object. Otherwise, it determines if the object is placed #UP #CENTER or #DOWN. Numerical values may also be used. #UP=1, #DOWN=-1, #LEFT=-1, #RIGHT=1, CENTER=0 but also other numerical values are permitted.

Y-offset (number):

The vertical amount that this object is moved relative to its Y-parent

side-axis (number):

If the value is #X (or equivalently 1), the object is placed horizontally next to the other object. If the value is #Y or 0, it is placed vertically.

This object supports the following interfaces: text-spanner-interface, spanner-interface, side-position-interface, line-spanner-interface, font-interface and grob-interface


TupletBracket objects are created by: Ligature_bracket_engraver and Tuplet_engraver

Standard settings:

padding (dimension, in staff space):

Add this much extra space between objects that are next to each other.

thickness (number):

Line thickness, generally measured in line-thickness.

edge-height (pair):
'(0.7 . 0.7)

A pair of number specifying the heights of the vertical edges '(left-height . right-height).

shorten-pair (pair of numbers):
'(-0.2 . -0.2)

The lengths to shorten a text-spanner on both sides, for example a pedal bracket. Positive values shorten the text-spanner, while negative values lengthen it.

staff-padding (dimension, in staff space):

Maintain this much space between reference points and the staff. Its effect is to align objects of differing sizes (like the dynamic p and f) on their baselines.

direction (direction):

If side-position is 1 (#X), then this property determines if the object is placed #LEFT, #CENTER or #RIGHT with respect to the other object. Otherwise, it determines if the object is placed #UP #CENTER or #DOWN. Numerical values may also be used. #UP=1, #DOWN=-1, #LEFT=-1, #RIGHT=1, CENTER=0 but also other numerical values are permitted.

positions (pair):

Pair of staff coordinates (left . right), where both left and right are in the staff-space unit of the current staff.

connect-to-neighbor (pair):

Pair of booleans, indicating whether this grob looks as a continued break.

control-points (list):

List of offsets (number-pairs) that form control points for the tie/slur/bracket shape. For beziers, this should list the control points of a 3rd order bezier curve.

stencil (unknown):

The symbol to print.

This object supports the following interfaces: tuplet-bracket-interface, spanner-interface, line-interface and grob-interface


TupletNumber objects are created by: Tuplet_engraver

Standard settings:

stencil (unknown):

The symbol to print.

text (markup):

Text markup. See Text markup .

font-shape (symbol):

Select the shape of a font. Choices include upright, italic, caps.

font-size (number):

The font size, compared the `normal' size. 0 is style-sheet's normal size, -1 is smaller, +1 is bigger. Each step of 1 is approximately 12% larger, 6 steps are exactly a factor 2 larger. Fractional values are allowed.

avoid-slur (symbol):

Method of handling slur collisions. Choices are around, inside, outside. If unset, script and slur ignore eachother.

This object supports the following interfaces: tuplet-number-interface, text-interface, spanner-interface, font-interface and grob-interface


UnaCordaPedal objects are created by: Piano_pedal_engraver

Standard settings:

stencil (unknown):

The symbol to print.

font-shape (symbol):

Select the shape of a font. Choices include upright, italic, caps.

no-spacing-rods (boolean):

Items with this property do not cause spacing constraints.

self-alignment-X (number):

Specify alignment of an object. The value -1 means left aligned, 0 centered, and 1 right-aligned in X direction. Values in between may also be specified.

direction (direction):

If side-position is 1 (#X), then this property determines if the object is placed #LEFT, #CENTER or #RIGHT with respect to the other object. Otherwise, it determines if the object is placed #UP #CENTER or #DOWN. Numerical values may also be used. #UP=1, #DOWN=-1, #LEFT=-1, #RIGHT=1, CENTER=0 but also other numerical values are permitted.

padding (dimension, in staff space):

Add this much extra space between objects that are next to each other.

X-offset (number):

The horizontal amount that this object is moved relative to its X-parent

This object supports the following interfaces: text-interface, self-alignment-interface, piano-pedal-script-interface, item-interface, font-interface and grob-interface


UnaCordaPedalLineSpanner objects are created by: Piano_pedal_align_engraver

Standard settings:

axes (list):

list of axis numbers. In the case of alignment grobs, this should contain only one number.

Y-extent (pair of numbers):

See X-extent.

Y-offset (number):

The vertical amount that this object is moved relative to its Y-parent

side-axis (number):

If the value is #X (or equivalently 1), the object is placed horizontally next to the other object. If the value is #Y or 0, it is placed vertically.

padding (dimension, in staff space):

Add this much extra space between objects that are next to each other.

staff-padding (dimension, in staff space):

Maintain this much space between reference points and the staff. Its effect is to align objects of differing sizes (like the dynamic p and f) on their baselines.

minimum-space (dimension, in staff space):

Minimum distance that the victim should move (after padding).

direction (direction):

If side-position is 1 (#X), then this property determines if the object is placed #LEFT, #CENTER or #RIGHT with respect to the other object. Otherwise, it determines if the object is placed #UP #CENTER or #DOWN. Numerical values may also be used. #UP=1, #DOWN=-1, #LEFT=-1, #RIGHT=1, CENTER=0 but also other numerical values are permitted.

This object supports the following interfaces: spanner-interface, side-position-interface, piano-pedal-interface, axis-group-interface and grob-interface


VaticanaLigature objects are created by: Vaticana_ligature_engraver

Standard settings:

thickness (number):

Line thickness, generally measured in line-thickness.

stencil (unknown):

The symbol to print.

This object supports the following interfaces: vaticana-ligature-interface, spanner-interface, font-interface and grob-interface


VerticalAlignment objects are created by: Vertical_align_engraver

Standard settings:

axes (list):

list of axis numbers. In the case of alignment grobs, this should contain only one number.

after-line-breaking (boolean):

Dummy property, used to trigger callback for after-line-breaking

Y-extent (pair of numbers):

See X-extent.

X-extent (pair of numbers):

Hard coded extent in X direction.

stacking-dir (direction):

Stack objects in which direction?

padding (dimension, in staff space):

Add this much extra space between objects that are next to each other.

This object supports the following interfaces: spanner-interface, axis-group-interface, align-interface and grob-interface


VerticalAxisGroup objects are created by: Axis_group_engraver and Hara_kiri_engraver

Standard settings:

axes (list):

list of axis numbers. In the case of alignment grobs, this should contain only one number.

Y-offset (number):

The vertical amount that this object is moved relative to its Y-parent

Y-extent (pair of numbers):

See X-extent.

X-extent (pair of numbers):

Hard coded extent in X direction.

This object supports the following interfaces: vertically-spaceable-interface, spanner-interface, hara-kiri-group-interface, axis-group-interface and grob-interface


VoiceFollower objects are created by: Note_head_line_engraver

Standard settings:

style (symbol):

This setting determines in what style a grob is typeset. Valid choices depend on the stencil callback reading this property.

gap (dimension, in staff space):

Size of a gap in a variable symbol.

non-musical (boolean):

True if the grob belongs in a NonMusicalPaperColumn.

X-extent (pair of numbers):

Hard coded extent in X direction.

Y-extent (pair of numbers):

See X-extent.

stencil (unknown):

The symbol to print.

after-line-breaking (boolean):

Dummy property, used to trigger callback for after-line-breaking

This object supports the following interfaces: spanner-interface, line-spanner-interface, line-interface and grob-interface


VoltaBracket objects are created by: Volta_engraver

Standard settings:

stencil (unknown):

The symbol to print.

direction (direction):

If side-position is 1 (#X), then this property determines if the object is placed #LEFT, #CENTER or #RIGHT with respect to the other object. Otherwise, it determines if the object is placed #UP #CENTER or #DOWN. Numerical values may also be used. #UP=1, #DOWN=-1, #LEFT=-1, #RIGHT=1, CENTER=0 but also other numerical values are permitted.

padding (dimension, in staff space):

Add this much extra space between objects that are next to each other.

font-encoding (symbol):

The font encoding is the broadest category for selecting a font. Options include: fetaMusic, fetaNumber, TeX-text, TeX-math, fetaBraces, fetaDynamic

Y-offset (number):

The vertical amount that this object is moved relative to its Y-parent

side-axis (number):

If the value is #X (or equivalently 1), the object is placed horizontally next to the other object. If the value is #Y or 0, it is placed vertically.

thickness (number):

Line thickness, generally measured in line-thickness.

edge-height (pair):
'(2.0 . 2.0)

A pair of number specifying the heights of the vertical edges '(left-height . right-height).

minimum-space (dimension, in staff space):

Minimum distance that the victim should move (after padding).

font-size (number):

The font size, compared the `normal' size. 0 is style-sheet's normal size, -1 is smaller, +1 is bigger. Each step of 1 is approximately 12% larger, 6 steps are exactly a factor 2 larger. Fractional values are allowed.

This object supports the following interfaces: volta-bracket-interface, text-interface, spanner-interface, side-position-interface, line-interface, horizontal-bracket-interface, font-interface and grob-interface

Graphical Object Interfaces


a single accidental

User settable properties:
accidentals (list)
List of alteration numbers
avoid-slur (symbol)
Method of handling slur collisions. Choices are around, inside, outside. If unset, script and slur ignore eachother.
cautionary (boolean)
Is this a cautionary accidental?
cautionary-style (symbol)
How to print cautionary accidentals. Choices are smaller or parentheses.
forced (boolean)
manually forced accidental
style (symbol)
This setting determines in what style a grob is typeset. Valid choices depend on the stencil callback reading this property.
Internal properties:
tie (layout object)

This grob interface is used in the following graphical objects: Accidental, AccidentalSuggestion, AmbitusAccidental and TrillPitchGroup


Resolve accidental collisions.

User settable properties:
left-padding (dimension, in staff space)
The amount of space that is put left to an object (eg. a group of accidentals).
padding (dimension, in staff space)
Add this much extra space between objects that are next to each other.
right-padding (dimension, in staff space)
Space to insert on the right side of an object (eg. between note and its accidentals.)
script-priority (number)
A sorting key that determines in what order a script is within a stack of scripts.
Internal properties:
accidental-grobs (list)
Alist with (NOTENAME . GROBLIST) entries
positioning-done (boolean)
Used to signal that a positioning element did its job. This ensures that a positioning is only done once.

This grob interface is used in the following graphical objects: AccidentalPlacement


An accidental, printed as a suggestion (typically: vertically over a note)

This grob interface is used in the following graphical objects: AccidentalSuggestion


Order grobs from top to bottom, left to right, right to left or bottom to top. For vertical alignments of staves, the break-system-details of the left NonMusicalPaperColumn may be set to tune vertical spacing Set alignment-extra-space to add extra space for staves. Set fixed-alignment-extra-space to force staves in PianoStaves further apart.

User settable properties:
align-dir (direction)
Which side to align? -1: left side, 0: around center of width, 1: right side.
axes (list)
list of axis numbers. In the case of alignment grobs, this should contain only one number.
forced-distance (dimension, in staff space)
A fixed distance between object reference points in an alignment.
padding (dimension, in staff space)
Add this much extra space between objects that are next to each other.
stacking-dir (direction)
Stack objects in which direction?
threshold (pair of numbers)
(min . max), where min and max are dimensions in staff space.
Internal properties:
elements (unknown)
list of grobs, type depending on the Grob where this is set in.
positioning-done (boolean)
Used to signal that a positioning element did its job. This ensures that a positioning is only done once.

This grob interface is used in the following graphical objects: BassFigureAlignment and VerticalAlignment


The line between note heads for a pitch range.

User settable properties:
thickness (number)
Line thickness, generally measured in line-thickness.
Internal properties:
join-heads (boolean)
Whether to join the note heads of an ambitus grob with a vertical line.
note-heads (unknown)
List of note head grobs

This grob interface is used in the following graphical objects: Ambitus, AmbitusLine and AmbitusNoteHead


Functions and settings for drawing an arpeggio symbol (a wavy line left to noteheads.

User settable properties:
arpeggio-direction (direction)
If set, put an arrow on the arpeggio squiggly line.
script-priority (number)
A sorting key that determines in what order a script is within a stack of scripts.
Internal properties:
stems (unknown)
list of stem objects, corresponding to the notes that the arpeggio has to be before.

This grob interface is used in the following graphical objects: Arpeggio


An object that groups other layout objects.

User settable properties:
axes (list)
list of axis numbers. In the case of alignment grobs, this should contain only one number.
Internal properties:
cached-pure-extents (vector)
Used by a VerticalAxisGroup to cache the Y-extents of different column ranges.
common-refpoint-of-elements (layout object)
Caches the common_refpoint_of_array of the elements grob-set
elements (unknown)
list of grobs, type depending on the Grob where this is set in.
pure-relevant-elements (unknown)
The subset of elements that are relevant for finding the pure-Y-extent.

This grob interface is used in the following graphical objects: Ambitus, BassFigureAlignment, BassFigureAlignmentPositioning, BassFigureLine, BreakAlignGroup, BreakAlignment, DotColumn, DynamicLineSpanner, NonMusicalPaperColumn, NoteCollision, NoteColumn, PaperColumn, SostenutoPedalLineSpanner, SustainPedalLineSpanner, System, TrillPitchGroup, UnaCordaPedalLineSpanner, VerticalAlignment and VerticalAxisGroup


Bar line.

Print a special bar symbol. It replaces the regular bar symbol with a special symbol. The argument bartype is a string which specifies the kind of bar to print. Options are :|, |:, :|:, ||, |., .|, and .|..

These produce, respectively, a right repeat, a left repeat, a double repeat, a double bar, a start bar, an end bar, and a thick double bar. In addition, there is an option ||: which is equivalent to |: except at line breaks, where it produces a double bar (||) at the end of the line and a repeat sign (|:) at the beginning of the new line.If bartype is set to empty then nothing is printed, but a line break is allowed at that spot.

gap is used for the gaps in dashed barlines.

User settable properties:
bar-size (dimension, in staff space)
size of a bar line.
gap (dimension, in staff space)
Size of a gap in a variable symbol.
glyph (string)
a string determining what (style) of glyph is typeset. Valid choices depend on the function that is reading this property.
hair-thickness (number)
Thickness of the thin line in a bar line.
kern (dimension, in staff space)
Amount of extra white space to add. For bar line, this is the amount of space after a thick line.
thick-thickness (number)
Bar line thickness, measured in line-thickness.
thin-kern (number)
The space after a hair-line in a bar line.
Internal properties:
glyph-name (string)
a name of character within font.

This grob interface is used in the following graphical objects: BarLine and SpanBar


This grob interface is used in the following graphical objects: BassFigureAlignment


A bass figure text

User settable properties:
implicit (boolean)
Is this an implicit bass figure?

This grob interface is used in the following graphical objects: BassFigure


A beam.

The thickness property is the weight of beams, measured in staffspace. The direction property is not user-serviceable. Use the direction property of Stem instead.

User settable properties:
auto-knee-gap (dimension, in staff space)
If a gap is found between note heads where a horizontal beam fits that is larger than this number, make a kneed beam.
beamed-stem-shorten (list)
How much to shorten beamed stems, when their direction is forced. It is a list, since the value is different depending on the number flags/beams.
beaming (pair)
Pair of number lists. Each number list specifies which beams to make. 0 is the central beam, 1 is the next beam toward the note etc. This information is used to determine how to connect the beaming patterns from stem to stem inside a beam.
break-overshoot (pair of numbers)
How much does a broken spanner stick out of its bounds?
clip-edges (boolean)
Allow outward pointing beamlets at the edges of beams?
concaveness (number)
A beam is concave when its inner stems are closer to the beam than the two outside stems. This number is a measure of the closeness of the inner stems. It is used for damping the slope of the beam.
damping (number)
Amount of beam slope damping.
direction (direction)
If side-position is 1 (#X), then this property determines if the object is placed #LEFT, #CENTER or #RIGHT with respect to the other object. Otherwise, it determines if the object is placed #UP #CENTER or #DOWN. Numerical values may also be used. #UP=1, #DOWN=-1, #LEFT=-1, #RIGHT=1, CENTER=0 but also other numerical values are permitted.
gap (dimension, in staff space)
Size of a gap in a variable symbol.
gap-count (integer)
Number of gapped beams for tremolo.
grow-direction (direction)
Crescendo or decrescendo?
inspect-quants (pair of numbers)
If debugging is set, set beam/slur quant to this position, and print the respective scores.
knee (boolean)
Is this beam kneed?
length-fraction (number)
Multiplier for lengths. Used for determining ledger lines and stem lengths.
neutral-direction (direction)
Which direction to take in the center of the staff.
positions (pair)
Pair of staff coordinates (left . right), where both left and right are in the staff-space unit of the current staff.
thickness (number)
Line thickness, generally measured in line-thickness.
Internal properties:
details (list)
alist of parameters for detailed grob behavior.

more information on the allowed parameters can be found by inspecting lily/, lily/, and lily/ Setting debug-tie-scoring, debug-beam-scoring or debug-slur-scoring also provides useful clues.

least-squares-dy (number)
ideal beam slope, without damping.
quant-score (string)
Beam quanting score – can be stored for debugging
quantized-positions (pair of numbers)
Beam positions after quanting.
shorten (dimension, in staff space)
The amount of space that a stem. Internally used to distribute beam shortening over stems.
stems (unknown)
list of stem objects, corresponding to the notes that the arpeggio has to be before.

