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The space taken by a note is dependent on its duration. Doubling a duration adds spacing-increment to the space. The most common shortest note gets shortest-duration-space. Notes that are even shorter are spaced proportonial to their duration.

Typically, the increment is the width of a black note head. In a piece with lots of 8th notes, and some 16th notes, the eighth note gets 2 note heads width (i.e. the space following a note is 1 note head width) A 16th note is followed by 0.5 note head width. The quarter note is followed by 3 NHW, the half by 4 NHW, etc.

User settable properties:
average-spacing-wishes (boolean)
If set, the spacing wishes are averaged over staves.
base-shortest-duration (moment)
Spacing is based on the shortest notes in a piece. Normally, pieces are spaced as if notes at least as short as this are present.
common-shortest-duration (moment)
The most common shortest note length. This is used in spacing. Enlarging this will set the score tighter.
packed-spacing (boolean)
If set, the notes are spaced as tightly as possible.
shortest-duration-space (dimension, in staff space)
Start with this much space for the shortest duration. This is expressed in spacing-increment as unit. See also spacing-spanner-interface.
spacing-increment (number)
Add this much space for a doubled duration. Typically, the width of a note head. See also spacing-spanner-interface.
strict-grace-spacing (boolean)
If set, grace notes are not spaced separately, but put before musical columns.
strict-note-spacing (boolean)
If set, unbroken columns with non-musical material (clefs, barlines, etc.) are not spaced separately, but put before musical columns.
uniform-stretching (boolean)
If set, items stretch proportional to their durations. This looks better in complex polyphonic patterns

This grob interface is used in the following graphical objects: SpacingSpanner

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This page is for LilyPond-2.10.33 (stable-branch).

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