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7.5.4 Banjo tablatures

LilyPond has basic support for five stringed banjo. When making tablatures for five stringed banjo, use the banjo tablature format function to get correct fret numbers for the fifth string:

     \new TabStaff <<
       \set TabStaff.tablatureFormat = #fret-number-tablature-format-banjo
       \set TabStaff.stringTunings = #banjo-open-g-tuning
         g8 d' g'\5 a b g e d' |
         g4 d''8\5 b' a'\2 g'\5 e'\2 d' |

[image of music]

A number of common tunings for banjo are predefined in LilyPond: banjo-c-tuning (gCGBD), banjo-modal-tuning (gDGCD), banjo-open-d-tuning (aDF#AD) and banjo-open-dm-tuning (aDFAD).

These tunings may be converted to four string banjo tunings using the four-string-banjo function:

\set TabStaff.stringTunings = #(four-string-banjo banjo-c-tuning)

See also

The file scm/output-lib.scm contains predefined banjo tunings.

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This page is for LilyPond-2.10.33 (stable-branch).

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