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(not documented)

This context creates the following layout objects:

BassFigureAlignment, BassFigureBracket, BassFigureContinuation, BassFigureLine, BassFigure, SeparatingGroupSpanner, SeparationItem, StaffSpacing and VerticalAxisGroup.

This context sets the following properties:

This context is a `bottom' context; it can not contain other contexts.

This context is built from the following engravers:

Like Axis_group_engraver, but make a hara-kiri spanner, and add interesting items (ie. note heads, lyric syllables and normal rests)

Properties (read)

keepAliveInterfaces (list)
List of symbols, signifying grob interfaces that are worth keeping an staff with remove-empty set around for.
This engraver creates the following layout objects: VerticalAxisGroup.
Generates objects for computing spacing parameters.

Properties (read)

createSpacing (boolean)
Create StaffSpacing objects? Should be set for staves.
Properties (write)
breakableSeparationItem (layout object)
The breakable items in this time step, for this staff.
This engraver creates the following layout objects: SeparatingGroupSpanner, SeparationItem and StaffSpacing.
Swallow \skip.
Swallow notes
Make figured bass numbers.

Music types accepted:

bass-figure-event and rest-event

Properties (read)

figuredBassAlterationDirection (direction)
Where to put alterations relative to the main figure.
figuredBassCenterContinuations (boolean)
Whether to vertically center pairs of extender lines. This does not work with three or more lines
figuredBassFormatter (procedure)
Routine generating a markup for a bass figure.
implicitBassFigures (list)
List of bass figures that are not printed as numbers, but only as extender lines.
useBassFigureExtenders (boolean)
Whether to use extender lines for repeated bass figures
ignoreFiguredBassRest (boolean)
Don't swallow rest events.
This engraver creates the following layout objects: BassFigure, BassFigureAlignment, BassFigureBracket, BassFigureContinuation and BassFigureLine.

Next: , Previous: DrumVoice, Up: Contexts

This page is for LilyPond-2.10.33 (stable-branch).

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