3.2.80 ottava-bracket-interface

An ottava bracket.

User settable properties:

edge-height (pair)

A pair of numbers specifying the heights of the vertical edges: (left-height . right-height).

bracket-flare (pair of numbers)

A pair of numbers specifying how much edges of brackets should slant outward. Value 0.0 means straight edges.

shorten-pair (pair of numbers)

The lengths to shorten a text-spanner on both sides, for example a pedal bracket. Positive values shorten the text-spanner, while negative values lengthen it.

minimum-length (dimension, in staff space)

Try to make a spanner at least this long, normally in the horizontal direction. This requires an appropriate callback for the springs-and-rods property. If added to a Tie, this sets the minimum distance between noteheads.

This grob interface is used in the following graphical object(s): OttavaBracket.

Internals Reference v2.18.2 (stabiler Zweig).