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Corresponds to a voice with lyrics. Handles the printing of a single line of lyrics.

This context creates the following layout objects:

InstrumentName, LyricExtender, LyricHyphen, LyricSpace, LyricText, StanzaNumber and VerticalAxisGroup.

This context sets the following properties:

This context is a `bottom' context; it can not contain other contexts.

This context is built from the following engravers:

Like Axis_group_engraver, but make a hara-kiri spanner, and add interesting items (ie. note heads, lyric syllables and normal rests)

Properties (read)

keepAliveInterfaces (list)
List of symbols, signifying grob interfaces that are worth keeping an staff with remove-empty set around for.
This engraver creates the following layout objects: VerticalAxisGroup.
Puts fontSize into font-size grob property.

Properties (read)

fontSize (number)
The relative size of all grobs in a context.

Swallow \skip.
Creates a system start text for instrument or vocal names.

Properties (read)

currentCommandColumn (layout object)
Grob that is X-parent to all current breakable (clef, key signature, etc.) items.
shortInstrumentName (markup)
See instrument
instrumentName (markup)
The name to print left of a staff. The instrument property labels the staff in the first system, and the instr property labels following lines.
shortVocalName (markup)
Name of a vocal line, short version.
vocalName (markup)
Name of a vocal line.
This engraver creates the following layout objects: InstrumentName.

Properties (read)

stanza (markup)
Stanza `number' to print before the start of a verse. Use in Lyrics context.
This engraver creates the following layout objects: StanzaNumber.
Create lyric hyphens and distance constraints between words.

Music types accepted:


This engraver creates the following layout objects: LyricHyphen and LyricSpace.

Create lyric extenders

Music types accepted:


Properties (read)

extendersOverRests (boolean)
Whether to continue extenders as they cross a rest.
This engraver creates the following layout objects: LyricExtender.

Music types accepted:


This engraver creates the following layout objects: LyricText.

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This page is for LilyPond-2.10.33 (stable-branch).

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