2.3.3 Lyrics to multiple staves

The simple approach using \addlyrics can be used for placing lyrics under more than one staff. Here is an example from Handel’s Judas Maccabæus:

  \relative c'' {
    \key f \major
    \time 6/8
    \partial 8
    c8 | c8([ bes]) a a([ g]) f | f'4. b, | c4.~ c4
  \addlyrics {
    Let | flee -- cy flocks the | hills a -- | dorn, __
  \relative c' {
    \key f \major
    \time 6/8
    \partial 8
    r8 | r4. r4 c8 | a'8([ g]) f f([ e]) d | e8([ d]) c bes'4
  \addlyrics {
    Let | flee -- cy flocks the | hills a -- dorn,

[image of music]

Scores any more complex than this simple example are better produced by separating out the score structure from the notes and lyrics with variables. These are discussed in Organizing pieces with variables.

See also

Notation Reference: Vocal music.

Other languages: česky, deutsch, español, français, magyar, italiano, 日本語, nederlands.
About automatic language selection.

LilyPond — Learning Manual v2.18.2 (stable-branch).