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Generate one or more tablature noteheads from event of type NoteEvent.

Music types accepted:

string-number-event and note-event

Properties (read)

stringTunings (list)
The tablature strings tuning. It is a list of the pitch (in semitones) of each string (starting with the lower one).
minimumFret (number)
The tablature auto string-selecting mechanism selects the highest string with a fret at least minimumFret
tablatureFormat (procedure)
Function formatting a tab note head; it takes a string number, a list of string tunings and Pitch object. It returns the text as a string.
highStringOne (boolean)
Whether the 1st string is the string with highest pitch on the instrument. This used by the automatic string selector for tab notation.
This engraver creates the following layout objects: FretBoard.

Fretboard_engraver is part of contexts: FretBoards

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This page is for LilyPond-2.10.33 (stable-branch).

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