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3.18 raise


           raise {plot_window_nb}

The raise command raises (opposite to lower) plot window(s) associated with the interactive terminal of your gnuplot session, i.e. `pm`, `win`, `wxt` or `x11`. It puts the plot window to front (top) in the z-order windows stack of the window manager of your desktop.

As `x11` and `wxt` support multiple plot windows, then by default they raise these windows in descending order of most recently created on top to the least recently created on bottom. If a plot number is supplied as an optional parameter, only the associated plot window will be raised if it exists.

The optional parameter is ignored for single plot-windows terminal, i.e. `pm` and `win`.

If the window is not raised under X11, then perhaps the plot window is running in a different X11 session (telnet or ssh session, for example), or perhaps raising is blocked by your window manager policy setting.