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6.5.6 Manual beams

In some cases it may be necessary to override the automatic beaming algorithm. For example, the autobeamer will not put beams over rests or bar lines. Such beams are specified manually by marking the begin and end point with [ and ]

       r4 r8[ g' a r8] r8 g[ | a] r8

[image of music]

Commonly tweaked properties

Normally, beaming patterns within a beam are determined automatically. If necessary, the properties stemLeftBeamCount and stemRightBeamCount can be used to override the defaults. If either property is set, its value will be used only once, and then it is erased

        f8[ r16
           f g a]
        f8[ r16
        \set stemLeftBeamCount = #1
           f g a]

[image of music]

The property subdivideBeams can be set in order to subdivide all 16th or shorter beams at beat positions, as defined by the beatLength property.

     c16[ c c c c c c c]
     \set subdivideBeams = ##t
     c16[ c c c c c c c]
     \set Score.beatLength = #(ly:make-moment 1 8)
     c16[ c c c c c c c]

[image of music]

For more information about make-moment, see Time administration.

Line breaks are normally forbidden when beams cross bar lines. This behavior can be changed by setting allowBeamBreak.


Kneed beams are inserted automatically when a large gap is detected between the note heads. This behavior can be tuned through the object.

Automatically kneed cross-staff beams cannot be used together with hidden staves. See Hiding staves.

Beams do not avoid collisions with symbols around the notes, such as texts and accidentals.

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