This grob interface is used in the following graphical objects: Beam


A doit or drop.

User settable properties:
thickness (number)
Line thickness, generally measured in line-thickness.
Internal properties:
delta-position (number)
vertical position difference

This grob interface is used in the following graphical objects: BendAfter


Items that are aligned in prefatory matter.

The spacing of these items is controlled by the space-alist property. It contains a list break-align-symbols with a specification of the associated space. The space specification can be

(minimum-space . spc))
Pad space until the distance is spc
(fixed-space . spc)
Set a fixed space
(semi-fixed-space . spc)
Set a space. Half of it is fixed and half is stretchable. (does not work at start of line. fixme)
(extra-space . spc)
Add spc amount of space.

Special keys for the alist are first-note and next-note, signifying the first note on a line, and the next note halfway a line.

Rules for this spacing are much more complicated than this. See [Wanske] page 126 – 134, [Ross] pg 143 – 147

User settable properties:
break-align-symbol (symbol)
This key is used for aligning and spacing breakable items.
space-alist (list)
A table that specifies distances between prefatory items, like clef and time-signature. The format is an alist of spacing tuples: (break-align-symbol type . distance), where type can be the symbols minimum-space or extra-space.

This grob interface is used in the following graphical objects: Ambitus, AmbitusAccidental, BarLine, BreakAlignGroup, BreathingSign, Clef, Custos, DoublePercentRepeat, KeyCancellation, KeySignature, LeftEdge and TimeSignature


Object that is aligned on a break aligment.

User settable properties:
break-align-symbol (symbol)
This key is used for aligning and spacing breakable items.

This grob interface is used in the following graphical objects: BarNumber and RehearsalMark


The object that performs break aligment. See break-aligned-interface.

User settable properties:
break-align-orders (vector)
Defines the order in which prefatory matter (clefs, key signatures) appears. The format is a vector of length 3, where each element is one order for end-of-line, middle of line, and start-of-line respectively. An order is a list of symbols.

For example, clefs are put after key signatures by setting

          	\override Score.BreakAlignment #'break-align-orders = #(make-vector  3
Internal properties:
positioning-done (boolean)
Used to signal that a positioning element did its job. This ensures that a positioning is only done once.

This grob interface is used in the following graphical objects: BreakAlignment


A breathing sign.

User settable properties:
direction (direction)
If side-position is 1 (#X), then this property determines if the object is placed #LEFT, #CENTER or #RIGHT with respect to the other object. Otherwise, it determines if the object is placed #UP #CENTER or #DOWN. Numerical values may also be used. #UP=1, #DOWN=-1, #LEFT=-1, #RIGHT=1, CENTER=0 but also other numerical values are permitted.

This grob interface is used in the following graphical objects: BreathingSign


A chord name.

Internal properties:
begin-of-line-visible (boolean)
Used for marking ChordNames that should only show changes.

This grob interface is used in the following graphical objects: ChordName


A clef sign

User settable properties:
full-size-change (boolean)
Don't make a change clef smaller.
glyph (string)
a string determining what (style) of glyph is typeset. Valid choices depend on the function that is reading this property.
non-default (boolean)
Set for manually specified clefs.
Internal properties:
glyph-name (string)
a name of character within font.

This grob interface is used in the following graphical objects: Clef


A place holder for the cluster spanner to determine the vertical extents of a cluster spanner at this X position.

User settable properties:
positions (pair)
Pair of staff coordinates (left . right), where both left and right are in the staff-space unit of the current staff.

This grob interface is used in the following graphical objects: ClusterSpannerBeacon


A graphically drawn musical cluster.

padding adds to the vertical extent of the shape (top and bottom).

The property style controls the shape of cluster segments. Valid values include leftsided-stairs, rightsided-stairs, centered-stairs, and ramp.

User settable properties:
padding (dimension, in staff space)
Add this much extra space between objects that are next to each other.
style (symbol)
This setting determines in what style a grob is typeset. Valid choices depend on the stencil callback reading this property.
Internal properties:
columns (unknown)
list of grobs, typically containing paper-columns or note-column objects.

This grob interface is used in the following graphical objects: ClusterSpanner


A custos object.

User settable properties:
neutral-direction (direction)
Which direction to take in the center of the staff.
neutral-position (number)
Position (in half staff spaces) where to flip the direction of custos stem.
style (symbol)
This setting determines in what style a grob is typeset. Valid choices depend on the stencil callback reading this property.

This grob interface is used in the following graphical objects: Custos


Groups dot objects so they form a column, and position dots so they do not clash with staff lines

User settable properties:
direction (direction)
If side-position is 1 (#X), then this property determines if the object is placed #LEFT, #CENTER or #RIGHT with respect to the other object. Otherwise, it determines if the object is placed #UP #CENTER or #DOWN. Numerical values may also be used. #UP=1, #DOWN=-1, #LEFT=-1, #RIGHT=1, CENTER=0 but also other numerical values are permitted.
Internal properties:
dots (unknown)
multiple Dots objects.
positioning-done (boolean)
Used to signal that a positioning element did its job. This ensures that a positioning is only done once.

This grob interface is used in the following graphical objects: DotColumn


The dots to go with a notehead or rest.direction sets the preferred direction to move in case of staff line collisions.

User settable properties:
direction (direction)
If side-position is 1 (#X), then this property determines if the object is placed #LEFT, #CENTER or #RIGHT with respect to the other object. Otherwise, it determines if the object is placed #UP #CENTER or #DOWN. Numerical values may also be used. #UP=1, #DOWN=-1, #LEFT=-1, #RIGHT=1, CENTER=0 but also other numerical values are permitted.
dot-count (integer)
The number of dots.
style (symbol)
This setting determines in what style a grob is typeset. Valid choices depend on the stencil callback reading this property.

This grob interface is used in the following graphical objects: Dots


Any kind of loudness sign

This grob interface is used in the following graphical objects: DynamicLineSpanner, DynamicText, DynamicTextSpanner and Hairpin


Dynamic line spanner

User settable properties:
avoid-slur (symbol)
Method of handling slur collisions. Choices are around, inside, outside. If unset, script and slur ignore eachother.

This grob interface is used in the following graphical objects: DynamicLineSpanner


A text spanner for crescendo texts

User settable properties:
bound-padding (number)
The amount of padding to insert around spanner bounds.
dash-fraction (number)
Size of the dashes, relative to dash-period. Should be between 0.0 (no line) and 1.0 (continuous line).
dash-period (number)
the length of one dash + white space. If negative, no line is drawn at all.
edge-text (pair)
A pair specifying the texts to be set at the edges '(left-text . right-text).
style (symbol)
This setting determines in what style a grob is typeset. Valid choices depend on the stencil callback reading this property.
thickness (number)
Line thickness, generally measured in line-thickness.

This grob interface is used in the following graphical objects: DynamicTextSpanner


Brackets alongside bass figures.

User settable properties:
bracket-flare (pair of numbers)
A pair of numbers specifying how much edges of brackets should slant outward. Value 0.0 means straight edges
edge-height (pair)
A pair of number specifying the heights of the vertical edges '(left-height . right-height).
padding (dimension, in staff space)
Add this much extra space between objects that are next to each other.
shorten-pair (pair of numbers)
The lengths to shorten a text-spanner on both sides, for example a pedal bracket. Positive values shorten the text-spanner, while negative values lengthen it.
thickness (number)
Line thickness, generally measured in line-thickness.
Internal properties:
elements (unknown)
list of grobs, type depending on the Grob where this is set in.

This grob interface is used in the following graphical objects: BassFigureBracket


Simple extender line between bounds.

User settable properties:
padding (dimension, in staff space)
Add this much extra space between objects that are next to each other.
thickness (number)
Line thickness, generally measured in line-thickness.
Internal properties:
figures (unknown)
Figured bass objects for continuation line.

This grob interface is used in the following graphical objects: BassFigureContinuation


A fingering instruction

This grob interface is used in the following graphical objects: Fingering


Any symbol that is typeset through fixed sets of glyphs, (ie. fonts)

User settable properties:
font-encoding (symbol)
The font encoding is the broadest category for selecting a font. Options include: fetaMusic, fetaNumber, TeX-text, TeX-math, fetaBraces, fetaDynamic
font-family (symbol)
The font family is the broadest category for selecting text fonts. Options include: sans, roman
font-name (string)
Specifies a file name (without extension) of the font to load. This setting override selection using font-family, font-series and font-shape.
font-series (symbol)
Select the series of a font. Choices include medium, bold, bold-narrow, etc.
font-shape (symbol)
Select the shape of a font. Choices include upright, italic, caps.
font-size (number)
The font size, compared the `normal' size. 0 is style-sheet's normal size, -1 is smaller, +1 is bigger. Each step of 1 is approximately 12% larger, 6 steps are exactly a factor 2 larger. Fractional values are allowed.
Internal properties:
font (font metric)
Cached font metric object

This grob interface is used in the following graphical objects: Accidental, AccidentalSuggestion, AmbitusAccidental, AmbitusLine, AmbitusNoteHead, Arpeggio, BalloonTextItem, BarLine, BarNumber, BassFigure, BreathingSign, ChordName, Clef, CombineTextScript, Custos, Dots, DoublePercentRepeat, DoublePercentRepeatCounter, DynamicText, DynamicTextSpanner, Fingering, FretBoard, InstrumentName, InstrumentSwitch, KeyCancellation, KeySignature, LyricHyphen, LyricText, MensuralLigature, MetronomeMark, MultiMeasureRest, MultiMeasureRestNumber, MultiMeasureRestText, NoteHead, NoteName, OctavateEight, OttavaBracket, ParenthesesItem, PercentRepeat, PercentRepeatCounter, RehearsalMark, Rest, Script, SostenutoPedal, SpanBar, StanzaNumber, Stem, StringNumber, StrokeFinger, SustainPedal, SystemStartBrace, SystemStartBracket, SystemStartSquare, TabNoteHead, TextScript, TextSpanner, TimeSignature, TrillPitchAccidental, TrillPitchGroup, TrillPitchHead, TrillSpanner, TupletNumber, UnaCordaPedal, VaticanaLigature and VoltaBracket


A fret diagram

User settable properties:
align-dir (direction)
Which side to align? -1: left side, 0: around center of width, 1: right side.
barre-type (symbol)
Type of barre indication used in a fret diagram. Choices include curved and straight.
dot-color (symbol)
Color of dots. Options include black and white.
dot-radius (number)
Radius of dots.
finger-code (symbol)
Code for the type of fingering indication in a fret diagram. Options include none, in-dot, and below-string.
fret-count (integer)
The number of frets in a fret diagram.
label-dir (direction)
Side to which label is attached. -1 for left, 1 for right.
number-type (symbol)
Type of numbers to use in label. Choices include roman-lower, roman-upper, and arabic.
size (number)
Size of object, relative to standard size.
string-count (integer)
The number of strings in a fret diagram.
string-fret-finger-combinations (list)
List consisting of (string-number fret-number finger-number) entries.
thickness (number)
Line thickness, generally measured in line-thickness.

This grob interface is used in the following graphical objects: FretBoard


Keep track of durations in a run of grace notes.

User settable properties:
common-shortest-duration (moment)
The most common shortest note length. This is used in spacing. Enlarging this will set the score tighter.
Internal properties:
columns (unknown)
list of grobs, typically containing paper-columns or note-column objects.

This grob interface is used in the following graphical objects: GraceSpacing


A gregorian ligature

Internal properties:
ascendens (boolean)
is this neume of an ascending type?
auctum (boolean)
is this neume liquescentically augmented?
cavum (boolean)
is this neume outlined?
context-info (integer)
Within a ligature, the final glyph or shape of a head may be affected by the left and/or right neighbour head. context-info holds for each head such information about the left and right neighbour, encoded as a bit mask.
deminutum (boolean)
is this neume deminished?
descendens (boolean)
is this neume of a descendent type?
inclinatum (boolean)
is this neume an inclinatum?
linea (boolean)
attach vertical lines to this neume?
oriscus (boolean)
is this neume an oriscus?
pes-or-flexa (boolean)
shall this neume be joined with the previous head?
prefix-set (number)
a bit mask that holds all Gregorian head prefixes, such as \virga or \quilisma
quilisma (boolean)
is this neume a quilisma?
stropha (boolean)
Is this neume a stropha?
virga (boolean)
Is this neume a virga?

This grob interface is used in the following graphical objects: none


A line that spanned between grid-points.

User settable properties:
thickness (number)
Line thickness, generally measured in line-thickness.
Internal properties:
elements (unknown)
list of grobs, type depending on the Grob where this is set in.

This grob interface is used in the following graphical objects: GridLine


A spanning point for grid lines.

This grob interface is used in the following graphical objects: GridPoint


A grob represents a piece of music notation

All grobs have an X and Y-position on the page. These X and Y positions are stored in a relative format, so they can easily be combined by stacking them, hanging one grob to the side of another, and coupling them into a grouping objects.

Each grob has a reference point (a.k.a. parent): the position of a grob is stored relative to that reference point. For example the X-reference point of a staccato dot usually is the note head that it applies to. When the note head is moved, the staccato dot moves along automatically.

A grob is often associated with a symbol, but some grobs do not print any symbols. They take care of grouping objects. For example, there is a separate grob that stacks staves vertically. The NoteCollision is also an abstract grob: it only moves around chords, but doesn't print anything.

Grobs have a properties: Scheme variables, that can be read and set. They have two types. Immutable variables define the default style and behavior. They are shared between many objects. They can be changed using \override and \revert.

Mutable properties are variables that are specific to one grob. Typically, lists of other objects, or results from computations are stored inmutable properties: every call to set-grob-property (or its C++ equivalent) sets a mutable property.

The properties after-line-breaking and before-line-breaking are dummies that are not user-serviceable.

User settable properties:
X-extent (pair of numbers)
Hard coded extent in X direction.
X-offset (number)
The horizontal amount that this object is moved relative to its X-parent
Y-extent (pair of numbers)
See X-extent.
Y-offset (number)
The vertical amount that this object is moved relative to its Y-parent
after-line-breaking (boolean)
Dummy property, used to trigger callback for after-line-breaking
avoid-slur (symbol)
Method of handling slur collisions. Choices are around, inside, outside. If unset, script and slur ignore eachother.
before-line-breaking (boolean)
Dummy property, used to trigger a callback function.
color (list)
The color of this grob.
extra-X-extent (pair of numbers)
A grob is enlarged in X dimension by this much.
extra-Y-extent (pair of numbers)
See extra-X-extent.
extra-offset (pair of numbers)
A pair representing an offset. This offset is added just before outputting the symbol, so the typesetting engine is completely oblivious to it.
layer (number)
The output layer [0..2]: layers define the order of printing objects. Objects in lower layers are overprinted by objects in higher layers.
minimum-X-extent (pair of numbers)
Minimum size of an object in X dimension, measured in staff space.
minimum-Y-extent (pair of numbers)
See minimum-X-extent.
rotation (list)
Number of degrees to rotate this object, and what point to rotate around. #'(45 0 0) means rotate 45 degrees around the center of this object.
springs-and-rods (boolean)
Dummy variable for triggering spacing routines.
stencil (unknown)
The symbol to print.
transparent (boolean)
This makes the grob invisible.
Internal properties:
axis-group-parent-X (layout object)
Containing X axis group
axis-group-parent-Y (layout object)
Containing Y axis group
cause (any type)
Any kind of causation objects (i.e. music, or perhaps translator) that was the cause for this grob.
interfaces (list)
list of symbols indicating the interfaces supported by this object. Is initialized from the meta field.
meta (list)
Contains meta information. It is an alist with the entries name and interfaces.
staff-symbol (layout object)
the staff symbol grob that we're in.

