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8.3.4 Formatting cue notes

The previous section deals with inserting notes from another voice. There is a more advanced music function called \cueDuring, which makes formatting cue notes easier.

The syntax is

  \cueDuring #name #updown music

This will insert notes from the part name into a Voice called cue. This happens simultaneously with music, which usually is a rest. When the cue notes start, the staff in effect becomes polyphonic for a moment. The argument updown determines whether the cue notes should be notated as a first or second voice.

smaller = {
  \set fontSize = #-2
  \override Stem #'length-fraction = #0.8
  \override Beam #'thickness = #0.384
  \override Beam #'length-fraction = #0.8

\addquote clarinet \relative {
  r2 r8 c f f

\new Staff \relative  <<

  % setup a context for  cue  notes.
  \new Voice = "cue" { \smaller \skip 1*21 }

  \set Score.skipBars = ##t

  \new Voice {
    \cueDuring #"clarinet" #1 {
    g4 g2.

[image of music]

Here are a couple of hints for successful cue notes

The macro \transposedCueDuring is useful to add cues to instruments which use a completely different octave range (for example, having a cue of a piccolo flute within a contra bassoon part).

     picc = \relative c''' {
       \clef "treble^8"
       R1 |
       c8 c c e g2 |
       a4 g g2 |
     \addquote "picc" { \picc }
     cbsn = \relative c, {
       \clef "bass_8"
       c4 r g r
       \transposedCueDuring #"picc" #UP c,, { R1 } |
       c4 r g r |
       \context Staff = "picc" \picc
       \context Staff = "cbsn" \cbsn

[image of music]

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