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For rgbformulae three suitable mapping functions have to be chosen. This is done via `rgbformulae <r>,<g>,<b>`. The available mapping functions are listed by rgbformulae. Default is `7,5,15`, some other examples are `3,11,6`, `21,23,3` or `3,23,21`. Negative numbers, like `3,-11,-6`, mean inverted color (i.e. 1-gray passed into the formula, see also `positive` and `negative` options below).

Some nice schemes in RGB color space

        7,5,15   ... traditional pm3d (black-blue-red-yellow)
        3,11,6   ... green-red-violet
        23,28,3  ... ocean (green-blue-white); try also all other permutations
        21,22,23 ... hot (black-red-yellow-white)
        30,31,32 ... color printable on gray (black-blue-violet-yellow-white)
        33,13,10 ... rainbow (blue-green-yellow-red)
        34,35,36 ... AFM hot (black-red-yellow-white)

A full color palette in HSV color space

        3,2,2    ... red-yellow-green-cyan-blue-magenta-red

Please note that even if called rgbformulae the formulas might actually determine the <H>,<S>,<V> or <X>,<Y>,<Z> or ... color components as usual.

Use `positive` and `negative` to invert the figure colors.

Note that it is possible to find a set of the best matching rgbformulae for any other color scheme by the command

        show palette fit2rgbformulae