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7.7.4 Ancient clefs

LilyPond supports a variety of clefs, many of them ancient.

The following table shows all ancient clefs that are supported via the \clef command. Some of the clefs use the same glyph, but differ only with respect to the line they are printed on. In such cases, a trailing number in the name is used to enumerate these clefs. Still, you can manually force a clef glyph to be typeset on an arbitrary line, as described in Clef. The note printed to the right side of each clef in the example column denotes the c' with respect to that clef.

Description Supported Clefs Example

modern style mensural C clef neomensural-c1, neomensural-c2,
neomensural-c3, neomensural-c4

[image of music]

petrucci style mensural C clefs, for use on different staff lines (the examples show the 2nd staff line C clef) petrucci-c1, petrucci-c2,
petrucci-c3, petrucci-c4,

[image of music]

petrucci style mensural F clef petrucci-f

[image of music]

petrucci style mensural G clef petrucci-g

[image of music]

historic style mensural C clef mensural-c1, mensural-c2,
mensural-c3, mensural-c4

[image of music]

historic style mensural F clef mensural-f

[image of music]

historic style mensural G clef mensural-g

[image of music]

Editio Vaticana style do clef vaticana-do1, vaticana-do2,

[image of music]

Editio Vaticana style fa clef vaticana-fa1, vaticana-fa2

[image of music]

Editio Medicaea style do clef medicaea-do1, medicaea-do2,

[image of music]

Editio Medicaea style fa clef medicaea-fa1, medicaea-fa2

[image of music]

historic style hufnagel do clef hufnagel-do1, hufnagel-do2,

[image of music]

historic style hufnagel fa clef hufnagel-fa1, hufnagel-fa2

[image of music]

historic style hufnagel combined do/fa clef hufnagel-do-fa

[image of music]

Modern style means “as is typeset in contemporary editions of transcribed mensural music”.

Petrucci style means “inspired by printings published by the famous engraver Petrucci (1466-1539)”.

Historic style means “as was typeset or written in historic editions (other than those of Petrucci)”.

Editio XXX style means “as is/was printed in Editio XXX”.

Petrucci used C clefs with differently balanced left-side vertical beams, depending on which staff line it is printed.

See also

In this manual: see Clef.


The mensural g clef is mapped to the Petrucci g clef.

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