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6.2.7 Automatic note splitting

Long notes can be converted automatically to tied notes. This is done by replacing the Note_heads_engraver by the Completion_heads_engraver. In the following examples, notes crossing the bar line are split and tied.

\new Voice \with {
  \remove "Note_heads_engraver"
  \consists "Completion_heads_engraver"
} {
  c2. c8 d4 e f g a b c8 c2 b4 a g16 f4 e d c8. c2

[image of music]

This engraver splits all running notes at the bar line, and inserts ties. One of its uses is to debug complex scores: if the measures are not entirely filled, then the ties exactly show how much each measure is off.

If you want to allow line breaking on the bar lines where Completion_heads_engraver splits notes, you must also remove Forbid_line_breaks_engraver.


Not all durations (especially those containing tuplets) can be represented exactly with normal notes and dots, but the engraver will not insert tuplets.

Completion_heads_engraver only affects notes; it does not split rests.

See also

Examples: input/regression/

Program reference: Completion_heads_engraver.

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