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D.2 Piano templates

D.2.1 Solo piano

Here is a simple piano staff.

     \version "2.10.10"
     upper = \relative c'' {
        \clef treble
        \key c \major
        \time 4/4
        a b c d
     lower = \relative c {
        \clef bass
        \key c \major
        \time 4/4
        a2 c
     \score {
        \new PianoStaff <<
           \set PianoStaff.instrumentName = "Piano  "
           \new Staff = "upper" \upper
           \new Staff = "lower" \lower
        \layout { }
        \midi { }

[image of music]

D.2.2 Piano and melody with lyrics

Here is a typical song format: one staff with the melody and lyrics, with piano accompaniment underneath.

     \version "2.10.10"
     melody = \relative c'' {
        \clef treble
        \key c \major
        \time 4/4
        a b c d
     text = \lyricmode {
        Aaa Bee Cee Dee
     upper = \relative c'' {
        \clef treble
        \key c \major
        \time 4/4
        a b c d
     lower = \relative c {
        \clef bass
        \key c \major
        \time 4/4
        a2 c
     \score {
           \new Voice = "mel" {
           \new Lyrics \lyricsto mel \text
           \new PianoStaff <<
              \new Staff = "upper" \upper
              \new Staff = "lower" \lower
        \layout {
           \context { \RemoveEmptyStaffContext }
        \midi { }

[image of music]

D.2.3 Piano centered lyrics

Instead of having a full staff for the melody and lyrics, you can place the lyrics between the piano staff (and omit the separate melody staff).

     \version "2.10.10"
     upper = \relative c'' {
        \clef treble
        \key c \major
        \time 4/4
        a b c d
     lower = \relative c {
        \clef bass
        \key c \major
        \time 4/4
        a2 c
     text = \lyricmode {
        Aaa Bee Cee Dee
     \score {
       \new GrandStaff <<
         \new Staff = upper { \new Voice = "singer" \upper }
         \new Lyrics \lyricsto "singer" \text
         \new Staff = lower {
           \clef bass
       \layout {
         \context { \GrandStaff \accepts "Lyrics" }
         \context { \Lyrics \consists "Bar_engraver" }
       \midi { }

[image of music]

D.2.4 Piano centered dynamics

Many piano scores have the dynamics centered between the two staffs. This requires a bit of tweaking to implement, but since the template is right here, you don't have to do the tweaking yourself.

     \version "2.10.10"
     upper = \relative c'' {
       \clef treble
       \key c \major
       \time 4/4
       a b c d
     lower = \relative c {
       \clef bass
       \key c \major
       \time 4/4
       a2 c
     dynamics = {
       s2\fff\> s4
     pedal = {
       s2\sustainDown s2\sustainUp
     \score {
       \new PianoStaff <<
         \new Staff = "upper" \upper
         \new Dynamics = "dynamics" \dynamics
         \new Staff = "lower" <<
           \clef bass
         \new Dynamics = "pedal" \pedal
       \layout {
         \context {
           \type "Engraver_group"
           \name Dynamics
           \alias Voice % So that \cresc works, for example.
           \consists "Output_property_engraver"
           \override VerticalAxisGroup #'minimum-Y-extent = #'(-1 . 1)
           pedalSustainStrings = #'("Ped." "*Ped." "*")
           pedalUnaCordaStrings = #'("una corda" "" "tre corde")
           \consists "Piano_pedal_engraver"
           \consists "Script_engraver"
           \consists "Dynamic_engraver"
           \consists "Text_engraver"
           \override TextScript #'font-size = #2
           \override TextScript #'font-shape = #'italic
           \override DynamicText #'extra-offset = #'(0 . 2.5)
           \override Hairpin #'extra-offset = #'(0 . 2.5)
           \consists "Skip_event_swallow_translator"
           \consists "Axis_group_engraver"
         \context {
           \accepts Dynamics
           \override VerticalAlignment #'forced-distance = #7
     \score {
       \new PianoStaff <<
         \new Staff = "upper" << \upper \dynamics >>
         \new Staff = "lower" << \lower \dynamics >>
         \new Dynamics = "pedal" \pedal
       \midi {
         \context {
           \type "Performer_group"
           \name Dynamics
           \consists "Piano_pedal_performer"
         \context {
           \accepts Dynamics

[image of music]

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