This grob interface is used in the following graphical objects: Accidental, AccidentalPlacement, AccidentalSuggestion, Ambitus, AmbitusAccidental, AmbitusLine, AmbitusNoteHead, Arpeggio, BalloonTextItem, BarLine, BarNumber, BassFigure, BassFigureAlignment, BassFigureAlignmentPositioning, BassFigureBracket, BassFigureContinuation, BassFigureLine, Beam, BendAfter, BreakAlignGroup, BreakAlignment, BreathingSign, ChordName, Clef, ClusterSpanner, ClusterSpannerBeacon, CombineTextScript, Custos, DotColumn, Dots, DoublePercentRepeat, DoublePercentRepeatCounter, DynamicLineSpanner, DynamicText, DynamicTextSpanner, Fingering, FretBoard, Glissando, GraceSpacing, GridLine, GridPoint, Hairpin, HorizontalBracket, InstrumentName, InstrumentSwitch, KeyCancellation, KeySignature, LaissezVibrerTie, LaissezVibrerTieColumn, LedgerLineSpanner, LeftEdge, LigatureBracket, LyricExtender, LyricHyphen, LyricSpace, LyricText, MeasureGrouping, MelodyItem, MensuralLigature, MetronomeMark, MultiMeasureRest, MultiMeasureRestNumber, MultiMeasureRestText, NonMusicalPaperColumn, NoteCollision, NoteColumn, NoteHead, NoteName, NoteSpacing, OctavateEight, OttavaBracket, PaperColumn, ParenthesesItem, PercentRepeat, PercentRepeatCounter, PhrasingSlur, PianoPedalBracket, RehearsalMark, RepeatSlash, RepeatTie, RepeatTieColumn, Rest, RestCollision, Script, ScriptColumn, ScriptRow, SeparatingGroupSpanner, SeparationItem, Slur, SostenutoPedal, SostenutoPedalLineSpanner, SpacingSpanner, SpanBar, StaffSpacing, StaffSymbol, StanzaNumber, Stem, StemTremolo, StringNumber, StrokeFinger, SustainPedal, SustainPedalLineSpanner, System, SystemStartBar, SystemStartBrace, SystemStartBracket, SystemStartSquare, TabNoteHead, TextScript, TextSpanner, Tie, TieColumn, TimeSignature, TrillPitchAccidental, TrillPitchGroup, TrillPitchHead, TrillSpanner, TupletBracket, TupletNumber, UnaCordaPedal, UnaCordaPedalLineSpanner, VaticanaLigature, VerticalAlignment, VerticalAxisGroup, VoiceFollower and VoltaBracket


A hairpin crescendo/decrescendo.

User settable properties:
bound-padding (number)
The amount of padding to insert around spanner bounds.
grow-direction (direction)
Crescendo or decrescendo?
height (dimension, in staff space)
Height of an object in staff-space.
Internal properties:
adjacent-hairpins (unknown)
List of directly neighboring hairpins
circled-tip (boolean)
Put a circle at start/end of hairpins (al/del niente)

This grob interface is used in the following graphical objects: Hairpin


A group spanner that keeps track of interesting items. If it doesn't contain any after linebreaking, then it will remove itself and all its children.

User settable properties:
remove-empty (boolean)
If set, remove group if it contains no interesting-items
remove-first (boolean)
Remove the first staff of a orchestral score?
Internal properties:
important-column-ranks (vector)
Cache of columns that contain items-worth-living.
items-worth-living (unknown)
A list of interesting items. If empty in a particular staff, then that staff is erased.

This grob interface is used in the following graphical objects: VerticalAxisGroup


A horizontal bracket encompassing notes.

User settable properties:
bracket-flare (pair of numbers)
A pair of numbers specifying how much edges of brackets should slant outward. Value 0.0 means straight edges
connect-to-neighbor (pair)
Pair of booleans, indicating whether this grob looks as a continued break.
edge-height (pair)
A pair of number specifying the heights of the vertical edges '(left-height . right-height).
shorten-pair (pair of numbers)
The lengths to shorten a text-spanner on both sides, for example a pedal bracket. Positive values shorten the text-spanner, while negative values lengthen it.
Internal properties:
columns (unknown)
list of grobs, typically containing paper-columns or note-column objects.

This grob interface is used in the following graphical objects: HorizontalBracket, OttavaBracket and VoltaBracket


Grobs can be distinguished in their role in the horizontal spacing. Many grobs define constraints on the spacing by their sizes. For example, note heads, clefs, stems, and all other symbols with a fixed shape. These grobs form a subtype called Item.

Some items need special treatment for line breaking. For example, a clef is normally only printed at the start of a line (i.e. after a line break). To model this, `breakable' items (clef, key signature, bar lines, etc.) are copied twice. Then we have three versions of each breakable item: one version if there is no line break, one version that is printed before the line break (at the end of a system), one version that is printed after the line break.

Whether these versions are visible and take up space, is determined by the outcome of the break-visibility. This grob property is a function taking a direction (-1, 0 or 1) as argument. It returns a cons of booleans, signifying whether this grob should be transparent and have no extent.

The following variables for break-visibility are predefined:

                grob will show:   before  no     after
                                  break   break  break
       all-invisible              no      no     no
       begin-of-line-visible      no      no     yes
       end-of-line-visible        yes     no     no
       all-visible                yes     yes    yes
       begin-of-line-invisible    yes     yes    no
       end-of-line-invisible      no      yes    yes
       center-invisible           yes      no    yes
User settable properties:
break-visibility (vector)
A vector of 3 booleans, #(end-of-line unbroken begin-of-line). #t means visible, #f means killed.
no-spacing-rods (boolean)
Items with this property do not cause spacing constraints.
non-musical (boolean)
True if the grob belongs in a NonMusicalPaperColumn.

This grob interface is used in the following graphical objects: Accidental, AccidentalPlacement, AccidentalSuggestion, Ambitus, AmbitusAccidental, AmbitusLine, AmbitusNoteHead, Arpeggio, BalloonTextItem, BarLine, BarNumber, BassFigure, BassFigureBracket, BreakAlignGroup, BreakAlignment, BreathingSign, ChordName, Clef, ClusterSpannerBeacon, CombineTextScript, Custos, DotColumn, Dots, DoublePercentRepeat, DoublePercentRepeatCounter, DynamicText, Fingering, FretBoard, GridLine, GridPoint, InstrumentSwitch, KeyCancellation, KeySignature, LaissezVibrerTie, LaissezVibrerTieColumn, LeftEdge, LyricText, MelodyItem, MetronomeMark, NonMusicalPaperColumn, NoteCollision, NoteColumn, NoteHead, NoteName, NoteSpacing, OctavateEight, PaperColumn, ParenthesesItem, RehearsalMark, RepeatSlash, RepeatTie, RepeatTieColumn, Rest, RestCollision, Script, ScriptColumn, ScriptRow, SeparationItem, SostenutoPedal, SpanBar, StaffSpacing, StanzaNumber, Stem, StemTremolo, StringNumber, StrokeFinger, SustainPedal, TabNoteHead, TextScript, TimeSignature, TrillPitchAccidental, TrillPitchGroup, TrillPitchHead and UnaCordaPedal


A key cancellation

This grob interface is used in the following graphical objects: KeyCancellation


A group of accidentals, to be printed as signature sign.

User settable properties:
alteration-alist (list)
List of (pitch . accidental) pairs for key signature.
c0-position (integer)
An integer indicating the position of middle C.
style (symbol)
This setting determines in what style a grob is typeset. Valid choices depend on the stencil callback reading this property.

This grob interface is used in the following graphical objects: KeyCancellation and KeySignature


This spanner draws the ledger lines of a staff. This is a separate grob because it has to process all potential collisions between all note heads.

User settable properties:
gap (dimension, in staff space)
Size of a gap in a variable symbol.
length-fraction (number)
Multiplier for lengths. Used for determining ledger lines and stem lengths.
minimum-length-fraction (number)
Minimum length of ledger line as fraction of note head size.
thickness (number)
Line thickness, generally measured in line-thickness.
Internal properties:
note-heads (unknown)
List of note head grobs

This grob interface is used in the following graphical objects: LedgerLineSpanner


Objects that need ledger lines, typically note heads. See also ledger-line-interface.

User settable properties:
no-ledgers (boolean)
If set, don't draw ledger lines on this object.

This grob interface is used in the following graphical objects: AmbitusNoteHead, NoteHead and TrillPitchHead


A bracket indicating a ligature in the original edition

User settable properties:
height (dimension, in staff space)
Height of an object in staff-space.
thickness (number)
Line thickness, generally measured in line-thickness.
width (dimension, in staff space)
The width of a grob measured in staff space.

This grob interface is used in the following graphical objects: none


A ligature

This grob interface is used in the following graphical objects: none


Generic line objects. Any object using lines supports this. Normally, you get a straight line. If dash-period is defined, a dashed line is produced; the length of the dashes is tuned with dash-fraction. If the latter is set to 0, a dotted line is produced. If dash-fraction is negative, the line is made transparent.

User settable properties:
arrow-length (number)
Arrow length.
arrow-width (number)
Arrow width.
dash-fraction (number)
Size of the dashes, relative to dash-period. Should be between 0.0 (no line) and 1.0 (continuous line).
dash-period (number)
the length of one dash + white space. If negative, no line is drawn at all.
style (symbol)
This setting determines in what style a grob is typeset. Valid choices depend on the stencil callback reading this property.
thickness (number)
Line thickness, generally measured in line-thickness.

This grob interface is used in the following graphical objects: Glissando, Hairpin, HorizontalBracket, LigatureBracket, OttavaBracket, PianoPedalBracket, TupletBracket, VoiceFollower and VoltaBracket


Generic line drawn between two objects, e.g. for use with glissandi. The property style can be line, dashed-line, trill, dotted-line or zigzag.

User settable properties:
arrow (boolean)
Add an arrow to the line.
gap (dimension, in staff space)
Size of a gap in a variable symbol.
thickness (number)
Line thickness, generally measured in line-thickness.
zigzag-length (dimension, in staff space)
The length of the lines of a zigzag, relative to zigzag-width. A value of 1 gives 60-degree zigzags.
zigzag-width (dimension, in staff space)
The width of one zigzag-squiggle. This number will be adjusted slightly so that the glissando line can be constructed from a whole number of squiggles.

This grob interface is used in the following graphical objects: DynamicTextSpanner, Glissando, SustainPedal, TextSpanner, TrillSpanner and VoiceFollower


The extender is a simple line at the baseline of the lyric that helps show the length of a melissima (tied/slurred note).

User settable properties:
left-padding (dimension, in staff space)
The amount of space that is put left to an object (eg. a group of accidentals).
next (layout object)
Object that is next relation (eg. the lyric syllable following an extender.
right-padding (dimension, in staff space)
Space to insert on the right side of an object (eg. between note and its accidentals.)
thickness (number)
Line thickness, generally measured in line-thickness.
Internal properties:
heads (unknown)
List of note heads.

This grob interface is used in the following graphical objects: LyricExtender


A centered hyphen is a simple line between lyrics used to divide syllables

User settable properties:
dash-period (number)
the length of one dash + white space. If negative, no line is drawn at all.
height (dimension, in staff space)
Height of an object in staff-space.
length (dimension, in staff space)
User override for the stem length of unbeamed stems.
minimum-distance (dimension, in staff space)
Minimum distance between rest and notes or beam.
minimum-length (dimension, in staff space)
Try to make a spanner at least this long. This requires an appropriate callback for the springs-and-rods property.
padding (dimension, in staff space)
Add this much extra space between objects that are next to each other.
thickness (number)
Line thickness, generally measured in line-thickness.

This grob interface is used in the following graphical objects: LyricHyphen and LyricSpace


Any object that is related to lyrics.

This grob interface is used in the following graphical objects: LyricExtender and LyricHyphen


a single piece of lyrics

This grob interface is used in the following graphical objects: LyricText


a rehearsal mark

This grob interface is used in the following graphical objects: RehearsalMark


This object indicates groups of beats. Valid choices for style are bracket and triangle.

User settable properties:
height (dimension, in staff space)
Height of an object in staff-space.
style (symbol)
This setting determines in what style a grob is typeset. Valid choices depend on the stencil callback reading this property.
thickness (number)
Line thickness, generally measured in line-thickness.

This grob interface is used in the following graphical objects: MeasureGrouping


Context dependent typesetting decisions.

User settable properties:
neutral-direction (direction)
Which direction to take in the center of the staff.
Internal properties:
stems (unknown)
list of stem objects, corresponding to the notes that the arpeggio has to be before.

This grob interface is used in the following graphical objects: MelodyItem


A mensural ligature

User settable properties:
thickness (number)
Line thickness, generally measured in line-thickness.
Internal properties:
delta-position (number)
vertical position difference
flexa-width (dimension, in staff space)
width of a flexa shape in a ligature grob in staff_space.
head-width (dimension, in staff space)
width of this ligature head
join-right-amount (number)
primitive (integer)
Pointer to a ligature primitive, i.e. an item similar to a note head that is part of a ligature.

This grob interface is used in the following graphical objects: MensuralLigature


a rehearsal mark

This grob interface is used in the following graphical objects: MetronomeMark


Multi measure rest, and the text or number that is printed over it.

User settable properties:
bound-padding (number)
The amount of padding to insert around spanner bounds.

This grob interface is used in the following graphical objects: MultiMeasureRest, MultiMeasureRestNumber and MultiMeasureRestText


A rest that spans a whole number of measures.

User settable properties:
bound-padding (number)
The amount of padding to insert around spanner bounds.
expand-limit (integer)
maximum number of measures expanded in church rests.
hair-thickness (number)
Thickness of the thin line in a bar line.
measure-count (integer)
The number of measures for a multimeasure rest.
minimum-length (dimension, in staff space)
Try to make a spanner at least this long. This requires an appropriate callback for the springs-and-rods property.
thick-thickness (number)
Bar line thickness, measured in line-thickness.
Internal properties:
use-breve-rest (boolean)
Use breve rests for measures longer than a whole rest.

This grob interface is used in the following graphical objects: MultiMeasureRest and PercentRepeat


An object that handles collisions between notes with different stem directions and horizontal shifts. Most of the interesting properties are to be set in note-column-interface: these are force-hshift and horizontal-shift.

User settable properties:
merge-differently-dotted (boolean)
Merge note heads in collisions, even if they have a different number of dots. This normal notation for some types of polyphonic music.
merge-differently-headed (boolean)
Merge note heads in collisions, even if they have different note heads. The smaller of the two heads will be rendered invisible. This used polyphonic guitar notation. The value of this setting is used by note-collision-interface .
Internal properties:
positioning-done (boolean)
Used to signal that a positioning element did its job. This ensures that a positioning is only done once.

This grob interface is used in the following graphical objects: NoteCollision


Stem and noteheads combined

User settable properties:
accidentals (list)
List of alteration numbers
force-hshift (number)
This specifies a manual shift for notes in collisions. The unit is the note head width of the first voice note. This is used by note-collision-interface.
horizontal-shift (integer)
An integer that identifies ranking of note-column for horizontal shifting. This is used by note-collision-interface.
Internal properties:
arpeggio (layout object)
pointer to arpeggio object.
note-heads (unknown)
List of note head grobs
rest (layout object)
the staff symbol grob that we're in.
rest-collision (layout object)
rest collision that a rest is in.
stem (layout object)
pointer to Stem object.

This grob interface is used in the following graphical objects: NoteColumn


Note head

User settable properties:
note-names (vector)
Vector of strings containing names for easy-notation note heads.
stem-attachment (pair of numbers)
A (x . y) pair where the stem attaches to the notehead.
style (symbol)
This setting determines in what style a grob is typeset. Valid choices depend on the stencil callback reading this property.
Internal properties:
accidental-grob (layout object)
Accidental for this note.
glyph-name (string)
a name of character within font.

This grob interface is used in the following graphical objects: AmbitusNoteHead, NoteHead, TabNoteHead and TrillPitchGroup


Note name

User settable properties:
style (symbol)
This setting determines in what style a grob is typeset. Valid choices depend on the stencil callback reading this property.

This grob interface is used in the following graphical objects: NoteName


This object calculates spacing wishes for individual voices.

User settable properties:
knee-spacing-correction (number)
Factor for the optical correction amount for kneed beams. Set between 0 for no correction and 1 for full correction.
same-direction-correction (number)
Optical correction amount for stems that are placed in tight configurations. This amount is used for stems with the same direction to compensate for note-head to stem distance.
stem-spacing-correction (number)
Optical correction amount for stems that are placed in tight configurations. For opposite directions, this amount is the correction for two normal sized stems that overlap completely.
Internal properties:
left-items (unknown)
right-items (unknown)

This grob interface is used in the following graphical objects: NoteSpacing


Kill this grob after the line breaking process.

This grob interface is used in the following graphical objects: SeparatingGroupSpanner


An ottava bracket

User settable properties:
bracket-flare (pair of numbers)
A pair of numbers specifying how much edges of brackets should slant outward. Value 0.0 means straight edges
edge-height (pair)
A pair of number specifying the heights of the vertical edges '(left-height . right-height).
minimum-length (dimension, in staff space)
Try to make a spanner at least this long. This requires an appropriate callback for the springs-and-rods property.
shorten-pair (pair of numbers)
The lengths to shorten a text-spanner on both sides, for example a pedal bracket. Positive values shorten the text-spanner, while negative values lengthen it.

This grob interface is used in the following graphical objects: OttavaBracket


Paper_column objects form the top-most X-parents for items. The are two types of columns: musical columns, where are attached to, and non-musical columns, where bar-lines, clefs etc. are attached to. The spacing engine determines the X-positions of these objects.

They are numbered, the first (leftmost) is column 0. Numbering happens before line-breaking, and columns are not renumbered after line breaking. Since many columns go unused, you should only use the rank field to get ordering information. Two adjacent columns may have non-adjacent numbers.

