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2.1.2 Simple notation

LilyPond will add some notation elements automatically. In the next example, we have only specified four pitches, but LilyPond has added a clef, time signature, and rhythms.

       c' e' g' e'

[image of music]

This behavior may be altered, but in most cases these automatic values are useful.


The easiest way to enter notes is by using \relative mode. In this mode, the interval between the previous note and the current note is assumed to be within a fourth. We begin by entering the most elementary piece of music, a scale.

     \relative c' {
       c d e f
       g a b c

[image of music]

The initial note is middle C. Each successive note is within a fourth of the previous note – in other words, the first `c' is the closest C to middle C. This is followed by the closest D to the previous note. We can create melodies which have larger intervals:

     \relative c' {
       d f a g
       c b f d

[image of music]

As you may notice, this example does not start on middle C. The first note – the `d' – is the closest D to middle C.

To add intervals that are larger than a fourth, we can raise the octave by adding a single quote ' (or apostrophe) to the note name. We can lower the octave by adding a comma , to the note name.

     \relative c'' {
       a a, c' f,
       g g'' a,, f'

[image of music]

To change a note by two (or more!) octaves, we use multiple '' or ,, – but be careful that you use two single quotes '' and not one double quote " ! The initial value in \relative c' may also be modified like this.

Durations (rhythms)

The duration of a note is specified by a number after the note name. `1' for a whole note, `2' for a half note, `4' for a quarter note and so on. Beams are added automatically.

     \relative c'' {
       a2 a4 a8 a
       a16 a a a a32 a a a a64 a a a a a a a a2

[image of music]

If you do not specify a duration, the previous duration is used for the next note. The duration of the first note defaults to a quarter.

To create dotted notes, add a dot `.' to the duration number.

     \relative c'' {
       a a a4. a8
       a8. a16 a a8. a8 a4.

[image of music]


A rest is entered just like a note with the name `r':

     \relative c'' {
       a r r2
       r8 a r4 r4. r8

[image of music]

Time signature

The time signature) can be set with the \time command:

     \relative c'' {
       \time 3/4
       a4 a a
       \time 6/8
       a4. a
       \time 4/4
       a4 a a a

[image of music]


The clef can be set using the \clef command:

     \relative c' {
       \clef treble
       \clef alto
       \clef tenor
       \clef bass

[image of music]

All together

Here is a small example showing all these elements together:

     \relative c, {
       \time 3/4
       \clef bass
       c2 e8 c' g'2.
       f4 e d c4 c, r4

[image of music]

More information

Entering pitches and durations
see Pitches and Durations.
see Rests.
Time signatures and other timing commands
see Time signature.
see Clef.

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