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A vaticana style gregorian ligature

User settable properties:
thickness (number)
Line thickness, generally measured in line-thickness.
Internal properties:
add-cauda (boolean)
does this flexa require an additional cauda on the left side?
add-join (boolean)
is this ligature head joined with the next one by a vertical line?
add-stem (boolean)
is this ligature head a virga and therefore needs an additional stem on the right side?
delta-position (number)
vertical position difference
flexa-height (dimension, in staff space)
height of a flexa shape in a ligature grob in staff_space.
flexa-width (dimension, in staff space)
width of a flexa shape in a ligature grob in staff_space.
glyph-name (string)
a name of character within font.
x-offset (dimension, in staff space)
Extra horizontal offset for ligature heads.

This grob interface is used in the following graphical objects: VaticanaLigature

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This page is for LilyPond-2.10.33 (stable-branch).

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