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This translator collects melisma information about ties, beams, and user settings (melismaBusy, and signals it to the ddlyrics code.

Properties (read)

beamMelismaBusy (boolean)
Signal if a beam is present.
melismaBusy (boolean)
Signifies whether a melisma is active. This can be used to signal melismas on top of those automatically detected.
melismaBusyProperties (list)
List of properties (symbols) to determine whether a melisma is playing. Setting this property will influence how lyrics are aligned to notes. For example, if set to #'(melismaBusy beamMelismaBusy), only manual melismata and manual beams are considered. Possible values include melismaBusy, slurMelismaBusy, tieMelismaBusy, and beamMelismaBusy
slurMelismaBusy (boolean)
Signal if a slur is present.
tieMelismaBusy (boolean)
Signal whether a tie is present.

Melisma_translator is part of contexts: none

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