3.2.61 line-spanner-interface

Generic line drawn between two objects, e.g., for use with glissandi.

User settable properties:

bound-details (list)

An alist of properties for determining attachments of spanners to edges.

extra-dy (number)

Slope glissandi this much extra.

gap (dimension, in staff space)

Size of a gap in a variable symbol.

left-bound-info (list)

An alist of properties for determining attachments of spanners to edges.

right-bound-info (list)

An alist of properties for determining attachments of spanners to edges.

simple-Y (boolean)

Should the Y placement of a spanner disregard changes in system heights?

thickness (number)

Line thickness, generally measured in line-thickness.

to-barline (boolean)

If true, the spanner will stop at the bar line just before it would otherwise stop.

Internal properties:

note-columns (array of grobs)

An array of NoteColumn grobs.

This grob interface is used in the following graphical object(s): DynamicTextSpanner, Episema, Glissando, TextSpanner, TrillSpanner and VoiceFollower.

Internals Reference v2.18.2 (stabiler Zweig).