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8.2.1 Multi measure rests

Rests for one full measure (or many bars) are entered using `R'. It is specifically meant for full bar rests and for entering parts: the rest can expand to fill a score with rests, or it can be printed as a single multi-measure rest. This expansion is controlled by the property Score.skipBars. If this is set to true, empty measures will not be expanded, and the appropriate number is added automatically

     \time 4/4 r1 | R1 | R1*2 \time 3/4 R2. \time 2/4 R2 \time 4/4
     \set Score.skipBars = ##t R1*17 R1*4

[image of music]

The 1 in R1 is similar to the duration notation used for notes. Hence, for time signatures other than 4/4, you must enter other durations. This can be done with augmentation dots or fractions

     \set Score.skipBars = ##t
     \time 3/4
     R2. | R2.*2
     \time 13/8
     R1*13/8*12 |
     \time 10/8 R4*5*4 |

[image of music]

An R spanning a single measure is printed as either a whole rest or a breve, centered in the measure regardless of the time signature.

If there are only a few measures of rest, LilyPond prints “church rests”

(a series of rectangles) in the staff. To replace that with a simple rest, use MultiMeasureRest.expand-limit.

     \set Score.skipBars = ##t
     R1*2 | R1*5 | R1*9
     \override MultiMeasureRest #'expand-limit = 1
     R1*2 | R1*5 | R1*9

[image of music]

Texts can be added to multi-measure rests by using the note-markup syntax Text markup. A variable (\fermataMarkup) is provided for adding fermatas

     \set Score.skipBars = ##t
     \time 3/4
     R2.*10^\markup { \italic "ad lib." }

[image of music]

Warning! This text is created by MultiMeasureRestText, not TextScript.

     \override TextScript #'padding = #5
     \override MultiMeasureRestText #'padding = #5

[image of music]

If you want to have text on the left end of a multi-measure rest, attach the text to a zero-length skip note, i.e.,


See also

Program reference: MultiMeasureRestMusicGroup, MultiMeasureRest.

The layout object MultiMeasureRestNumber is for the default number, and MultiMeasureRestText for user specified texts.


It is not possible to use fingerings (e.g., R1-4) to put numbers over multi-measure rests. And the pitch of multi-measure rests (or staff-centered rests) can not be influenced.

There is no way to automatically condense multiple rests into a single multi-measure rest. Multi-measure rests do not take part in rest collisions.

Be careful when entering multi-measure rests followed by whole notes. The following will enter two notes lasting four measures each

R1*4 cis cis

When skipBars is set, the result will look OK, but the bar numbering will be off.

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