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6.6.5 Trills

Short trills are printed like normal articulation; see Articulations.

Long running trills are made with \startTrillSpan and \stopTrillSpan,

     \new Voice {
       << { c1 \startTrillSpan }
          { s2. \grace { d16[\stopTrillSpan e] } } >>
       c4 }

[image of music]

Trills that should be executed on an explicitly specified pitch can be typeset with the command pitchedTrill,

     \pitchedTrill c4\startTrillSpan fis

[image of music]

The first argument is the main note. The pitch of the second is printed as a stemless note head in parentheses.

Predefined commands

\startTrillSpan, \stopTrillSpan.

See also

Program reference: TrillSpanner.

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