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10.2.1 Creating titles

Titles are created for each \score block, as well as for the full input file (or \book block).

The contents of the titles are taken from the \header blocks. The header block for a book supports the following

The dedicatee of the music, centered at the top of the first page.

The title of the music, centered just below the dedication.

Subtitle, centered below the title.

Subsubtitle, centered below the subtitle.

Name of the poet, flush-left below the subtitle.

Name of the composer, flush-right below the subtitle.

Meter string, flush-left below the poet.

Name of the opus, flush-right below the composer.

Name of the arranger, flush-right below the opus.

Name of the instrument, centered below the arranger. Also centered at the top of pages (other than the first page).

Name of the piece, flush-left below the instrument.

This forces the title to start on a new page (set to ##t or ##f).

Copyright notice, centered at the bottom of the first page. To insert the copyright symbol, see Text encoding.

Centered at the bottom of the last page.

Here is a demonstration of the fields available. Note that you may use any Text markup commands in the header.

\paper {
  line-width = 9.0\cm
  paper-height = 10.0\cm

\book {
  \header {
    dedication = "dedicated to me"
    title = \markup \center-align { "Title first line" "Title second line,
longer" }
    subtitle = "the subtitle,"
    subsubtitle = #(string-append "subsubtitle LilyPond version "
    poet = "Poet"
    composer =  \markup \center-align { "composer" \small "(1847-1973)" }
    texttranslator = "Text Translator"
    meter = \markup { \teeny "m" \tiny "e" \normalsize "t" \large "e" \huge
"r" }
    arranger = \markup { \fontsize #8.5 "a" \fontsize #2.5 "r" \fontsize
#-2.5 "r" \fontsize #-5.3 "a" \fontsize #7.5 "nger" }
    instrument = \markup \bold \italic "instrument"
    piece = "Piece"

  \score {
    { c'1 }
    \header {
      piece = "piece1"
      opus = "opus1"
  \markup {
      and now...
  \score {
    { c'1 }
    \header {
      piece = "piece2"
      opus = "opus2"

[image of music]

As demonstrated before, you can use multiple \header blocks. When same fields appear in different blocks, the latter is used. Here is a short example.

\header {
  composer = "Composer"
\header {
  piece = "Piece"
\score {
  \new Staff { c'4 }
  \header {
    piece = "New piece"  % overwrite previous one

If you define the \header inside the \score block, then normally only the piece and opus headers will be printed. Note that the music expression must come before the \header.

\score {
  { c'4 }
  \header {
    title = "title"  % not printed
    piece = "piece"
    opus = "opus"

[image of music]

You may change this behavior (and print all the headers when defining \header inside \score) by using


The default footer is empty, except for the first page, where the copyright field from \header is inserted, and the last page, where tagline from \header is added. The default tagline is “Music engraving by LilyPond (version)”.1

Headers may be completely removed by setting them to false.

\header {
  tagline = ##f
  composer = ##f


[1] Nicely printed parts are good PR for us, so please leave the tagline if you can.

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