User settable properties:
between-cols (pair)
Where to attach a loose column to
line-break-penalty (number)
Penalty for a line break at this column. This affects the choices of the line breaker; it will avoid a line break at a column with a positive penalty and prefer a line break at a column with a negative penalty.
line-break-permission (symbol)
Instructs the line breaker on whether to put a line break at this column. Can be 'force, or 'allow.
line-break-system-details (list)
Alist of properties to use when this column is the start of a system.
page-break-penalty (number)
Penalty for page break at this column. This affects the choices of the page breaker; it will avoid a page break at a column with a positive penalty and prefer a page break at a column with a negative penalty.
page-break-permission (symbol)
Instructs the page breaker on whether to put a page break at this column. Can be 'force, or 'allow.
page-turn-penalty (number)
Penalty for a page turn at this column. This affects the choices of the page breaker; it will avoid a page turn at a column with a positive penalty and prefer a page turn at a column with a negative penalty.
page-turn-permission (symbol)
Instructs the page breaker on whether to put a page turn at this column. Can be 'force, or 'allow.
rhythmic-location (rhythmic location)
Where (bar number, measure position) in the score.
shortest-playing-duration (moment)
The duration of the shortest playing here.
shortest-starter-duration (moment)
The duration of the shortest note that starts here.
used (boolean)
If set, this spacing column is kept in the spacing problem
when (moment)
Global time step associated with this column happen?
Internal properties:
bounded-by-me (unknown)
list of spanners that have this column as start/begin point. Only columns that have grobs or act as bounds are spaced.
grace-spacing (layout object)
a run of grace notes.
spacing (layout object)
the spacing spanner governing this section.

This grob interface is used in the following graphical objects: NonMusicalPaperColumn and PaperColumn


Parentheses for other objects

User settable properties:
padding (dimension, in staff space)
Add this much extra space between objects that are next to each other.

This grob interface is used in the following graphical objects: ParenthesesItem


Repeats that look like percent signs

User settable properties:
slope (number)
The slope of this object.
thickness (number)
Line thickness, generally measured in line-thickness.

This grob interface is used in the following graphical objects: DoublePercentRepeat, DoublePercentRepeatCounter, PercentRepeat, PercentRepeatCounter and RepeatSlash


The bracket of the piano pedal. It can be tuned through the regular bracket properties.

User settable properties:
bound-padding (number)
The amount of padding to insert around spanner bounds.
bracket-flare (pair of numbers)
A pair of numbers specifying how much edges of brackets should slant outward. Value 0.0 means straight edges
edge-height (pair)
A pair of number specifying the heights of the vertical edges '(left-height . right-height).
shorten-pair (pair of numbers)
The lengths to shorten a text-spanner on both sides, for example a pedal bracket. Positive values shorten the text-spanner, while negative values lengthen it.
Internal properties:
pedal-text (layout object)
Pointer to the text of a mixed-style piano pedal.

This grob interface is used in the following graphical objects: PianoPedalBracket


A piano pedal sign

This grob interface is used in the following graphical objects: PianoPedalBracket, SostenutoPedalLineSpanner, SustainPedal, SustainPedalLineSpanner and UnaCordaPedalLineSpanner


A piano pedal sign, fixed size

This grob interface is used in the following graphical objects: SostenutoPedal, SustainPedal and UnaCordaPedal


A note head to indicate trill pitches

Internal properties:
accidental-grob (layout object)
Accidental for this note.

This grob interface is used in the following graphical objects: TrillPitchHead


Move around ordinary rests (not multi-measure-rests) to avoid conflicts.

User settable properties:
minimum-distance (dimension, in staff space)
Minimum distance between rest and notes or beam.
Internal properties:
elements (unknown)
list of grobs, type depending on the Grob where this is set in.
positioning-done (boolean)
Used to signal that a positioning element did its job. This ensures that a positioning is only done once.

This grob interface is used in the following graphical objects: RestCollision


A rest symbol.

User settable properties:
direction (direction)
If side-position is 1 (#X), then this property determines if the object is placed #LEFT, #CENTER or #RIGHT with respect to the other object. Otherwise, it determines if the object is placed #UP #CENTER or #DOWN. Numerical values may also be used. #UP=1, #DOWN=-1, #LEFT=-1, #RIGHT=1, CENTER=0 but also other numerical values are permitted.
minimum-distance (dimension, in staff space)
Minimum distance between rest and notes or beam.
style (symbol)
This setting determines in what style a grob is typeset. Valid choices depend on the stencil callback reading this property.

This grob interface is used in the following graphical objects: MultiMeasureRest and Rest


Any object with a rhythmic basis. Used to determine which grobs are interesting enough to maintain a hara-kiri staff.

This grob interface is used in the following graphical objects: BassFigure, ChordName, LyricText, NoteHead, Rest and TabNoteHead


Note head or rest

User settable properties:
duration-log (integer)
The 2-log of the note head duration, i.e. 0=whole note, 1 = half note, etc.
Internal properties:
dot (layout object)
reference to Dots object.
stem (layout object)
pointer to Stem object.

This grob interface is used in the following graphical objects: AmbitusNoteHead, NoteHead, Rest, TabNoteHead, TrillPitchGroup and TrillPitchHead


An interface that sorts scripts according to their script-priority

This grob interface is used in the following graphical objects: ScriptColumn and ScriptRow


An object that is put above or below a note

User settable properties:
add-stem-support (boolean)
If set, the Stem object is included in this script's support
avoid-slur (symbol)
Method of handling slur collisions. Choices are around, inside, outside. If unset, script and slur ignore eachother.
script-priority (number)
A sorting key that determines in what order a script is within a stack of scripts.
slur-padding (number)
Extra distance between slur and script.
Internal properties:
script-stencil (pair)
Pair (type . arg), which acts as an index for looking up a Stencil object.
slur (layout object)
A pointer to a slur object

This grob interface is used in the following graphical objects: AccidentalSuggestion, DynamicText and Script


Position this object on itself and/or on its parent. To this end, the following functions are provided:

Align self on reference point, using self-alignment-X and self-alignment-Y.
Shift the object so its own reference point is centered on the extent of the parent
User settable properties:
self-alignment-X (number)
Specify alignment of an object. The value -1 means left aligned, 0 centered, and 1 right-aligned in X direction. Values in between may also be specified.
self-alignment-Y (number)
like self-alignment-X but for Y axis.

This grob interface is used in the following graphical objects: AccidentalSuggestion, BarNumber, DoublePercentRepeatCounter, DynamicText, Fingering, GridLine, Hairpin, LyricText, MultiMeasureRestNumber, MultiMeasureRestText, OctavateEight, PercentRepeatCounter, RehearsalMark, SostenutoPedal, StringNumber, StrokeFinger, SustainPedal and UnaCordaPedal


The interface for a column of l.v. ties.

User settable properties:
head-direction (direction)
Are the note heads left or right in a semitie?
tie-configuration (list)
List of (position . dir) pairs, indicating the desired tie configuration. A non-pair entry in the list will cause said tie to be formatted automatically.
Internal properties:
positioning-done (boolean)
Used to signal that a positioning element did its job. This ensures that a positioning is only done once.

This grob interface is used in the following graphical objects: LaissezVibrerTieColumn and RepeatTieColumn


A tie which is only on one side connected to note heads.

User settable properties:
control-points (list)
List of offsets (number-pairs) that form control points for the tie/slur/bracket shape. For beziers, this should list the control points of a 3rd order bezier curve.
direction (direction)
If side-position is 1 (#X), then this property determines if the object is placed #LEFT, #CENTER or #RIGHT with respect to the other object. Otherwise, it determines if the object is placed #UP #CENTER or #DOWN. Numerical values may also be used. #UP=1, #DOWN=-1, #LEFT=-1, #RIGHT=1, CENTER=0 but also other numerical values are permitted.
thickness (number)
Line thickness, generally measured in line-thickness.
Internal properties:
details (list)
alist of parameters for detailed grob behavior.

more information on the allowed parameters can be found by inspecting lily/, lily/, and lily/ Setting debug-tie-scoring, debug-beam-scoring or debug-slur-scoring also provides useful clues.

note-head (layout object)
A single note head

This grob interface is used in the following graphical objects: LaissezVibrerTie and RepeatTie


Item that computes widths to generate spacing rods. This is done in concert with separation-spanner-interface.

User settable properties:
X-extent (pair of numbers)
Hard coded extent in X direction.
padding (dimension, in staff space)
Add this much extra space between objects that are next to each other.
Internal properties:
conditional-elements (unknown)
Internal use only
elements (unknown)
list of grobs, type depending on the Grob where this is set in.

This grob interface is used in the following graphical objects: SeparationItem


A spanner that calculates spacing constraints ("rods") using the separation-item-interface grobs in elements.

User settable properties:
padding (dimension, in staff space)
Add this much extra space between objects that are next to each other.
Internal properties:
elements (unknown)
list of grobs, type depending on the Grob where this is set in.

This grob interface is used in the following graphical objects: SeparatingGroupSpanner


Position a victim object (this one) next to other objects (the support). The property direction signifies where to put the victim object relative to the support (left or right, up or down?)

The routine also takes the size the staff into account if staff-padding is set. If undefined, the staff symbol is ignored.

User settable properties:
direction (direction)
If side-position is 1 (#X), then this property determines if the object is placed #LEFT, #CENTER or #RIGHT with respect to the other object. Otherwise, it determines if the object is placed #UP #CENTER or #DOWN. Numerical values may also be used. #UP=1, #DOWN=-1, #LEFT=-1, #RIGHT=1, CENTER=0 but also other numerical values are permitted.
minimum-space (dimension, in staff space)
Minimum distance that the victim should move (after padding).
padding (dimension, in staff space)
Add this much extra space between objects that are next to each other.
side-axis (number)
If the value is #X (or equivalently 1), the object is placed horizontally next to the other object. If the value is #Y or 0, it is placed vertically.
side-relative-direction (direction)
Multiply direction of direction-source with this to get the direction of this object.
slur-padding (number)
Extra distance between slur and script.
staff-padding (dimension, in staff space)
Maintain this much space between reference points and the staff. Its effect is to align objects of differing sizes (like the dynamic p and f) on their baselines.
Internal properties:
direction-source (layout object)
in case side-relative-direction is set, which grob to get the direction from .
quantize-position (boolean)
If set, a vertical alignment is aligned to be within staff spaces.
side-support-elements (unknown)
the support, a list of grobs.

This grob interface is used in the following graphical objects: AccidentalSuggestion, AmbitusAccidental, Arpeggio, BarNumber, BassFigureAlignmentPositioning, CombineTextScript, DoublePercentRepeatCounter, DynamicLineSpanner, Fingering, HorizontalBracket, InstrumentName, InstrumentSwitch, MeasureGrouping, MetronomeMark, MultiMeasureRestNumber, MultiMeasureRestText, OctavateEight, OttavaBracket, PercentRepeatCounter, RehearsalMark, Script, SostenutoPedalLineSpanner, StanzaNumber, StringNumber, StrokeFinger, SustainPedalLineSpanner, SystemStartBar, SystemStartBrace, SystemStartBracket, SystemStartSquare, TextScript, TextSpanner, TrillPitchAccidental, TrillPitchGroup, TrillSpanner, UnaCordaPedalLineSpanner and VoltaBracket


A slur

User settable properties:
avoid-slur (symbol)
Method of handling slur collisions. Choices are around, inside, outside. If unset, script and slur ignore eachother.
control-points (list)
List of offsets (number-pairs) that form control points for the tie/slur/bracket shape. For beziers, this should list the control points of a 3rd order bezier curve.
dash-fraction (number)
Size of the dashes, relative to dash-period. Should be between 0.0 (no line) and 1.0 (continuous line).
dash-period (number)
the length of one dash + white space. If negative, no line is drawn at all.
direction (direction)
If side-position is 1 (#X), then this property determines if the object is placed #LEFT, #CENTER or #RIGHT with respect to the other object. Otherwise, it determines if the object is placed #UP #CENTER or #DOWN. Numerical values may also be used. #UP=1, #DOWN=-1, #LEFT=-1, #RIGHT=1, CENTER=0 but also other numerical values are permitted.
eccentricity (number)
How asymmetrical to make a slur. Positive means move the center to the right.
height-limit (dimension, in staff space)
Maximum slur height: the longer the slur, the closer it is to this height.
inspect-index (integer)
If debugging is set, set beam/slur configuration to this index, and print the respective scores.
inspect-quants (pair of numbers)
If debugging is set, set beam/slur quant to this position, and print the respective scores.
line-thickness (number)
The thickness of the tie/slur contour.
positions (pair)
Pair of staff coordinates (left . right), where both left and right are in the staff-space unit of the current staff.
ratio (number)
Parameter for slur shape. The higher this number, the quicker the slur attains it height-limit.
thickness (number)
Line thickness, generally measured in line-thickness.
Internal properties:
details (list)
alist of parameters for detailed grob behavior.

more information on the allowed parameters can be found by inspecting lily/, lily/, and lily/ Setting debug-tie-scoring, debug-beam-scoring or debug-slur-scoring also provides useful clues.

encompass-objects (unknown)
Objects that a slur should avoid in addition to notes and stems.
note-columns (pair)
list of NoteColumn grobs.
quant-score (string)
Beam quanting score – can be stored for debugging

This grob interface is used in the following graphical objects: PhrasingSlur and Slur


A layout object that takes part in the spacing problem.

User settable properties:
allow-loose-spacing (boolean)
If set, column can be detached from main spacing.
keep-inside-line (boolean)
If set, this column cannot have things sticking into the margin.
measure-length (moment)
Length of a measure. Used in some spacing situations.
Internal properties:
ideal-distances (list)
(obj . (dist . strength)) pairs.
left-neighbors (unknown)
List of spacing-wish grobs that are close to the current column.

The closest spacing-wishes determine the actual distances between the columns.

minimum-distances (list)
list of rods, that have the format (obj . dist).
right-neighbors (unknown)
see left-neighbors
spacing-wishes (unknown)
List of note spacing or staff spacing objects.

This grob interface is used in the following graphical objects: NonMusicalPaperColumn and PaperColumn


Something to do with line breaking and spacing. Kill this one after determining line breaks.

This grob interface is used in the following graphical objects: GraceSpacing, LyricSpace, MelodyItem, NoteSpacing, SeparatingGroupSpanner, SeparationItem, SpacingSpanner and StaffSpacing


Supports setting of spacing variables

User settable properties:
shortest-duration-space (dimension, in staff space)
Start with this much space for the shortest duration. This is expressed in spacing-increment as unit. See also spacing-spanner-interface.
spacing-increment (number)
Add this much space for a doubled duration. Typically, the width of a note head. See also spacing-spanner-interface.

This grob interface is used in the following graphical objects: GraceSpacing and SpacingSpanner


The space taken by a note is dependent on its duration. Doubling a duration adds spacing-increment to the space. The most common shortest note gets shortest-duration-space. Notes that are even shorter are spaced proportonial to their duration.

Typically, the increment is the width of a black note head. In a piece with lots of 8th notes, and some 16th notes, the eighth note gets 2 note heads width (i.e. the space following a note is 1 note head width) A 16th note is followed by 0.5 note head width. The quarter note is followed by 3 NHW, the half by 4 NHW, etc.

User settable properties:
average-spacing-wishes (boolean)
If set, the spacing wishes are averaged over staves.
base-shortest-duration (moment)
Spacing is based on the shortest notes in a piece. Normally, pieces are spaced as if notes at least as short as this are present.
common-shortest-duration (moment)
The most common shortest note length. This is used in spacing. Enlarging this will set the score tighter.
packed-spacing (boolean)
If set, the notes are spaced as tightly as possible.
shortest-duration-space (dimension, in staff space)
Start with this much space for the shortest duration. This is expressed in spacing-increment as unit. See also spacing-spanner-interface.
spacing-increment (number)
Add this much space for a doubled duration. Typically, the width of a note head. See also spacing-spanner-interface.
strict-grace-spacing (boolean)
If set, grace notes are not spaced separately, but put before musical columns.
strict-note-spacing (boolean)
If set, unbroken columns with non-musical material (clefs, barlines, etc.) are not spaced separately, but put before musical columns.
uniform-stretching (boolean)
If set, items stretch proportional to their durations. This looks better in complex polyphonic patterns

This grob interface is used in the following graphical objects: SpacingSpanner


A bar line that spanned between other barlines. This interface is used for bar lines that connect different staves.

Internal properties:
elements (unknown)
list of grobs, type depending on the Grob where this is set in.
glyph-name (string)
a name of character within font.

This grob interface is used in the following graphical objects: SpanBar


Some objects are horizontally spanned between objects. For example, slur, beam, tie, etc. These grobs form a subtype called Spanner. All spanners have two span-points (these must be Item objects), one on the left and one on the right. The left bound is also the X-reference point of the spanner.

User settable properties:
minimum-length (dimension, in staff space)
Try to make a spanner at least this long. This requires an appropriate callback for the springs-and-rods property.

