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Scheme functions

— Function: dispatcher x

Is x a Dispatcher object?

— Function: listener x

Is x a Listener object?

— Function: ly:add-file-name-alist alist

Add mappings for error messages from specified alist

— Function: ly:add-interface a b c

Add an interface description.

— Function: ly:add-listener list disp cl

Adds the listener list to the dispatcher disp. Whenever disp hears an event of class cl, it will be forwarded to list.

— Function: ly:add-option sym val description

Add a program option sym with default val.

— Function: ly:all-grob-interfaces

Get a hash table with all interface descriptions.

— Function: ly:all-stencil-expressions

Return all symbols recognized as stencil expressions.

— Function: ly:all-tweaks

all tweaks

— Function: ly:assoc-get key alist default-value

Return value if KEY in ALIST, else DEFAULT-VALUE (or #f if not specified).

— Function: ly:book-process book-smob default-paper default-layout output

Print book. output is passed to the backend unchanged. Eg. it may be a string (for file based outputs) or a socket (for network based output).

— Function: ly:box? x

Is x a Box object?

— Function: ly:bp num

num bigpoints (1/72th inch)

— Function: ly:bracket a iv t p

Make a bracket in direction a. The extent of the bracket is given by iv. The wings protude by an amount of p, which may be negative. The thickness is given by t.

— Function: ly:broadcast disp ev

Sends the stream event ev to the dispatcher disp.

— Function: ly:camel-case->lisp-identifier name-sym

Convert FooBar to foo-bar style symbol.

— Function: ly:chain-assoc-get key achain dfault

Return value for key from a list of alists achain. If no if no entry is found, return DFAULT, or #f if no DFAULT not specified.

— Function: ly:clear-anonymous-modules

Plug a GUILE 1.6 and 1.7 memory leak by breaking a weak reference pointer cycle explicitly.

— Function: ly:clone-parser parser-smob

Return a clone of PARSER_SMOB.

— Function: ly:cm num

num cm

— Function: ly:command-line-verbose?

Was be_verbose_global set?

— Function: ly:connect-dispatchers to from

Makes the dispatcher to listen to events from from.

— Function: ly:context-event-source context

Return event-source of context CONTEXT

— Function: ly:context-events-below context

Return a stream-distributor that distributes all events from context and all its subcontexts.

— Function: ly:context-find context name

Find a parent of context that has name or alias name. Return #f if not found.

— Function: ly:context-grob-definition context name

Return the definition of name (a symbol) within context as an alist

— Function: ly:context-id context

Return the id string of context, i.e. for \context Voice = one .. return the string one.

— Function: ly:context-name context

Return the name of context, i.e. for \context Voice = one .. return the symbol Voice.

— Function: ly:context-now context

Return now-moment of context CONTEXT

— Function: ly:context-parent context

Return the parent of context, #f if none.

— Function: ly:context-property c name

Return the value of name from context c

— Function: ly:context-property-where-defined context name

Return the context above context where name is defined.

— Function: ly:context-pushpop-property context grob eltprop val

Do a single \override or \revert operation in context. The grob definition grob is extended with eltprop (if val is specified) or reverted (if unspecified).

— Function: ly:context-set-property! context name val

Set value of property name in context context to val.

— Function: ly:context-unset-property context name

Unset value of property name in context context.

— Function: ly:context? x

Is x a Context object?

— Function: ly:default-scale

Get the global default scale.

— Function: ly:dimension? d

Return d is a number. Used to distinguish length variables from normal numbers.

— Function: ly:dir? s

type predicate. A direction is -1, 0 or 1, where -1 represents left or down and 1 represents right or up.

— Function: ly:dumper-definitions dumper

Return list of key definitions.

— Function: ly:dumper-key-serial dumper key

Return the key serial number key.

— Function: ly:duration-dot-count dur

Extract the dot count from dur

— Function: ly:duration-factor dur

Extract the compression factor from dur. Return as a pair.

