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8.2.7 Ottava brackets

‘Ottava’ brackets introduce an extra transposition of an octave for the staff. They are created by invoking the function set-octavation

     \relative c''' {
       a2 b
       #(set-octavation 1)
       a b
       #(set-octavation 0)
       a b

[image of music]

The set-octavation function also takes -1 (for 8va bassa), 2 (for 15ma), and -2 (for 15ma bassa) as arguments. Internally the function sets the properties ottavation (e.g., to "8va" or "8vb") and centralCPosition. For overriding the text of the bracket, set ottavation after invoking set-octavation, i.e.,

       #(set-octavation 1)
       \set Staff.ottavation = #"8"

[image of music]

See also

Program reference: OttavaBracket.

Examples: input/regression/, input/regression/


set-octavation will get confused when clef changes happen during an octavation bracket.

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