This grob interface is used in the following graphical objects: BassFigureAlignment, BassFigureAlignmentPositioning, BassFigureContinuation, BassFigureLine, Beam, BendAfter, ClusterSpanner, DynamicLineSpanner, DynamicTextSpanner, Glissando, GraceSpacing, Hairpin, HorizontalBracket, InstrumentName, LedgerLineSpanner, LigatureBracket, LyricExtender, LyricHyphen, LyricSpace, MeasureGrouping, MensuralLigature, MultiMeasureRest, MultiMeasureRestNumber, MultiMeasureRestText, OttavaBracket, PercentRepeat, PercentRepeatCounter, PhrasingSlur, PianoPedalBracket, SeparatingGroupSpanner, Slur, SostenutoPedalLineSpanner, SpacingSpanner, StaffSymbol, SustainPedalLineSpanner, System, SystemStartBar, SystemStartBrace, SystemStartBracket, SystemStartSquare, TextSpanner, Tie, TieColumn, TrillSpanner, TupletBracket, TupletNumber, UnaCordaPedalLineSpanner, VaticanaLigature, VerticalAlignment, VerticalAxisGroup, VoiceFollower and VoltaBracket


This object calculates spacing details from a breakable symbol (left) to another object. For example, it takes care of optical spacing from a bar lines to a note.

User settable properties:
stem-spacing-correction (number)
Optical correction amount for stems that are placed in tight configurations. For opposite directions, this amount is the correction for two normal sized stems that overlap completely.
Internal properties:
left-items (unknown)
right-items (unknown)

This grob interface is used in the following graphical objects: StaffSpacing


This spanner draws the lines of a staff. A staff symbol definines a vertical unit, the staff space. Quantities that go by a half staff space are called positions The center (i.e. middle line or space) is position 0. The length of the symbol may be set by hand through the width property.

User settable properties:
ledger-line-thickness (pair of numbers)
The thickness of ledger lines: it is the sum of 2 numbers. The first is the factor for line thickness, and the second for staff space. Both contributions are added.
line-count (integer)
The number of staff lines.
line-positions (list)
Vertical positions of staff lines.
staff-space (dimension, in staff space)
Amount of space between staff lines, expressed in global staff-space.
thickness (number)
Line thickness, generally measured in line-thickness.
width (dimension, in staff space)
The width of a grob measured in staff space.

This grob interface is used in the following graphical objects: StaffSymbol


An object whose Y position is meant relative to a staff symbol. These usually have Staff_symbol_referencer::callback in their Y-offset-callbacks.

User settable properties:
staff-position (number)
Vertical position, measured in half staff spaces, counted from the middle line.

This grob interface is used in the following graphical objects: AmbitusLine, AmbitusNoteHead, Arpeggio, Beam, Clef, Custos, Dots, MultiMeasureRest, NoteHead, Rest, TabNoteHead and TrillPitchHead


A stanza number, to be put in from of a lyrics line

This grob interface is used in the following graphical objects: StanzaNumber


The stem represent the graphical stem. In addition, it internally connects note heads, beams andtremolos. Rests and whole notes have invisible stems.

The following properties may be set in the details list.

list of stem lengths given beam multiplicity.
list of normal minimum free stem lengths (chord to beams) given beam multiplicity.
list of extreme minimum free stem lengths (chord to beams) given beam multiplicity.
Default stem lengths. The list gives a length for each flag-count.
How much a stem in a forced direction should be shortened. The list gives an amount depending on the number of flags/beams.
User settable properties:
avoid-note-head (boolean)
If set, the stem of a chord does not pass through all note heads, but starts at the last note head.
beaming (pair)
Pair of number lists. Each number list specifies which beams to make. 0 is the central beam, 1 is the next beam toward the note etc. This information is used to determine how to connect the beaming patterns from stem to stem inside a beam.
default-direction (direction)
Direction determined by note head positions.
direction (direction)
If side-position is 1 (#X), then this property determines if the object is placed #LEFT, #CENTER or #RIGHT with respect to the other object. Otherwise, it determines if the object is placed #UP #CENTER or #DOWN. Numerical values may also be used. #UP=1, #DOWN=-1, #LEFT=-1, #RIGHT=1, CENTER=0 but also other numerical values are permitted.
duration-log (integer)
The 2-log of the note head duration, i.e. 0=whole note, 1 = half note, etc.
flag-style (symbol)
a string determining what style of flag-glyph is typeset on a Stem. Valid options include () and mensural. Additionally, "no-flag" switches off the flag.
french-beaming (boolean)
Use French beaming style for this stem. The stem will stop at the innermost beams.
length (dimension, in staff space)
User override for the stem length of unbeamed stems.
length-fraction (number)
Multiplier for lengths. Used for determining ledger lines and stem lengths.
max-beam-connect (integer)
Maximum number of beams to connect to beams from this stem. Further beams are typeset as beamlets.
neutral-direction (direction)
Which direction to take in the center of the staff.
no-stem-extend (boolean)
If set, notes with ledger lines do not get stems extending to the middle staff line.
stem-end-position (number)
Where does the stem end (the end is opposite to the support-head.
stemlet-length (number)
How long should a stem over a rest be?
stroke-style (string)
set to "grace" to turn stroke through flag on.
thickness (number)
Line thickness, generally measured in line-thickness.
Internal properties:
beam (layout object)
pointer to the beam, if applicable.
details (list)
alist of parameters for detailed grob behavior.

more information on the allowed parameters can be found by inspecting lily/, lily/, and lily/ Setting debug-tie-scoring, debug-beam-scoring or debug-slur-scoring also provides useful clues.

note-heads (unknown)
List of note head grobs
positioning-done (boolean)
Used to signal that a positioning element did its job. This ensures that a positioning is only done once.
rests (unknown)
A list of rest objects.
stem-info (pair)
caching of stem parameters
tremolo-flag (layout object)
The tremolo object on a stem.

This grob interface is used in the following graphical objects: Stem


A beam slashing a stem to indicate a tremolo.

User settable properties:
beam-thickness (dimension, in staff space)
thickness, measured in staff-space.
beam-width (dimension, in staff space)
width of the tremolo sign.
flag-count (number)
The number of tremolo beams.
slope (number)
The slope of this object.
style (symbol)
This setting determines in what style a grob is typeset. Valid choices depend on the stencil callback reading this property.
Internal properties:
stem (layout object)
pointer to Stem object.

This grob interface is used in the following graphical objects: StemTremolo


A string number instruction

This grob interface is used in the following graphical objects: StringNumber


A right hand finger instruction

User settable properties:
digit-names (unknown)
Names for string finger digits.

This grob interface is used in the following graphical objects: StrokeFinger


This is the toplevel object: each object in a score ultimately has a System object as its X and Y parent.

Internal properties:
all-elements (unknown)
list of all grobs in this line. Its function is to protect objects from being garbage collected.
columns (unknown)
list of grobs, typically containing paper-columns or note-column objects.
pure-Y-extent (pair of numbers)
The estimated height of a system
spaceable-staves (unknown)
Objects to be spaced during page layout.

This grob interface is used in the following graphical objects: System


The brace, bracket or bar in front of the system.

User settable properties:
collapse-height (dimension, in staff space)
Minimum height of system start delimiter. If equal or smaller, the bracket is removed.
style (symbol)
This setting determines in what style a grob is typeset. Valid choices depend on the stencil callback reading this property.
thickness (number)
Line thickness, generally measured in line-thickness.

This grob interface is used in the following graphical objects: SystemStartBar, SystemStartBrace, SystemStartBracket and SystemStartSquare


A text at the beginning of a system.

User settable properties:
collapse-height (dimension, in staff space)
Minimum height of system start delimiter. If equal or smaller, the bracket is removed.
long-text (markup)
Text markup. See Text markup .
style (symbol)
This setting determines in what style a grob is typeset. Valid choices depend on the stencil callback reading this property.
text (markup)
Text markup. See Text markup .

This grob interface is used in the following graphical objects: InstrumentName and InstrumentSwitch


An interface for any notes set in a tablature staff

This grob interface is used in the following graphical objects: none


A collection of routines to put text balloons around an object.

User settable properties:
padding (dimension, in staff space)
Add this much extra space between objects that are next to each other.
text (markup)
Text markup. See Text markup .

This grob interface is used in the following graphical objects: none


A scheme markup text, see Text markup .

User settable properties:
baseline-skip (dimension, in staff space)
Distance between base lines of multiple lines of text.
text (markup)
Text markup. See Text markup .
text-direction (direction)
This controls the ordering of the words. The default RIGHT is for roman text. Arabic or hebrew should use LEFT.
word-space (dimension, in staff space)
space to insert between words in texts.

This grob interface is used in the following graphical objects: BalloonTextItem, BarNumber, BassFigure, BreathingSign, ChordName, CombineTextScript, DoublePercentRepeatCounter, DynamicText, DynamicTextSpanner, Fingering, LyricText, MetronomeMark, MultiMeasureRestNumber, MultiMeasureRestText, NoteName, OctavateEight, OttavaBracket, PercentRepeatCounter, RehearsalMark, SostenutoPedal, StanzaNumber, StringNumber, StrokeFinger, SustainPedal, TabNoteHead, TextScript, TupletNumber, UnaCordaPedal and VoltaBracket


An object that is put above or below a note

User settable properties:
add-stem-support (boolean)
If set, the Stem object is included in this script's support
avoid-slur (symbol)
Method of handling slur collisions. Choices are around, inside, outside. If unset, script and slur ignore eachother.
script-priority (number)
A sorting key that determines in what order a script is within a stack of scripts.
Internal properties:
slur (layout object)
A pointer to a slur object

This grob interface is used in the following graphical objects: CombineTextScript, Fingering, StringNumber, StrokeFinger and TextScript


generic text spanner

User settable properties:
bound-padding (number)
The amount of padding to insert around spanner bounds.
bracket-flare (pair of numbers)
A pair of numbers specifying how much edges of brackets should slant outward. Value 0.0 means straight edges
dash-fraction (number)
Size of the dashes, relative to dash-period. Should be between 0.0 (no line) and 1.0 (continuous line).
dash-period (number)
the length of one dash + white space. If negative, no line is drawn at all.
edge-height (pair)
A pair of number specifying the heights of the vertical edges '(left-height . right-height).
edge-text (pair)
A pair specifying the texts to be set at the edges '(left-text . right-text).
enclose-bounds (number)
How much of the bound a spanner should enclose: +1 = completely, 0 = center, -1 not at all.
shorten-pair (pair of numbers)
The lengths to shorten a text-spanner on both sides, for example a pedal bracket. Positive values shorten the text-spanner, while negative values lengthen it.
style (symbol)
This setting determines in what style a grob is typeset. Valid choices depend on the stencil callback reading this property.
thickness (number)
Line thickness, generally measured in line-thickness.

This grob interface is used in the following graphical objects: SustainPedal, TextSpanner and TrillSpanner


Object that sets directions of multiple ties in a tied chord

User settable properties:
tie-configuration (list)
List of (position . dir) pairs, indicating the desired tie configuration. A non-pair entry in the list will cause said tie to be formatted automatically.
Internal properties:
positioning-done (boolean)
Used to signal that a positioning element did its job. This ensures that a positioning is only done once.

This grob interface is used in the following graphical objects: TieColumn


A horizontal curve connecting two noteheads.

User settable properties:
avoid-slur (symbol)
Method of handling slur collisions. Choices are around, inside, outside. If unset, script and slur ignore eachother.
control-points (list)
List of offsets (number-pairs) that form control points for the tie/slur/bracket shape. For beziers, this should list the control points of a 3rd order bezier curve.
dash-fraction (number)
Size of the dashes, relative to dash-period. Should be between 0.0 (no line) and 1.0 (continuous line).
dash-period (number)
the length of one dash + white space. If negative, no line is drawn at all.
direction (direction)
If side-position is 1 (#X), then this property determines if the object is placed #LEFT, #CENTER or #RIGHT with respect to the other object. Otherwise, it determines if the object is placed #UP #CENTER or #DOWN. Numerical values may also be used. #UP=1, #DOWN=-1, #LEFT=-1, #RIGHT=1, CENTER=0 but also other numerical values are permitted.
head-direction (direction)
Are the note heads left or right in a semitie?
line-thickness (number)
The thickness of the tie/slur contour.
staff-position (number)
Vertical position, measured in half staff spaces, counted from the middle line.
thickness (number)
Line thickness, generally measured in line-thickness.
Internal properties:
details (list)
alist of parameters for detailed grob behavior.

more information on the allowed parameters can be found by inspecting lily/, lily/, and lily/ Setting debug-tie-scoring, debug-beam-scoring or debug-slur-scoring also provides useful clues.

quant-score (string)
Beam quanting score – can be stored for debugging
separation-item (layout object)
A separation item.

This grob interface is used in the following graphical objects: Tie


A time signature, in different styles. The following values for 'style are are recognized:

4/4 and 2/2 are typeset as C and struck C, respectively. All other time signatures are written with two digits.
2/2, 3/2, 2/4, 3/4, 4/4, 6/4, 9/4, 4/8, 6/8 and 9/8 are typeset with neo-mensural style mensuration marks. All other time signatures are written with two digits.
2/2, 3/2, 2/4, 3/4, 4/4, 6/4, 9/4, 4/8, 6/8 and 9/8 are typeset with mensural style mensuration marks. All other time signatures are written with two digits.
All time signatures are typeset with a single digit, e.g. 3/2 is written as 3.

See also the test-file input/test/

User settable properties:
fraction (pair of numbers)
Numerator and denominator of a time signature object.
style (symbol)
This setting determines in what style a grob is typeset. Valid choices depend on the stencil callback reading this property.

This grob interface is used in the following graphical objects: TimeSignature


An accidental for trill pitch

User settable properties:
accidentals (list)
List of alteration numbers

This grob interface is used in the following graphical objects: TrillPitchAccidental


A bracket with a number in the middle, used for tuplets. When the bracket spans a line break, the value of break-overshoot determines how far it extends beyond the staff. At a line break, the markups in the edge-text are printed at the edges.

User settable properties:
bracket-flare (pair of numbers)
A pair of numbers specifying how much edges of brackets should slant outward. Value 0.0 means straight edges
bracket-visibility (boolean or symbol)
This controls the visibility of the tuplet bracket. Setting it to false will prevent printing of the bracket. Setting the property to 'if-no-beam will make it print only if there is no beam associated with this tuplet bracket.
break-overshoot (pair of numbers)
How much does a broken spanner stick out of its bounds?
connect-to-neighbor (pair)
Pair of booleans, indicating whether this grob looks as a continued break.
control-points (list)
List of offsets (number-pairs) that form control points for the tie/slur/bracket shape. For beziers, this should list the control points of a 3rd order bezier curve.
direction (direction)
If side-position is 1 (#X), then this property determines if the object is placed #LEFT, #CENTER or #RIGHT with respect to the other object. Otherwise, it determines if the object is placed #UP #CENTER or #DOWN. Numerical values may also be used. #UP=1, #DOWN=-1, #LEFT=-1, #RIGHT=1, CENTER=0 but also other numerical values are permitted.
edge-height (pair)
A pair of number specifying the heights of the vertical edges '(left-height . right-height).
edge-text (pair)
A pair specifying the texts to be set at the edges '(left-text . right-text).
gap (dimension, in staff space)
Size of a gap in a variable symbol.
padding (dimension, in staff space)
Add this much extra space between objects that are next to each other.
positions (pair)
Pair of staff coordinates (left . right), where both left and right are in the staff-space unit of the current staff.
shorten-pair (pair of numbers)
The lengths to shorten a text-spanner on both sides, for example a pedal bracket. Positive values shorten the text-spanner, while negative values lengthen it.
staff-padding (dimension, in staff space)
Maintain this much space between reference points and the staff. Its effect is to align objects of differing sizes (like the dynamic p and f) on their baselines.
thickness (number)
Line thickness, generally measured in line-thickness.
Internal properties:
note-columns (pair)
list of NoteColumn grobs.
tuplet-number (layout object)
the number for a bracket.
tuplets (unknown)
list of smaller tuplet brackets

This grob interface is used in the following graphical objects: LigatureBracket and TupletBracket


The number for a bracket.

User settable properties:
avoid-slur (symbol)
Method of handling slur collisions. Choices are around, inside, outside. If unset, script and slur ignore eachother.
Internal properties:
bracket (layout object)
the bracket for a number.

This grob interface is used in the following graphical objects: TupletNumber


A vaticana style gregorian ligature

User settable properties:
thickness (number)
Line thickness, generally measured in line-thickness.
Internal properties:
add-cauda (boolean)
does this flexa require an additional cauda on the left side?
add-join (boolean)
is this ligature head joined with the next one by a vertical line?
add-stem (boolean)
is this ligature head a virga and therefore needs an additional stem on the right side?
delta-position (number)
vertical position difference
flexa-height (dimension, in staff space)
height of a flexa shape in a ligature grob in staff_space.
flexa-width (dimension, in staff space)
width of a flexa shape in a ligature grob in staff_space.
glyph-name (string)
a name of character within font.
x-offset (dimension, in staff space)
Extra horizontal offset for ligature heads.

This grob interface is used in the following graphical objects: VaticanaLigature


Objects that should be kept at constant vertical distances. Typically: VerticalAxisGroup objects of Staff contexts.

This grob interface is used in the following graphical objects: VerticalAxisGroup


Volta bracket with number

User settable properties:
height (dimension, in staff space)
Height of an object in staff-space.
thickness (number)
Line thickness, generally measured in line-thickness.
Internal properties:
bars (unknown)
list of bar line pointers.

