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A slur

User settable properties:
avoid-slur (symbol)
Method of handling slur collisions. Choices are around, inside, outside. If unset, script and slur ignore eachother.
control-points (list)
List of offsets (number-pairs) that form control points for the tie/slur/bracket shape. For beziers, this should list the control points of a 3rd order bezier curve.
dash-fraction (number)
Size of the dashes, relative to dash-period. Should be between 0.0 (no line) and 1.0 (continuous line).
dash-period (number)
the length of one dash + white space. If negative, no line is drawn at all.
direction (direction)
If side-position is 1 (#X), then this property determines if the object is placed #LEFT, #CENTER or #RIGHT with respect to the other object. Otherwise, it determines if the object is placed #UP #CENTER or #DOWN. Numerical values may also be used. #UP=1, #DOWN=-1, #LEFT=-1, #RIGHT=1, CENTER=0 but also other numerical values are permitted.
eccentricity (number)
How asymmetrical to make a slur. Positive means move the center to the right.
height-limit (dimension, in staff space)
Maximum slur height: the longer the slur, the closer it is to this height.
inspect-index (integer)
If debugging is set, set beam/slur configuration to this index, and print the respective scores.
inspect-quants (pair of numbers)
If debugging is set, set beam/slur quant to this position, and print the respective scores.
line-thickness (number)
The thickness of the tie/slur contour.
positions (pair)
Pair of staff coordinates (left . right), where both left and right are in the staff-space unit of the current staff.
ratio (number)
Parameter for slur shape. The higher this number, the quicker the slur attains it height-limit.
thickness (number)
Line thickness, generally measured in line-thickness.
Internal properties:
details (list)
alist of parameters for detailed grob behavior.

more information on the allowed parameters can be found by inspecting lily/, lily/, and lily/ Setting debug-tie-scoring, debug-beam-scoring or debug-slur-scoring also provides useful clues.

encompass-objects (unknown)
Objects that a slur should avoid in addition to notes and stems.
note-columns (pair)
list of NoteColumn grobs.
quant-score (string)
Beam quanting score – can be stored for debugging

This grob interface is used in the following graphical objects: PhrasingSlur and Slur

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This page is for LilyPond-2.10.33 (stable-branch).

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