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7.7.7 Ancient articulations

In addition to the standard articulation signs described in section Articulations, articulation signs for ancient notation are provided. These are specifically designed for use with notation in Editio Vaticana style.

     \include ""
     \score {
       \new VaticanaVoice {
         \override TextScript #'font-family = #'typewriter
         \override TextScript #'font-shape = #'upright
         \override Script #'padding = #-0.1
         a\ictus_"ictus" \break
         a\circulus_"circulus" \break
         a\semicirculus_"semicirculus" \break
         a\accentus_"accentus" \break
         \[ a_"episem" \episemInitium \pes b \flexa a b \episemFinis \flexa a \]

[image of music]


Some articulations are vertically placed too closely to the correpsonding note heads.

The episem line is not displayed in many cases. If it is displayed, the right end of the episem line is often too far to the right.

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