— Function: ly:duration-length dur

The length of the duration as a Moment.

— Function: ly:duration-log dur

Extract the duration log from dur

— Function: ly:duration<? p1 p2

Is p1 shorter than p2?

— Function: ly:duration? x

Is x a Duration object?

— Function: ly:effective-prefix

Return effective prefix.

— Function: ly:error str rest

Scheme callable function to issue the error msg. The error is formatted with format and rest.

— Function: ly:eval-simple-closure delayed closure scm-start scm-end

Evaluate a simple closure with the given delayed argument. If start and end are defined, evaluate it purely with those start- and end-points.

— Function: ly:event-deep-copy m

Copy m and all sub expressions of m

— Function: ly:event-property sev sym

Get the property sym of stream event mus. If sym is undefined, return ' ().

— Function: ly:event-set-property! ev sym val

Set property sym in event ev to val.

— Function: ly:export arg

Export a Scheme object to the parser, so it is treated as an identifier.

— Function: ly:find-file name

Return the absolute file name of name, or #f if not found.

— Function: ly:font-config-display-fonts

Dump a list of all fonts visible to FontConfig.

— Function: ly:font-config-get-font-file name

Get the file for font name

— Function: ly:font-design-size font

Given the font metric font, return the design size, relative to the current output-scale.

— Function: ly:font-file-name font

Given the font metric font, return the corresponding file name.

— Function: ly:font-get-glyph font name

Return a Stencil from font for the glyph named name. font must be available as an AFM file. If the glyph is not available, return #f.

— Function: ly:font-glyph-name-to-charcode font name

Return the character code for glyph name in font.

— Function: ly:font-glyph-name-to-index font name

Return the index for name in font.

— Function: ly:font-index-to-charcode font index

Return the character code for index font.

— Function: ly:font-load name

Load the font name.

— Function: ly:font-magnification font

Given the font metric font, return the magnification, relative to the current outputs-cale.

— Function: ly:font-metric? x

Is x a Font_metric object?

— Function: ly:font-name font

Given the font metric font, return the corresponding name.

— Function: ly:font-sub-fonts font

Given the font metric font of an OpenType font, return the names of the subfonts within font.

— Function: ly:format-output context

Given a Global context in its final state, process it and return the Music_output object in its final state.

— Function: ly:get-all-function-documentation

Get a hash table with all lilypond Scheme extension functions.

— Function: ly:get-all-translators

Return a list of all translator objects that may be instantiated.

— Function: ly:get-glyph font index

Retrieve a Stencil for the glyph numbered index in font.

— Function: ly:get-listened-event-classes

Returns a list of all event classes that some translator listens to.

— Function: ly:get-option var

Get a global option setting.

— Function: ly:gettext string

Gettext wrapper.

— Function: ly:grob-alist-chain grob global

Get an alist chain for grob grob, with global as the global default. If unspecified, font-defaults from the layout block is taken.

— Function: ly:grob-array-length grob-arr

Return the grob_array length.

— Function: ly:grob-array-ref grob-arr index

Retrieve the index element of grob-arr.

— Function: ly:grob-array? x

Is x a Grob_array object?

— Function: ly:grob-basic-properties grob

Get the immutable properties of grob.

— Function: ly:grob-common-refpoint grob other axis

Find the common refpoint of grob and other for axis.

— Function: ly:grob-common-refpoint-of-array grob others axis

Find the common refpoint of grob and others (a grob-array) for axis.

— Function: ly:grob-default-font grob

Return the default font for grob gr.

— Function: ly:grob-extent grob refp axis

Get the extent in axis direction of grob relative to the grob refp

— Function: ly:grob-insert-tweak grob tweak

add new tweak for grob.

— Function: ly:grob-interfaces grob

Return the interfaces list of grob grob.

— Function: ly:grob-key grob

Return the object-key for grob.

— Function: ly:grob-layout g

Get \layout definition from grob g.

