3.1.113 SustainPedal

SustainPedal objects are created by: Piano_pedal_engraver.

Standard settings:

extra-spacing-width (pair of numbers):

'(+inf.0 . -inf.0)

In the horizontal spacing problem, we pad each item by this amount (by adding the ‘car’ on the left side of the item and adding the ‘cdr’ on the right side of the item). In order to make a grob take up no horizontal space at all, set this to (+inf.0 . -inf.0).

padding (dimension, in staff space):


Add this much extra space between objects that are next to each other.

self-alignment-X (number):


Specify alignment of an object. The value -1 means left aligned, 0 centered, and 1 right-aligned in X direction. Other numerical values may also be specified.

stencil (stencil):


The symbol to print.

vertical-skylines (pair of skylines):

#<unpure-pure-container #<primitive-procedure ly:grob::vertical-skylines-from-stencil> >

Two skylines, one above and one below this grob.

X-offset (number):


The horizontal amount that this object is moved relative to its X-parent.

Y-extent (pair of numbers):

#<unpure-pure-container #<primitive-procedure ly:grob::stencil-height> >

Extent (size) in the Y direction, measured in staff-space units, relative to object’s reference point.

This object supports the following interface(s): font-interface, grob-interface, item-interface, piano-pedal-interface, piano-pedal-script-interface, self-alignment-interface and text-interface.

Internals Reference v2.18.2 (stabiler Zweig).