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A bar number is created whenever measurePosition is zero and when there is a bar line (ie. when whichBar is set. It is put on top of all staves, and appears only at left side of the staff. The staves are taken from stavesFound, which is maintained by Staff_collecting_engraver.

Properties (read)

currentBarNumber (integer)
Contains the current barnumber. This property is incremented at every bar line.
whichBar (string)
This property is read to determine what type of bar line to create.


          \set Staff.whichBar = "|:"

This will create a start-repeat bar in this staff only. Valid values are described in bar-line-interface.

stavesFound (list of grobs)
list of all staff-symbols found.
barNumberVisibility (procedure)
Procedure that takes an int and returns whether the corresponding bar number should be printed
This engraver creates the following layout objects: BarNumber.

Bar_number_engraver is part of contexts: Score

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This page is for LilyPond-2.10.33 (stable-branch).

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