— Function: ly:grob-object grob sym

Return the value of a pointer in grob g of property sym. It will return ' () (end-of-list) if sym is undefined in g.

— Function: ly:grob-original grob

Return the unbroken original Grob of grob.

— Function: ly:grob-parent grob axis

Get the parent of grob. axis is 0 for the X-axis, 1 for the Y-axis.

— Function: ly:grob-pq-less? a b

Compare 2 grob priority queue entries. Internal

— Function: ly:grob-properties grob

Get the mutable proprerties of grob.

— Function: ly:grob-property grob sym deflt

Return the value of a value in grob g of property sym. It will return '() or deflt (if specified) if sym is undefined in g.

— Function: ly:grob-property-data grob sym

Retrieve sym for grob but don't process callbacks.

— Function: ly:grob-relative-coordinate grob refp axis

Get the coordinate in axis direction of grob relative to the grob refp

— Function: ly:grob-replace-tweak grob tweak

Replace tweak for grob.

— Function: ly:grob-robust-relative-extent grob refp axis

Get the extent in axis direction of grob relative to the grob refp, or (0,0) if empty

— Function: ly:grob-script-priority-less a b

Compare two grobs by script priority. For internal use.

— Function: ly:grob-set-property! grob sym val

Set sym in grob grob to value val

— Function: ly:grob-staff-position sg

Return the Y-position of sg relative to the staff.

— Function: ly:grob-suicide! g

Kill g.

— Function: ly:grob-system g

Return the System Grob of g.

— Function: ly:grob-translate-axis! g d a

Translate g on axis a over distance d.

— Function: ly:grob? x

Is x a Grob object?

— Function: ly:gulp-file name size

Read the file name, and return its contents in a string. The file is looked up using the search path.

— Function: ly:hash-table-keys tab

return a list of keys in tab

— Function: ly:inch num

num inches

— Function: ly:input-both-locations sip

Return input location in sip as (file-name first-line first-column last-line last-column).

— Function: ly:input-file-line-char-column sip

Return input location in sip as (file-name line char column).

— Function: ly:input-location? x

Is x an input-location?

— Function: ly:input-message sip msg rest

Print msg as a GNU compliant error message, pointing to the location in sip. msg is interpreted similar to format's argument

— Function: ly:interpret-music-expression mus ctx

Interpret the music expression mus in the global context ctx. The context is returned in its final state.

— Function: ly:interpret-stencil-expression expr func arg1 offset

Parse EXPR, feed bits to FUNC with first arg ARG1

— Function: ly:intlog2 d

The 2-logarithm of 1/d.

— Function: ly:is-listened-event-class sym

Is sym a listened event class?

— Function: ly:item-break-dir it

The break status dir of item it. -1 is end of line, 0 unbroken, and 1 begin of line.

— Function: ly:item? g

Is g an Item object?

— Function: ly:iterator? x

Is x a Music_iterator object?

— Function: ly:layout-def? def

Is def a layout definition?

— Function: ly:lily-lexer? x

Is x a Lily_lexer object?

— Function: ly:lily-parser? x

Is x a Lily_parser object?

— Function: ly:load-text-dimensions dimension-alist

Load dimensions from TeX in a (KEY . (W H D)) format alist

— Function: ly:make-book paper header scores

Make a \book of paper and header (which may be #f as well) containing \scores.

— Function: ly:make-dispatcher

Returns a newly created dispatcher.

— Function: ly:make-dumper

Create a key dumper.

— Function: ly:make-duration length dotcount num den

length is the negative logarithm (base 2) of the duration: 1 is a half note, 2 is a quarter note, 3 is an eighth note, etc. The number of dots after the note is given by the optional argument dotcount.

The duration factor is optionally given by num and den.

A duration is a musical duration, i.e. a length of time described by a power of two (whole, half, quarter, etc.) and a number of augmentation dots.

— Function: ly:make-global-context output-def key

Set up a global interpretation context, using the output block output_def. The context is returned.

Optionally, this routine takes an Object-key to to uniquely identify the Score block containing it.

