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8.5.4 Shape note heads

In shape note head notation, the shape of the note head corresponds to the harmonic function of a note in the scale. This notation was popular in the 19th century American song books.

Shape note heads can be produced by setting \aikenHeads or \sacredHarpHeads, depending on the style desired.

  c8 d4 e8 a2 g1
  c8 d4. e8 a2 g1

[image of music]

Shapes are determined on the step in the scale, where the base of the scale is determined by the \key command

Shape note heads are implemented through the shapeNoteStyles property. Its value is a vector of symbols. The k-th element indicates the style to use for the k-th step of the scale. Arbitrary combinations are possible, e.g.

  \set shapeNoteStyles  = ##(cross triangle fa #f mensural xcircle diamond)
  c8 d4. e8 a2 g1

[image of music]

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