This grob interface is used in the following graphical objects: VoltaBracket

User backend properties

X-extent (pair of numbers)
Hard coded extent in X direction.
X-offset (number)
The horizontal amount that this object is moved relative to its X-parent
Y-extent (pair of numbers)
See X-extent.
Y-offset (number)
The vertical amount that this object is moved relative to its Y-parent
accidentals (list)
List of alteration numbers
add-stem-support (boolean)
If set, the Stem object is included in this script's support
after-line-breaking (boolean)
Dummy property, used to trigger callback for after-line-breaking
align-dir (direction)
Which side to align? -1: left side, 0: around center of width, 1: right side.
allow-loose-spacing (boolean)
If set, column can be detached from main spacing.
alteration-alist (list)
List of (pitch . accidental) pairs for key signature.
arpeggio-direction (direction)
If set, put an arrow on the arpeggio squiggly line.
arrow (boolean)
Add an arrow to the line.
arrow-length (number)
Arrow length.
arrow-width (number)
Arrow width.
auto-knee-gap (dimension, in staff space)
If a gap is found between note heads where a horizontal beam fits that is larger than this number, make a kneed beam.
average-spacing-wishes (boolean)
If set, the spacing wishes are averaged over staves.
avoid-note-head (boolean)
If set, the stem of a chord does not pass through all note heads, but starts at the last note head.
avoid-slur (symbol)
Method of handling slur collisions. Choices are around, inside, outside. If unset, script and slur ignore eachother.
axes (list)
list of axis numbers. In the case of alignment grobs, this should contain only one number.
bar-size (dimension, in staff space)
size of a bar line.
barre-type (symbol)
Type of barre indication used in a fret diagram. Choices include curved and straight.
base-shortest-duration (moment)
Spacing is based on the shortest notes in a piece. Normally, pieces are spaced as if notes at least as short as this are present.
baseline-skip (dimension, in staff space)
Distance between base lines of multiple lines of text.
beam-thickness (dimension, in staff space)
thickness, measured in staff-space.
beam-width (dimension, in staff space)
width of the tremolo sign.
beamed-stem-shorten (list)
How much to shorten beamed stems, when their direction is forced. It is a list, since the value is different depending on the number flags/beams.
beaming (pair)
Pair of number lists. Each number list specifies which beams to make. 0 is the central beam, 1 is the next beam toward the note etc. This information is used to determine how to connect the beaming patterns from stem to stem inside a beam.
before-line-breaking (boolean)
Dummy property, used to trigger a callback function.
between-cols (pair)
Where to attach a loose column to
bound-padding (number)
The amount of padding to insert around spanner bounds.
bracket-flare (pair of numbers)
A pair of numbers specifying how much edges of brackets should slant outward. Value 0.0 means straight edges
bracket-visibility (boolean or symbol)
This controls the visibility of the tuplet bracket. Setting it to false will prevent printing of the bracket. Setting the property to 'if-no-beam will make it print only if there is no beam associated with this tuplet bracket.
break-align-orders (vector)
Defines the order in which prefatory matter (clefs, key signatures) appears. The format is a vector of length 3, where each element is one order for end-of-line, middle of line, and start-of-line respectively. An order is a list of symbols.

For example, clefs are put after key signatures by setting

          	\override Score.BreakAlignment #'break-align-orders = #(make-vector  3

break-align-symbol (symbol)
This key is used for aligning and spacing breakable items.
break-overshoot (pair of numbers)
How much does a broken spanner stick out of its bounds?
break-visibility (vector)
A vector of 3 booleans, #(end-of-line unbroken begin-of-line). #t means visible, #f means killed.
c0-position (integer)
An integer indicating the position of middle C.
cautionary (boolean)
Is this a cautionary accidental?
cautionary-style (symbol)
How to print cautionary accidentals. Choices are smaller or parentheses.
clip-edges (boolean)
Allow outward pointing beamlets at the edges of beams?
collapse-height (dimension, in staff space)
Minimum height of system start delimiter. If equal or smaller, the bracket is removed.
color (list)
The color of this grob.
common-shortest-duration (moment)
The most common shortest note length. This is used in spacing. Enlarging this will set the score tighter.
concaveness (number)
A beam is concave when its inner stems are closer to the beam than the two outside stems. This number is a measure of the closeness of the inner stems. It is used for damping the slope of the beam.
connect-to-neighbor (pair)
Pair of booleans, indicating whether this grob looks as a continued break.
control-points (list)
List of offsets (number-pairs) that form control points for the tie/slur/bracket shape. For beziers, this should list the control points of a 3rd order bezier curve.
damping (number)
Amount of beam slope damping.
dash-fraction (number)
Size of the dashes, relative to dash-period. Should be between 0.0 (no line) and 1.0 (continuous line).
dash-period (number)
the length of one dash + white space. If negative, no line is drawn at all.
default-direction (direction)
Direction determined by note head positions.
digit-names (unknown)
Names for string finger digits.
direction (direction)
If side-position is 1 (#X), then this property determines if the object is placed #LEFT, #CENTER or #RIGHT with respect to the other object. Otherwise, it determines if the object is placed #UP #CENTER or #DOWN. Numerical values may also be used. #UP=1, #DOWN=-1, #LEFT=-1, #RIGHT=1, CENTER=0 but also other numerical values are permitted.
dot-color (symbol)
Color of dots. Options include black and white.
dot-count (integer)
The number of dots.
dot-radius (number)
Radius of dots.
duration-log (integer)
The 2-log of the note head duration, i.e. 0=whole note, 1 = half note, etc.
eccentricity (number)
How asymmetrical to make a slur. Positive means move the center to the right.
edge-height (pair)
A pair of number specifying the heights of the vertical edges '(left-height . right-height).
edge-text (pair)
A pair specifying the texts to be set at the edges '(left-text . right-text).
enclose-bounds (number)
How much of the bound a spanner should enclose: +1 = completely, 0 = center, -1 not at all.
expand-limit (integer)
maximum number of measures expanded in church rests.
extra-X-extent (pair of numbers)
A grob is enlarged in X dimension by this much.
extra-Y-extent (pair of numbers)
See extra-X-extent.
extra-offset (pair of numbers)
A pair representing an offset. This offset is added just before outputting the symbol, so the typesetting engine is completely oblivious to it.
finger-code (symbol)
Code for the type of fingering indication in a fret diagram. Options include none, in-dot, and below-string.
flag-count (number)
The number of tremolo beams.
flag-style (symbol)
a string determining what style of flag-glyph is typeset on a Stem. Valid options include () and mensural. Additionally, "no-flag" switches off the flag.
font-encoding (symbol)
The font encoding is the broadest category for selecting a font. Options include: fetaMusic, fetaNumber, TeX-text, TeX-math, fetaBraces, fetaDynamic
font-family (symbol)
The font family is the broadest category for selecting text fonts. Options include: sans, roman
font-name (string)
Specifies a file name (without extension) of the font to load. This setting override selection using font-family, font-series and font-shape.
font-series (symbol)
Select the series of a font. Choices include medium, bold, bold-narrow, etc.
font-shape (symbol)
Select the shape of a font. Choices include upright, italic, caps.
font-size (number)
The font size, compared the `normal' size. 0 is style-sheet's normal size, -1 is smaller, +1 is bigger. Each step of 1 is approximately 12% larger, 6 steps are exactly a factor 2 larger. Fractional values are allowed.
force-hshift (number)
This specifies a manual shift for notes in collisions. The unit is the note head width of the first voice note. This is used by note-collision-interface.
forced (boolean)
manually forced accidental
forced-distance (dimension, in staff space)
A fixed distance between object reference points in an alignment.
fraction (pair of numbers)
Numerator and denominator of a time signature object.
french-beaming (boolean)
Use French beaming style for this stem. The stem will stop at the innermost beams.
fret-count (integer)
The number of frets in a fret diagram.
full-size-change (boolean)
Don't make a change clef smaller.
gap (dimension, in staff space)
Size of a gap in a variable symbol.
gap-count (integer)
Number of gapped beams for tremolo.
glyph (string)
a string determining what (style) of glyph is typeset. Valid choices depend on the function that is reading this property.
grow-direction (direction)
Crescendo or decrescendo?
hair-thickness (number)
Thickness of the thin line in a bar line.
head-direction (direction)
Are the note heads left or right in a semitie?
height (dimension, in staff space)
Height of an object in staff-space.
height-limit (dimension, in staff space)
Maximum slur height: the longer the slur, the closer it is to this height.
horizontal-shift (integer)
An integer that identifies ranking of note-column for horizontal shifting. This is used by note-collision-interface.
implicit (boolean)
Is this an implicit bass figure?
inspect-index (integer)
If debugging is set, set beam/slur configuration to this index, and print the respective scores.
inspect-quants (pair of numbers)
If debugging is set, set beam/slur quant to this position, and print the respective scores.
keep-inside-line (boolean)
If set, this column cannot have things sticking into the margin.
kern (dimension, in staff space)
Amount of extra white space to add. For bar line, this is the amount of space after a thick line.
knee (boolean)
Is this beam kneed?
knee-spacing-correction (number)
Factor for the optical correction amount for kneed beams. Set between 0 for no correction and 1 for full correction.
label-dir (direction)
Side to which label is attached. -1 for left, 1 for right.
layer (number)
The output layer [0..2]: layers define the order of printing objects. Objects in lower layers are overprinted by objects in higher layers.
ledger-line-thickness (pair of numbers)
The thickness of ledger lines: it is the sum of 2 numbers. The first is the factor for line thickness, and the second for staff space. Both contributions are added.
left-padding (dimension, in staff space)
The amount of space that is put left to an object (eg. a group of accidentals).
length (dimension, in staff space)
User override for the stem length of unbeamed stems.
length-fraction (number)
Multiplier for lengths. Used for determining ledger lines and stem lengths.
line-break-penalty (number)
Penalty for a line break at this column. This affects the choices of the line breaker; it will avoid a line break at a column with a positive penalty and prefer a line break at a column with a negative penalty.
line-break-permission (symbol)
Instructs the line breaker on whether to put a line break at this column. Can be 'force, or 'allow.
line-break-system-details (list)
Alist of properties to use when this column is the start of a system.
line-count (integer)
The number of staff lines.
line-positions (list)
Vertical positions of staff lines.
line-thickness (number)
The thickness of the tie/slur contour.
long-text (markup)
Text markup. See Text markup .
max-beam-connect (integer)
Maximum number of beams to connect to beams from this stem. Further beams are typeset as beamlets.
measure-count (integer)
The number of measures for a multimeasure rest.
measure-length (moment)
Length of a measure. Used in some spacing situations.
merge-differently-dotted (boolean)
Merge note heads in collisions, even if they have a different number of dots. This normal notation for some types of polyphonic music.
merge-differently-headed (boolean)
Merge note heads in collisions, even if they have different note heads. The smaller of the two heads will be rendered invisible. This used polyphonic guitar notation. The value of this setting is used by note-collision-interface .
minimum-X-extent (pair of numbers)
Minimum size of an object in X dimension, measured in staff space.
minimum-Y-extent (pair of numbers)
See minimum-X-extent.
minimum-distance (dimension, in staff space)
Minimum distance between rest and notes or beam.
minimum-length (dimension, in staff space)
Try to make a spanner at least this long. This requires an appropriate callback for the springs-and-rods property.
minimum-length-fraction (number)
Minimum length of ledger line as fraction of note head size.
minimum-space (dimension, in staff space)
Minimum distance that the victim should move (after padding).
neutral-direction (direction)
Which direction to take in the center of the staff.
neutral-position (number)
Position (in half staff spaces) where to flip the direction of custos stem.
next (layout object)
Object that is next relation (eg. the lyric syllable following an extender.
no-ledgers (boolean)
If set, don't draw ledger lines on this object.
no-spacing-rods (boolean)
Items with this property do not cause spacing constraints.
no-stem-extend (boolean)
If set, notes with ledger lines do not get stems extending to the middle staff line.
non-default (boolean)
Set for manually specified clefs.
non-musical (boolean)
True if the grob belongs in a NonMusicalPaperColumn.
note-names (vector)
Vector of strings containing names for easy-notation note heads.
number-type (symbol)
Type of numbers to use in label. Choices include roman-lower, roman-upper, and arabic.
packed-spacing (boolean)
If set, the notes are spaced as tightly as possible.
padding (dimension, in staff space)
Add this much extra space between objects that are next to each other.
page-break-penalty (number)
Penalty for page break at this column. This affects the choices of the page breaker; it will avoid a page break at a column with a positive penalty and prefer a page break at a column with a negative penalty.
page-break-permission (symbol)
Instructs the page breaker on whether to put a page break at this column. Can be 'force, or 'allow.
page-turn-penalty (number)
Penalty for a page turn at this column. This affects the choices of the page breaker; it will avoid a page turn at a column with a positive penalty and prefer a page turn at a column with a negative penalty.
page-turn-permission (symbol)
Instructs the page breaker on whether to put a page turn at this column. Can be 'force, or 'allow.
positions (pair)
Pair of staff coordinates (left . right), where both left and right are in the staff-space unit of the current staff.
ratio (number)
Parameter for slur shape. The higher this number, the quicker the slur attains it height-limit.
remove-empty (boolean)
If set, remove group if it contains no interesting-items
remove-first (boolean)
Remove the first staff of a orchestral score?
rhythmic-location (rhythmic location)
Where (bar number, measure position) in the score.
right-padding (dimension, in staff space)
Space to insert on the right side of an object (eg. between note and its accidentals.)
rotation (list)
Number of degrees to rotate this object, and what point to rotate around. #'(45 0 0) means rotate 45 degrees around the center of this object.
same-direction-correction (number)
Optical correction amount for stems that are placed in tight configurations. This amount is used for stems with the same direction to compensate for note-head to stem distance.
script-priority (number)
A sorting key that determines in what order a script is within a stack of scripts.
self-alignment-X (number)
Specify alignment of an object. The value -1 means left aligned, 0 centered, and 1 right-aligned in X direction. Values in between may also be specified.
self-alignment-Y (number)
like self-alignment-X but for Y axis.
shorten-pair (pair of numbers)
The lengths to shorten a text-spanner on both sides, for example a pedal bracket. Positive values shorten the text-spanner, while negative values lengthen it.
shortest-duration-space (dimension, in staff space)
Start with this much space for the shortest duration. This is expressed in spacing-increment as unit. See also spacing-spanner-interface.
shortest-playing-duration (moment)
The duration of the shortest playing here.
shortest-starter-duration (moment)
The duration of the shortest note that starts here.
side-axis (number)
If the value is #X (or equivalently 1), the object is placed horizontally next to the other object. If the value is #Y or 0, it is placed vertically.
side-relative-direction (direction)
Multiply direction of direction-source with this to get the direction of this object.
size (number)
Size of object, relative to standard size.
slope (number)
The slope of this object.
slur-padding (number)
Extra distance between slur and script.
space-alist (list)
A table that specifies distances between prefatory items, like clef and time-signature. The format is an alist of spacing tuples: (break-align-symbol type . distance), where type can be the symbols minimum-space or extra-space.
spacing-increment (number)
Add this much space for a doubled duration. Typically, the width of a note head. See also spacing-spanner-interface.
springs-and-rods (boolean)
Dummy variable for triggering spacing routines.
stacking-dir (direction)
Stack objects in which direction?
staff-padding (dimension, in staff space)
Maintain this much space between reference points and the staff. Its effect is to align objects of differing sizes (like the dynamic p and f) on their baselines.
staff-position (number)
Vertical position, measured in half staff spaces, counted from the middle line.
staff-space (dimension, in staff space)
Amount of space between staff lines, expressed in global staff-space.
stem-attachment (pair of numbers)
A (x . y) pair where the stem attaches to the notehead.
stem-end-position (number)
Where does the stem end (the end is opposite to the support-head.
stem-spacing-correction (number)
Optical correction amount for stems that are placed in tight configurations. For opposite directions, this amount is the correction for two normal sized stems that overlap completely.
stemlet-length (number)
How long should a stem over a rest be?
stencil (unknown)
The symbol to print.
strict-grace-spacing (boolean)
If set, grace notes are not spaced separately, but put before musical columns.
strict-note-spacing (boolean)
If set, unbroken columns with non-musical material (clefs, barlines, etc.) are not spaced separately, but put before musical columns.
string-count (integer)
The number of strings in a fret diagram.
string-fret-finger-combinations (list)
List consisting of (string-number fret-number finger-number) entries.
stroke-style (string)
set to "grace" to turn stroke through flag on.
style (symbol)
This setting determines in what style a grob is typeset. Valid choices depend on the stencil callback reading this property.
text (markup)
Text markup. See Text markup .
text-direction (direction)
This controls the ordering of the words. The default RIGHT is for roman text. Arabic or hebrew should use LEFT.
thick-thickness (number)
Bar line thickness, measured in line-thickness.
thickness (number)
Line thickness, generally measured in line-thickness.
thin-kern (number)
The space after a hair-line in a bar line.
threshold (pair of numbers)
(min . max), where min and max are dimensions in staff space.
tie-configuration (list)
List of (position . dir) pairs, indicating the desired tie configuration. A non-pair entry in the list will cause said tie to be formatted automatically.
transparent (boolean)
This makes the grob invisible.
uniform-stretching (boolean)
If set, items stretch proportional to their durations. This looks better in complex polyphonic patterns
used (boolean)
If set, this spacing column is kept in the spacing problem
when (moment)
Global time step associated with this column happen?
width (dimension, in staff space)
The width of a grob measured in staff space.
word-space (dimension, in staff space)
space to insert between words in texts.
zigzag-length (dimension, in staff space)
The length of the lines of a zigzag, relative to zigzag-width. A value of 1 gives 60-degree zigzags.
zigzag-width (dimension, in staff space)
The width of one zigzag-squiggle. This number will be adjusted slightly so that the glissando line can be constructed from a whole number of squiggles.