— Function: ly:make-global-translator global

Create a translator group and connect it to the global context global. The translator group is returned.

— Function: ly:make-listener callback

Creates a listener. Any time the listener hears an object, it will call callback with that object.

callback should take exactly one argument.

— Function: ly:make-moment n d gn gd

Create the rational number with main timing n/d, and optional grace timin gn/gd.

Moment is a point in musical time. It is consists of a pair of rationals (m, g), where m is the timing for the main notes, and g the timing for grace notes. In absence of grace notes, g is zero.

— Function: ly:make-music props

Make a C++ Music object, initialize with props.

This function is for internal use, and is only called by make-music, which is the preferred interface for creating music objects.

— Function: ly:make-music-function signature func

Make a function to process music, to be used for the parser. func is the function, and signature describes Its arguments. signature is a list containing either ly:music? predicates or other type predicates.

— Function: ly:make-output-def

Make a output def.

— Function: ly:make-pango-description-string chain size

Make a PangoFontDescription string for the property alist chain at size size.

— Function: ly:make-paper-outputter port format

Create an outputter that evaluates within output-format, writing to port.

— Function: ly:make-pitch octave note alter

octave is specified by an integer, zero for the octave containing middle C. note is a number from 0 to 6, with 0 corresponding to C and 6 corresponding to B. The alter is zero for a natural, negative for flats, or positive for sharps.

— Function: ly:make-prob type init rest

Create a Prob.

— Function: ly:make-scale steps

Create a scale. Takes a vector of ints as argument

— Function: ly:make-score music

Return score with music encapsulated in score.

— Function: ly:make-simple-closure expr

Make a simple closure. expr should be form of (func a1 A2 ...), and will be invoked as (func delayed-arg a1 a2 ... ).

— Function: ly:make-stencil expr xext yext

Stencils are a device independent output expressions.They carry two pieces of information:

1: a specification of how to print this object. This specification is processed by the output backends, for example scm/output-ps.scm.

2: the vertical and horizontal extents of the object.

If the extents are unspecified, they are taken to be empty.

— Function: ly:make-stream-event cl proplist

Creates a stream event of class cl with the given mutable property list.

— Function: ly:make-undumper

Create a key undumper.

— Function: ly:message str rest

Scheme callable function to issue the message msg. The message is formatted with format and rest.

— Function: ly:mm num

num mm

— Function: ly:module->alist mod

Dump the contents of module mod as an alist.

— Function: ly:module-copy dest src

Copy all bindings from module SRC into DEST.

— Function: ly:modules-lookup modules sym def

Lookup sym in the list modules, returning the first occurence. If not found, return default, or #f.

— Function: ly:moment-add a b

Add two moments.

— Function: ly:moment-div a b

Divide two moments.

— Function: ly:moment-grace-denominator mom

Extract denominator from grace timing.

— Function: ly:moment-grace-numerator mom

Extract numerator from grace timing.

— Function: ly:moment-main-denominator mom

Extract denominator from main timing.

— Function: ly:moment-main-numerator mom

Extract numerator from main timing.

— Function: ly:moment-mod a b

Modulo of two moments.

— Function: ly:moment-mul a b

Multiply two moments.

— Function: ly:moment-sub a b

Subtract two moments.

— Function: ly:moment<? a b

Compare two moments.

— Function: ly:moment? x

Is x a Moment object?

— Function: ly:music-compress m factor

Compress music object m by moment factor.

— Function: ly:music-deep-copy m

Copy m and all sub expressions of m

— Function: ly:music-duration-compress mus fact

Compress mus by factor fact, which is a Moment.

— Function: ly:music-duration-length mus

Extract the duration field from mus, and return the length.

— Function: ly:music-length mus

Get the length of music expression mus, and return as a Moment object.

— Function: ly:music-list? lst

Type predicate: return true if lst is a list of music objects.

