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6.7.7 Measure repeats

In the percent style, a note pattern can be repeated. It is printed once, and then the pattern is replaced with a special sign. Patterns of one and two measures are replaced by percent-like signs, patterns that divide the measure length are replaced by slashes. Percent repeats must be declared within a Voice context.

     \new Voice \relative c' {
       \repeat "percent" 4 { c4 }
       \repeat "percent" 2 { c2 es2 f4 fis4 g4 c4 }

[image of music]

Measure repeats of more than 2 measures get a counter, if you switch on the countPercentRepeats property,

     \new Voice {
     \set countPercentRepeats = ##t
       \repeat "percent" 4 { c1 }

[image of music]

Isolated percents can also be printed. This is done by putting a multi-measure rest with a different print function,

     \override MultiMeasureRest #'stencil
       = #ly:multi-measure-rest::percent

[image of music]

See also

Program reference: RepeatSlash, PercentRepeat, DoublePercentRepeat, DoublePercentRepeatCounter, PercentRepeatCounter, PercentRepeatedMusic.

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