Internal backend properties

accidental-grob (layout object)
Accidental for this note.
accidental-grobs (list)
Alist with (NOTENAME . GROBLIST) entries
add-cauda (boolean)
does this flexa require an additional cauda on the left side?
add-join (boolean)
is this ligature head joined with the next one by a vertical line?
add-stem (boolean)
is this ligature head a virga and therefore needs an additional stem on the right side?
adjacent-hairpins (unknown)
List of directly neighboring hairpins
all-elements (unknown)
list of all grobs in this line. Its function is to protect objects from being garbage collected.
arpeggio (layout object)
pointer to arpeggio object.
ascendens (boolean)
is this neume of an ascending type?
auctum (boolean)
is this neume liquescentically augmented?
axis-group-parent-X (layout object)
Containing X axis group
axis-group-parent-Y (layout object)
Containing Y axis group
bars (unknown)
list of bar line pointers.
beam (layout object)
pointer to the beam, if applicable.
begin-of-line-visible (boolean)
Used for marking ChordNames that should only show changes.
bounded-by-me (unknown)
list of spanners that have this column as start/begin point. Only columns that have grobs or act as bounds are spaced.
bracket (layout object)
the bracket for a number.
cached-pure-extents (vector)
Used by a VerticalAxisGroup to cache the Y-extents of different column ranges.
cause (any type)
Any kind of causation objects (i.e. music, or perhaps translator) that was the cause for this grob.
cavum (boolean)
is this neume outlined?
circled-tip (boolean)
Put a circle at start/end of hairpins (al/del niente)
columns (unknown)
list of grobs, typically containing paper-columns or note-column objects.
common-refpoint-of-elements (layout object)
Caches the common_refpoint_of_array of the elements grob-set
conditional-elements (unknown)
Internal use only
context-info (integer)
Within a ligature, the final glyph or shape of a head may be affected by the left and/or right neighbour head. context-info holds for each head such information about the left and right neighbour, encoded as a bit mask.
delta-position (number)
vertical position difference
deminutum (boolean)
is this neume deminished?
descendens (boolean)
is this neume of a descendent type?
details (list)
alist of parameters for detailed grob behavior.

more information on the allowed parameters can be found by inspecting lily/, lily/, and lily/ Setting debug-tie-scoring, debug-beam-scoring or debug-slur-scoring also provides useful clues.

direction-source (layout object)
in case side-relative-direction is set, which grob to get the direction from .
dot (layout object)
reference to Dots object.
dots (unknown)
multiple Dots objects.
elements (unknown)
list of grobs, type depending on the Grob where this is set in.
encompass-objects (unknown)
Objects that a slur should avoid in addition to notes and stems.
figures (unknown)
Figured bass objects for continuation line.
flexa-height (dimension, in staff space)
height of a flexa shape in a ligature grob in staff_space.
flexa-width (dimension, in staff space)
width of a flexa shape in a ligature grob in staff_space.
font (font metric)
Cached font metric object
glyph-name (string)
a name of character within font.
grace-spacing (layout object)
a run of grace notes.
head-width (dimension, in staff space)
width of this ligature head
heads (unknown)
List of note heads.
ideal-distances (list)
(obj . (dist . strength)) pairs.
important-column-ranks (vector)
Cache of columns that contain items-worth-living.
inclinatum (boolean)
is this neume an inclinatum?
interfaces (list)
list of symbols indicating the interfaces supported by this object. Is initialized from the meta field.
items-worth-living (unknown)
A list of interesting items. If empty in a particular staff, then that staff is erased.
join-heads (boolean)
Whether to join the note heads of an ambitus grob with a vertical line.
join-right-amount (number)
least-squares-dy (number)
ideal beam slope, without damping.
left-items (unknown)
left-neighbors (unknown)
List of spacing-wish grobs that are close to the current column.

The closest spacing-wishes determine the actual distances between the columns.

linea (boolean)
attach vertical lines to this neume?
meta (list)
Contains meta information. It is an alist with the entries name and interfaces.
minimum-distances (list)
list of rods, that have the format (obj . dist).
note-columns (pair)
list of NoteColumn grobs.
note-head (layout object)
A single note head
note-heads (unknown)
List of note head grobs
oriscus (boolean)
is this neume an oriscus?
pedal-text (layout object)
Pointer to the text of a mixed-style piano pedal.
pes-or-flexa (boolean)
shall this neume be joined with the previous head?
positioning-done (boolean)
Used to signal that a positioning element did its job. This ensures that a positioning is only done once.
prefix-set (number)
a bit mask that holds all Gregorian head prefixes, such as \virga or \quilisma
primitive (integer)
Pointer to a ligature primitive, i.e. an item similar to a note head that is part of a ligature.
pure-Y-extent (pair of numbers)
The estimated height of a system
pure-relevant-elements (unknown)
The subset of elements that are relevant for finding the pure-Y-extent.
quant-score (string)
Beam quanting score – can be stored for debugging
quantize-position (boolean)
If set, a vertical alignment is aligned to be within staff spaces.
quantized-positions (pair of numbers)
Beam positions after quanting.
quilisma (boolean)
is this neume a quilisma?
rest (layout object)
the staff symbol grob that we're in.
rest-collision (layout object)
rest collision that a rest is in.
rests (unknown)
A list of rest objects.
right-items (unknown)
right-neighbors (unknown)
see left-neighbors
script-stencil (pair)
Pair (type . arg), which acts as an index for looking up a Stencil object.
separation-item (layout object)
A separation item.
shorten (dimension, in staff space)
The amount of space that a stem. Internally used to distribute beam shortening over stems.
side-support-elements (unknown)
the support, a list of grobs.
slur (layout object)
A pointer to a slur object
spaceable-staves (unknown)
Objects to be spaced during page layout.
spacing (layout object)
the spacing spanner governing this section.
spacing-wishes (unknown)
List of note spacing or staff spacing objects.
staff-symbol (layout object)
the staff symbol grob that we're in.
stem (layout object)
pointer to Stem object.
stem-info (pair)
caching of stem parameters
stems (unknown)
list of stem objects, corresponding to the notes that the arpeggio has to be before.
stropha (boolean)
Is this neume a stropha?
tie (layout object)
tremolo-flag (layout object)
The tremolo object on a stem.
tuplet-number (layout object)
the number for a bracket.
tuplets (unknown)
list of smaller tuplet brackets
use-breve-rest (boolean)
Use breve rests for measures longer than a whole rest.
virga (boolean)
Is this neume a virga?
x-offset (dimension, in staff space)
Extra horizontal offset for ligature heads.

Scheme functions

— Function: dispatcher x

Is x a Dispatcher object?

— Function: listener x

Is x a Listener object?

— Function: ly:add-file-name-alist alist

Add mappings for error messages from specified alist

— Function: ly:add-interface a b c

Add an interface description.

— Function: ly:add-listener list disp cl

Adds the listener list to the dispatcher disp. Whenever disp hears an event of class cl, it will be forwarded to list.

— Function: ly:add-option sym val description

Add a program option sym with default val.

— Function: ly:all-grob-interfaces

Get a hash table with all interface descriptions.

— Function: ly:all-stencil-expressions

Return all symbols recognized as stencil expressions.

— Function: ly:all-tweaks

all tweaks

— Function: ly:assoc-get key alist default-value

Return value if KEY in ALIST, else DEFAULT-VALUE (or #f if not specified).

— Function: ly:book-process book-smob default-paper default-layout output

Print book. output is passed to the backend unchanged. Eg. it may be a string (for file based outputs) or a socket (for network based output).

— Function: ly:box? x

Is x a Box object?

— Function: ly:bp num

num bigpoints (1/72th inch)

— Function: ly:bracket a iv t p

Make a bracket in direction a. The extent of the bracket is given by iv. The wings protude by an amount of p, which may be negative. The thickness is given by t.

— Function: ly:broadcast disp ev

Sends the stream event ev to the dispatcher disp.

— Function: ly:camel-case->lisp-identifier name-sym

Convert FooBar to foo-bar style symbol.

— Function: ly:chain-assoc-get key achain dfault

Return value for key from a list of alists achain. If no if no entry is found, return DFAULT, or #f if no DFAULT not specified.

— Function: ly:clear-anonymous-modules

Plug a GUILE 1.6 and 1.7 memory leak by breaking a weak reference pointer cycle explicitly.

— Function: ly:clone-parser parser-smob

Return a clone of PARSER_SMOB.

— Function: ly:cm num

num cm

— Function: ly:command-line-verbose?

Was be_verbose_global set?

— Function: ly:connect-dispatchers to from

Makes the dispatcher to listen to events from from.

— Function: ly:context-event-source context

Return event-source of context CONTEXT

— Function: ly:context-events-below context

Return a stream-distributor that distributes all events from context and all its subcontexts.

— Function: ly:context-find context name

Find a parent of context that has name or alias name. Return #f if not found.

— Function: ly:context-grob-definition context name

Return the definition of name (a symbol) within context as an alist

— Function: ly:context-id context

Return the id string of context, i.e. for \context Voice = one .. return the string one.

— Function: ly:context-name context

Return the name of context, i.e. for \context Voice = one .. return the symbol Voice.

— Function: ly:context-now context

Return now-moment of context CONTEXT

— Function: ly:context-parent context

Return the parent of context, #f if none.

— Function: ly:context-property c name

Return the value of name from context c

— Function: ly:context-property-where-defined context name

Return the context above context where name is defined.

— Function: ly:context-pushpop-property context grob eltprop val

Do a single \override or \revert operation in context. The grob definition grob is extended with eltprop (if val is specified) or reverted (if unspecified).

— Function: ly:context-set-property! context name val

Set value of property name in context context to val.

— Function: ly:context-unset-property context name

Unset value of property name in context context.

— Function: ly:context? x

Is x a Context object?

— Function: ly:default-scale

Get the global default scale.

— Function: ly:dimension? d

Return d is a number. Used to distinguish length variables from normal numbers.

— Function: ly:dir? s

type predicate. A direction is -1, 0 or 1, where -1 represents left or down and 1 represents right or up.

— Function: ly:dumper-definitions dumper

Return list of key definitions.

— Function: ly:dumper-key-serial dumper key

Return the key serial number key.

— Function: ly:duration-dot-count dur

Extract the dot count from dur

— Function: ly:duration-factor dur

Extract the compression factor from dur. Return as a pair.

— Function: ly:duration-length dur

The length of the duration as a Moment.

— Function: ly:duration-log dur

Extract the duration log from dur

— Function: ly:duration<? p1 p2

Is p1 shorter than p2?

— Function: ly:duration? x

Is x a Duration object?

— Function: ly:effective-prefix

Return effective prefix.

— Function: ly:error str rest

Scheme callable function to issue the error msg. The error is formatted with format and rest.

— Function: ly:eval-simple-closure delayed closure scm-start scm-end

Evaluate a simple closure with the given delayed argument. If start and end are defined, evaluate it purely with those start- and end-points.

— Function: ly:event-deep-copy m

Copy m and all sub expressions of m

— Function: ly:event-property sev sym

Get the property sym of stream event mus. If sym is undefined, return ' ().

— Function: ly:event-set-property! ev sym val

Set property sym in event ev to val.

— Function: ly:export arg

Export a Scheme object to the parser, so it is treated as an identifier.

— Function: ly:find-file name

Return the absolute file name of name, or #f if not found.

— Function: ly:font-config-display-fonts

Dump a list of all fonts visible to FontConfig.

— Function: ly:font-config-get-font-file name

Get the file for font name

— Function: ly:font-design-size font

Given the font metric font, return the design size, relative to the current output-scale.

— Function: ly:font-file-name font

Given the font metric font, return the corresponding file name.

— Function: ly:font-get-glyph font name

Return a Stencil from font for the glyph named name. font must be available as an AFM file. If the glyph is not available, return #f.

— Function: ly:font-glyph-name-to-charcode font name

Return the character code for glyph name in font.

— Function: ly:font-glyph-name-to-index font name

Return the index for name in font.

— Function: ly:font-index-to-charcode font index

Return the character code for index font.

— Function: ly:font-load name

Load the font name.

— Function: ly:font-magnification font

Given the font metric font, return the magnification, relative to the current outputs-cale.

— Function: ly:font-metric? x

Is x a Font_metric object?

— Function: ly:font-name font

Given the font metric font, return the corresponding name.

— Function: ly:font-sub-fonts font

Given the font metric font of an OpenType font, return the names of the subfonts within font.

— Function: ly:format-output context

Given a Global context in its final state, process it and return the Music_output object in its final state.

— Function: ly:get-all-function-documentation

Get a hash table with all lilypond Scheme extension functions.

— Function: ly:get-all-translators

Return a list of all translator objects that may be instantiated.

— Function: ly:get-glyph font index

Retrieve a Stencil for the glyph numbered index in font.

— Function: ly:get-listened-event-classes

Returns a list of all event classes that some translator listens to.

— Function: ly:get-option var

Get a global option setting.

— Function: ly:gettext string

Gettext wrapper.

— Function: ly:grob-alist-chain grob global

Get an alist chain for grob grob, with global as the global default. If unspecified, font-defaults from the layout block is taken.

— Function: ly:grob-array-length grob-arr

Return the grob_array length.

— Function: ly:grob-array-ref grob-arr index

Retrieve the index element of grob-arr.

— Function: ly:grob-array? x

Is x a Grob_array object?

— Function: ly:grob-basic-properties grob

Get the immutable properties of grob.

— Function: ly:grob-common-refpoint grob other axis

Find the common refpoint of grob and other for axis.

— Function: ly:grob-common-refpoint-of-array grob others axis

Find the common refpoint of grob and others (a grob-array) for axis.

— Function: ly:grob-default-font grob

Return the default font for grob gr.

— Function: ly:grob-extent grob refp axis

Get the extent in axis direction of grob relative to the grob refp

— Function: ly:grob-insert-tweak grob tweak

add new tweak for grob.

— Function: ly:grob-interfaces grob

Return the interfaces list of grob grob.

— Function: ly:grob-key grob

Return the object-key for grob.

— Function: ly:grob-layout g

Get \layout definition from grob g.

— Function: ly:grob-object grob sym

Return the value of a pointer in grob g of property sym. It will return ' () (end-of-list) if sym is undefined in g.

— Function: ly:grob-original grob

Return the unbroken original Grob of grob.

— Function: ly:grob-parent grob axis

Get the parent of grob. axis is 0 for the X-axis, 1 for the Y-axis.

— Function: ly:grob-pq-less? a b

Compare 2 grob priority queue entries. Internal

— Function: ly:grob-properties grob

Get the mutable proprerties of grob.

— Function: ly:grob-property grob sym deflt

Return the value of a value in grob g of property sym. It will return '() or deflt (if specified) if sym is undefined in g.

— Function: ly:grob-property-data grob sym

Retrieve sym for grob but don't process callbacks.

— Function: ly:grob-relative-coordinate grob refp axis

Get the coordinate in axis direction of grob relative to the grob refp

— Function: ly:grob-replace-tweak grob tweak

Replace tweak for grob.

— Function: ly:grob-robust-relative-extent grob refp axis

Get the extent in axis direction of grob relative to the grob refp, or (0,0) if empty

— Function: ly:grob-script-priority-less a b

Compare two grobs by script priority. For internal use.

— Function: ly:grob-set-property! grob sym val

Set sym in grob grob to value val

— Function: ly:grob-staff-position sg

Return the Y-position of sg relative to the staff.

— Function: ly:grob-suicide! g

Kill g.

— Function: ly:grob-system g

Return the System Grob of g.

— Function: ly:grob-translate-axis! g d a

Translate g on axis a over distance d.

— Function: ly:grob? x

Is x a Grob object?

— Function: ly:gulp-file name size

Read the file name, and return its contents in a string. The file is looked up using the search path.

— Function: ly:hash-table-keys tab

return a list of keys in tab

— Function: ly:inch num

num inches

— Function: ly:input-both-locations sip

Return input location in sip as (file-name first-line first-column last-line last-column).

— Function: ly:input-file-line-char-column sip

Return input location in sip as (file-name line char column).

— Function: ly:input-location? x

Is x an input-location?