— Function: ly:music-mutable-properties mus

Return an alist containing the mutable properties of mus. The immutable properties are not available, since they are constant and initialized by the make-music function.

— Function: ly:music-output? x

Is x a Music_output object?

— Function: ly:music-property mus sym dfault

Get the property sym of music expression mus. If sym is undefined, return '().

— Function: ly:music-set-property! mus sym val

Set property sym in music expression mus to val.

— Function: ly:music-transpose m p

Transpose m such that central C is mapped to p. Return m.

— Function: ly:music? obj

Type predicate

— Function: ly:note-head::stem-attachment font-metric glyph-name

Get attachment in font-metric for attaching a stem to notehead glyph-name.

— Function: ly:number->string s

Convert num to a string without generating many decimals.

— Function: ly:optimal-breaking pb

Optimally break (pages and lines) the Paper_book PB to minimise badness in bother vertical and horizontal spacing.

— Function: ly:option-usage

Print ly:set-option usage

— Function: ly:otf->cff otf-file-name

Convert the contents of a OTF file to CFF file, returning it as a string.

— Function: ly:otf-font-glyph-info font glyph

Given the font metric font of an OpenType font, return the information about named glyph glyph (a string)

— Function: ly:otf-font-table-data font tag

Extract a table tag from font. Return empty string for non-existent tag.

— Function: ly:otf-font? font

Is font an OpenType font?

— Function: ly:otf-glyph-list font

Return a list of glyphnames for font.

— Function: ly:output-backend

Return name of output backend.

— Function: ly:output-def-clone def

Clone def.

— Function: ly:output-def-lookup pap sym def

Lookup sym in pap. Return the value or def (which defaults to '()) if undefined.

— Function: ly:output-def-parent def

Get the parent output-def of def.

— Function: ly:output-def-parser odef

Return the parser where odef is coming from.

— Function: ly:output-def-scope def

Get the variable scope inside def.

— Function: ly:output-description output-def

Return the description of translators in output-def.

— Function: ly:output-formats

Formats passed to –format as a list of strings, used for the output.

— Function: ly:outputter-close outputter

Close port of outputter.

— Function: ly:outputter-dump-stencil outputter stencil

Dump stencil expr onto outputter.

— Function: ly:outputter-dump-string outputter str

Dump str onto outputter.

— Function: ly:outputter-output-scheme outputter expr

Eval expr in module of outputter.

— Function: ly:outputter-port outputter

Return output port for outputter.

— Function: ly:page-turn-breaking pb

Optimally break (pages and lines) the Paper_book PB such that page turns only happen in specified places, returning its pages.

— Function: ly:pango-font-physical-fonts f

Return alist of (PSNAME . FILENAME) tuples.

— Function: ly:pango-font? f

Is f a pango font?

— Function: ly:paper-book-pages pb

Return pages in book PB.

— Function: ly:paper-book-paper pb

Return pages in book PB.

— Function: ly:paper-book-performances paper-book

Return performances in book paper-book.

— Function: ly:paper-book-scopes book

Return pages in layout book book.

— Function: ly:paper-book-systems pb

Return systems in book PB.

— Function: ly:paper-book? x

Is x a Paper_book object?

— Function: ly:paper-fonts bp

Return fonts from the \paper block bp.

— Function: ly:paper-get-font paper-smob chain

Return a font metric satisfying the font-qualifiers in the alist chain chain. (An alist chain is a list of alists, containing grob properties).

— Function: ly:paper-get-number layout-smob name

Return the layout variable name.

— Function: ly:paper-outputscale bp

Get output-scale for BP.

— Function: ly:paper-score-paper-systems paper-score

Return vector of paper_system objects from paper-score.

— Function: ly:paper-system? obj

Type predicate.

— Function: ly:parse-file name

Parse a single .ly file. Upon failure, throw ly-file-failed key.

— Function: ly:parse-string ly-code

Parse the string LY_CODE. Upon failure, throw ly-file-failed key.

