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An object that is put above or below a note

User settable properties:
add-stem-support (boolean)
If set, the Stem object is included in this script's support
avoid-slur (symbol)
Method of handling slur collisions. Choices are around, inside, outside. If unset, script and slur ignore eachother.
script-priority (number)
A sorting key that determines in what order a script is within a stack of scripts.
slur-padding (number)
Extra distance between slur and script.
Internal properties:
script-stencil (pair)
Pair (type . arg), which acts as an index for looking up a Stencil object.
slur (layout object)
A pointer to a slur object

This grob interface is used in the following graphical objects: AccidentalSuggestion, DynamicText and Script

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This page is for LilyPond-2.10.33 (stable-branch).

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