— Function: ly:input-message sip msg rest

Print msg as a GNU compliant error message, pointing to the location in sip. msg is interpreted similar to format's argument

— Function: ly:interpret-music-expression mus ctx

Interpret the music expression mus in the global context ctx. The context is returned in its final state.

— Function: ly:interpret-stencil-expression expr func arg1 offset

Parse EXPR, feed bits to FUNC with first arg ARG1

— Function: ly:intlog2 d

The 2-logarithm of 1/d.

— Function: ly:is-listened-event-class sym

Is sym a listened event class?

— Function: ly:item-break-dir it

The break status dir of item it. -1 is end of line, 0 unbroken, and 1 begin of line.

— Function: ly:item? g

Is g an Item object?

— Function: ly:iterator? x

Is x a Music_iterator object?

— Function: ly:layout-def? def

Is def a layout definition?

— Function: ly:lily-lexer? x

Is x a Lily_lexer object?

— Function: ly:lily-parser? x

Is x a Lily_parser object?

— Function: ly:load-text-dimensions dimension-alist

Load dimensions from TeX in a (KEY . (W H D)) format alist

— Function: ly:make-book paper header scores

Make a \book of paper and header (which may be #f as well) containing \scores.

— Function: ly:make-dispatcher

Returns a newly created dispatcher.

— Function: ly:make-dumper

Create a key dumper.

— Function: ly:make-duration length dotcount num den

length is the negative logarithm (base 2) of the duration: 1 is a half note, 2 is a quarter note, 3 is an eighth note, etc. The number of dots after the note is given by the optional argument dotcount.

The duration factor is optionally given by num and den.

A duration is a musical duration, i.e. a length of time described by a power of two (whole, half, quarter, etc.) and a number of augmentation dots.

— Function: ly:make-global-context output-def key

Set up a global interpretation context, using the output block output_def. The context is returned.

Optionally, this routine takes an Object-key to to uniquely identify the Score block containing it.

— Function: ly:make-global-translator global

Create a translator group and connect it to the global context global. The translator group is returned.

— Function: ly:make-listener callback

Creates a listener. Any time the listener hears an object, it will call callback with that object.

callback should take exactly one argument.

— Function: ly:make-moment n d gn gd

Create the rational number with main timing n/d, and optional grace timin gn/gd.

Moment is a point in musical time. It is consists of a pair of rationals (m, g), where m is the timing for the main notes, and g the timing for grace notes. In absence of grace notes, g is zero.

— Function: ly:make-music props

Make a C++ Music object, initialize with props.

This function is for internal use, and is only called by make-music, which is the preferred interface for creating music objects.

— Function: ly:make-music-function signature func

Make a function to process music, to be used for the parser. func is the function, and signature describes Its arguments. signature is a list containing either ly:music? predicates or other type predicates.

— Function: ly:make-output-def

Make a output def.

— Function: ly:make-pango-description-string chain size

Make a PangoFontDescription string for the property alist chain at size size.

— Function: ly:make-paper-outputter port format

Create an outputter that evaluates within output-format, writing to port.

— Function: ly:make-pitch octave note alter

octave is specified by an integer, zero for the octave containing middle C. note is a number from 0 to 6, with 0 corresponding to C and 6 corresponding to B. The alter is zero for a natural, negative for flats, or positive for sharps.

— Function: ly:make-prob type init rest

Create a Prob.

— Function: ly:make-scale steps

Create a scale. Takes a vector of ints as argument

— Function: ly:make-score music

Return score with music encapsulated in score.

— Function: ly:make-simple-closure expr

Make a simple closure. expr should be form of (func a1 A2 ...), and will be invoked as (func delayed-arg a1 a2 ... ).

— Function: ly:make-stencil expr xext yext

Stencils are a device independent output expressions.They carry two pieces of information:

1: a specification of how to print this object. This specification is processed by the output backends, for example scm/output-ps.scm.

2: the vertical and horizontal extents of the object.

If the extents are unspecified, they are taken to be empty.

— Function: ly:make-stream-event cl proplist

Creates a stream event of class cl with the given mutable property list.

— Function: ly:make-undumper

Create a key undumper.

— Function: ly:message str rest

Scheme callable function to issue the message msg. The message is formatted with format and rest.

— Function: ly:mm num

num mm

— Function: ly:module->alist mod

Dump the contents of module mod as an alist.

— Function: ly:module-copy dest src

Copy all bindings from module SRC into DEST.

— Function: ly:modules-lookup modules sym def

Lookup sym in the list modules, returning the first occurence. If not found, return default, or #f.

— Function: ly:moment-add a b

Add two moments.

— Function: ly:moment-div a b

Divide two moments.

— Function: ly:moment-grace-denominator mom

Extract denominator from grace timing.

— Function: ly:moment-grace-numerator mom

Extract numerator from grace timing.

— Function: ly:moment-main-denominator mom

Extract denominator from main timing.

— Function: ly:moment-main-numerator mom

Extract numerator from main timing.

— Function: ly:moment-mod a b

Modulo of two moments.

— Function: ly:moment-mul a b

Multiply two moments.

— Function: ly:moment-sub a b

Subtract two moments.

— Function: ly:moment<? a b

Compare two moments.

— Function: ly:moment? x

Is x a Moment object?

— Function: ly:music-compress m factor

Compress music object m by moment factor.

— Function: ly:music-deep-copy m

Copy m and all sub expressions of m

— Function: ly:music-duration-compress mus fact

Compress mus by factor fact, which is a Moment.

— Function: ly:music-duration-length mus

Extract the duration field from mus, and return the length.

— Function: ly:music-length mus

Get the length of music expression mus, and return as a Moment object.

— Function: ly:music-list? lst

Type predicate: return true if lst is a list of music objects.

— Function: ly:music-mutable-properties mus

Return an alist containing the mutable properties of mus. The immutable properties are not available, since they are constant and initialized by the make-music function.

— Function: ly:music-output? x

Is x a Music_output object?

— Function: ly:music-property mus sym dfault

Get the property sym of music expression mus. If sym is undefined, return '().

— Function: ly:music-set-property! mus sym val

Set property sym in music expression mus to val.

— Function: ly:music-transpose m p

Transpose m such that central C is mapped to p. Return m.

— Function: ly:music? obj

Type predicate

— Function: ly:note-head::stem-attachment font-metric glyph-name

Get attachment in font-metric for attaching a stem to notehead glyph-name.

— Function: ly:number->string s

Convert num to a string without generating many decimals.

— Function: ly:optimal-breaking pb

Optimally break (pages and lines) the Paper_book PB to minimise badness in bother vertical and horizontal spacing.

— Function: ly:option-usage

Print ly:set-option usage

— Function: ly:otf->cff otf-file-name

Convert the contents of a OTF file to CFF file, returning it as a string.

— Function: ly:otf-font-glyph-info font glyph

Given the font metric font of an OpenType font, return the information about named glyph glyph (a string)

— Function: ly:otf-font-table-data font tag

Extract a table tag from font. Return empty string for non-existent tag.

— Function: ly:otf-font? font

Is font an OpenType font?

— Function: ly:otf-glyph-list font

Return a list of glyphnames for font.

— Function: ly:output-backend

Return name of output backend.

— Function: ly:output-def-clone def

Clone def.

— Function: ly:output-def-lookup pap sym def

Lookup sym in pap. Return the value or def (which defaults to '()) if undefined.

— Function: ly:output-def-parent def

Get the parent output-def of def.

— Function: ly:output-def-parser odef

Return the parser where odef is coming from.

— Function: ly:output-def-scope def

Get the variable scope inside def.

— Function: ly:output-description output-def

Return the description of translators in output-def.

— Function: ly:output-formats

Formats passed to –format as a list of strings, used for the output.

— Function: ly:outputter-close outputter

Close port of outputter.

— Function: ly:outputter-dump-stencil outputter stencil

Dump stencil expr onto outputter.

— Function: ly:outputter-dump-string outputter str

Dump str onto outputter.

— Function: ly:outputter-output-scheme outputter expr

Eval expr in module of outputter.

— Function: ly:outputter-port outputter

Return output port for outputter.

— Function: ly:page-turn-breaking pb

Optimally break (pages and lines) the Paper_book PB such that page turns only happen in specified places, returning its pages.

— Function: ly:pango-font-physical-fonts f

Return alist of (PSNAME . FILENAME) tuples.

— Function: ly:pango-font? f

Is f a pango font?

— Function: ly:paper-book-pages pb

Return pages in book PB.

— Function: ly:paper-book-paper pb

Return pages in book PB.

— Function: ly:paper-book-performances paper-book

Return performances in book paper-book.

— Function: ly:paper-book-scopes book

Return pages in layout book book.

— Function: ly:paper-book-systems pb

Return systems in book PB.

— Function: ly:paper-book? x

Is x a Paper_book object?

— Function: ly:paper-fonts bp

Return fonts from the \paper block bp.

— Function: ly:paper-get-font paper-smob chain

Return a font metric satisfying the font-qualifiers in the alist chain chain. (An alist chain is a list of alists, containing grob properties).

— Function: ly:paper-get-number layout-smob name

Return the layout variable name.

— Function: ly:paper-outputscale bp

Get output-scale for BP.

— Function: ly:paper-score-paper-systems paper-score

Return vector of paper_system objects from paper-score.

— Function: ly:paper-system? obj

Type predicate.

— Function: ly:parse-file name

Parse a single .ly file. Upon failure, throw ly-file-failed key.

— Function: ly:parse-string ly-code

Parse the string LY_CODE. Upon failure, throw ly-file-failed key.

— Function: ly:parser-define! parser-smob symbol val

Bind SYMBOL to VAL in PARSER_SMOB's module.

— Function: ly:parser-error parser msg input

Display an error message, and make the parser fail

— Function: ly:parser-lookup parser-smob symbol

Lookup symbol in parser_smob's module. Undefined is '().

— Function: ly:parser-output-name parser

Return the base name of the output file.

— Function: ly:parser-parse-string parser-smob ly-code

Parse the string LY_CODE with PARSER_SMOB.Upon failure, throw ly-file-failed key.

— Function: ly:parser-set-note-names parser names

Replace current note names in parser. names is an alist of symbols. This only has effect if the current mode is notes.

— Function: ly:performance-write performance filename

Write performance to filename

— Function: ly:pfb->pfa pfb-file-name

Convert the contents of a PFB file to PFA.

— Function: ly:pitch-alteration pp

Extract the alteration from pitch p.

— Function: ly:pitch-diff pitch root

Return pitch delta such that pitch transposed by delta equals root

— Function: ly:pitch-notename pp

Extract the note name from pitch pp.

— Function: ly:pitch-octave pp

Extract the octave from pitch p.

— Function: ly:pitch-quartertones pp

Calculate the number of quarter tones of p from middle C.

— Function: ly:pitch-semitones pp

calculate the number of semitones of p from middle C.

— Function: ly:pitch-steps p

Number of steps counted from middle C of the pitch p.

— Function: ly:pitch-transpose p delta

Transpose p by the amount delta, where delta is relative to middle C.

— Function: ly:pitch<? p1 p2

Is p1 lexicographically smaller than p2?

— Function: ly:pitch? x

Is x a Pitch object?

— Function: ly:prob-property obj sym dfault

Return the value for sym.

— Function: ly:prob-property? obj sym

Is boolean prop sym set?

— Function: ly:prob-set-property! obj sym value

Set property sym of obj to value

— Function: ly:prob-type? obj type

If obj the specified prob-type?

— Function: ly:prob? x

Is x a Prob object?

— Function: ly:programming-error str rest

Scheme callable function to issue the warning msg. The message is formatted with format and rest.

— Function: ly:progress str rest

Scheme callable function to print progress str. The message is formatted with format and rest.

— Function: ly:protects

Return hash of protected objects.

— Function: ly:pt num

num printer points

— Function: ly:register-stencil-expression symbol

Add symbol as head of a stencil expression

— Function: ly:relative-group-extent elements common axis

Determine the extent of elements relative to common in the axis direction.

— Function: ly:reset-all-fonts

Forget all about previously loaded fonts.

— Function: ly:round-filled-box xext yext blot

Make a Stencil that prints a black box of dimensions xext, yext and roundness blot.

— Function: ly:run-translator mus output-def key

Process mus according to output_def. An interpretation context is set up, and mus is interpreted with it. The context is returned in its final state.

Optionally, this routine takes an Object-key to to uniquely identify the Score block containing it.

— Function: ly:score-embedded-format score layout key

Run score through layout, an output definition, scaled to correct output-scale already, return a list of layout-lines. Take optional Object_key argument.

— Function: ly:score-process score-smob default-header default-paper default-layout basename

Print score without page-layout: just print the systems.

— Function: ly:score? x

Is x a Score object?

— Function: ly:set-default-scale scale

Set the global default scale.

— Function: ly:set-option var val

Set a program option. Try setting 'help for a help string.

— Function: ly:set-point-and-click what


— Function: ly:simple-closure? clos

Type predicate.

— Function: ly:smob-protects

Return lily's internal smob protection list

— Function: ly:solve-spring-rod-problem springs rods length ragged

Solve a spring and rod problem for count objects, that are connected by count-1 springs, and an arbitrary number of rods Springs have the format (ideal, hooke) and rods (idx1, idx2, distance) length is a number, ragged a boolean Return: a list containing the force (positive for stretching, negative for compressing and #f for non-satisfied constraints) followed by the spring-count+1 positions of the objects.

— Function: ly:source-file? x

Is x a Source_file object?

— Function: ly:spanner-bound slur dir

Get one of the bounds of spanner. dir is -1 for left, and 1 for right.

— Function: ly:spanner-broken-into spanner

Return broken-into list for spanner.

— Function: ly:spanner? g

Is g a spanner object?

— Function: ly:stderr-redirect file-name mode

Redirect stderr to FILE-NAME, opened with MODE.

— Function: ly:stencil-add args

Combine stencils. Takes any number of arguments.

— Function: ly:stencil-aligned-to stil axis dir

Align stil using its own extents. dir is a number -1, 1 are left and right respectively. Other values are interpolated (so 0 means the center).

— Function: ly:stencil-combine-at-edge first axis direction second padding minimum

Construct a stencil by putting second next to first. axis can be 0 (x-axis) or 1 (y-axis), direction can be -1 (left or down) or 1 (right or up). The stencils are juxtaposed with padding as extra space. If this puts the reference points closer than minimum, they are moved by the latter amount.first and second may also be '() or #f.

— Function: ly:stencil-empty? stil

Return whether stil is empty

— Function: ly:stencil-expr stil

Return the expression of stil.

— Function: ly:stencil-extent stil axis

Return a pair of numbers signifying the extent of stil in axis direction (0 or 1 for x and y axis respectively).

— Function: ly:stencil-fonts s

Analyse s, and return a list of fonts used in s.

— Function: ly:stencil-in-color stc r g b

Put stc in a different color.

— Function: ly:stencil-moved-to-edge first axis direction second padding minimum

Similar to ly:stencil-combine-edge, but returns second positioned to be next to first.

— Function: ly:stencil-origin stil axis

Return a pair of numbers signifying the origin stil in axis direction (0 or 1 for x and y axis respectively).

— Function: ly:stencil-rotate stil angle x y

Return a stil rotated angle degrees around point (x, y).

— Function: ly:stencil-translate stil offset

Return a stil, but translated by offset (a pair of numbers).

— Function: ly:stencil-translate-axis stil amount axis

Return a copy of stil but translated by amount in axis direction.

— Function: ly:stencil? x

Is x a Stencil object?

— Function: ly:stream-event? x

Is x a Stream_event object?

— Function: ly:string-substitute a b s

Replace a by b in s.

— Function: ly:text-dimension font text

Given the font metric in font and the string text, compute the extents of that text in that font. The return value is a pair of number-pairs.

— Function: ly:translator-description me

Return an alist of properties of translator me.

— Function: ly:translator-group? x

Is x a Translator_group object?

— Function: ly:translator-name trans

Return the type name of the translator object trans. The name is a symbol.

— Function: ly:translator? x

Is x a Translator object?

— Function: ly:transpose-key-alist l pit

Make a new key alist of l transposed by pitch pit

— Function: ly:ttf->pfa ttf-file-name

Convert the contents of a TTF file to Type42 PFA, returning it as a string.

— Function: ly:ttf-ps-name ttf-file-name

Extract the PostScript name from a TrueType font.

— Function: ly:tweak-clear-registry

Clear global tweak registry

— Function: ly:tweak-define-keys keys

Read keys

— Function: ly:tweak-define-tweaks tweaks

Read tweaks

— Function: ly:undumper-lookup undumper serial

Return the object key for number serial.

— Function: ly:undumper-read-keys undumper keys

Read serialized keys into undumper.

— Function: ly:unit

Return the unit used for lengths as a string.

— Function: ly:usage

Print usage message.

— Function: ly:version

Return the current lilypond version as a list, e.g. (1 3 127 uu1).

— Function: ly:warning str rest

Scheme callable function to issue the warning str. The message is formatted with format and rest.

— Function: ly:wide-char->utf-8 wc

Encode the Unicode codepoint wc, an integer, as UTF-8


Concept index

Variable index

Function index

This page is for LilyPond-2.10.33 (stable-branch).

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