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15 Converting from other formats

Music can be entered also by importing it from other formats. This chapter documents the tools included in the distribution to do so. There are other tools that produce LilyPond input, for example GUI sequencers and XML converters. Refer to the website for more details.

These are separate programs from lilypond itself, and are run on the command-line. By “command-line”, we mean the command line in the operating system. Windows users might be more familiar with the terms “DOS shell” or “command shell”; OSX users might be more familiar with the terms “terminal” or “console”. OSX users should also consult Notes for the MacOS X app.

Describing how to use this part of an operating system is outside the scope of this manual; please consult other documentation on this topic if you are unfamiliar with the command-line.

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This page is for LilyPond-2.10.33 (stable-branch).

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