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7.1.1 Automatic staff changes

Voices can be made to switch automatically between the top and the bottom staff. The syntax for this is


This will create two staves inside the current PianoStaff, called up and down. The lower staff will be in bass clef by default.

A \relative section that is outside of \autochange has no effect on the pitches of music, so, if necessary, put \relative inside \autochange like

     \autochange \relative ... ...

The autochanger switches on basis of the pitch (middle C is the turning point), and it looks ahead skipping over rests to switch in advance. Here is a practical example

     \new PianoStaff
       \autochange \relative c'
         g4 a b c d r4 a g

[image of music]

See also

In this manual: Manual staff switches.

Program reference: AutoChangeMusic.


The staff switches may not end up in optimal places. For high quality output, staff switches should be specified manually.

\autochange cannot be inside \times.

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