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7.7.3 Ancient rests

Use the style property of grob Rest to select ancient rests. Supported styles are classical, neomensural, and mensural. classical differs from the default style only in that the quarter rest looks like a horizontally mirrored 8th rest. The neomensural style suits well for, e.g., the incipit of a transcribed mensural piece of music. The mensural style finally mimics the appearance of rests as in historic prints of the 16th century.

The following example demonstrates the neomensural style

     \set Score.skipBars = ##t
     \override Rest #'style = #'neomensural
     r\longa r\breve r1 r2 r4 r8 r16

[image of music]

There are no 32th and 64th rests specifically for the mensural or neo-mensural style. Instead, the rests from the default style will be taken. See input/test/ for a chart of all rests.

There are no rests in Gregorian Chant notation; instead, it uses Divisiones.

See also

In this manual: Rests gives a general introduction into the use of rests.

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