2.2.72 Midi_control_function_performer

Properties (read)

midiBalance (number)

Stereo balance for the MIDI channel associated with the current context. Ranges from -1 to 1, where the values -1 (#LEFT), 0 (#CENTER) and 1 (#RIGHT) correspond to leftmost emphasis, center balance, and rightmost emphasis, respectively.

midiChorusLevel (number)

Chorus effect level for the MIDI channel associated with the current context. Ranges from 0 to 1 (0=off, 1=full effect).

midiPanPosition (number)

Pan position for the MIDI channel associated with the current context. Ranges from -1 to 1, where the values -1 (#LEFT), 0 (#CENTER) and 1 (#RIGHT) correspond to hard left, center, and hard right, respectively.

midiReverbLevel (number)

Reverb effect level for the MIDI channel associated with the current context. Ranges from 0 to 1 (0=off, 1=full effect).

Midi_control_function_performer is not part of any context.

Internals Reference v2.18.2 (stabiler Zweig).