— Function: ly:parser-define! parser-smob symbol val

Bind SYMBOL to VAL in PARSER_SMOB's module.

— Function: ly:parser-error parser msg input

Display an error message, and make the parser fail

— Function: ly:parser-lookup parser-smob symbol

Lookup symbol in parser_smob's module. Undefined is '().

— Function: ly:parser-output-name parser

Return the base name of the output file.

— Function: ly:parser-parse-string parser-smob ly-code

Parse the string LY_CODE with PARSER_SMOB.Upon failure, throw ly-file-failed key.

— Function: ly:parser-set-note-names parser names

Replace current note names in parser. names is an alist of symbols. This only has effect if the current mode is notes.

— Function: ly:performance-write performance filename

Write performance to filename

— Function: ly:pfb->pfa pfb-file-name

Convert the contents of a PFB file to PFA.

— Function: ly:pitch-alteration pp

Extract the alteration from pitch p.

— Function: ly:pitch-diff pitch root

Return pitch delta such that pitch transposed by delta equals root

— Function: ly:pitch-notename pp

Extract the note name from pitch pp.

— Function: ly:pitch-octave pp

Extract the octave from pitch p.

— Function: ly:pitch-quartertones pp

Calculate the number of quarter tones of p from middle C.

— Function: ly:pitch-semitones pp

calculate the number of semitones of p from middle C.

— Function: ly:pitch-steps p

Number of steps counted from middle C of the pitch p.

— Function: ly:pitch-transpose p delta

Transpose p by the amount delta, where delta is relative to middle C.

— Function: ly:pitch<? p1 p2

Is p1 lexicographically smaller than p2?

— Function: ly:pitch? x

Is x a Pitch object?

— Function: ly:prob-property obj sym dfault

Return the value for sym.

— Function: ly:prob-property? obj sym

Is boolean prop sym set?

— Function: ly:prob-set-property! obj sym value

Set property sym of obj to value

— Function: ly:prob-type? obj type

If obj the specified prob-type?

— Function: ly:prob? x

Is x a Prob object?

— Function: ly:programming-error str rest

Scheme callable function to issue the warning msg. The message is formatted with format and rest.

— Function: ly:progress str rest

Scheme callable function to print progress str. The message is formatted with format and rest.

— Function: ly:protects

Return hash of protected objects.

— Function: ly:pt num

num printer points

— Function: ly:register-stencil-expression symbol

Add symbol as head of a stencil expression

— Function: ly:relative-group-extent elements common axis

Determine the extent of elements relative to common in the axis direction.

— Function: ly:reset-all-fonts

Forget all about previously loaded fonts.

— Function: ly:round-filled-box xext yext blot

Make a Stencil that prints a black box of dimensions xext, yext and roundness blot.

— Function: ly:run-translator mus output-def key

Process mus according to output_def. An interpretation context is set up, and mus is interpreted with it. The context is returned in its final state.

Optionally, this routine takes an Object-key to to uniquely identify the Score block containing it.

— Function: ly:score-embedded-format score layout key

Run score through layout, an output definition, scaled to correct output-scale already, return a list of layout-lines. Take optional Object_key argument.

— Function: ly:score-process score-smob default-header default-paper default-layout basename

Print score without page-layout: just print the systems.

— Function: ly:score? x

Is x a Score object?

— Function: ly:set-default-scale scale

Set the global default scale.

— Function: ly:set-option var val

Set a program option. Try setting 'help for a help string.

— Function: ly:set-point-and-click what


— Function: ly:simple-closure? clos

Type predicate.

— Function: ly:smob-protects

Return lily's internal smob protection list

— Function: ly:solve-spring-rod-problem springs rods length ragged

Solve a spring and rod problem for count objects, that are connected by count-1 springs, and an arbitrary number of rods Springs have the format (ideal, hooke) and rods (idx1, idx2, distance) length is a number, ragged a boolean Return: a list containing the force (positive for stretching, negative for compressing and #f for non-satisfied constraints) followed by the spring-count+1 positions of the objects.

