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12.4.3 New markup command definition

New markup commands can be defined with the define-markup-command Scheme macro.

(define-markup-command (command-name layout props arg1 arg2 ...)
            (arg1-type? arg2-type? ...)
  ..command body..)

The arguments are

ith command argument
a type predicate for the ith argument
the ‘layout’ definition
a list of alists, containing all active properties.

As a simple example, we show how to add a \smallcaps command, which selects a small caps font. Normally we could select the small caps font,

\markup { \override #'(font-shape . caps) Text-in-caps }

This selects the caps font by setting the font-shape property to #'caps for interpreting Text-in-caps.

To make the above available as \smallcaps command, we must define a function using define-markup-command. The command should take a single argument of type markup. Therefore the start of the definition should read

(define-markup-command (smallcaps layout props argument) (markup?)

What follows is the content of the command: we should interpret the argument as a markup, i.e.,

(interpret-markup layout ... argument)

This interpretation should add '(font-shape . caps) to the active properties, so we substitute the following for the ... in the above example:

(cons (list '(font-shape . caps) ) props)

The variable props is a list of alists, and we prepend to it by cons'ing a list with the extra setting.

Suppose that we are typesetting a recitative in an opera and we would like to define a command that will show character names in a custom manner. Names should be printed with small caps and moved a bit to the left and top. We will define a \character command which takes into account the necessary translation and uses the newly defined \smallcaps command:

#(define-markup-command (character layout props name) (string?)
  "Print the character name in small caps, translated to the left and
  top.  Syntax: \\character #\"name\""
  (interpret-markup layout props
   (markup #:hspace 0 #:translate (cons -3 1) #:smallcaps name)))

There is one complication that needs explanation: texts above and below the staff are moved vertically to be at a certain distance (the padding property) from the staff and the notes. To make sure that this mechanism does not annihilate the vertical effect of our #:translate, we add an empty string (#:hspace 0) before the translated text. Now the #:hspace 0 will be put above the notes, and the name is moved in relation to that empty string. The net effect is that the text is moved to the upper left.

The final result is as follows:

  c''^\markup \character #"Cleopatra"
  e'^\markup \character #"Giulio Cesare"

[image of music]

We have used the caps font shape, but suppose that our font does not have a small-caps variant. In that case we have to fake the small caps font by setting a string in upcase with the first letter a little larger:

#(define-markup-command (smallcaps layout props str) (string?)
  "Print the string argument in small caps."
  (interpret-markup layout props
    (map (lambda (s)
          (if (= (string-length s) 0)
              (markup #:large (string-upcase (substring s 0 1))
                      #:translate (cons -0.6 0)
                      #:tiny (string-upcase (substring s 1)))))
         (string-split str #\Space)))))

The smallcaps command first splits its string argument into tokens separated by spaces ((string-split str #\Space)); for each token, a markup is built with the first letter made large and upcased (#:large (string-upcase (substring s 0 1))), and a second markup built with the following letters made tiny and upcased (#:tiny (string-upcase (substring s 1))). As LilyPond introduces a space between markups on a line, the second markup is translated to the left (#:translate (cons -0.6 0) ...). Then, the markups built for each token are put in a line by (make-line-markup ...). Finally, the resulting markup is passed to the interpret-markup function, with the layout and props arguments.

Note: there is now an internal command \smallCaps which can be used to set text in small caps. See Overview of text markup commands for details.

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This page is for LilyPond-2.10.33 (stable-branch).

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