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A context like Staff but for printing rhythms. Pitches are ignored; the notes are printed on one line.

This context also accepts commands for the following context(s):


This context creates the following layout objects:

BarLine, DotColumn, InstrumentName, LedgerLineSpanner, SeparatingGroupSpanner, SeparationItem, StaffSpacing, StaffSymbol, TimeSignature, VerticalAxisGroup and VoltaBracket.

This context sets the following properties:

Context RhythmicStaff can contain Voice and CueVoice

This context is built from the following engravers:

Creates the spanner to draw ledger lines, and notices objects that need ledger lines

This engraver creates the following layout objects: LedgerLineSpanner.

Group all objects created in this context in a VerticalAxisGroup spanner.

Properties (read)

currentCommandColumn (layout object)
Grob that is X-parent to all current breakable (clef, key signature, etc.) items.
This engraver creates the following layout objects: VerticalAxisGroup.
Creates a system start text for instrument or vocal names.

Properties (read)

currentCommandColumn (layout object)
Grob that is X-parent to all current breakable (clef, key signature, etc.) items.
shortInstrumentName (markup)
See instrument
instrumentName (markup)
The name to print left of a staff. The instrument property labels the staff in the first system, and the instr property labels following lines.
shortVocalName (markup)
Name of a vocal line, short version.
vocalName (markup)
Name of a vocal line.
This engraver creates the following layout objects: InstrumentName.
Create a TimeSignature whenever timeSignatureFraction changes

This engraver creates the following layout objects: TimeSignature.

Set the vertical position of noteheads to squashedPosition, if that property is set. This can be used to make a single line staff demonstrating the rhythm of a melody.

Properties (read)

squashedPosition (integer)
Vertical position of squashing for Pitch_squash_engraver.

Create the constellation of five (default) staff lines.

Music types accepted:


This engraver creates the following layout objects: StaffSymbol.

Create barlines. This engraver is controlled through the whichBar property. If it has no bar line to create, it will forbid a linebreak at this point

Properties (read)

whichBar (string)
This property is read to determine what type of bar line to create.


               \set Staff.whichBar = "|:"

This will create a start-repeat bar in this staff only. Valid values are described in bar-line-interface.

Properties (write)
forbidBreak (boolean)
If set to ##t, prevent a line break at this point.
This engraver creates the following layout objects: BarLine.
Engraves dots on dotted notes shifted to the right of the note. If omitted, then dots appear on top of the notes.

This engraver creates the following layout objects: DotColumn.

Generates objects for computing spacing parameters.

Properties (read)

createSpacing (boolean)
Create StaffSpacing objects? Should be set for staves.
Properties (write)
breakableSeparationItem (layout object)
The breakable items in this time step, for this staff.
This engraver creates the following layout objects: SeparatingGroupSpanner, SeparationItem and StaffSpacing.
Make volta brackets.

Properties (read)

repeatCommands (list)
This property is read to find any command of the form (volta . x), where x is a string or #f
voltaSpannerDuration (moment)
This specifies the maximum duration to use for the brackets printed for \alternative. This can be used to shrink the length of brackets in the situation where one alternative is very large.
stavesFound (list of grobs)
list of all staff-symbols found.
This engraver creates the following layout objects: VoltaBracket.
Puts fontSize into font-size grob property.

Properties (read)

fontSize (number)
The relative size of all grobs in a context.

Apply a procedure to any grob acknowledged.

Music types accepted:


Next: , Previous: PianoStaff, Up: Contexts

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