— Function: ly:source-file? x

Is x a Source_file object?

— Function: ly:spanner-bound slur dir

Get one of the bounds of spanner. dir is -1 for left, and 1 for right.

— Function: ly:spanner-broken-into spanner

Return broken-into list for spanner.

— Function: ly:spanner? g

Is g a spanner object?

— Function: ly:stderr-redirect file-name mode

Redirect stderr to FILE-NAME, opened with MODE.

— Function: ly:stencil-add args

Combine stencils. Takes any number of arguments.

— Function: ly:stencil-aligned-to stil axis dir

Align stil using its own extents. dir is a number -1, 1 are left and right respectively. Other values are interpolated (so 0 means the center).

— Function: ly:stencil-combine-at-edge first axis direction second padding minimum

Construct a stencil by putting second next to first. axis can be 0 (x-axis) or 1 (y-axis), direction can be -1 (left or down) or 1 (right or up). The stencils are juxtaposed with padding as extra space. If this puts the reference points closer than minimum, they are moved by the latter amount.first and second may also be '() or #f.

— Function: ly:stencil-empty? stil

Return whether stil is empty

— Function: ly:stencil-expr stil

Return the expression of stil.

— Function: ly:stencil-extent stil axis

Return a pair of numbers signifying the extent of stil in axis direction (0 or 1 for x and y axis respectively).

— Function: ly:stencil-fonts s

Analyse s, and return a list of fonts used in s.

— Function: ly:stencil-in-color stc r g b

Put stc in a different color.

— Function: ly:stencil-moved-to-edge first axis direction second padding minimum

Similar to ly:stencil-combine-edge, but returns second positioned to be next to first.

— Function: ly:stencil-origin stil axis

Return a pair of numbers signifying the origin stil in axis direction (0 or 1 for x and y axis respectively).

— Function: ly:stencil-rotate stil angle x y

Return a stil rotated angle degrees around point (x, y).

— Function: ly:stencil-translate stil offset

Return a stil, but translated by offset (a pair of numbers).

— Function: ly:stencil-translate-axis stil amount axis

Return a copy of stil but translated by amount in axis direction.

— Function: ly:stencil? x

Is x a Stencil object?

— Function: ly:stream-event? x

Is x a Stream_event object?

— Function: ly:string-substitute a b s

Replace a by b in s.

— Function: ly:text-dimension font text

Given the font metric in font and the string text, compute the extents of that text in that font. The return value is a pair of number-pairs.

— Function: ly:translator-description me

Return an alist of properties of translator me.

— Function: ly:translator-group? x

Is x a Translator_group object?

— Function: ly:translator-name trans

Return the type name of the translator object trans. The name is a symbol.

— Function: ly:translator? x

Is x a Translator object?

— Function: ly:transpose-key-alist l pit

Make a new key alist of l transposed by pitch pit

— Function: ly:ttf->pfa ttf-file-name

Convert the contents of a TTF file to Type42 PFA, returning it as a string.

— Function: ly:ttf-ps-name ttf-file-name

Extract the PostScript name from a TrueType font.

— Function: ly:tweak-clear-registry

Clear global tweak registry

— Function: ly:tweak-define-keys keys

Read keys

— Function: ly:tweak-define-tweaks tweaks

Read tweaks

— Function: ly:undumper-lookup undumper serial

Return the object key for number serial.

— Function: ly:undumper-read-keys undumper keys

Read serialized keys into undumper.

— Function: ly:unit

Return the unit used for lengths as a string.

— Function: ly:usage

Print usage message.

— Function: ly:version

Return the current lilypond version as a list, e.g. (1 3 127 uu1).

— Function: ly:warning str rest

Scheme callable function to issue the warning str. The message is formatted with format and rest.

— Function: ly:wide-char->utf-8 wc

Encode the Unicode codepoint wc, an integer, as UTF-8

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This page is for LilyPond-2.10.33 (stable-branch).

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