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8.2.2 Metronome marks

Metronome settings can be entered as follows

\tempo duration = per-minute

In the MIDI output, they are interpreted as a tempo change. In the layout output, a metronome marking is printed

     \tempo 8.=120 c''1

[image of music]

Commonly tweaked properties

To change the tempo in the MIDI output without printing anything, make the metronome marking invisible

\once \override Score.MetronomeMark #'transparent = ##t

To print other metronome markings, use these markup commands

     c4^\markup {
       \smaller \general-align #Y #DOWN \note #"16." #1
       \smaller \general-align #Y #DOWN \note #"8" #1
       ) }

[image of music]

See Text markup for more details.

See also

Program reference: MetronomeMark.


Collisions are not checked. If you have notes above the top line of the staff (or notes with articulations, slurs, text, etc), then the metronome marking may be printed on top of musical symbols. If this occurs, increase the padding of the metronome mark to place it further away from the staff.

\override Score.MetronomeMark #'padding = #2.5

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